Missed the Coffee Talk




The game has been saved. CoH2 is underway and in beta. I am a terrible liar.

Nah, it was pretty subdued. Lots of just sittin' around shootin' the breeze.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Originally Posted by bpphantom View Post
The game has been saved. CoH2 is underway and in beta.
I want to believe.



Thanks for posting this link!



Thank you very much for the link, Xieveral!

Many thanks to Hit Streak for once again taking an hour out to host a chat. It is still one of my favorite activitites each week. I listened to this one twice.

A few highlights for those who can't watch the recording for whatever reason...

==> Hitstreak started out requesting more respect on the forums.

"I know there is a lot of uncertainty with you guys as to what's going on. And I know that people are angry. People are upset or frustrated. I get all of it. But man, stop taking it out on each other on the forums.

It's really hard for me to keep up with. We don't have a team anymore as far as moderators or anything like that. So it's pretty difficult for me to keep up with it when you guys are upset at each other.

I get being upset at the situation. I get being upset with the sunsetting. I don't think anybody here at Paragon would disagree with those emotions. I know I certainly don't disagree with those emotions at all. But just stop taking it out on each other.

You can disagree without being really nasty. That's all I'm asking for.

Keep that to a minimum. Feel free to send me a PM if you see anything really nasty out there that is attacking in nature or that blatantly violates the rules.

I've pretty much taken the reins off of what can and cannot be discussed on the forums. Andy did that before he took off. Basically feel free to talk about other games. Feel free to talk about how this makes you feel. We're all for that. Just kind off, you know, mellow it out a bit."

He reiterated the point again about thirty minutes in after Skippy Sidekick joined the chat.

"The tone of the forums has definitely changed.

It's really kind of hard to read now. It's just frustration and disappointment and all of that. Which is understandable. But people have started to kind of be a little more hostile towards each other. Because there are differing opinions about things."

"It's a bad situation and no one wanted it to happen."

"I'm just hoping [forum posters] can be a bit more focused. Instead of worrying about each other so much, enjoy the game."

"Enjoy the community because you've only got it for another seven weeks."

==> VIP status cannot be handed out on Live.

They just can't do it. If you want to check out VIP and/or i24 content, it is available on the Beta server. Access the Beta Server via the NCLauncher. Access the Beta VIP content via free purchases from the Beta store.

==> Paragon Backer title.

Hitstreak rotated through Atlas Park and redside on all Live servers today to hand out the title "Paragon Backer". KUDOS to you for taking the time to do that, Hitstreak!

==> Swag.

He's trying to get permission to give away City Of Hero swag.

Hope you can, Hitstreak. Either way, thanks for thinking of us players.

I call dibs on a Three Wolf Moon shirt!

==> Hitstreak wants suggestions for a sit-down dinner in downtown Los Angeles.

Tweet recommendations to @Hitstreak.

==> No guarantees for a Community Chat next week.


If we are really nice, will you do another Twitch chat, Hitstreak? Here's a start...

Pretty, pretty please host another City Of Heroes Community Chat!



Strangely, it's seemed to me that many of the posters who in the past have been known for being a bit mean have actually been mellower of late. I get a mental image of them walking into a room full of people punching and gouging each other, throwing their hands up in the air and shouting "Guys! Chill! How can I be a cynical jerk in this kind of atmosphere?!"

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound




Since I missed re-subbing before the announcement of closure, I'd be willing to get Beta VIP unlocked (and move the characters I want to screenshot over there).

But when i connect, and try the store, it says the Beta store is not available.

Guess I'll try again later...

Currently: 50s (5), 40s (3), 30s (5)
Red and blue side, mostly Infinity, Virtue, and Freedom.



I have so much respect for Hit Streak going the extra mile and doing the Coffee Talks. It's got to be tough not having "news" to report (or a staff to report it, for that matter), but there he is, showing up, and showing us he's with us. Just with us.

Right now, that seems just huge.

Thank you for all you do, HS. Thanks for caring enough to show up and hang in there with us. Thank you!



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Strangely, it's seemed to me that many of the posters who in the past have been known for being a bit mean have actually been mellower of late.
A lot of argumentative players only did so due to passion towards the game. It's natural that, once balance discussions and future changes get entirely removed from the realm of possibilities, they would just join the mourning, ...maybe even more so because fewer people were more passionate than those that argued about the game.

The biggest problem right now is a handful of very loud posters that really just seem to enjoy the trolling and have taken the opportunity to poke everyone's wounds, turning on the fans with bags of fine salt in front of them. So basically: our true trolls are now very visible as they go about condescendingly mocking anyone who cares for the game.