Lore answers where?

Bill Z Bubba



Not overlooked, just not relevant to me. I will never undderstand the mindset of being a PC gamer on a rig that's not capable of playing modern games. CoH may be ten years old but that doesn't mean it hasn't seen its share of upgrades. Gotta keep up.

It's *another* reason why the solo incarnate progress should have been done in a way that didn't make one look at it and go, "Are you ******* kidding me?"

Regardless, it's still not something for which someone should have been fired. All they had to do was make it a 20 hour gate PER ARC and two emp merits from that one contact EVERY time you finished all the DA arcs.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
Okay now, look: We're on the brinks of losing this game altogether, and things aren't looking too hot for ANY sort of CoH to be up and running after November 30th, if we even make it that far. Quit the nitpickin' there, buddy, and just hope we have *something, anything.*
The entire studio's already been disassembled and scattered. I'm not saying anyone should be fired, 'cause they're all are already gone. And it's highly doubtful they'd all come back at this point, since some probs already have new jobs. So if Paragon Studios ends up finding a new publisher and can spring back and reform, that'd be the perfect time to make a better team. Jus sayin'.

Originally Posted by Star Ranger 4 View Post
For all that you look in disdain at the DA arcs and their alleged 'grindy-ness' it is a thousand percent better than what people who's hardware cannot handle the trial based method of end game stuffz had before.
You're going to have to eventually just buy a new computer. It's the truth about PCs and gaming in general. Console gamers need to buy new consoles every 5-7 years, and PC gamers need to upgrade every so often, too. Not being a snob here, I ran a crappy comp myself that couldn't handle iTrials, or even TFs, and had to upgrade a year ago. Games constantly evolve, and so to does their console.

That said, what I quoted above is the equivalent of saying "I'm starving and all I have to eat is poop. Therefore, poop is is a five star, gourmet meal." It's not. It's still poop, and the solo Incarnate path is still way more grindy and punishing than it ever needed to be. The devs being shocked that we wanted a solo path was ridiculous in and of itself. Then coming right out and saying that they wanted people to run the iTrials instead, so they were going to make the solo path as minimally rewarding as they possibly could was just awful. That's a horrible mindset to have towards your players, especially when a good majority of this game's content is so solo-friendly, and some of it solo-mandatory.

To put it in perspective, I ran one and a half DA story arcs, which took me around two, maybe three hours, and got about 10-15% iXP on my first two iPowers. Immediately afterward I hopped on an Underground Trial, which takes roughly an hour or two on a casual league, and that one trial gave me the remaining 90% iXP I was missing.

That's not fair, and if Paragon Studios reformed that's not the kind of thing I'd want to see being passed as "Okay".