TSW refugee migration

Angel of Retribution



Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
As I asked in PM, what does this mean?
I'm going to write up plans for a more productive forum that is more conducive to a long-term community, as opposed to their current layout which is geared solely towards helping people understand the mechanics of the game.

TSW can have a community as great as City of Heroes, but when you have 92 sections on game mechanics and one mechanic called "Off Topic", people aren't going to want to bond and form connections outside of the game.

I believe if we trim some sections and expand certain others, we can make people feel more like a family.

I did it when I was a community Rep at Nexon, and I think it worked out all right.



So far I'm running with Elemental and Shotgun. But I haven't actually found a shotgun, so really I just have Elemental.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
So far I'm running with Elemental and Shotgun. But I haven't actually found a shotgun, so really I just have Elemental.
I'm all for Hammer and Chaos.

In the Savage Coast, you'll find an amusement park. I won't spoil anything specific, but the boss of that area... they will gladly explain to you why your Solo Build sucks. And believe me, before that boot camp, it does suck.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
So far I'm running with Elemental and Shotgun. But I haven't actually found a shotgun, so really I just have Elemental.
My build is hammer/Shotgun, but I have the entire inner ring unlocked at this time startign the outer ring over the weekend, welcome to the fight

Krovus - Templar - Arcadia

Infinity & Virtue



Originally Posted by War_Hawk View Post
My build is hammer/Shotgun, but I have the entire inner ring unlocked at this time startign the outer ring over the weekend, welcome to the fight
How do people even swing shotgun!? Hammer/Shotgun is how I started, but Shotgun does two things I couldn't handle:
  • Assumes I'm in a group.
  • Assumes I want to target just one person at a time.

The fact that it counts resources by the person you are currently targeting was too much for me.



Say, does this game inherently support controllers, or am I going to have to make my Saitek pretend it's a mouse and keyboard?

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
The fact that it counts resources by the person you are currently targeting was too much for me.
All of the gun skills do that, unfortunately. My Templar does pretty well with rifle/pistols, but she can get overwhelmed under certain circumstances.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online

nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch



Templars... *shudder*



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Templars... *shudder*
Oh just because they don't initiate you with a ****-job, everyone thinks they've all got sticks up their a**es

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online

nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch



Look at you lot, marching in with the authority and conviction of a concrete mind in a fluid world. Beh.

Still, anything to help against the Coming Days. Welcome, I suppose.



I was just checking out items on their "store" and all I can say is former CoH players that complained about prices here are gonna be in for a rude awakening.

$20 bucks for a server transfer
$10 bucks for a costume set for a SINGLE character
Titles for a character range from $1-2 bucks up to $17 bucks for a SINGLE character
Pets cost $5 bucks dog, cat, or bird for a SINGLE character



Just a not: Server transfers are 98% irrelevant.

Your "home server" is the server you log into every day. You can, however, at any time click on a player on your friends list and temporarily transfer over to their server. You can be on any server anytime you want for any reason.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Just a not: Server transfers are 98% irrelevant.

Your "home server" is the server you log into every day. You can, however, at any time click on a player on your friends list and temporarily transfer over to their server. You can be on any server anytime you want for any reason.
That's good to know.

Personally it's the costumes that only unlock for a single character that killed any interest I had in buying points if I decide to get the game.

Do you know if you also have to buy a ticket to make use of the games tailor if you buy a new costume piece/set?

Cuz that's just adding insult to injury.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
That's good to know.

Personally it's the costumes that only unlock for a single character that killed any interest I had in buying points if I decide to get the game.

Do you know if you also have to buy a ticket to make use of the games tailor if you buy a new costume piece/set?

Cuz that's just adding insult to injury.

It's worth noting that you unlock a lot of costume pieces through achievement int he game. Completing THIS gets you a hoodie. Completing THAT gives you the official Dragon outfit. And, let's be honest, costumes being vanity, would you rather show off that you did all the "Carter Unleashed" missions or that you pay $5 in the store?

Costume pieces can be swapped in and out on the fly at any time for any reason. This actually plays a vital role in certain later missions.

The Tailor/Plastic Surgeon is exclusively for people that want to redo decisions made during character creation. Everyone also received one free coupon for each when they launched.



That being said, they do on rare occasion do events where they give out Cash Shop moniez. I did one and spent the money on my current look. I look... snazzy.

I'm not saying the Cash Shop has no appeal. I'm just countering the idea that you MUST spend money or you'll look a schlum forever.

Oh, and here's my page from the City Vau- I mean Chronicle.



Well so far most of the items I've seen in their store are purely cosmetic and have no impact on gameplay so they are all things a person can live without.

I'll be checking out the game on the trial this weekend and then decide if I like it enough to buy it. So far my biggest complaint is I don't like their "map" in the upper right corner. From what I've seen in the tutorial it just shows the outline of buildings which is useless if you get turned around in a building with rooms and have trouble finding an exit.



Try the "M" key.

Your cartography skills will be coming into play on more than one mission, as well. Get used to the M key and planting pins.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
So far I'm running with Elemental and Shotgun. But I haven't actually found a shotgun, so really I just have Elemental.
Sounds like you're very early in the game.

Pro-tip: Once you get out of your faction city and into Kingsmouth, there are a couple of tutorial crafting quests. Moose, near the Sheriff's office, has the weapon crafting quest. You take apart his shotgun for mats, then place them into a pattern based on his book to create a new weapon. You can place them into any pattern you like to create any weapon you need. The advantage here is that, while the weapon is basic/common quality, it comes with a glyph slot so you can improve it, making it useful longer.



Well yes, I'm pretty early. Just started today.

But I'll go pay him a visit.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
That's good to know.

Personally it's the costumes that only unlock for a single character that killed any interest I had in buying points if I decide to get the game.

Do you know if you also have to buy a ticket to make use of the games tailor if you buy a new costume piece/set?

Cuz that's just adding insult to injury.
There are (currently at least) far more clothing options available from in-game vendors than in the cash shop. I agree that the cash shop clothing is pretty expensive, bordering on the crazy expensive, but you don't need it.

Also, changing clothes doesn't cost anything, if that's what you're asking. You can do that any time and anywhere you want, on the fly.

You do have to pay ridiculous amounts of Pax (the in-game currency) to change options you picked in chargen (like face and hair). I don't know if you can buy tickets for that in the cash shop, but I assume so (I haven't looked).

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
How do people even swing shotgun!? Hammer/Shotgun is how I started, but Shotgun does two things I couldn't handle:
  • Assumes I'm in a group.
  • Assumes I want to target just one person at a time.

The fact that it counts resources by the person you are currently targeting was too much for me.
I'm not sure I understand the question.

I started out by randomly picking 'stuff I liked' from Chaos and Shotgun, with very little thought beyond 'hey, that one is cool', and that build carried me easily through 95% of the game, solo (and I only switched by the end of Transylvania, because I kinda wanted to try something else and actually look deeper into skill synergies.) I realize I might have been really lucky with my build though.

I used Pump Action as my resource builder. It didn't require me to target anything (if I remember correctly) and also build resources on everyone it hit. Then I used Out for a Kill as my finisher because single-target finishers work best for me (which becomes increasingly apparent by the end of Tarnished Coast). I think I did used to have an AoE finisher, but I can't remember which one. Or maybe I was just relying on the Hit and Run passive (which is amazing against hordes). But it's important to note that shotgun (or any weapon, I think?) doesn't build resources on the person you have targeted. It builds resources on the person you hit. For single-target skills, the difference is largely academic, but for, say, cone attacks there's a significant difference.

I primarily pick abilities that have A) no activation time, and B) AoE potential, because blasting hordes of zombies is fun. I really don't like activation-time.

So, to clarify:
  • Assumes I'm in a group. - How so? I don't think I've ever used shotgun in a group, so is it somehow different?
  • Assumes I want to target just one person at a time. - Isn't that true of every single-target power in the game? Shotgun is certainly not, in my experience, the most single-target focused weapon in the game. Which weapons doesn't make this 'assumption'?

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Shotgun's secondary abilities have a lot to do with buffing your group, like the Leadership pool here.

And melee weapons build resources on YOU, so if you hit someone 5 times and kill them, you have those 5 resources to use on someone else. With ranged weapons, you build 5 resources on an enemy, so if that enemy dies, the unused Resources die with them. While it's true you can equip a skill or two that makes use of them at the last moment, I don't find that satisfying.

My question, to remove the slang, was my asking how people find Shotgun a satisfying experience.



I take it you're forced to choose one of the three factions?

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I take it you're forced to choose one of the three factions?
It's one of the only choices in the game that's permanent, and yes, you do.

It's funny, these three factions seem more personality-accurate than any other MMO I've ever played. That is to say, when I find people that are Templars, I expect them to be driven and sure-footed. When I find Dragons, they are open-minded and often neutral. Illuminati players tend to be effective and ambitious.

Before the game launched, there was a personality quiz that was very thorough in guiding you to the right faction. As a result, everyone that pre-ordered is someone you can sort by their personality. I can be talking to someone and just be like "Oh, you immediately took lead of the party. Nice to meet you, Templar."

I love it.