As far as Halloween events go, GW2>CoH

Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by DarkCurrent View Post
Then go play GW2. Nothing is stopping you. Why is it necessary to come onto the CoH forums to recruit for a different game? Especially when it's from the same company that just closed this game? Are you expecting people to pucker up and blow kisses?
Well, I am surprised that this is happened. We were allowed by the mods to talk about other games on these forums.

If you don't like the thread, report it and go on your merry way. There is nothing *forcing* you to reply to each thread. We are allowed to post about it.

How about this for an idea.

Go into the Secret World forum thread, and tell those guys to get out of these forums.




Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
You forgot to mention how no one is forced to spend any real money to get things from their "real money store". Players can easily trade some of their in game currency in for store credit called "Gems" and get anything they want without ever spending a dime. 10 gold will get several thousands in Gems.
10 gold takes a lot of time for the average player to get. More time to farm than most have or want to spend to get something from a Halloween event. Making gold also isn't helped by the economy being messed up by the rampant botting that's present in GW2.




Originally Posted by gangrel_eu View Post
well, i am surprised that this is happened. We were allowed by the mods to talk about other games on these forums.

If you don't like the thread, report it and go on your merry way. There is nothing *forcing* you to reply to each thread. We are allowed to post about it.

How about this for an idea.

Go into the secret world forum thread, and tell those guys to get out of these forums.


Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Well, I am surprised that this is happened. We were allowed by the mods to talk about other games on these forums.

If you don't like the thread, report it and go on your merry way. There is nothing *forcing* you to reply to each thread. We are allowed to post about it.

How about this for an idea.

Go into the Secret World forum thread, and tell those guys to get out of these forums.


Just an FYI for those that weren't aware of it, and confirm Gangrel's post, as soon as the devs announced the closure they were asked if we could talk about other games freely and they said go for it, cuz it didn't matter anymore.

So anyone with sand in their panties about us talking bout other games can go ahead and petition us. We fart in their general directions.

Neener Neener Neener!

Edit: Corrected post for clarity of meaning



Originally Posted by Dysphoric View Post
10 gold takes a lot of time for the average player to get. More time to farm than most have or want to spend to get something from a Halloween event. Making gold also isn't helped by the economy being messed up by the rampant botting that's present in GW2.
Oh I admit I'm far from an average GW2 player. I don't act like a 6 year old on a sugar rush buying all the uber leet gear as fast as possible or trying to be the first with whatever new shiny is added to the Black Lion store. So it doesn't seem like it takes me long to make 10 gold.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
How about this for an idea.

Go into the Secret World forum thread, and tell those guys to get out of these forums.
GW2 is published by the corporation that many players feel freshly disenfranchised by.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
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And? So because they are hurt by NCSoft the rest of the forums shouldn't discuss other NCSoft games? Here's an idea...if you don't want to discuss NCSoft titles aside from CoH; maybe you shouldn't read a thread that has a NCSoft game title in it? Take personal responsibility and avoid them...instead of telling other people to not discuss them...just an idea

I have GW2 but didn't like it; which isn't saying much because I didn't like DCUO, CO, SWTOR, or STO. So as of now I am not playing any MMOs. I do have friends who left CoH for GW2 and are loving the Halloween event. I always liked ToTing in CoH; usually hung out with a few friends and did it. Maybe I will jump on GW2 sometime this weekend and see what it's all about.

Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
GW2 is published by the corporation that many players feel freshly disenfranchised by.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



But it would be nicer if they didn't discuss other NCSoft games.

You've pointed out how these forums were never all that sunshiney to begin with. You know, I actually agree. But within Virtue, I did have a bunch of really nice friends and those friendships were years long. Believe me, there are people around here who are losing something. Well, everyone deals with loss in their own way. Not everyone is like you. You shouldn't just have an objective understanding of that--you should feel a responsibility toward consideration. And you're swinging that big "DEALWITHIT" banner of yours around in a place that has been special to City of Heroes fans for eight long years.

People will be coming here in these final days to commiserate over the loss of everything they found worthwhile here, whether it was a link the game provided to far away loved ones, or the new friendships they made, or some rough times the game helped them through. What you're doing is in bad form, plain and simple. Even if you're not pouring salt in these peoples wounds maliciously, you're still exhibiting antisocial behavior.

I can guarantee you that even if I were playing GW2, I would not parade my happy pretendy fun times around this eight year-old community for the same reasons I wouldn't try to hook someone up with a date at their departed wife's funeral. You might think that's an exaggerated analogy, but if you do, it only tells me you haven't been reading many of the personal stories of our community members here.

You've sought to justify your behavior in previous posts and I don't expect you to stop, but if you can shove your point of view down our necks in post after post, I'm sure you can stomach a little bit of the same in return from me. And before you bring the Titan Network up as some kind of justification for your own bad form, please recognize that there are many different people here. Like you, I do NOT support generating negative press purely as a vengeance tactic (I supported it when it could have been used to save City of Heroes ). The difference here is that I didn't become hugely inconsiderate just because someone somewhere started doing something that I don't wholly approve of.

I'm glad people are having fun in GW2, and I wish Arenanet all the best. But it doesn't mean that I don't recognize thread titles containing "GW2>CoH" as unfair and unfriendly to many readers of these forums.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



And yet the point stands. If you see a post with GW2 in the title, don't click on it. It's no one's fault but your own if you read a topic that irritates or upsets you when the title is so blatant.

To use the funeral analogy, if I've just buried a loved one, I'm not going to open emails about fun vacation spots the next day. I won't begrudge friends sending them to me, but I simply wouldn't click on them.

As many people have already pointed out, time is short for the game and these boards. Which would you rather be spending your remaining time doing; reading posts that make you happy and playing the game you loved, or trying to police other people's posts that just irritate you and waste what little time you have left on negativity? Is that really what you want your last memories of the City of boards to be? Arguing with someone about what they should and shouldn't post?

Me, I wouldn't waste my time. I'd read what I liked and ignore the rest.



Careful there with the logic or you will be the next one labeled unicorn/antisocial personality/unsympathetic/fool/a$$/etc etc etc.

As far as GW2 goes...meh. CoH pretty much spoiled me as my first MMO and try as I might I just cannot get into other MMOs; even the other "super hero" ones. Has nothing to do with the publisher but rather the fact I am not an MMOer...I was a CoHer.

My time in game is done except for a gathering of friends planned on 11/30. Unfortunately ALL my in game friends I have had for years have moved on; mainly to GW2 and a few to CO. Neither game excites me enough to play even though my friends are there - we use skype etc to keep in touch.

Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
And yet the point stands. If you see a post with GW2 in the title, don't click on it. It's no one's fault but your own if you read a topic that irritates or upsets you when the title is so blatant.

To use the funeral analogy, if I've just buried a loved one, I'm not going to open emails about fun vacation spots the next day. I won't begrudge friends sending them to me, but I simply wouldn't click on them.

As many people have already pointed out, time is short for the game and these boards. Which would you rather be spending your remaining time doing; reading posts that make you happy and playing the game you loved, or trying to police other people's posts that just irritate you and waste what little time you have left on negativity? Is that really what you want your last memories of the City of boards to be? Arguing with someone about what they should and shouldn't post?

Me, I wouldn't waste my time. I'd read what I liked and ignore the rest.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!