
Screenshot Spotter Jan. 27th, 2010
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  1. Thanks for the information, Tony! I'm so impressed with all the hard work of everyone at Titan and the surrounding circles that have been championing our survival. You are incredible people and I hope that Disney recognizes that our community at large is the same and hops on one of the white steeds they have in their stables and rides to our rescue. Nicely done.

    PS. I'll be sending a letter today, as I'm sure my righteously indignant teen will be as well. She's just as angry about this still as she was the day of the announcement.
  2. Place: Virtue Server, City Hall, Atlas Park 33 (or 1 if 33 is absent)
    When: Monday, November 12th 4:00 PM - Monday, November 12th 7:00 PM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and DJ Steel

    On Monday, November 12, 2012, Join DJ Steel in Atlas Park 33 (or 1 if 33 is absent) on top of City Hall balcony to salute all those who have served.

    Tune in at:
  3. Place: Virtue Server, Pocket D Monkey Fight Club
    When: Friday, November 9th 9:00 PM - Saturday, November 10th 3:00 AM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and DJ Attercap

    City of Heroes may be sunsetting, but we're not going out without getting down... and dirty!** Join Attercap upstairs in Pocket D's Monkey Fight Club for Underwear Party Nine. Slip down to your skivvies on Friday, November 9th starting at 9pm EST for a night of wild abandon and underwear-themed tunes.

    *Note: This party is not endorsed or supported by Dr. Vahzilok (we hope).
    **Note: Please do not wear dirty underwear.

    Tune in at:
  4. Place: Virtue Server, Pocket D Monkey Fight Club
    When: Friday, November 9th 9:00 PM - Saturday, November 10th 3:00 AM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and DJ Attercap

    City of Heroes may be sunsetting, but we're not going out without getting down... and dirty!** Join Attercap upstairs in Pocket D's Monkey Fight Club for Underwear Party Nine. Slip down to your skivvies on Friday, November 9th starting at 9pm EST for a night of wild abandon and underwear-themed tunes.

    *Note: This party is not endorsed or supported by Dr. Vahzilok (we hope).
    **Note: Please do not wear dirty underwear.

    Tune in at:
  5. Place: Virtue Server, Ski Chalet
    When: Saturday, October 13th Seven PM - Saturday, October 13th Ten PM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and DJ Kai and Hidden Hero

  6. Place: Virtue Server, Peregrine Island's southernmost island
    When: Saturday, October 13th 2:00 PM - Saturday, October 13th 5:00 PM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and DJ Steel

    Three years ago, the man from the Iron City started broadcasting from Paragon City. Come celebrate this special anniversary with DJ Steel on Peregrine Island southern most island. Hear some of his best comedy bits and rock n'roll Some people say "Yinz guyz will love it n'at!!!"

    Tune in at:
  7. Place: Virtue Server, Peregrine Island's southernmost island
    When: Saturday, October 13th 2:00 PM - Saturday, October 13th 5:00 PM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and DJ Steel

    Three years ago, the man from the Iron City started broadcasting from Paragon City. Come celebrate this special anniversary with DJ Steel on Peregrine Island southern most island. Hear some of his best comedy bits and rock n'roll Some people say "Yinz guyz will love it n'at!!!"

    Tune in at:
  8. Place: Virtue Server, Pocket D
    When: Friday, September 21st 4:00 PM - Saturday, September 22nd 12:00 AM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and DJ One Hit Wonder

    Join One Hit Wonder as she celebrates her 8th Anniversary on the Cape as a DJ with a special 8 hour tribute show this Friday, September 21st from 4pm to midnight. She'll be playing some things that haven't been heard on The Cape in years, as well as all the thank you/game farewell recordings from our fine listeners!

    Tune in at:
  9. Place: Virtue Server, Pocket D
    When: Friday, September 21st 4:00 PM - Saturday, September 22nd 12:00 AM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and DJ One Hit Wonder

    Join One Hit Wonder as she celebrates her 8th Anniversary on the Cape as a DJ with a special 8 hour tribute show this Friday, September 21st from 4pm to midnight. She'll be playing some things that haven't been heard on The Cape in years, as well as all the thank you/game farewell recordings from our fine listeners!

    Tune in at:
  10. Place: Virtue Server, Nerva Archipelago
    When: Wednesday, September 19th 10:00 PM - Thursday, September 20th 1:00 AM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and DJ Sultry Siren

    Succumb to the Siren's Song on Wednesday evening, September 19th in a very special show with DJ Sultry Siren. Join the temptress in Nerva and drop anchor as she spends three hours shivering your timbers with a fine selection of sea shanties and bawdy ballads. Be sure to tune in and attend for more piratical songs than you can shake a hook at...if you don't, well...Dead men tell no tales.

    Tune in at:
  11. Place: Virtue Server, Nerva Archipelago
    When: Wednesday, September 19th 10:00 PM - Thursday, September 20th 1:00 AM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and DJ Sultry Siren

    Succumb to the Siren's Song on Wednesday evening, September 19th in a very special show with DJ Sultry Siren. Join the temptress in Nerva and drop anchor as she spends three hours shivering your timbers with a fine selection of sea shanties and bawdy ballads. Be sure to tune in and attend for more piratical songs than you can shake a hook at...if you don't, well...Dead men tell no tales.

    Tune in at:
  12. (Dear Listeners, Despite the recent devastating announcements, we will be continuing to broadcast until the lights go out. Stay tuned for future plans!)

    Place: Virtue Server, Atlas Park (Every Instance)
    When: Saturday, September 8th 5:00 PM - Saturday, September 9th 10:00 PM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and the entire community

    Please join the ENTIRE community in Atlas Park on Saturday, Sep 8th for a Unity Rally to Save CoH! There will be a Paragon Appreciation Costume Contest starting at 6pm EST as well...dress up as your favorite Paragon Studios employee!

    The Cape Radio will have LIVE DJs all day until 4am EST Sunday morning, so listen while you attend today's Unity Rally!

    More info on the Titan Forums: Visit the Unity Rally! forum

    Tune in at:
  13. Protean,

    Thank you. Thank you for the stories, for the creepily clean city with the empty playgrounds, for the hours of entertainment.

    Thanks for letting me chauffeur you & The Net are absolutely hilarious and I will miss seeing you at HeroCon...I mean the Player Summit.

  14. SultrySiren

    Not Goodbye

    Originally Posted by TheNet View Post
    @ Siren It was great to meet you and even though I didnt drink I appreciate the ride.

    @Ko Always glad to help the community. As I told you in tells. Been watching your vids from the start, anything I could do to help I would.

    @ Everyone I am looking into joining Paragon forums that are not official if they intend to stick around so be sure to stay in touch!
    It was my pleasure and a fun mission {Escort two devs to this location and back without letting them die! Return to contact.} and I'll keep an eye out for you in other CoH're welcome to join us on the ones for the Cape Radio of course!
  15. SultrySiren

    Not Goodbye

    Dear Net, you've always been a stand up guy and I really enjoyed meeting you at the Summit (gosh that seems so long ago) and driving you and Protean around :P

    Thanks for being one of the highlights of Player Summits for always had a great smile and your friendliness was infectious (in a good way of course!) even when those damn mai tais had thrown me for a loop and I idiotically introduced you to Mr. Wentworth as the wrong dev. I really hope that you'll continue to stay in touch!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheNet View Post
    Me and Im not afraid to admit I cry.
    *hugs The Net*
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
    I remember all of it:
    * my sweetly knitted scarf
    * Real World Hero
    You made an impact, too, you know.

    I was holding it together for the most part until I saw these in your list...

    It was our distinct pleasure to run Real World Hero and every time you wear the scarf, may you always remember how much we as a community love the world you and the team at Paragon Studios made for us to live in. You are much loved and we are the richer for having met you.

    Thank you.
    ~Sultry Siren (aka Mrs. Wentworth) and Mr. Wentworth

    Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
    Some people move our souls to dance.
    They awaken us to a new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom.
    Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon.
    They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts,
    and we are never, ever the same.
    ~Flavia Weedn
  18. I know it's been several years since we saw the two of you at the last NorCal M&G, but I always loved your story and all your artwork, TA and Sassy.

    Much love from the Wentworth Camp.
  19. (Dear Listeners, Despite the recent devastating announcements, we will be continuing to broadcast until the lights go out. Stay tuned for future plans!)

    Place: Virtue Server, Pocket D
    When: Sunday, September 2nd 9:00 PM - Monday, September 3rd 12:00 AM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and DJ Attercap

    Join Attercap for another journey into the past "traditional" songs of The Cape... those songs that it seems every DJ seemed to play--whether the listeners wanted to hear them or not! Come out to Pocket D on Saturday, September 2nd starting at 9pm as Attercap covers for Vangelus and be prepared to facepalm. Again!

    Tune in at:
  20. (Dear Listeners, Despite the recent devastating announcements, we will be continuing to broadcast until the lights go out. Stay tuned for future plans!)

    Place: Virtue Server, Pocket D
    When: Sunday, September 2nd 9:00 PM - Monday, September 3rd 12:00 AM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and DJ Attercap

    Join Attercap for another journey into the past "traditional" songs of The Cape... those songs that it seems every DJ seemed to play--whether the listeners wanted to hear them or not! Come out to Pocket D on Saturday, September 2nd starting at 9pm as Attercap covers for Vangelus and be prepared to facepalm. Again!

    Tune in at:
  21. Place: Virtue Server, Spanky's Boardwalk in Talos Island AND dockside in Port Oakes
    When: Saturday, August 25th 2:00 PM - Sunday, August 26th 2:00 AM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and DJ Shecky and DJ Attercap

    Join DJ Shecky & Attercap as they kick off the seventh annual Big Beach Blanket Bonanza Blowout. Slip into your swimwear and head over to Spanky's Boardwalk in Talos Island or Dockside Port Oakes on Saturday, August 25th. We'll bring twelve plus hours of summer music, beach games and banter of Cape Radio DJs, you just need to bring yourself!

    Tune in at:
  22. Place: Virtue Server, Spanky's Boardwalk in Talos Island AND dockside in Port Oakes
    When: Saturday, August 25th 2:00 PM - Sunday, August 26th 2:00 AM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and DJ Shecky and DJ Attercap

    Join DJ Shecky & Attercap as they kick off the seventh annual Big Beach Blanket Bonanza Blowout. Slip into your swimwear and head over to Spanky's Boardwalk in Talos Island or Dockside Port Oakes on Saturday, August 25th. We'll bring twelve plus hours of summer music, beach games and banter of Cape Radio DJs, you just need to bring yourself!

    Tune in at:
  23. Place: Virtue Server, Kindred Nocturnis base (blueside)
    When: Saturday, August 18th 10:00 PM - Sunday, August 19th 1:00 AM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and DJ Kai and DJ Cybrid

    Kai is joined by DJ Cybrid on Saturday, August 18th for Digital Wastelands 3: Industrial Dance Remix! So strap on your heavy boots and prepare to get your mosh on in Club Ecstasy (aka the Kindred Nocturnis blueside base)!

    Tune in at:
  24. Place: Virtue Server, Kindred Nocturnis base (blueside)
    When: Saturday, August 18th 10:00 PM - Sunday, August 19th 1:00 AM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio and DJ Kai and DJ Cybrid

    Kai is joined by DJ Cybrid on Saturday, August 18th for Digital Wastelands 3: Industrial Dance Remix! So strap on your heavy boots and prepare to get your mosh on in Club Ecstasy (aka the Kindred Nocturnis blueside base)!

    Tune in at:
  25. Place: ALL SERVERS
    When: Friday, August 10th 11:00 AM - Monday, August 13th 11:00 AM EST
    Hosted By: The Cape Radio

    Double the XP, Double the Inf, DOUBLE THE MADNESS!

    That's right, it's time for another Music & Madness Weekend! Once again on Double XP Weekend, The Cape Radio will be having special shows and Live DJs AROUND THE CLOCK, all weekend long! We may not always be in Pocket D, but you can tune in to LIVE DJs every hour over the event. The caffeine will be flowing as we entertain you, so be sure to tune in for exciting music, wackiness, teaming and TF/SF opportunities! We keep the DJ schedule top secret, so you'll never know who's on unless you tune in...