Those going or are in CO




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I do not get why the Champions Online costume editor has such poor slider control, such blatant omissions and why you can't do anything with faces but make them fugly. I know Star Trek Online is a newer game, but good grief, people!
$$$ Benjamins. Cash. Dinero.

They don't have the dev resources for a lot improvements, simple as that. If you poke through the game's updates over the last 3 years, you'll see that things are: on a sloooow burn (the recent re-do of the powers and crafting systems)*; low-hanging fruit (new power frameworks, balance tweaks, bug fixes); easily ported from Cryptic's other games.

Case in point: CO is unlikely to get the Foundry -- confirmed by the devs.

* Jack called CO's power system "arcane" shortly before STO's release; the devs promised frequent improvements to CO's underachieving crafting system shortly after release.



I am sticking with COH foreved or till they shutoff the lights. Then I will decide. Will be some Superhero game or no game at all and more Harley time.

Justice Server Global Name Elfin and Elfin Too #savecoh
I could name my 50s but why? Universal Heroes SG I love this game.



Originally Posted by Kentor1701C View Post
more Harley time.
One of the nice things for me about video games as a hobby is that they're comparatively inexpensive.

About a year ago, I bought a car (for me, a high performance car) and was introduced to the world of the performance/car modding enthusiast, and wow, that stuff gets expensive quick -- even cosmetic or minor modifcations (like wheels/tires, exhaust) add up quickly, and "high end" mods like forced induction systems and the subsequent tuning required, get prohibitively expensive really quick.



Originally Posted by BurningChick View Post
Case in point: CO is unlikely to get the Foundry -- confirmed by the devs.

And I was so looking forward to it too. Ow.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



I resubbed to gold on CO, taking advantage of that 33% off 3 month deal. I like CO, its fun and it has its charms. Unfortunatly it is no COH.

I'm looking at CO as more of a place to immortalize my toons from COH(some came out, not so bad).

Not sure CO has the staying power to keep me involved for more than a month, but I will jump on from time to time when I get the time and in that mood.

For now, I will play the hell out of COH until the servers go down.

NCSOFT may take away our servers and beloved dev team, but they can't break our spirit and community. with all your power, NCSOFT, your victory will be bitter-sweet. I, personally will be there to laugh at you when you face-plant into the ground.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
It simply isn't a very good game, but it's a thousand times better than DCUO so I'm sticking with it for now.
This is why I'll use CO for my superhero fix once COH goes dark.

I have lifetime subs to both CO and STO, both from day one. That being said, my highest CO character is level 23. I just haven't played it that much. I will starting in December.

STO is a better game (and hits me in my nerd sweet spot), so I love playing my one and only "main" in that space. (Pun intended.)

Find me in both games as @nucleartoast.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by asgard_NA View Post
I'm looking at CO as more of a place to immortalize my toons from COH(some came out, not so bad).
Once I figured out how to make a passable kung fu top, Tenzhi came out better over there. He's kicked more butt without seeming nearly as fragile. And he nearly has his proper eyebrows.

Eustace Black, my archer, didn't come out quite as good appearance-wise overall, but he was less fragile and seemed a bit more powerful attack-wise; however, I found myself missing the Trick Arrow set. In CoH I made him as a Trick Arrow/Archery Defender, then deleted him and made him an Archery/Devices blaster, then deleted him again and made him back as a Defender. I could never be entirely happy with him here, and I ended up deleting him there as well.

I couldn't find a lizard head I was happy with for Leapin' Liz, and henceforth I'll probably focus on new characters or characters I'd already made for ChO.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
In the graphics options, underneath the primary selection bar or whatever (the thing you slide left for bad graphics, and slide right for better graphics) there is a box for advanced options

click it, scroll ALL the way down to the post processing section, underneath the bloom slider and its labeled "cartoon outline".
Much appreciated. I hunt high and low for that, but it is in the "Chyll won't look her place" )or bydandii, since Chyll is apparently taken in every other game out there,... who knew?)

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



I had tried it in Beta and with City still alive and kicking it just didn't cut it for me. Any suggestions for enjoying it the most?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I had tried it in Beta and with City still alive and kicking it just didn't cut it for me. Any suggestions for enjoying it the most?
Use a gamepad if you have one, turn off Comic outlines, ignore reading the storylines, and turn off voice overs. All those things make the game pretty tolerable for me, at least.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I had tried it in Beta and with City still alive and kicking it just didn't cut it for me. Any suggestions for enjoying it the most?
Don't think of it as CoH 2.0, it's its own thing, ya' know?

That's the big thing.

The smaller thing is to try to avoid the temptation of levelling just through alerts -- it's tough to get a feel for the game by basically PLing yourself up.

And, as Tenzhi said, it's great if you can move your favourite characters over, but don't get too worked up if you can't. It's a thoroughly decent game running off a surprisingly good engine (seriously, Cryptic might be the best software developer in MMOs -- using the same code base between three radically different MMOs is a HUGE achievement).



I'm determined to give Champions a chance, but it... Kind of doesn't want me to. I know people have corrected me before on the game not taking itself seriously, and there are decent stories (I hear), but the whole world is just too... Goofy. And it's not that I'm a humourless git who can't appreciate funny (not all the time), but the whole thing makes me feel like the game is making fun of me. It's kind of hard to... "Open up" and put my weirder and more controversial characters on there because it feels like the game's narrative is mocking them.

You know how, in jock culture, guys don't tend to talk about their feelings because they'll basically be laughed at? Same deal with Champions. I go and make a long, intricate psychological story exploring the nature of loneliness, self-definition, friendship and love... And then I'm tossed into a game of caricatures with Defender's campy voice saying "Let's crush them between us!" like we'll be doing a threesome. Yeah, enthusiasm to open up just... Gone. Joke characters would be cool for that game. I just don't have any.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I go and make a long, intricate psychological story exploring the nature of loneliness, self-definition, friendship and love...
Curse my horrible, non-sequitur brain, but when I read that I couldn't help but think "by your powers combined, I am Captain Emo!"... complete with a Captain Planet parody image with greasy green hair hanging over half his face. Of course, there would need to be a fifth oddball element that doesn't fit in with the rest - the power of waffles, for instance.

And given the context of the post the quote was pulled from, I feel I should specifically note that the Captain Planet parody is a completely random association of my brain and not, in fact, any sort of mockery directed at Samuel_Tow. It's just graveyard shift weirdness.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Curse my horrible, non-sequitur brain, but when I read that I couldn't help but think "by your powers combined, I am Captain Emo!"... complete with a Captain Planet parody image with greasy green hair hanging over half his face. Of course, there would need to be a fifth oddball element that doesn't fit in with the rest - the power of waffles, for instance.

And given the context of the post the quote was pulled from, I feel I should specifically note that the Captain Planet parody is a completely random association of my brain and not, in fact, any sort of mockery directed at Samuel_Tow. It's just graveyard shift weirdness.
No need to apologise, Tenzhi

A lot of the stories I write are quite emo - it's a fact I've been coming to terms with over the last few years. Samuel Tow's own story is probably the worst of them in this regard in how overboard I went to give him a "tortured" personality. It helps to be aware of the genre, because there could be good stories told with it. My Tale of Two Hearts received largely positive responses, and it's basically the story of two characters facing the hollowness of the lives they believed they were supposed to lead, finding true (if awkward) love and eventually accepting themselves for who they are. It's a fairly basic concept that I managed to drag on over quite a fat story, but I've always felt that execution matters much more than basis or plot.

But, yeah, my tendency to write "emo" characters makes most of my roster incompatible with a "goofy" game. Part of being emo is taking yourself and your pain too seriously, and this doesn't work in an environment where others refuse to take you as seriously. It turns what could have been deep in a serious work into something that's frankly just pathetic in a more pragmatic environment. My only real approach in such a situation is to go all-the-way morbid reconstruct the self-referential humour, which just makes into the kind of pretentious git I tend to dislike.

Basically, I need a fictional universe where things matter and where it seems like characters have something to care about. It is as Spoony says about Rick Flair: "Because that guy cares! And when he cares, you care!" Actually, Dragon Ball Z is a good example, cheesy as the show may be. I myself have said how all their powers basically look the same - giant explosions - making it impossible to tell which fireball is how powerful, but the show is pretty clever about finding other ways to show us, and it's through the characters. When you see a giant explosion but the bad guy is smiling an evil grin, you know it wasn't that impressive. When even the completely invulnerable badass bad guy gets a shocked expression on his face, however, you know things just got real. It's what makes the "Over 9000!" meme work as an actual plot element - because up to this point, Vegeta had been completely unamused, but all of a sudden, he's shocked. That matters.

Star Trek does a pretty good job of making me feel like the world cares about my sob story. Champions does a pretty good job of making me keep it to myself lest I get laughed at. And not by the actual players, but by the game's fictional universe itself.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I've been playing CO since it launched. My global is Venture-1. CO's only big problem now is that it's light on content and too much of what there is is way too goofy.
My thoughts exactly. But I have a permanent account there regardless. Same ol' Sylph Knight global name.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I go and make a long, intricate psychological story exploring the nature of loneliness, self-definition, friendship and love...
Everyone has favored themes.

My stories typically deal with how individuals that endure hardship of varying levels. They compensate for their failures and endeavor to protect others from suffering the same fate by masking their wounds with rough exteriors to pretend that they are something stronger than they really are - until it sticks. From time to time this psychological armor reveals its cracks and the character has to pull themselves back up again. I believe the trope is the Determinator.

Raid Leader of Task Force Vendetta "Steel 70", who defeated the first nine Drop Ships in the Second Rikti War.
70 Heroes, 9 Drop Ships, 7 Minutes. The Aliens never knew what hit them.
Now soloing: GM-Class enemy Adamaster, with a Tanker!



If you want to do darker missions, do the Adventure Packs. I would say those are pretty much darker than most of the regular stories.

Greetings are who are doomed.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm determined to give Champions a chance, but it... Kind of doesn't want me to. I know people have corrected me before on the game not taking itself seriously, and there are decent stories (I hear), but the whole world is just too... Goofy. And it's not that I'm a humourless git who can't appreciate funny (not all the time), but the whole thing makes me feel like the game is making fun of me. It's kind of hard to... "Open up" and put my weirder and more controversial characters on there because it feels like the game's narrative is mocking them.

You know how, in jock culture, guys don't tend to talk about their feelings because they'll basically be laughed at? Same deal with Champions. I go and make a long, intricate psychological story exploring the nature of loneliness, self-definition, friendship and love... And then I'm tossed into a game of caricatures with Defender's campy voice saying "Let's crush them between us!" like we'll be doing a threesome. Yeah, enthusiasm to open up just... Gone. Joke characters would be cool for that game. I just don't have any.
yea lol that defender dude says some odd stuff. As being a female, I'm like "What exactly are you getting at, Mr. Defender?"

But over all I'm loving the quirks of the game. Sillt dialogue, not so serious story, different various mobs and some are silly as hell. The whole game screams, "come on in and have fun. Leave the serious face and attitudes at the door." There is no work with trying to hope you lucky with hit rolls or defense, or even accuracy, no number crunching needed, no PL, none of that serious make a game feel more like work nonsense.

It is a game throughout and wonderful in game people, so far. Not sure how that is going to last with the large amount of COX transplant going on, a few already on CO board going to work with "Why isnt this like COX, In COX we had this and that, this is wrong ,COX did it better, CO is nothing like COX" and etc. but hey that is their own opinion. And after the spill about people respecting the other posters in this time period for them to go to that board and act like that is a little backwards compared to the "angelic" righteous stuff about "how they wouldnt go onto a board and do this and that" then turn around and do exactly this and that.

In game they have their own chat channel and hope they stay there in their own little zoo. The peace is nice right now and as long as they are contained, I think they can exist in a world that is obviously "not COX" as they like to say almost on a daily basis. If let loose, it might spell the end for that game too.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



why all the hate for DCUO?



Well, I bought STO when it first came out, but since then i've only played it sporatically, however, for the past 12 months, i've been playing it quite a bit. Since STO and CO use the same engine, and with COH's future uncertain, I decided to install CO. While the game, it is quite fun. I have already joined the CoX channel via STO. Now, I already have a fleet in STO but a SG for CO would be my next step

I am @kangaroo120y in STO/CO

i have also installed DCUO, while I find it quite beautiful to look at, I have found the costume creator limiting, though I think in the grand scheme of things, its still a baby, even CO has had more time to mature.

Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
why all the hate for DCUO?
Eh, the costume creator and customization is extremely limited

the power selection is limited

the game is clearly designed for consoles with its "click EVERY attack" style, and its keymap layout is odd at best, with you having to reach over the keyboard to do everything (again, because it was created for consoles)

the chat system is a skeleton of what it should be (again..because it was created for consoles)

and the overarching story railroads your character into a specific background, and pretty much delegates you to being the DC hero's lackeys. Never a real hero, because your powers are cheap imitations of the real ones. bad as CO is, DCUO is worse.

Honestly, like Sam I'm having a horrible time adjusting to CO, theme-wise. Now, I don't make many..emo..characters, but I do like grounding them in reality.

Reality doesn't exist in CO.



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
why all the hate for DCUO?
I dunno if its hate, usually hate in mmo communities is either overstating a case or just resisting change, but people play games for different things, and I think that people who went to this game for the expansive character creator and liked making in depth character backstories that weren't contradicted by the ingame canon(much) dcou is kind of limiting. the initial character costume selections are very limited and honestly after playing a martial arts/plant hero who switched quest-lines but was primarily wonder woman themed up to level 17, I still couldnt make a basic martial arts costume...its more that it doesn't address the specific hook of a lot of players here, rather than that it doesn't have any value. its a fun dynasty warriors style smash em up and if you are in the spandex or death crowd, making a monstrous character is fiendishly difficult(now you can make a person wearing a dog or cat fur-suit, or with funny skin, but no tails or monstrous body details for the majority of characters), so you wont have to worry about that.

So yeah, no real hate for dcou, if coh goes down, then I'll have to compromise, but one thing that coh and co have that pretty much no other game on the market has, a really detailed costume creator right out of the game that really frees you from the general shape limitations of your character's "race".

to illustrate, back when coh came out, someone made a sig pic with their character in co and coh, i thought it would be funny to do the same in dcou, welll, rian is a blue skinned human male with a tail and dragon horns who generally wears some form of an armored martial arts themed outfit as his main outfit. in beta, i could at least have a tail, but then in the live game, you had to take one of the full animal looks to have one, and there were no dragon-like bodies there. then there really werent any of the folded tops or convincing wide legged pants for a martial arts outfit.

i finally just decided to give it up, I simply could not make my character in dcou. but he transferred to CO with ease, and since they allowed you to put horn details on beast heads, Rian's "full dragon" look looks even better than his coh one. now the martial arts animations are...a mixed bag compared to coh, actually the martial arts animations in dcou , while occasionally too pro wrestling, are the better of the three, but stacked on a costume I dont like and with an intrusive backstory, it fell to number 3 for me.

Now one thing people should remember. if you preferred playing a villain to a hero, then you have no choice, co is heroes only, so dcou or bust there.



I don't post in the forums often, but when I do

its the last post on a page.



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
why all the hate for DCUO?
it's a mediocre console fighting game that wants you to think it's an MMO.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Part of being emo is taking yourself and your pain too seriously, and this doesn't work in an environment where others refuse to take you as seriously.
Actually it does work, because no one takes emo people seriously. Except maybe other emo people.



Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
why all the hate for DCUO?
Costume creation is limited. Power selections aren't very exciting. And characters seemed far too fragile back in beta - which wasn't helped by the powers setup and lack of decent defensive abilities.

Mind you, I think the game did a few things well. In my opinion it has the best city environments of the three superhero MMOGs. And I enjoyed its travel powers. And I liked interacting with the NPCs.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound