Devs moving on

Adeon Hawkwood



Pretty sure Black Pebble moved on to being a horse-carriage driver.



Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
Pretty sure Black Pebble moved on to being a horse-carriage driver.
He's a marketing guy. So he should be used to watching some (three letter word for a posterior region) dump (four letter word for feces) in his lap all day.

Heck, the fact that a horse would be so direct about it should be a straightforward relief for him.

Oh yeah. FPARN.

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Guess it doesn't much matter now though does it

I hated soloing. I hated soloing so much that when I would have to do my patron arc and none of my friends were capable of going red side...I would simply auto complete a mish every 3 days...yeah I hated it THAT much. Thankfully once GR hit my friends all had toons that were Vigilantes and that was never a problem again.

Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
Gandhi: “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

I believe that how things that don't "matter" are handled is a good indicator of how things that matter will be handled.

If having a solo path that was equal to the team path would detract from the team path that means that those people who moved on to the now equal solo path were not in the iTrials for the teaming but merely because it was the path of least resistance. Why not let teaming stand on its own merits instead of browbeating the community into it. If it was fun people would be doing it. If you have to coerce people to do it a redesign might be in order.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



The quoted text is all I can agree with.

Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Obviously, getting screwed over by the devs of a game is of VASTLY less importance and weight than getting screwed over by a society and/or government. Anyone thinking otherwise IS delusional.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



I have seen a lot of complaining over time about the Solo Incarnate path and how it is so inferior to the Team-Oriented one... and I have to agree. But, what I don't understand, and never really saw a real answer to (as far as I can remember anyway) was why that mattered.

If you only played solo, what do you need powers for that were specifically meant to make the League content easier? I mean, nothing in the solo content really demanded an increase in power... except for the DA stuff... and if you enjoyed DA enough to want to gain more power to make it easier, then where is the complaint? I guess, as a person who loved the League Content (for the most part) I could never wrap my head around it.

I asked the same question about Hybrid. People whined that you could only get it through running the Magisterium... and yet, that was the hardest trial, so if you didn't want to run it, why the heck would you need even more Incarnate powers anyway?


I guess none of that matters too much now.

(Please don't take the above as some sort of condemnation of your desires to play solo, I am just legitimately curious as to the rationale... that's all. I mean, when I wasn't running an iTrial for badges I usually ran solo anyway, except on my SG night.)



37, the only thing you lose from incarnate powers while solo is two level shifts. Do you honestly think that the (we'll go with my main's case) +recharge from spiritual, +heal/+regen from rebirth, massive pyronic aoe, extra damage from assault and lore pets have no use while running around at +4/x8? Or with soloing AVs?

Just adding clarion alone to a squishy is a game changer for many builds. Trials have nothing to do with it.

The incarnate powers are part of character progression. Builds can be drastically altered with the inclusion of the incarnate powers.

Nothing demands even the use of SOs in this game. Everyone can drop their diff to -1/x1 with no bosses or AVs. Incarnate powers are no different than base enhancements or a new level or inventions.

Blocking access to those abilities for no reason other than "well, we think only raiders should be allowed the l33t gear!!!" was a moronic decision for this game. This game was never WoW and the devs shouldn't have tried to act like it was.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
The quoted text is all I can agree with.
I'm not even remotely surprised.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
The rep comes quickly, there are enough things to do to break up monotony, you get the rep by playing the game and if you don't like playing the game, then why do you need another excuse to not play?
This is just looking for things to complain about.
Hmm without having played WoW in a few years and having no special hate for the game (although have grudges about their login system being extremely insecure) I have to say your comment sounds a bit contradicting.

First you say the rep comes quickly... but then say the monotony can be broken up doing other things... but the rep you get playing the game.... those 3 things just don’t sound compatible.

If it can ever be monotonous then it does not come in quickly.

If it can be entirely earned by "just playing the game" it should never be monotonous.

And mind you: if it takes multiple weeks of daily gaming (if the previous poster is right) then there is no way it can be considered quick and any activity you do to break the monotony likely will just extend the time it will take for you to earn the rewards.

Not saying this kill the game at all, btw. The argument started with me bringing WoW up and my point was about industry standards: end game content IS a grind mainly intended for team cooperation at the end game. It’s “optional” only as long as you don’t care your Power Cap to be lower than the Power Cap of anyone with more social and active guilds. When I played WoW last, I never cared about the uber epic stuff. I found gearing up the regular random and eventually epic dungeons good enough for what I cared (and all I cared was to feel my power increase as long as it took for me to eat up all the soloable lore-focused quests available to me.)

The incarnate end grind in CoH had a similar goal to the uber-slow/raid grind found everywhere else in the industry. It was not intended for everyone, it was a direct response to the constant whining from industry vets that there was no equivalent to the WoW raid advancement in this game.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Games, life, how we treat each other here shows how we treat others elsewhere. Forcing anything on anyone when it's neither necessary nor warranted nor even helpful or beneficial is a waste of time and money.
Discrimination is only real when the one complaining is the target. When he discriminates, it's just "objective observation" or "education."

It's sad when people that are victim of discrimination dont even notice how they treat others.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Blocking access to those abilities for no reason other than "well, we think only raiders should be allowed the l33t gear!!!" was a moronic decision for this game. This game was never WoW and the devs shouldn't have tried to act like it was.
My view is they made incarnate progression insanely powerful.

The system could have been seen as optional should it have offered less drastic bonuses, or at least bonuses that are mainly useful only against raid targets (let’s say, damage procs that only trigger against Pretorians.)

Making things insanely good, and universally usable resulted in everyone feeling it was simply necessary.

The more I think about it the more I come to think they should just have increased the level caps and demand insane XP for each new level. I also disliked, btw, the fact that all incarnate abilities were homogenized across ATs. Alpha was perfectly fine since it’s nature was precisely to boost your powers but the rest…



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
The incarnate end grind in CoH had a similar goal to the uber-slow/raid grind found everywhere else in the industry. It was not intended for everyone, it was a direct response to the constant whining from industry vets that there was no equivalent to the WoW raid advancement in this game.

If they didn't use the excuse of hoarders they could've left the shard system in play for all the slots and continued on the normal-play-for-advancement path. But Posi wanted to wear the raider game big boy pants so if it wasn't done with 47 of your closest friends it wasn't cool.

aiXP didn't slow anyone down that had the stockpile of parts to instantly slap together a T3 or T4 for hybrid. They had to see Magi farms as the result of the new experience type.

Hoarders gonna hoard. They'll get the new shiny instantly. Then they'll farm farm farm so they can do it to the next new shiny. Meanwhile you alienate the more casual player, which until the Thread system was the target audience of the game.

The system could have been seen as optional should it have offered less drastic bonuses, or at least bonuses that are mainly useful only against raid targets (let’s say, damage procs that only trigger against Pretorians.)

Making things insanely good, and universally usable resulted in everyone feeling it was simply necessary.
I recall, and no one else does, that they said in the early stages of the Incarnate development only Alpha would function outside of the raids. Which I thought was really cool since Alpha could help bring SO and generic IO builds closer to what Set IOs could do while not putting everything on faceroll status. What we got was rolling judgements and destinies making every AT the same.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
The rep comes quickly,
This is a barefaced lie. Between timegating and the piddling reward for any given daily, weeks is the minimum timeframe for anything of value to become accessible.

there are enough things to do to break up monotony,
Because trading one interchangeable daily for another counts as variety. /sarcasm

you get the rep by playing the game.
Again, a straight-up lie. The dailies have nothing whatsoever to do with the rest of the game other than the fact that every expansion-relevant PvE vendor is gated behind them. You can't fill out your professions or spend your valor without spending hours a day, every day, for several weeks straight on pure busywork. Unless you're a pure PvPer, your gameplay experience is gimped until that grind is done.

Rep dailies are a pure grind. They're not "playing the game". They're the crap you have to get through in order to play the game.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
If they didn't use the excuse of hoarders they could've left the shard system in play for all the slots and continued on the normal-play-for-advancement path. But Posi wanted to wear the raider game big boy pants so if it wasn't done with 47 of your closest friends it wasn't cool.
The raiding thing was not something Posi did out of pure "i want to develop a raiding MMO without quitting my job" whim. He did it because it was what people were demanding.

Players dating back to very early in the game (see Hamiddon) wanted content where multi-group leagues were required to defeat encounters. Some always hated Hammidon, but there were a lot of players that loved to do Hammiddon and Rikti Ship Raids as often as possible. These players always complained there was not enough of it in addition to there not being enough (any) end game content.

aiXP didn't slow anyone down that had the stockpile of parts to instantly slap together a T3 or T4 for hybrid. They had to see Magi farms as the result of the new experience type.
I always thought the invention thing was cumbersome.

IMO, the best approach would have been for alternate XP trees, not literally levels but you gain a full level you get your Alpha T1, then you have to earn the second level of Alpha that may take 2x to earn the T2, etc etc. Right now you just get XP to unlock the slot. I would have made you go through having to go through 2x versions of each to unlock each additional tier. Also it would have used normal XP, not restricted to content from certain zones. Just encourage the pursuit of xp in those zones or trials by giving insane xp values there.
There would not be any capability to hoard components with such a system, and progress would be predictable (lord do I hate randomness in progression systems and yes, I ignored inventions until Merits arrived.)

I recall, and no one else does, that they said in the early stages of the Incarnate development only Alpha would function outside of the raids.
That's not exactly what I recall. What I recall is that only the Level Shift from Alpha would work outside of the raids and that no incarnate skill would work while exemplared, but incarnate skills other than Level Shifts should have worked.

What we got was rolling judgements and destinies making every AT the same.
Didn't help that nothing obeyed AT modifiers either.



Incarnate progression being insanely powerful is one of the things I like about it. I really like the basic idea that you continue to get new powers even after hitting the "level cap".

Most games' "endgame" consists of grinding eternally for slightly better gear with slightly higher stats: "Whoa, I ground for six months but now I'm more powerful!" "How much more powerful?" "I went from 2000 HP to 2010 HP! It was soooo worth it!"

CoH's endgame powers were tangible and effective. And I liked that.



Honestly, I just wish the incarnate powers had more "judgement" powers and less "alpha" powers

I'd farm all day for more bad *** uber offensive powers before I'd lift a finger for another "increase a stat by 1%" power. Hybrid included.

Just wish they produced more of a variety of Judgement powers before they released them.



I know this is pure speculation, but if Matt Miller and Bianco and others from this team do pull something together in the form of a new game. I'm there the moment I hear about it.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Anybody hear anything on Arbiter Hawk?



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
May he never run out of carrots to dangle...
True story, I'm mildly allergic to carrots.

No idea how mild it is. I don't eat carrots to find out.

-Hosun "Black Pebble" Lee
Help me beat Dr. Aeon! Follow me on Twitter.



Cherrys for me, mild but bad enough to make me come out in hives as a child. Back on topic, hope all the devs are bouncing back to their feet, even the ones we didn't know.



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
True story, I'm mildly allergic to carrots.

No idea how mild it is. I don't eat carrots to find out.
Another reason to keep them at the end of a very long stick, eh?
Now it's all coming together...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
I know this is pure speculation, but if Matt Miller and Bianco and others from this team do pull something together in the form of a new game. I'm there the moment I hear about it.
QFT, and every other sign of approval I can give. I TRUST them to do the best work they can do.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
Pretty sure Black Pebble moved on to being a horse-carriage driver.
Congratulations to the new Product Marketing Manager at Epic Games.

They are lucky to have you Hosun.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
The raiding thing was not something Posi did out of pure "i want to develop a raiding MMO without quitting my job" whim. He did it because it was what people were demanding.

Players dating back to very early in the game (see Hamiddon) wanted content where multi-group leagues were required to defeat encounters. Some always hated Hammidon, but there were a lot of players that loved to do Hammiddon and Rikti Ship Raids as often as possible. These players always complained there was not enough of it in addition to there not being enough (any) end game content.
Yeah I remember the demands for that stuff. To me, the devs seemed a little hesitant but it what it seemed that what the vocal people was demanding.

As time went on, it got more grindy and team oriented. I twas awesome for people that loved it and always had a large group of people running around but as more and more team based stuff was implemented, the more that it may any server outside Freedom and Virtue and a couple more uneeded due to small population, especially on redside.

I dont think it had to be either or as it seemed, but there is always seem to be a large group that sticks to the old addage of ""well, we think only raiders should be allowed the l33t gear!!!" and that seemed to be the logic behind the decision of that. In COX world, every hero has to work with other heroes to get teh good stuff effectively. Even by comic and hero lore outside this game, most heroes actually work alone most of the time. I dont get why that part of the lore was focused a little bit more in this game.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
True story, I'm mildly allergic to carrots.

No idea how mild it is. I don't eat carrots to find out.
I'm allergic to hops. This is no way stops me from drinking beer.

Be well, people of CoH.