I liked that show. Well, the cool shooty shooty explosions part, not so much the boring office drama in between.
I liked that show. Well, the cool shooty shooty explosions part, not so much the boring office drama in between.
What show?
-Female Player-
As someone who has never sat down and watched an episode of 24 (not for any particular like or dislike of it) it amazes me how people could escape the better part of a decades worth of advertising across various media and still remain in the dark about its existence.
It'd sort of be like asking "What is this Star Wars people are going on about?" even if you've never sat down and watched it personally, between advertising, pop culture reference, and its saturation across various forms of media you have to at least grasp the concept of it.
Anyway : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0285331/
As someone who has never sat down and watched an episode of 24 (not for any particular like or dislike of it) it amazes me how people could escape the better part of a decades worth of advertising across various media and still remain in the dark about its existence.
It'd sort of be like asking "What is this Star Wars people are going on about?" even if you've never sat down and watched it personally, between advertising, pop culture reference, and its saturation across various forms of media you have to at least grasp the concept of it. Anyway : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0285331/ |
There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"
Keifer Sutherland was pretty good but I think the standout was Lisa, she had to rein in Bart's chaotic nature. Milhouse was great too.
I heard that the show went to hell after the first season.
...but in spirit of the thread, I also have exactly 24 level 50s. There are people with many, many more. I'm sure some will stop by and brag.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

And yea, you got to be extremely dense and oblivious to not have heard of 24. I dont think even living in another country justifies it these days.
...but in spirit of the thread, I also have exactly 24 level 50s. There are people with many, many more. I'm sure some will stop by and brag. |
It's one of those shows that had a great idea but never designed for perpetuation. "Save the world in 24 hours!!!" OK... then next session... hey... guess what? Got to save the world again... and yea you only got 24 hours again.
And yea, you got to be extremely dense and oblivious to not have heard of 24. I dont think even living in another country justifies it these days. 2 lvl 50s and countless alts in their mid 20s and 30s. Handful in their 40s. I loved the game but only one character was my true avatar, the one I was able to play all the way to 50. |
-Female Player-
24? You just blew jim carey's mind. also your post was more entertaining than the number 23.
24? You just blew jim carey's mind. also your post was more entertaining than the number 23.
Out of curiosity, what was The Number 23 about? Was it the prequel and or sequel to this show called 24? Or are you talking about the actual number?
And is Jim Carey connected to this number 23 entertainment thing you speak of?
-Female Player-
The number 23 was a horrible jim carey movie, not related to 24 though it did seem like it lasted 24 hours. It's about this guy who reads this book called the number 23 and then sees all sorts of 23s and coincidences everywhere. Imagine if Pi were terrible and had jim carey in it.
The number 23 was a horrible jim carey movie, not related to 24 though it did seem like it lasted 24 hours. It's about this guy who reads this book called the number 23 and then sees all sorts of 23s and coincidences everywhere. Imagine if Pi were terrible and had jim carey in it.
-Female Player-
I'm going to be 24 on the 24th.
And the OP was posted 24 days before shutdown.
...Carry on.
-Number 24, my favorite number.
24 level 50s
24 backstories.
Makes me think about how and when I came up with each of those concepts and each one had different personality and habits. Remember one being a rogue in story line before being a rogue was an actual alignment.
Then came the 24th. A Electric/SS tank.
Built to solo, not yet incarnate, and fun to play.
Good damage and very good resistance.
Althought not as effective end drainer as if it had electric melee, it got the job done even though the mob was usualy dead before the end bar hit their end, unless I hit the main end drain power.
Although of all the characters that may have a chance to continue on in other media, this one wont be it. The way it was built here couldnt have fit any better to the personality and storyline of this character. So this one will go down with the ship and exist where it's important; in my memory. This one alignment was who ever was the highest bidder, Rogue. One for the storyline but most importantly, out of a need to get the TF commander and other badges that increase stats thus sometimes teaming and hero side play was the only way as it looked like the heros have won on villian side, although her origin was gold side where it was and probably still is even more empty than red side Virtue. This toon though, regardless of the other turning 50 in the meantime will have a special note. It is the 24th until the memory fade away and something else takes it's place.
The 24th Lost Soul of the 9th Circle. (The 24LS).
-Female Player-
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard.