Why was COH killed by NCSoft?




From reading the available information (and from my experience working in a different segment of the software industry), my guess is that NCSoft's decision has more to do with "closing Paragon Studios" than with "closing City of Heroes".

From reports, City of Heroes was doing pretty well, with a still sizeable population and still substantial revenues. If the only business concern was to keep milking the cash cow, then NCSoft could have kept the game running.

But, NCSoft also had to be concerned about the viability of Paragon Studios, which included not only running CoH but also developing its "secret projects". After NCSoft suffered huge losses in Q2, they decided to cut something... and probably they chose PS and CoH because sacrificing CoH's relatively small profit was deemed an acceptable loss in order to get rid of the expense of continuing to support PS and the development of its secret projects.



Originally Posted by Todogut View Post
From reading the available information (and from my experience working in a different segment of the software industry), my guess is that NCSoft's decision has more to do with "closing Paragon Studios" than with "closing City of Heroes".

From reports, City of Heroes was doing pretty well, with a still sizeable population and still substantial revenues. If the only business concern was to keep milking the cash cow, then NCSoft could have kept the game running.

But, NCSoft also had to be concerned about the viability of Paragon Studios, which included not only running CoH but also developing its "secret projects". After NCSoft suffered huge losses in Q2, they decided to cut something... and probably they chose PS and CoH because sacrificing CoH's relatively small profit was deemed an acceptable loss in order to get rid of the expense of continuing to support PS and the development of its secret projects.
Well, as a customer, I can say their acceptable loss does not sit well with me and they've not only lost any future prospective business from me, but I will continue to remind people about how NCSoft doesn't care about their customers --only their bottom line.

Here's a thought, though: Why not try to reduce costs from Paragon Studios before closing it and the game altogether so abruptly? Why not cut the super secret projects? Why not reduce staff? Why not merge servers and/or take other cost-saving measures to give the game a little more life? While it would have spelled out a slower but still assured doom, the players would have seen the writing on the wall and then the PR backlash wouldn't be so bad. Also, look at how people have been rallying to this game in the past two weeks? If we had say 6 months worth of time, for example, of NCSoft making obvious attempts to reduce costs on the game rather than cancelling it outright, then the customers would see what they're doing and maybe rally financially and see the game make a comeback before the plug was pulled.

There was no effort here. A callous decision was made to simply cut us off with a couple of months to go despite that we were all looking forward to the release of Issue 24 with something I would say goes beyond a passing or casual interest. Its a slap in the face to customers who have spent years supporting the game --and thereby the company-- leaving us with nothing to show for it after its gone.

Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
Are you serious? We were notified on 8/31. The last day is Nov. 30.

That's three months. So, we got prep time.

You want VIP status? Non-VIP were too cheap or broke to support the game with a subscription and you think they're entitled to free VIP? Seriously?

If they gave them free VIP, then they'd have to refund every VIP that's paid for it - or it wouldn't be in the least bit fair. Of course, no one said life was fair.

I just wish NCSoft had a paid subscription from everyone who's stated that they should give free VIP to everyone, then maybe the game would have been profitable enough to keep.

I don't care to read/hear how free and premium players supported the game by spending money in the paragon market. If those same folks had been subbed, CoH might not have needed to switch to the hybrid model ( a desperation move) in the first place.
I have zero sympathy for free and premium players who whine about not having vip access -- (except those that just found the game in the past month. For those newer players, I have sympathy.)
When COH went free-to-play, I decided to go premium. I have spent plenty over the years buying every City of Heroes/Villains version and collectible that I could get my hands on. So I could keep paying $15 a month for access to some things that I would very infrequently use. I had only two level 50 characters and spent most of my time alting between various lower level characters, so incarnate stuff was never a big deal to me... something I'd get into later on down the road when I had both time and more money.

But even after going Premium, my support for the game was still financial as I continued to buy new powersets and costume pieces and temp powers. I've spent more money than I should have on the Paragon Market. You see, if I was subbing for $15 a month, I'd get those 400 points to use every month, but more often I wanted more stuff right away up front. There might be times I spent more than $15 a month... but what about those sub people that don't buy anything beyond their sub fee? Maybe THEY are the freeloaders for not making the Paragon Market more of a success.

Its a ridiculous assertion... as bass-ackwards as your's. The game's hybrid F2P model was designed to get income from both ends. I don't think anyone expected everyone to give up on subscriptions, and I don't think anyone expected everyone to maintain subscriptions AND spend extra money on the market stuff. Everyone contributed... yes, even the Free2Players, because I've seen more than a few occasions where teaming is difficult and thank goodness for the added numbers of players to the game to give the paying players reason to keep playing.

But you feel free to believe only subscribers' opinions matter. In the mean time, I agree with any and everyone who believe that VIP status should be opened up to everyone before the game closes. I don't think that time is now because for one, it would shatter any hope of the game being saved. Right now, there's still a guarded sense of optimism in some people. They're hoping that 33 Atlas Parks, thousands of signatures on virtual petitions, and media attention from celebrities and non-gaming related news mediums will force NCSoft to take notice of their fans and have the decency to sell the game to someone else who will maintain it. Take that away and any the remaining days of the game will be overshadowed by doom and gloom with a few bright, shining last hurrahs here and there.

And secondly, there's no reason to open everything up just yet. As pointed out, it would be somewhat unfair to the people who have actually paid for VIP status... but let's say November, with only a month left to play. Would anyone who is a VIP really begrudge everyone else getting access to all content for one last month before the game is gone forever? Are people really that petty that they would say, "Too bad, you didn't pay for it so you don't deserve one last opportunity to see all the game has to offer before they shut it off"? Because really, if that's the COH gaming community that exists, I've been gaming with my eyes and ears closed all this time. I was under the impression that the community as a whole was a lot more inclusive.



Originally Posted by Next_Player View Post
but I will continue to remind people about how NCSoft doesn't care about their customers --only their bottom line.
To be fair, most companies only care about their customers to the extent that it affects their bottom line.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



But to also be fair NCSoft, hasn't said why they are closing the game down.

If it wasn't profitable, they never gave the players a chance to recruit. I love our Dev's, but if they need to half the Dev department, have issues come out even slower profitability could have been increased.

I think we would all hate it but we would understand the game closing. With no explanation, NCSoft seems really arbitrary. Their customers have been loyal to the game for over 8 years and there is no real substitute good that we can buy from someone else.

In addition one of the problem with MMO's is that we are really renting intellectual space. We build things in cyberspace and we don't want to lose them. Not to mention we all want to keep on paying what we have been paying for years, so I don't see what has changed.

Older games shouldn't have to die. If they don't want CoH on their books, but want to keep the IP, I would imagine someone would gladly take the revenue to host the game, even if it would only be in a maintenance mode.

But CoH players are not going to stop playing CoH and move to a new game NCSoft makes. We can't trust NCSoft anymore because our MMO investments might be wisked away at the blink of an eye. So if they think its some way to get us to play something newer and pay more than we were paying for CoH, then they are smoking something.



I don't get it even if this game was doing ok why stop the servers? Why go to all this trouble to literally disappear CoH in time for xmas on a seemingly semi-prosperous game. Why not sell the rights to another publisher or dev house? Why stop a game outright like this and basically piss off its fan base at the same time?

NCsoft kills games it has a long line of games that have come and gone. I dont have to remind people of the TR fiasco where they lost near 30 million dollars in a lawsuit. This is a bad business. I'm sad to see this game go. I have 3 toons over 1000 hours of play and subbed to this game back in june 2004. But thats the way the real world of high business is run. We are loyal to this game but the business that runs it is only loyal to what they can earn.

It still baffles me why they aren't selling this property too to keep it going. Maybe these 'secret' projects of theirs are something to behold. Perhaps the game engine is being re-proposed but in the light of these changes I am not going to give a business such as this another red cent.

GG NCsoft for killing a decent fun game that a huge community has enjoyed since 2004. So I'm doing what my granite brute is doing down there flipping you off one last time and saying good bye after i level my WS to 50.



I've been an on off player for, well I don't remember how long now. I haven't always had the money to be a sub but I always did when I could, and who know how many costume pieces I've bought for my toons. Had I know they were going to shut down I wouldn't have bothered even coming back to play for free. It's disheartening. NCsoft has lost my vote, and I don't care how cool a game they may come up with in the future I'm boycotting anything else that comes from them over this.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
NCSoft is hereby LIFETIME BANNED from *EVER* receiving any money or compensation from me ever again in *MY* lifetime.

NCSoft killed Tabula Rasa (which I loved playing) and LIED to do it.
NCSoft has now killed City of Heroes and given the flimsiest of reasons for doing so.

That's it, NCSoft ... you're done. No more Benefit Of The Doubt ... EVER.

And I hope that there is an entire segment of the gaming population at large that feels the same way I do.
ill 2nd this

@Eternal Twilight
Friends don't let friends buy an NCSoft controlled project.
Save Paragon one more time!

Petition to end shutting down CoH:



today 11/5) i was at bestbuy looking at games, while there i noticed two guys looking at GW2. ?By the time i was done chatting with them they had lost interest in GW2, and hopefully all NCsoft products in the future.
Were we all in our multitudes to reverse evangelize NCs products they would probably fail in North America.
Word of mouth drives game sales or the lack of them, we should use our mouths when ever possible to make NCsoft regret this poorly thought out decision.



Depending on how many people you encounter, a single angry customer can cause an inordinate amount of damage.

If you directly tell 8 people and are sufficient in motivating them, you have roughly a sphere of about 4000 people you can indirectly affect. If even 1% of them follow your lead, that's 40 people who won't do business with that company.

Now multiply that by a few thousand angry customers.

Yeah, there'll be some overlap in there. But the CoH community has the potential to inflict a LOT of financial damage on NCSoft.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Depending on how many people you encounter, a single angry customer can cause an inordinate amount of damage.

If you directly tell 8 people and are sufficient in motivating them, you have roughly a sphere of about 4000 people you can indirectly affect. If even 1% of them follow your lead, that's 40 people who won't do business with that company.

Now multiply that by a few thousand angry customers.

Yeah, there'll be some overlap in there. But the CoH community has the potential to inflict a LOT of financial damage on NCSoft.
And there are companies that have done extensive research on what Hyperstrike is describing and the impact a single angry customer can have on potential customers is by their estimates larger than Hyperstrikes numbers and they also admit that their estimates are conservative.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
But the CoH community has the potential to inflict a LOT of financial damage on NCSoft.
Which is, IMO, immature, vindictive and ultimately unwarranted.

Yes, that viewpoint makes me unpopular around these parts, so full of nerd-rage and irrational hyperbole, oh well, I'll live.

They put a bunch of people out of jobs, with no notice. That does suck, but now people want to force them to put other employees out of work in protest form lost profits? Makes no sense.

To me the 'true colors' of this 'community' have shown through like a beacon now.

I plan to vote with my dollars and NC won't be getting any, anytime soon, simply because they do not sell anything that I currently desire, not out of some vindictive nerd-rage boycott.

Nor will I go out of my way in an attempt to subvert the jobs of other people in the game industry by bad-mouthing their products.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Well, to focus on your points without any nerdrage at all...

They put a bunch of people out of jobs, with no notice.That does suck...
Yes, it does. Despite the fact that the company was legally within their rights
to do so (assuming they follow the various laws surrounding it), the way they
went about it was, in my own personal opinion, low-class and unprofessional <shrug>
This also applies to the way they've treated the game and its subscribers as well
(and not for the first time, either).

...but now people want to force them to put other employees out of work in protest form lost profits? Makes no sense.

To me the 'true colors' of this 'community' have shown through like a beacon now.
This is your opinion, which in itself is fine - we all have our opinions, but its a bit
of a leap to extend it out as a blanket generalization.

I plan to vote with my dollars and NC won't be getting any, anytime
soon, simply because they do not sell anything that I currently desire
Now this statement amuses me.

You say you won't give them any money because their products are uninteresting.

For myself, I'm very comfortable saying that NCsoft did not treat me as a customer
in a way I regard as satisfactory. Consequently, I won't do any further business
with them...

Either way, the end result is unchanged -- no money for NCsoft, and if enough
people do that, YOU will have helped contribute to the very effect you deride
others for: "...people want to force them to put other employees out of work..."

So, decry the so-called hostile community any way you like, but the problem
with "high horses" is that they topple easily once the rationalizations are peeled away.

If you think your reason is more laudible than mine, feel free to enjoy your delusions,
just as I'll enjoy mine...

Carry On


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
If you think your reason is more laudible than mine, feel free to enjoy your delusions,
just as I'll enjoy mine...
Everything all of us think is delusion.

I do not presume to ride an equine of taller stature than anyone. I do and say some pretty horrible things, just like all humans.

I try, however, to be clear on my opinions. In this case, you misunderstand me if you think not purchasing due to no desire for current offerings is the same as campaigning for the death of the company and promoting others to do so, in my delusion.

Actively attacking a company != not desiring it's current offerings.

I think that the idea of talking others into avoiding NC products over this does exactly the opposite of helping the employees, which is who gets shafted by closing studios from lack of profit. I come form the merit angle. If the product has merits that I like, I buy it.

As for my comments on the community, it's always been apparent to me this community in a general sense cannot handle differences of opinion well at all and the immaturity is show through more since the closing announcement. The source of my amusement around this has always been the equine many members of this community choose to ride.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Originally Posted by astabis View Post
Were we all in our multitudes to reverse evangelize NCs products they would probably fail in North America.
Honestly, that's what would probably make NCSoft the happiest. I think they'd really rather just keep their toys in their neighborhood where they can see all of them and not have to spend any time thinking about those weird people across the lake who expect things like customer service and loyalty to go with those toys.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
Which is, IMO, immature, vindictive and ultimately unwarranted.

Yes, that viewpoint makes me unpopular around these parts, so full of nerd-rage and irrational hyperbole, oh well, I'll live.
Everyone has their own opinion on the matter. Some people think it's a great idea; others think it's terrible. Both groups are likely, in my opinion, to not be greatly concerned what other people think about them.

To me the 'true colors' of this 'community' have shown through like a beacon now.
Goodness. What an immature and unwarranted thing to say.
You're tarring the entire community because a small number propose an action of which YOU PERSONALLY disapprove. Yeah, immature fits the bill there.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Goodness. What an immature and unwarranted thing to say.
You're tarring the entire community because a small number propose an action of which YOU PERSONALLY disapprove. Yeah, immature fits the bill there.
IMO, most of this community has consistently been unable to allow dissenting opinion in the 8 years I have frequented these boards; it's been worse since the closure.

There are really mature and thoughtful people as well who can discuss things rationally. They are, however, the exception, not the rule, just like the rest of the Internet and humankind at large.

If noticing that makes me immature to you, then I don't think that word means what you think it means.


"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
IMO, most of this community has consistently been unable to allow dissenting opinion in the 8 years I have frequented these boards; it's been worse since the closure.

There are really mature and thoughtful people as well who can discuss things rationally. They are, however, the exception, not the rule, just like the rest of the Internet and humankind at large.

If noticing that makes me immature to you, then I don't think that word means what you think it means.

welcome to COX forum. The land of the most friendly and mature gamers on the panet.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
welcome to COX forum. The land of the most friendly and mature gamers on the panet.
And people wonder why I'm not in a hurry to wander off into other MMO communities.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
And people wonder why I'm not in a hurry to wander off into other MMO communities.
Meh, havent came across one that is worse than this one. Many are on the same level, like WoW, and communities like that. CO is lot more friendly, except on the COX channel. Some carried their bad habits over, but it isnt bad besides the constant complaining about how CO isnt COX in this way or that way and etc, but many cant stomach the art and visuals.

Not sure about DCUO, TSW, GW2 and Aion.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



[Caution to the reader: I intend this as humorous/silly]
Why was CoH killed by NCSoft? A tantalizing mystery to us all. I accept NCSoft's statement at face value that they want to "realign" their focus; i.e., that they think they have a better chance to make more money investing their resources differently. And, yes, that's a non-answer since I've no idea exactly why killing CoH would promote NCSoft's financial goals.

On to the fun bit: unsupported speculation!

1. the other NCSoft studios were jealous of Paragon Studios' favorable reviews and awards.

2. CoH wasn't enough of a grindfest and failed to feature Panda warrior player-characters.

3. By killing CoH, NCSoft could divert player activity from game play to the forums, where the real action is. ;-)

4. Certain female NPCs (Swan among others) refused to date NCSoft execs even in cyber space, citing sexual harassmant.

5. Steady income looked too easy and dull compared to exciting, speculative, future ventures made all the more exciting by angering a loyal customer base.

and finally the real reason

5. NCSoft's true name is MOT!!!

Yes this is all tongue in cheek. Hoping I've offended none (or few.)

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



There could be many Reasons why this game is getting shut down.

I for one think it a Grudge or Something that went on behind the scene, a Conflict between NcSoft and Paragon. I think we have a right to no WTF happen.

There are a Tons of Rumors, lack of Funding and NcSoft need to kill us, I don't believe it's a Business Deal gone wrong.

We no this game was highest profitable game in West for them, The Western do love there Comic Books Heroes.

It still don't make any sense nothing make sense about this, They claim they try to save this game, but I call it bull and they said they try too sell it, which is a lie.

They got to have vendetta against paragon, We get left in Dark on Everything which isn't fare too none of us.

I am Sick and tried of NcSoft, they close us down when we where heading into a Golden Age in Coh History.

Arggggg Mother Tucker, they think we will be muted when this happen, I will never forgive them and never play there any of Crappy games ever again.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Edit: Please refrain from trolling these forums. This is your only warning.



Originally Posted by konrad knox View Post
Wow, kids. When your roller skating rink shuts down an arcade machine, to you cry this much too?
It's games. Games shut down. The fact that you were horrible lifeless addicts who detached from reality and got engrossed in a videogame is your own personal problem.

Games shut down, they aren't meant to last forever.

It's not NC Soft's problem that you like your characters better than yourselves or something, beats me why else there would be such a tragedy and anger. There are a ton of different games out there.

City of Heroes sucked anyway. I told everyone last year that it won't last long. If they had any plans to continue it, they'd fix asset control and continuity issues and pvp and a lot of other things, lacking from a persistant world standpoint.
Oh hell.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by konrad knox View Post
Wow, kids. When your roller skating rink shuts down an arcade machine, to you cry this much too?
It's games. Games shut down. The fact that you were horrible lifeless addicts who detached from reality and got engrossed in a videogame is your own personal problem.

Games shut down, they aren't meant to last forever.

It's not NC Soft's problem that you like your characters better than yourselves or something, beats me why else there would be such a tragedy and anger. There are a ton of different games out there.

City of Heroes sucked anyway. I told everyone last year that it won't last long. If they had any plans to continue it, they'd fix asset control and continuity issues and pvp and a lot of other things, lacking from a persistant world standpoint.
And a... uhm.... Happy Thanksgiving to you too?

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.