Those going or are in CO




Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Ctrl-rightclick to turn them into random components for the new system.
Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
Control right-click to turn all old crafting components into rank 1 mods. You only need to do this to one stack, and it'll get everything in your inventory and bank. This also applies to any qliphothic energy you pick up in Unity missions, although stopping to harvest a single rank 1 mod at level 40 seems to be a bit of a waste of time.
That's great, thanks, guys!



Originally Posted by Errand_Runner View Post

It is a fun game to play and will please all of your alts desires.
how so?

my gold account has, ah...eight? character slots?

Less than one server's worth in CoH.
I think I have 16 slots each on Virtue & Triumph.

Yes, yes we can buy them- but I'm not going to invest in a game I don't really enjoy, and baseline access is insufficient.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
The following is a second-hand, first impression only, based on what I'm hearing from heroes who play both games (Champions Online isn't installed on my computer--also, no feedback from villains because they're locked out of Champions Online ). But the difference between us and the players over at CO seems to be that their community lays down and takes it. A lot. It really sounds like Cryptic has their community thoroughly whipped into submission.

I know that a lot of people from COH are going over to CO. Many already have, and many more are prepared to after November 30. Loyalty to City of Heroes stretches a long way, but even putting aside those who will boycott NCSoft, after City of Heroes is unavailable for play, it will be loyalty to the super hero genre that drives many of NCSoft's customers away to CO and even DCUO and Marvel Heroes Online. But it's worth pointing out, the community around City of Heroes would not be ignored, would not settle for less, and I guarantee you, we'd give any studio a public relations black eye who underestimated our expectations for quality. Paragon Studios could handle us because Paragon Studios WAS us, IS us; they were a tough team, they earned our respect, and they respected us for being a tough community. Massive outcries like the Hellions debacle never resulted in silence and locked threads from the dev team--to the contrary, we inspired our dev team, and in return, they inspired us.

To the contrary, Champions Online seems to be an afterthought for Cryptic. They're too busy spreading their precious resources over spaceships and dragons to care about the super hero genre, despite this being the best climate for it in the entertainment industry's entire history. I suspect that everyone on the old Cryptic team who loved the super hero genre is everyone who stayed behind to form Paragon Studios and work on City of Heroes. Maybe I'm wrong. I hope I am. If CO has the potential to grow and develop, then for the sake of its fans, I hope that it does.

Maybe the community and their development team is just uninspired. Well, if that's the case, then head's up, Cryptic: you might think an influx of refugees from City of Heroes will be a great thing for you, but think again. You're going to have to work harder than you've ever worked before to earn their respect. And you will work; because if you don't, these refugees will only do what's right--they'll drag your sorry butt over hot coals until you feel inspired to work, or until your game's reputation sinks even further.
uhm hope they dont try to hop ship and get on another ship in order to try it to make it like the first ship in order to sink that one too.

Aka, I hope they dont just joining a new game and ranting off how this is wrong how that needs to be changed and so. That is about a annoying as having refugees coming from war torn country coming here and saying how America is doing it wrong.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
how so?

my gold account has, ah...eight? character slots?

Less than one server's worth in CoH.
I think I have 16 slots each on Virtue & Triumph.

Yes, yes we can buy them- but I'm not going to invest in a game I don't really enjoy, and baseline access is insufficient.
From what I hear, you get a new slot for each character you take to 40.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Venture and Tenzhi hate it, so that's proof enough it's funny.
Do I hate it? I can't say for certain, because I've never seen it. I'm not a big fan of Will Ferrell, but he's occasionally made me laugh. It could be that Anchorman would surprise me.

There are a number of comedians that I *do* like: George Carlin, Sam Kinison, Lewis Black, Don Rickles, and Stephen Colbert to name a few. Hrm, there seems to be a disproportionate number of comedians there that direct comedic anger at the antics of stupid people - what an odd coincidence.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Aka, I hope they dont just joining a new game and ranting off how this is wrong how that needs to be changed and so.

Thing is....players already IN THE GAME are complaining about how stuff is broken...this or that needs improvement....why don't we have this thing? What's taking so long for that very simple QoL thing?

The CoX community will do what a previous poster said. Either whip the dev team into shape....or boil them in oil. This is the cold hard truth.



Originally Posted by Evanescah View Post
Ya know, I've had some really good luck with the face sliders making my characters look pretty good. The glowing eye masks too are also a very nice touch.

Here's CO-version of my main Eiko Magami.

I think it brings out her features in a way that the CoH generator never could. It just takes some patience.

What stops me from playing more is the stories are so much more insulting compared to what I'm used to. And Silver-Age Eiko is no where NEAR as interesting for me to RP.

See...that looks like a cheap attempt to make a cartoon based on your new toy line in the hopes that all the four year old kids will rave to the parents to buy the new toy line. To me, at least. Yes, it's shiny. Yes, it's visually striking....but it's still just flash glittering up cheap art. me. Other people see it differently, and I realize that.

The art is the main reason why....if another game comes along even HALF of what CoX is right now? I'll jump ship and go to it.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
From what I hear, you get a new slot for each character you take to 40. someone who managed, lets see.....six? Six 50s in seven years that doesn't exactly fill me with glee.

But better than nothing!

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Ilve got a lv40 munitions character I made when this just launched. Back when energy discounters actually were worth something. Havent played it since



I've tried CO more than once but it doesn't work well for me. I just dislike the lack of any meaningful teaming and the graphics just don't do it for me.

But I might pop in from time to time

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



that is one of things that is getting me hooked on CO. The lack of need for a team. That means I dont have to wait until prime time to get certain things done. I can keep it rolling when I feel like being a night owl or when I take a day off in the middle of the week when everyone else is at work or school or neither or both.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
that is one of things that is getting me hooked on CO. The lack of need for a team. That means I dont have to wait until prime time to get certain things done. I can keep it rolling when I feel like being a night owl or when I take a day off in the middle of the week when everyone else is at work or school or neither or both.

thats pretty much the only selling point for me

being that my title character Seismecca went from a squishy rock dom to an invulnerable earth tank/brute/ranged earthquake generator



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post someone who managed, lets see.....six? Six 50s in seven years that doesn't exactly fill me with glee.

But better than nothing!
I've been running Foxfire for close to two weeks now and she's less than a bubble away from 23. And you can join alerts that give you an XP boost for the next hour. I'm thinking she'll hit 40 by no later than Halloween.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



I now have a consolidated thread for all the CoH to CO proportion character templates that I have received from the CO community in an attempt to make the costuming easier for former COH players - if that's where you decide to go. Just keep the opinions out of that thread. (But feel free to post character pics!)



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
The following is a second-hand, first impression only, based on what I'm hearing from heroes who play both games (Champions Online isn't installed on my computer--also, no feedback from villains because they're locked out of Champions Online ). But the difference between us and the players over at CO seems to be that their community lays down and takes it. A lot. It really sounds like Cryptic has their community thoroughly whipped into submission.
Considering how tolerant we were of typos, wacky pet AI, and 'for the greater good,' though, I'm not sure if that's really a fair comparison. Though, to also be fair, their forum / game community doesn't appear to be nearly as large as ours.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



I'm bringing this thread back, because the current popular CO thread is too negative in scope.

"Despite what many of us might feel, the world is not ending when City of Heroes shuts down. Just our world. But the sun will continue shining, other games will continue running, and most likely your interest in video games will not evaporate. So after an appropriate period of mourning, it's going to be time to think about getting together with another game.

The problem, of course, is that nothing else can ever be City of Heroes. Like Benjamin Franklin, nothing can serve as its replacement, merely as its successor. But it's worth examining some of the more reasonable and likely destinations for the community."
-- Massively's Mild Mannered Reporter (emphasis mine)

That quote has been bouncing around my head ever since the article went up.

I'll be in CO for the next week, 10th at the latest, running around, setting up my friends list, making sure this will work for me.

Why now? Because after midnight on November 30 when our world is shut down, I want to be able to immediately meet my friends and fellow heroes elsewhere, without having to download, install, jack with options and settings and figure out menus, and wade through Champion Online's (or any game's) tutorial first. I wanted to get all of that out of the way before November 30, so that I can get right to the good part within the hour after COH shuts down--friends, and some missions, or just hanging out and chatting.

For those like myself who originally planned to hold off on anything besides COH until December 1, I encourage you to consider the reasoning above. Fiddling with settings and stumbling through your first tutorial on that first night wouldn't be nearly as fun and memorable as having some sort of community event to dovetail into.

Why Champions Online? On the night of Paragon's closure announcement, I had already decided I didn't want to let NCSoft take everything away from me. Things like Captain Electric and several other characters, created when I was a kid, all of which could potentially be moved into CO; many other characters created inside City of Heroes; friendships created in my three short years in City of Heroes, many who are moving to CO; storylines and shared histories created in Virtue's rich role-playing atmosphere.

These were always some of the most important things, and I'm not going to throw them away just because NCSoft is throwing City of Heroes away. I've decided that I care enough about these things to examine my options for keeping my characters and friendships in a non-dormant state while Plan Z develops.

Wish me luck, and if you're in the Champions Universe, look me up.

My new global is the same on CO as in COH: @Captain-Electric

After the 10th I'll be back in Paragon City to plan a multi-server RP event for some of the last days, for players of comic book super hero genre characters who want to role-play some of their characters leaving Paragon City together for the last time-- for destinations like Champions Online, DC Universe Online, Marvel Heroes Online, The Secret World, and others. Captain Electric (the character) is working with Portal Corp as we speak to secure the necessary dimensional gateway frequencies.

Characters who will be staying in Paragon RP-wise can also show up to wave goodbye. It won't be for characters who you'll be playing right when the server shuts down, unless they're waving goodbye for now. This is just a fun way to park a few of your characters for the last time, in a very symbolic way, together with other supers, in front of a dimensional gate for wherever you're going next. DJ Zero is expected to cooperate for the use of Pocket D's gates as well (Portal Corp's gates aren't equipped with furball filters).

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



A quick and dirty and partial transition guide:

1. Get someone to level 10, then fuss about costumes. The costume creator can't really be called that until some character has hit 10 and unlocked all the free default pieces. It will be unlocked account wide and you can even delete that character and things will remain unlocked.

2. Third button on the left of your mini-map (Socrates) is your friend. Socrates is how you get your exit mission button back and call to turn in (most?) missions. You can also pick up new missions from Socrates.

3. If you see a civilian getting menaced by baddies and save them you'll probably get a newspaper type mission as a reward. Or you'll get some bonus XP.

4. Powers trained in the Power House are free to remove while in the Power House. Powers trained in the field cost money to remove. When you hit 6, check your travel powers out in the power house to make sure you are ok with the animations. Acrobatics is the bird run from Ninja Run. If you like Ninja Run, you'll probably like Acrobatics. Teleport is basically a short term stealth and fly buff with a short stealth and hover period after it expires. You have to keep clicking this one but there's no reticule like CoH's teleport.

5. You can't have your first character be a purchased AT because the C-Store doesn't unlock until you've had a character hit 10.

6. The Night Avenger is a claws scrapper that can splortch super villains with their assassin's strike. Viper style claws only though, no retracts, and the energy builder sorta registers on the jump kick scale for hopping about.

7. While the mission text may say 1-5 members it sometimes assumes 1 purpled to the gills multiples of the inf cap character.

8. There is a charity worker who can refill your stars for a price.

9. Your stance may affect your run animation. If you don't like the default run animation try changing your stance at a costume person. Or if your travel power is a toggle just leave it on.

10. You can turn the outlines off.

11. The CO wiki wishes it could be paragon wiki.