223 -
Good luck getting one of those on the phone. I tried for an hour to get some sort of help on the phone. I am thinking the only person left is not just the GM, but he's the janitor, the tech support, the receptionist.....
Quote:I'm not sure how its rude asking for your own stuff to be transferred to your own account which is on the same account as that one (I have 3 accts on one master - and one account/master all by itself....). And like Ukra said - There are like 33 days left. WTF at this point does it matter? And the guy could've gotten a supervisor, because I guarantee you - he wasn't one.You can ask. I ask for free **** all the time. I am surprised how often I get what I ask for. That said, I don't **** on anyone when they say no.
So you didn't tell the gm you were going to skull **** his mentally handicapped sisters puppy, great. You aren't a totally belligerent and ignorant ******.
You were still rude, and I wouldn't have remained as composed as he did. -
Quote:I changed his name to protect him......oh wait apparently he needs protection from me.Well, been there, done that, still waiting on the t-shirt.
GM support...I've had mixed experiences with them.
I'm saddened that poor Monkey couldn't get that GM to listen to reason.
There is the possibility that the GM simply could not make it happen, even if the Meanie wanted to.
But, with a name like GM_MeanieFace...well, draw your own conclusions. -
If they can't transfer my own points....he could probably have spotted me 80 points. My point is - I have 4 accts and I've been paying for the first one for 8 years....the rest not much less time. So for the amount of money I've spent - 80 points isn't much to ask for.
And believe me that wasn't rude. I've pvp'd. I've seen rude -
For the love of God is there any reason to be such a bunch of tools when there's about 38 days left? All I want is 80 points transferred to my 4th acct so it will still be usable for the last 12 days of coh. After 8 years, this is how you treat a customer? I can see where GM MeanieFace is going to get a job RIGHT AWAY.
GM_MeanieFace: Hello, I am GM MeanieFace. Is your character still stuck?
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: hi
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i emailed you about my inventions ios not workingh
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: so yep still stuckwhy are they grayed out?
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i do not want to craft with this toon so I shouldn't need one
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: What tier is your account at in th eParagon Reward Tree?
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: 7
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: That would be why.
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: Seriously? cut me a break, I can't upgrade to vip, i have 240 points left, if i spend 160 nowq
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: A Premium account would need to be at Tier 8 to have access to the Invention System
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: now* i will be screwed from 11/18 on
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i have 4 accts - i paid you good money for EIGHT years
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: and you can't offer me any customer service?
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I do understand.
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: that is horrible and mean
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: then fix it
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: please
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: However, I cannot grant you extra perks on this account, because it is not fair to those accounts that unlocked the feature legitimately
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: with sugar
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i was vip for the longest time and i'd love to upgrade but I CAN'T
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: cuz you wont' let us
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: then float me 80 points?
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Again, I can't do that.
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: so i can have service for the actual 60 days - i already have 240 left
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: phone number
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: or supervisor
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: there's no reason you can't either fix it or float me 80 points
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I am the only one you are able to contact.
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: take it off my other accts!
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i have plenty on [1] and [2]
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: It's not broken and we can't give out free points because that's not fair to those that have legitimate points
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: can you transfer 80 from me to me?
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: those are MY points and I should be able to send them ingame or you should be able to do that
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: yes send 80 points from my other accts to me
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: That feature is not available
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: so? i am assuming you can do that?
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: or are you just here to be not very helpful and nice for the next 48 days?
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Your best option may be to play on those accounts that already have the features your looking for
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: cuz yeah that is going to make me want to run right out and support your company NOT
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: I am playing them - and i plan on playing all 4 at once til the end
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: so why can't you transfer points from one acct to the other?
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: my other accts are [2] and [1] - either one is fine
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: [2] has 1130 on it right now
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Transferring points between accounts is just not possible. There are no tools that allow it
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I am sorry that your accounts have not all reached the same level of access
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: let me kind of make myself clear. i am a pain in the butt and i will not stop until this is fixed. Google, chat, email, eventually i will find a person who answers the phone and well.....i am a not pleased girl
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: so if you WON'T help me, get me your supervisor
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Again, I am sorry about your account, but there is noone else and no way to transfer points
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Threatening us is not going to get us to change the way the game works
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: okay then give me the # i asked for - i want a number where someone answers the phone
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: There is no phone support for this issue
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: what is the extension to get help for the 512 number?
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: There is no phone support for this issue
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: This is an emotional time for all of us
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: I'm not emo, I'm pissed
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: you are offering poor customer service
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: The best we can do is make the best of things while the game is available
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: EIGHT YEARS
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: That's great. I thank you for your support
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: that's awesome, amazing service
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i'll be sure to make sure to send you an email on my last day
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I understand that you are upset because I cannot give you special consideration
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i didn't ask for special consideration, i asked for my own points THAT i paid for to be transferred over
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i am sure a supervisor could do that
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: Have you been able to transfer points between accounts before?
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: have you been this snarky to customers before?
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I am only trying to help you understand
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i understand completely
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I know you are upset, but that is not going to change the tools we have
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: oh i see exactly who er what the tools are
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: thanks for the great support
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I am sorry that this feature was not working the way you wanted but I hope you are able to enjoy the time we have left.
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: i'll be sure to send you an email with my emotional thoughts on my last day.
[Tell] GM_MeanieFace: I have no doubt
[Tell] -->GM_MeanieFace: oh be sure to look for itwouldn't want it to be missed amongst all the goodbyes
I'm already drafting it in my head. Think it will be 2 words and the last one will most definitely be you. The first one won't be Thank.
Idiots. -
I am going to miss this game. I applaud everyone's efforts to keep it open, but I just don't see the idgits at NCSoft (that's right you are all idgits there...), doing the right thing by their customers. And for that.....I won't buy any of their crap ever! I'll spend it on vodka and drink my sorrows away like a grown-up (haha!).
Quote:/em agreeYou gave us NC Soft's "thanks" so here's mine for them - "Thanks, NC Soft, for closing my favorite game ever without warning and with plenty of life still left in it, and thus relieving me of the burden of EVER wanting to buy, try or even hear about another game from your company."
Will my decision make a dent, or persuade them in anyway, shape or form? Nope, obviously not. Don't care. NC Soft is dead to me.
Good luck to you all though in your future endeavors, Zwill and the former Devs of Paragon Studios. You will be missed.
Dead to me too. Never buy another single thing from them. -
LOL. Hiya, lead a raid. I promise to stay awake.
I didn't really have a lot of time (or the want) to play this game before it was given its death sentence. Now it makes me sad because even though I am busy doing other stuff or just busy working....I still liked knowing that if I had some free time, I could log on and well do whatever I wanted in game. Task force? check. Create recipes? Check. Make pretty cowboy hat outfits? Check. Now....not so much. My vip status supposedly expires on 9/25 so we'll see. As Sarah said, this is just depressing. When I am rich though I have decided to not buy comcast and fire all their idiots, instead I will buy NCSoft and fire theirs instead
Quote:Batman has Robin. Sarah has Monkeybutt. Forever friends, and for that Paragon I thank you.I'll post an alt list later, but for now, this is the best I can do.
Feels like were all in a fight we cant win, doesnt it?
Unknown people are making decisions affecting our lives.
Certainty is something we are all seeking but we wont know if we'll have it.
Knowing that the end is near and were seemingly unable to change it is what hurts.
You alone can decide how you choose to remember your time here.
Others can only decide when it ends, but not what the game meant for us.
Understanding the true meaning of our time together is how Ive decided to face the end.
Nobody can change how we feel about the people weve met playing this game.
Constant reminders are in our everyday lives of those friends weve made along the way.
Some came into our lives and left too soon, some stayed way too long.
Only by remembering all of them will the memories truly stay with us forever.
Forgetting the bad only jades the good, forgetting the good only reinforces the bad.
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. -
If you want to be my friend on facebook, pm me here so I can add you.
email: dabadblonde@aol.com (no making fun, its an old old name that I acquired as a joke but am now stuck with cuz its linked to so many other things lol!). -
Quote:Its hard, I tried really hard to remember all the people I know but I know I forgot some and then I feel bad.I was on your team last night for the Hami Raid, MonkeyB. Having all my liberty family around me felt so right. I wish Valor could have joined us. My mind is too scrambled for such a list as yours. It's all I can do not to wear sackcloth and ashes.
Thank you, Liberty. It's been the best of times to see me through the worst of times. We are family. We may squabble and kick one another in the shins on occasion, but families do that.
We need more big community raids before the end. I want to go out feeling the way it did when I joined you.
Sgt Pandora
To sum up how I feel about this server I put in a pm I just had with Ukrasex (<3 Ukaserex), to me this server makes ME feel (super)important. When I am home and offline, I feel normal but I am not extraspecial, I am just plain ole me. But when I log onto Paragon onto any monkeytoon of mine and I say hi, I instantly get tons of "hi"s back, I am greeted in broadcast and local by people I don't even know, people are happy to team with me (joke's on them I am just an okay gamer!! teehee), and all this makes me feel (super)special. And for that I can't tell you how much I love Liberty. That is the reason I have never stopped playing even in between the breaks, why I NEVER switched servers (I visited freedom briefly but why....when I already had the best?), and why I love ALL you guys. And now I am crying again. Dammit. I hope you understand what I mean, I think I have a hard time explaining it without sounding stupid.
::Goes to cry some more like a girl:: -
Until some sort of rationale explanation is given for taking away something I love then yes - I will boycott NC Soft - and Perfect World (just to make sure I get all the f**k***s).
Also I am in for any Jack-beatings. Just because -
Unlock it all - let the chaos enuse please.
Quote:I haven't been as active, but I was starting to get back into it. Was going to have some freetime, my boyfriend got a job on a movie in Philly so he was going to be working 12 hour days coming up. (Butt double! haha I kid!)Didn't know you were still around, Monkey. You PLed me for the last level or two on one of my characters many years ago. I think it was PlasticCommando, the six-foot-tall plastic army man. Thanks again, and it was nice meeting you.
And Tax, of course. I still don't remember the name of the SG we met in.
You are very welcome. I don't pl other people very often since I am self-sufficient usuallyso you must have been helping me and for that - I thank you!
That word up there by the way has a typo
I obviously meant to write FUN CSoft.....yep yep.
See I just re-read my post and then I read Star's post. Then I cried. Then I copied Star's post so I could list the people now I know that I forgot:
Skystrike - Someone needs to send us the pic of you hanging out with MDK drinking. That was epic funny.
Reckage, Slicky Boy: Oldtimers with attitude - loved em.
Mac Daddy B: Yes, I am a farmer....and Sarah is a farmer....but Mac took farming to a whole new epic level. So to Mac - a great leader, a great friend and a f-------- great farmer - here's to you pal.
DracX: - Your fight with Foo - legendary.
Lestatia - Pretty Girl
Bob the Tanker - I still have Bobbo #5. Yep watched it the other day in fact.
Dr. Cozy - the hours I spent with her on vent, are priceless. Such a dear girl and a good friend.
Plas - Thanks for dinner.
Hans - Hans was just funny and had more 50s than all of us combined.
Abrakadabra - HDS born and bred - a true gentleman
BURT (AND Ernie): I named And Ernie. <3 Burt.
ADH (Another Dead Hero): King of the Binds
Arclight - Big Poppa of the Legion. Nice guy, and I was always happy to see him checking in, even if he wasnt playing much.
Capella -Cappy....what are we going to do?
Cronus, Cyclone Jack, Col. Maxwell, Dead Muppet (that name made me laugh out loud the first time I saw it and every other muppet after that!).....all people on my global list that I haven't seen in ages but miss them every day.
Dumok, Frazier, Fishy, Gibson, Golden Ace (oh my yellow armored friend......), Grynder, Gurmo, Hak (The original Hak - truly a joy to watch try to master a controller when you were a scrapper at heart. You big galoof!). I am going to miss you all.
Hazy, Horus -You guys still make me smile.
I bot - wow, how the hell did you get on my friend's list????
Inflated Donkey - HEHEHEHE
Kitten of Chaos - :ets da kitteh:: :
Kokopelli Joe - Earth Control ftw!
Lady Lucindre - IS A BOY! The secret's out
Ghost - he was a killer pvper and invisible.
Ms. July - Another boy. Funny as hell too.
Ownage - a teenager with an attitude, lots of fun on vent with him. I suspect that now he is no longer a teen, been years since I've seen him but I bet he's still got the attitude
Pants Stealer - I've still got my pants but to keep this game I would gladly hand them over.
PW....PM me. I must know are you a boy or a girl. After almost 8 years, I still sometimes can never tell (in a good way!). You know what - doesn't matter. I love you either sex. You rock and always have. Love Monkey.
Real Something - You are a real beautiful person. I love you and your pets.
Robo - I love Real. Mine. <3
Shirai Ryu - The heart and soul of MDK. (dude email me that pic of Skystrike! its epic!)
Solution - The love triangle you had going on was epic. Trust me - she should've picked you.
Irish QT - Thanks for the laughs.
Foo - thanks for showing us your guns.
Steele/Valor - Thanks for showing Liberty what true friendship is - you guys have stuck together the entire course of this game. Very admirable and awesome to see.
Goddess - Thanks for the drunken night in Ohio. That was major fun.
VINTY - Omg.....how on earth can I ever forget the very first person I ever teamed with? Vinty - illusion controller extraordinare. Funny as hell and nice as pie. Vinty I know you no longer log on, and I don't think you were a forum reader but I hope you see this. L'Fire loves you and thanks for all the rezzes in levels 20-35. <3
Also if anyone wants to know Ion's real name: It is Bubkis Penas. Yep! Friend him on facebook!!!! -
Quote:<3I swore to myself that I would never write a farewell post. I figured I would just quietly leave when my time was done. Today's news leaves me with a bittersweet feeling. I have loved this game from the day of launch and have been a member of the Liberty server for all of these 8+ years. There are so many people I have met while playing this game. We have laughed with each other, teased each other, schemed together, fought in game and out. The countless hours I have spent in Paragon City will always remain a part of me -- even if my family and friends sometimes wondered what the hell I was doing.
I would like to recognize some of the many people I have played with over the years. Some names are probably known to only a few. Other have been around so long that everyone knows them.
We shared some great times together....
RECON: Storm-Fury, DoctorX
Angel Knights: Jack Dragon, Alba, Adulteress, Gratch the Gar, Ariel, Blizzardess, Gravitas Girl
BASH: Reckage, Slicky Boy
HDS: Monkeybut, Sweet Sarah, Pickle, Whomping Willow, Revolver Law, Retro, Tax E Girl, Mac Daddy B, Violator, Milk Weasel, Stormbringer, Healer Hank, QuiJon
Knights of Justice: DracX, Lestatia, Bob the Tanker, Stalker101, SkyStrike
The LEGION: Helly, Shad, Energizing Ion, Kallor, Difoj, Miss Liberty, Aeyrn, Arclight, DocMidknight, Doctor Photon, i-Bot
...and many more that my old brain cannot recall.
It has been a great ride. I hope to run into all of you in some other virtual world.
--Star -
Never thought I'd have to hang up my pink n yellow cowboy hat but apparently on 11/30 I do. I will miss all of you - well except one but I AM not here to discuss that dipstick
All joking aside, I really will miss this community. I have met a lot of nice people and enjoyed the time I've spent on this server. I have some very fond memories:
Joining HDS: If a toon was ever proud - it was mine on that day.
Kicking Hami's butt: See above.
PvPing (even though I sucked at it) with Freak Friends.
Losing the name Monkeybutt: Saddest Day Ever. Getting it back (because apparently you all make worse names than Monkeybutt that don't get banned)....best day ever!
TWELVE IMPS......I mean.....wow.
I really can't sit and name every single person I have met that has an impact on my toons but I can name some: First and foremost - Sweet Sarah. Sarah and I have such history but he is, and always has been, my best in-game friend. He taught me how to PL, he sat on the phone and listened to me cry over silly boys, he sent me pink mittens. <3 Sarahpookieface.
Second in command - Starlight.....he doesn't play as much anymore but Star always took (takes) the ribbings we would give him. No matter what we nicknamed his toon.....(Tarlight....., Dogface.....hehehe). The time we level pacted our toons and he played the crap out of the pact (::whistles:. Starlight is a true hero and an even better friend.
Teach .....how on earth does one even begin to describe Teach? He was the most amazing player. He would bend over backwards to help someone. Just the nicest guy and one of the people I miss the most.
RL (Revolver Law): Nice doesn't begin to describe RL. Who didn't love him singing at a HamiRaid?
Gahd - He was just the nicest sweetest strangest nicest guy I have ever met. You always had fun when you played with Gahd.
Riddle - Awesome guy
Blind - Sweetie with a Barry White voice!
Tax E - My very own sweetie pie alarm clock. Tax E and the Tax E bots were a mainstay of this community back when the game was challenging and fun. TP me out please!
Pickle(s), Fizzbe, Retro, PS, Dirty Mommy - people I no longer am friends with (sadly) but that doesn't mean I do not think about them. When I do it is with fondness and melancholy. Hope you are ALL doing well if you still read these forums and that life is treating you well.
FireWire - I think of you often as my boyfriend has the same real life name as you. SMH! (I know if you read these forums that will make you laugh.) And I still turn red when I think of the time I fell asleep at a hami raid with my toon on follow [you] and w/auto heal on.
Ajax.....oh Ajax. What I spent on those stupid *** wings for you and now you can't give them away! LOL!
Stormbringer - Dude you were just so mellow and fun. I always enjoyed teaming with you. Stormteams FTW!
Milk Weasel - I remember Cross Dresser following me around. Glad she did <3
Quijon - you made me laugh.
Tanzie - You go girl ::snap:: Always loved talking to you, you put a smile on my face every convo we had.
Green Eyed Lady - I was at your wedding to Outlaw Woman. Love you both.
Ukrasex - We had some good pms over other people's behavior. Out of those came a lot of respect(And yes I still call you that b/c once I nickname you.....thats it but I usually only nickname with love.)
Doc Photon - We had some good teamsAnd you always always always caught me when I was pling LOL!
Helly - I miss you.
Hank - I have not texted you in the middle of the night in a long time. Perhaps tonight.....muahahah. Also: Please do not grief my 2nd account on the rocks. Thank you.
Shad - Vegas baby. Vegas. Also remember when you beat up Star in pvp. I have video.
Jazzy - See aboveVegas baby! Also remember when we beat up Star in pvp.
COD - The first time I saw you running around with imps - I HAD TO HAVE THEM.
Enderbeaners: Always a smile for Monkers.
Turbo - Didn't think I would forget you did you??? How many times did you keep me awake at 3 am when I was ready to zzzzzzzzzz? Too many and for that! I thank you. <3
Foj - We came to be friends later in the game. I am glad I met you and even gladder that you have more badges than Star.
Kal - I am going to have to move there and marry you! (See I know what makes you smile big guy!)
Miss Lib: I need you to marry Foj. That is all.
THE ENTIRE LEGION SG - Vio, Energizing Ion, Milk Weasel, Aeryn, Bo (I still hate pandas mister), every single Doc in it, and every single person that has ever been it. You are ALL an amazing bunch of players. Keep on keeping on.
SISTERHOOD FRIENDS - I love you guys, always ready with a smile and a team. Truly the classiest bunch of people on Liberty.
Devs - Thanks for making this game for me. I know it was for me because you had me at the first day I ever played. <3
If I forgot anyone, I am truly sorry but know that in some way you all impacted me at one point or another. If you invited me to a league, thank you. If you helped me with a mission, thank you. If you didn't mind me playing 4 accts at once, thank you. If you bridged for me back when PLing was fun - THANK YOU!
Liberty, Thank You. -
Any update on this? I use this feature a lot to help me with identifying which bin is for what.
Quote:I am glad its today, I'm getting reblonded at noon (eastern) so that's good.I've never understood why people complain when a game with bugs is getting some of those bugs fixed.
You'd seriously rather play a game that's less stable or more buggy, or both?
I21 will still be just as shiny when the game comes back online. A few hours of not playing it won't kill anyone.
And yes, thanks to the devs for coming in on Saturday to fix something that quite possiblely might not have needed fixing had they waited to release I21 when it was more stable and had fewer issues. -
There's been a memory leak for....years however tonight I got this message after running the new UG trial. Upon completion it said:
./piggs/stage1b.pigg: Failed memory allocation
Read failed for file: texture_library/WORLD/Villain_lairs/tech/computers/tek1_comp_board1.texture
The game ran out of memory and must now exit. -