As far as Halloween events go, GW2>CoH

Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
My response to that is that nothing in life is guaranteed. Its like saying I was dumped by a significant other from a particular race/part of town/religion so I will never trust that subset of humanity with any sort of emotional attachment again. Its short sighted.

Do ex-star wars galaxies players swear off sony electronics? PS3? Major motion pictures? Holding a grudge against a multinational corporation by not playing a game is slactivism at best and the only one losing out is you if you were in the market for the product but wont buy it for some sense of duty to a few developers. If you think they were so amazingly talented(I'm not going to make a judgement on that one) then they will find work and keep being awesome without your boycott.

I will miss the best days of this game just like all of you guys but i'm not done playing videogames at this point in my life so i'm going to try out what comes out as long as I can afford the hobby and it interests me. Maybe at some point I'll start buying fair trade, organic, and non-ncsoft just to prove a point but for now i'm gonna go with the flow.

My invitation still stands by the way, press Y to open the friends menu and add the global I posted earlier.

And also

Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
And if he is trying to get CoH players there that is bad how? Other players are actively recruiting on these forums for various games - do you go there and tell them the same thing? Seeing as how we were told by a redname that we could now discuss other games; yes even other GASP NCSoft games; your attempt at policing is laughable.

His advice is a lot more logical and mature than most people's. I sometimes wish NCSoft had actually done something BAD to the players like a 30 day sunset; then maybe the one's going all Anti-NCSoft wouldn't seem like children throwing a tantrum half the time.

RE: Halloween event. I actually prefer the "old school" Halloween stuff compared to the new Halloween event/mission that was introduced. I think maybe I would have liked it more had I not had to be exemplared to 29. I remember my first year ToTing...trying to get as many of the costumes as I could. I didn't do nearly as much ToTing last year because I was focusing on getting all the badges for it on a few toons

Whilst I understand the disappointment, I just want a fun game to play. CoH was the only MMO I ever played for long periods of time and also the only one I ever came back to. I have an emotional investment in all my characters and will sorely miss them when they're gone. Thing is, they are just characters in a game that were never really "mine" in the real sense in the first place.

I'm very likely going to be playing GW2 on December 1st, and after reading non "OMG THE BEWBS!" reviews of Blade n Soul I might even give that a go. I'm clearly a bad man.

I'd love to Save CoH just as much as anyone. I'm not going to limit myself on what game do play when it closes though, because ultimately the only one that loses out is me.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



I understand. Vote with your wallet.

...then there is those who come into every thread, broadcast their boycott or shout from the heavens how everyone else should do the same, or discuss their self-righteousness and lay guilt trips to people who are enjoying themselves in other titles.

'This is what we do' - yeah, right.

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Going to be honest, the halloween event in GW2 is kind of weak.

Fight The Power



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
I understand. Vote with your wallet.

...then there is those who come into every thread, broadcast their boycott or shout from the heavens how everyone else should do the same, or discuss their self-righteousness and lay guilt trips to people who are enjoying themselves in other titles.

'This is what we do' - yeah, right.
To be honest we can find "those" people doing that on both sides. Doesn't make it right, just neither "side" is innocent. It's almost like watching two political parties campaigning for the same office.



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
I forgot we were getting close to halloween, so I guess I might check it out when I get a chance. I think I'm more interested in what TSW might pull off though. But I'll try both.
I picked up the ghost kitty from the store. I can't explain why but the damn thing amuses the hell out of me.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
For what it's worth, I don't have any particular animosity against ArenaNet or against Guild Wars 2. They seem like nice enough people, and they undoubtedly work very hard on the game to make it as fun as possible for its community.

The problem, however, is that ArenaNet is beholden to NCsoft just as Paragon Studios was. There's absolutely nothing stopping NCsoft from pulling the rug out from under them just like they did Paragon Studios.
Very unlikely since Guild Wars (the first) is around and kicking. And that is an answer to those that think that they "did take the money from CoH to develop Guild Wars 2": If they had that intention they would have taken the money from Guild Wars 1 and closed it since it is a direct competitor with Guild Wars 2. Instead they did keep their promise to the players "We will not close down Guild Wars until there will be a player playing it"



Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
I've been falling pretty deeply for gw2 lately but then this week the halloween event started. Trick or treating, costumes which unlock pvp in non-pvp zones, crafting cool rare stuff from holiday loot, lore revealed in a new scavenger hunt event, the main city hub getting a hogwarts makeover, pumpkin carving, and more stuff I havent even tried yet. And this is the first act of four culminating on the 31st.

I hope you guys check this game out, it really is genuinely a great game(although much harder than CoX). If you do my global handle is Solo.9027 and I'm on Blackgate, but right now server transfers are free so it doesnt matter where you go.

I understand the anti-NCsoft sentiment around here but I felt like I had to relate how much fun this game is. I try to look at it as an Arenanet game more than an NCsoft game. If you buy it once there is no further money you'd need to give them to enjoy everything in the game so you can minimize any sort of guilt you might feel betraying paragon studios or whatever.

Also, I have not heard of any of the other recent games doing holiday events. Does TSW or CO(or any other game people are transferring to) have anything like this happen?
I won't touch an NCSoft product ever again so I really don't care how good it is at the moment. They may announce it is shutting down any day anyway.

DCUO has a Halloween event which I despise because I compare it to City's Halloween event which I love.

Did I mention NCSoft can suck it?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
My response to that is that nothing in life is guaranteed. Its like saying I was dumped by a significant other from a particular race/part of town/religion so I will never trust that subset of humanity with any sort of emotional attachment again. Its short sighted.

Do ex-star wars galaxies players swear off sony electronics? PS3? Major motion pictures? Holding a grudge against a multinational corporation by not playing a game is slactivism at best and the only one losing out is you if you were in the market for the product but wont buy it for some sense of duty to a few developers. If you think they were so amazingly talented(I'm not going to make a judgement on that one) then they will find work and keep being awesome without your boycott.

I will miss the best days of this game just like all of you guys but i'm not done playing videogames at this point in my life so i'm going to try out what comes out as long as I can afford the hobby and it interests me. Maybe at some point I'll start buying fair trade, organic, and non-ncsoft just to prove a point but for now i'm gonna go with the flow.

My invitation still stands by the way, press Y to open the friends menu and add the global I posted earlier.
NCSoft has demonstrated they shut down MMOs more than any other MMO company. I will not trust them ever again with any MMO. It's not a boycott. It's just not being stupid enough to trust them again.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
They still have not refunded me for my bought gametime. (feb 2013... I bought as usual 6 month a time.)
Get in touch with billing and support. My GF did this and we managed to get it resolved. Now just waiting for the monies to actually land. We know how much it is for, so just waiting out the time period before we get in touch with them again, just to make sure that it is going through



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
*edit* Remus, although you cannot actually move the skills around, you *can* rebind the keys as you wish... so even if you are relying on muscle memory for a different game, it should still be possible.
I'd have to rebind every time I switched weapons, and every time I played a different character. Sorry, that's not a workaround.

Until they improve their interface and gameplay, I consider GW2 an okay game designed for hard-core gamers with stupendous twitch reflexes. I'm getting old, I literally cannot play games like that anymore.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



You forgot to mention about GW2 having Halloween weapon and armor skins you can only get by buying keys from the real money store. And that they only give a small chance at receiving the skins, to get people to buy even more.

GW2 Halloween event is not good, it's just new.



Originally Posted by RemusShepherd View Post
I'd have to rebind every time I switched weapons, and every time I played a different character. Sorry, that's not a workaround.

Until they improve their interface and gameplay, I consider GW2 an okay game designed for hard-core gamers with stupendous twitch reflexes. I'm getting old, I literally cannot play games like that anymore.
That is the point : the weapon switch is the reason because you cannot costumize the key of weapons attack , not that you have to costumize much because there 5 in all : 3 for the weapon in the main hand(keys 1-3) and 2 in the off hand(keys 4-5). And what would happen if you had changed the weapon key putting for example the attack on key 2 (main hand) on key 5 (off hand ) and you change the weapon on your main hand?Right, it is to avoid such problems that you cannot change the weapon keys because like you know you can change the skill keys 7-0 like you like



I can understand CO and DCUO and MHO and even TSW. But...why the heck are you pushing a fantasy MMO in a room full of super hero MMO fans?

Does it have comic book super heroes?


Does it have demi-gods teaming up with robot ninjas teaming up with catgirls and spandex-wearin' science accidents and sorcerers and space pirates and super-geniuses in power armor?


Sounds lame, bro. Pass. The publisher has nothing to do with it in this case, honestly.

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I can understand CO and DCUO and MHO and even TSW. But...why the heck are you pushing a fantasy MMO in a room full of super hero MMO fans?

Does it have comic book super heroes?


Does it have demi-gods teaming up with robot ninjas teaming up with catgirls and spandex-wearin' science accidents and sorcerers and space pirates and super-geniuses in power armor?


Sounds lame, bro. Pass. The publisher has nothing to do with it in this case, honestly.
You're suggesting that comic fans can't/won't also be fantasy fans? I'm not even sure where to begin with that failure in logic.



Frankly, I find "events" the be abominable as a concept, and that goes double for real-world celebrations being turned into in-game events for games where it doesn't fit. See also: Why are there Christmas trees in Azeroth?

Far as I'm concerned, the more elaborate and involving a holiday event is, the more I'm going to hate it and the more it's going to get in my way. City of Heroes was just barely tolerable because there at least I could dive into an instance and pretend people's berserker rush to cash in on the event didn't exist, but in a game like Guild Wars 2 that's almost entirely overworld, I don't see anything but pain and anger from any even moderately large event.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Dysphoric View Post
You forgot to mention about GW2 having Halloween weapon and armor skins you can only get by buying keys from the real money store. And that they only give a small chance at receiving the skins, to get people to buy even more.

GW2 Halloween event is not good, it's just new.
You forgot to mention how no one is forced to spend any real money to get things from their "real money store". Players can easily trade some of their in game currency in for store credit called "Gems" and get anything they want without ever spending a dime. 10 gold will get several thousands in Gems.



Changing post, cos Forbin already said my point:

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
You forgot to mention how no one is forced to spend any real money to get things from their "real money store". Players can easily trade some of their in game currency in for store credit called "Gems" and get anything they want without ever spending a dime. 10 gold will get several thousands in Gems.
Actually it is a bit less than that, but that is because the conversion ratio has dropped quite a bit *at the moment*.

To be fair, I have yet to buy any thing off the gem store (apart from the free devil horns), although i have done quite a bit of buying dyes from the ingame currency market.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I can understand CO and DCUO and MHO and even TSW. But...why the heck are you pushing a fantasy MMO in a room full of super hero MMO fans?

Does it have comic book super heroes?


Does it have demi-gods teaming up with robot ninjas teaming up with catgirls and spandex-wearin' science accidents and sorcerers and space pirates and super-geniuses in power armor?


Sounds lame, bro. Pass. The publisher has nothing to do with it in this case, honestly.
Uhm the answer to your question is yes.

My Charr is a giant Pirate Catboy with a steampunky cybernetic eye and horns, wielding a "Charrzooka". He could easily fit in with CoH only he wouldn't look as cool cz we can't do decent catboyz.



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Changing post, cos Forbin already said my point:

Actually it is a bit less than that, but that is because the conversion ratio has dropped quite a bit *at the moment*.

To be fair, I have yet to buy any thing off the gem store (apart from the free devil horns), although i have done quite a bit of buying dyes from the ingame currency market.

Probably dropped cuz of the holiday. But I don't follow it regularly.



Originally Posted by savagedeacon_NA View Post
That is the point : the weapon switch is the reason because you cannot costumize the key of weapons attack , not that you have to costumize much because there 5 in all : 3 for the weapon in the main hand(keys 1-3) and 2 in the off hand(keys 4-5). And what would happen if you had changed the weapon key putting for example the attack on key 2 (main hand) on key 5 (off hand ) and you change the weapon on your main hand?Right, it is to avoid such problems that you cannot change the weapon keys because like you know you can change the skill keys 7-0 like you like
My hand doesn't rest on 7-0. It can't, since the movement keys are WASD. My hand rests on 1-4, and that's where I need my most-used skills to be.

It should not be a technical challenge to allow power rearranging by weapon. Put it in the weapon skills tab, that screen doesn't have any other reason to exist.

GW2's interface is just terrible, and the fixed power/key assignment is one reason. Unless they fix it I don't have any inclination to play that game any more. It's more frustration than fun.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
Holding a grudge against a multinational corporation by not playing a game is slactivism at best and the only one losing out is you if you were in the market for the product but wont buy it for some sense of duty to a few developers.
Get over it. It's a personal decision made by an individual. It's no one else's business and it's neither good nor bad.

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Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
I've been falling pretty deeply for gw2 lately but then this week the halloween event started. Trick or treating, costumes which unlock pvp in non-pvp zones, crafting cool rare stuff from holiday loot, lore revealed in a new scavenger hunt event, the main city hub getting a hogwarts makeover, pumpkin carving, and more stuff I havent even tried yet. And this is the first act of four culminating on the 31st.

I hope you guys check this game out, it really is genuinely a great game(although much harder than CoX). If you do my global handle is Solo.9027 and I'm on Blackgate, but right now server transfers are free so it doesnt matter where you go.

I understand the anti-NCsoft sentiment around here but I felt like I had to relate how much fun this game is. I try to look at it as an Arenanet game more than an NCsoft game. If you buy it once there is no further money you'd need to give them to enjoy everything in the game so you can minimize any sort of guilt you might feel betraying paragon studios or whatever.

Also, I have not heard of any of the other recent games doing holiday events. Does TSW or CO(or any other game people are transferring to) have anything like this happen?
As far as I'm concerned NCSoft and anyone who supports it can go suck a duck. I will never touch any other product related to them. Best of luck to ArenaNet and all that, but PANCAKE NCSoft.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post

I wish ArenaNet all the luck in the world. It's just a shame their product is being marketed under a company banner I am ethically unable to support financially.

Hopefully their next projects will be free of such unfortunate encumbrances. If not, c'est la vie!
They are a 100% own subsidiary of NCSoft since 2002. There is no way anyone can spin it to separate the two entities. It's not some unfortunate marketing or publishing agreement from an independent studio and Satan, I mean NCSoft. NCSoft has owned their soul three years before the original Guild Wars was released. All profits and loses from GW and GW2 go to NCSoft.

My take is if I ever do buy GW2 I would be satisfied with the knowledge that NCSoft is no longer getting $150 a year from me but just $60, like any other gaming conglomerate for a new PC game.

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Tempus unum hominem manet



Eh. I might log into GW2 to check out the Halloween event, but I kinda regret buying it. Not necessarily because I hate NCSoft (I do hate NCSoft, but it's a minor factor in this case), but because it's not a very good game. Can't get a refund, though, because I'm a dinosaur and bought a boxed copy from Best Buy.

If you like the game, or think you'll really like the game and don't mind giving money to NCSoft. Buy it. If you don't like the game, or don't think you'd like the game, or don't want to give NCSoft money, then don't. I, personally, am extremely disinclined to give NCSoft money in the future, but it's kind of a moot point because none of their other products, extant or nascent (or extinct, for that matter) interest me.

Virtue 50s:
Ice/Ice Blaster, Fire/Fire Dominator, Mind/Emp Controller, Shield/Axe Tanker, Spines/Regen Scrapper, Rad/Pain Corruptor, Petless Thugs/Traps MM(WHY!?), Widow
A zillion alts on Virtue and elsewhere.



Then go play GW2. Nothing is stopping you. Why is it necessary to come onto the CoH forums to recruit for a different game? Especially when it's from the same company that just closed this game? Are you expecting people to pucker up and blow kisses?

Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post

And also


Whilst I understand the disappointment, I just want a fun game to play. CoH was the only MMO I ever played for long periods of time and also the only one I ever came back to. I have an emotional investment in all my characters and will sorely miss them when they're gone. Thing is, they are just characters in a game that were never really "mine" in the real sense in the first place.

I'm very likely going to be playing GW2 on December 1st, and after reading non "OMG THE BEWBS!" reviews of Blade n Soul I might even give that a go. I'm clearly a bad man.

I'd love to Save CoH just as much as anyone. I'm not going to limit myself on what game do play when it closes though, because ultimately the only one that loses out is me.

Please buff Ice Control.