TSW refugee migration

Angel of Retribution



So, I finally got a chance to actually play the way-too-short 3 day trial this time around. I even figured out how to tweak the advanced video settings to get tolerable performance on my computer ( Seriously, the graphics aren't intense enough for it to be THAT big of a resource hog... ). I found TSW to be quite enjoyable once I was able to play it. To the point where, now that the price has come down, I may be able to swing buying it soon ( Unless someone wants to be generous. Christmas is soon! I'm a new dad! It's Monday! Whatever reason. No? Oh well ).

So, now I'm wondering....how's the RP scene there?

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
So, now I'm wondering....how's the RP scene there?
If you get in the right circles, I think it can be rather vibrant. I'm not much into that, but I see a fair amount of (( )).



I don't know if this has been posted already, but I noticed that Steam has The Secret World at 25% off 'till November 1st as part of their Halloween Sale.

On another note, I finally got around to starting the Halloween investigation missions. Creepy! And pretty tough to puzzle out if RL interrupts you at just the right moment. Doh.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
So, now I'm wondering....how's the RP scene there?
Channel #OOC is a good place to start

Other places of interest:



There is a section of the forums dedicated to Roleplay as well.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
We tried Polaris a while back, but with only 4 of us (and I think me under-geared, and without enough build diversity) failed miserably. At least we got to fail it together.
I did Polaris earlier today. The team had 2 people who were competent and had a sense of humor. One person that was extremely helpful and had good advice. And one absolute jerk.

I warned the team before we started that I had been playing for less than 10 days and that I had never set foot in that dungeon before. Despite this, they wanted me to tank (I had a tank build and over 1200 HP more than the next highest). When I failed to somehow anticipate the special attack of a unique boss that I had never seen or heard of previously, the jerk started calling me names. Because, you know, hurling insults usually helps to clarify tactics.

The helpful person tried to get them to shut up and sent me some amusing tells. One went something like, "Don't pay attention to him. It's easy for some lousy DPS to second-guess the tank. You're doing fine."

Anyway, we finished the dungeon. Still, not a good sign (to me) to run into that level of stupidity so soon.

I must say, though, the investigation/puzzle missions are amazing. Really REALLY difficult, but so logical and well thought-out that you can still solve them. You just need to work for it. We did one mission where you hear a Morse Code transmission and have to decipher it. Yikes. FYI, I solved that by recording the audio and loading it into an editing program so I could actually see the waveform and read off the dots and dashes. This ended up being faster than my brother replaying the signal and getting each letter by ear one at a time. You really need to think outside the box for these puzzles.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Every multi-player game has jerks. Heck even single player games have jerks.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I must say, though, the investigation/puzzle missions are amazing. Really REALLY difficult, but so logical and well thought-out that you can still solve them. You just need to work for it. We did one mission where you hear a Morse Code transmission and have to decipher it. Yikes. FYI, I solved that by recording the audio and loading it into an editing program so I could actually see the waveform and read off the dots and dashes. This ended up being faster than my brother replaying the signal and getting each letter by ear one at a time. You really need to think outside the box for these puzzles.
Just wait until you get to the Motel on the Savage Coast and choose the Hell and Bach mission.. not only is it a b*tch to solve, the first puzzle is bugged and you have to enter the answer a bajillion times for it to register.

But the puzzles ARE clever and well thought out... all I can say is thank the stars for Google.....

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Every multi-player game has jerks. Heck even single player games have jerks.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I did Polaris earlier today. The team had 2 people who were competent and had a sense of humor. One person that was extremely helpful and had good advice. And one absolute jerk.

I warned the team before we started that I had been playing for less than 10 days and that I had never set foot in that dungeon before. Despite this, they wanted me to tank (I had a tank build and over 1200 HP more than the next highest). When I failed to somehow anticipate the special attack of a unique boss that I had never seen or heard of previously, the jerk started calling me names. Because, you know, hurling insults usually helps to clarify tactics.

The helpful person tried to get them to shut up and sent me some amusing tells. One went something like, "Don't pay attention to him. It's easy for some lousy DPS to second-guess the tank. You're doing fine."

Anyway, we finished the dungeon. Still, not a good sign (to me) to run into that level of stupidity so soon.
I've done the three Solomon Island dungeons probably 60 times between them and my 3 alts over the past couple of months. I have run into 2 "jerks" and it was a bit of a stretch to call them jerks.

1. Hell risen - guy was shouting out mid-afternoon for a team, we got the 5 together. He asks what role people are doing.... me and two others are damage dealers (me because I had no aggro control or healing skills, dunno why the other 2 wanted to be damage) After the first boss he turns and raves about how long it took and how dare people with more than 2500hp call themselves damage dealers. I offered to leave and let him find someone else to deal damage for him, he was quick to apologize and say "no, just for next time get some better attack rating gear and less hp gear". We went on to finish.

2. Darkness War - first attempt as a healer for me and I was very undergeared for the role; our tank was the only person experienced with the dungeon (I had run it once before but had no idea how the fights actually worked). First boss we managed OK. Second we wiped and wiped and wiped and wiped again... she'd just run like crazy into each group and not give me a second to heal her up between groups and no interest in listening to any alternative suggestions on the fight. Eventually she quit on us (but in fairness to her, it was taking a looong time and she may very well have run out of time to try again)

Just anecdotes - I think you got lucky (or unlucky) to run into a twit this early in your experience with dungeons. The vast majority of normal run dungeons are very friendly fun events in my experience.



Originally Posted by MikeRobe View Post
1. Hell risen - guy was shouting out mid-afternoon for a team, we got the 5 together. He asks what role people are doing.... me and two others are damage dealers (me because I had no aggro control or healing skills, dunno why the other 2 wanted to be damage) After the first boss he turns and raves about how long it took and how dare people with more than 2500hp call themselves damage dealers. I offered to leave and let him find someone else to deal damage for him, he was quick to apologize and say "no, just for next time get some better attack rating gear and less hp gear". We went on to finish.
He actually expected you to be in all (or mostly) blue gear at that point? With more than a bit of green you'd have 2.5k health whether you wanted it or not.

As for my own experience, I haven't run a lot of dungeons, but I've done everything through the Ankh at least once and have yet to encounter any jerk players (at least in my own groups.) Even on occasions when I have totally screwed up no one gave me more than a friendly ribbing.




Originally Posted by Chuckers View Post
Just wait until you get to the Motel on the Savage Coast and choose the Hell and Bach mission.. not only is it a b*tch to solve, the first puzzle is bugged and you have to enter the answer a bajillion times for it to register.
Stupid <bleeping> carpet.




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Stupid <bleeping> carpet.
That's one of the things I said!

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Stupid <bleeping> carpet.
It only took us 3 times... miraculously.



Hard lesson learned: Logging out in the middle of the tutorial mission in the subway is BAD. Sends you back to the beginning. With the mission active. But the gate closed. Can't advance the script to open it again because you can't reset the mission.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Hard lesson learned: Logging out in the middle of the tutorial mission in the subway is BAD. Sends you back to the beginning. With the mission active. But the gate closed. Can't advance the script to open it again because you can't reset the mission.
Did you try turning around and going up the steps? That's how you skip the mission when it first starts...

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Originally Posted by Chuckers View Post
Did you try turning around and going up the steps? That's how you skip the mission when it first starts...
Nope, wasn't aware it was skippable. Good to know for more than just the bug-out logging in the middle does.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Chuckers View Post
Did you try turning around and going up the steps? That's how you skip the mission when it first starts...
It's skippable? Why did no one tell me earlier??????




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
It's skippable? Why did no one tell me earlier??????
There's a note flashed on the screen when the cutscene first starts.. it's VERY easy to miss.

As soon as you are able to pick up the gun, you can turn around and walk up the stairs and leave the whole thing.

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
He actually expected you to be in all (or mostly) blue gear at that point? With more than a bit of green you'd have 2.5k health whether you wanted it or not.

As for my own experience, I haven't run a lot of dungeons, but I've done everything through the Ankh at least once and have yet to encounter any jerk players (at least in my own groups.) Even on occasions when I have totally screwed up no one gave me more than a friendly ribbing.
I sit just under or just over 3k on my main, which is definitely a "deeps more deeping" build. I also solo a lot, and need the health. I avoid looking at build and gear advice, so I may be a really bad metric.

And Ironblade: sorry you ran into jerks. I have run into a couple people who were either jerks or just having bad days, but nothing too nasty, and certainly no names were being slung around. But they're definitely in the minority--most people I've run into have been exceedingly nice.



Originally Posted by Chuckers View Post
There's a note flashed on the screen when the cutscene first starts.. it's VERY easy to miss.

As soon as you are able to pick up the gun, you can turn around and walk up the stairs and leave the whole thing.
You don't have to pick up the gun, just leave by the stairs (click on the gate).

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Tried TOR and TSW and enjoy both in different ways. Plan on giving TSW moreof a try this weekend. Last time I tried it was just before we moved and I couldn't give it my full attention then.
Neither compares to CoH for good, casual fun and an easy to chat with community but either one will help me pass the time. on TOR i'm on Jedi Covenant, global is Jakda. So far onlyed Rep.
TSW i'm on Grim and i'm using Jakda there as well...chracter's full name is Jack Darkscar like my original here but like that one who knows if i'll stick to that once I learn how to play the game. Forgot until after I posted, that would be Templar faction.
Hope to run into some of you on either one.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
You don't have to pick up the gun, just leave by the stairs (click on the gate).
Right... I worded it wrong.. I meant as soon as control is passed back to you (meaning you are able to pick up the gun, not that you had to). I thought when I had done it, I couldn't move for a few seconds due to the cut scene.

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



That video is frelling awesome.



So far, I quite like the game. However, the community seems dead. Maybe I'm just used to the chat and warmth of Union Chat. But then, the cross-shard CoX channel in STO/CO has seemed dead recently too. I've managed to run 1 dungeon so far - Polaris - and that was only due to the kindness of two CoX refugees.

So far I've met two "undesirables", one who propositioned me for sex (promptly reported to a GM. First time in *any* game that has happened), and the other who was basically calling all of us noobs during my first, failed, attempt at a Polaris run.

There seems to be a dire lack of EU based players, as it seems so bloody quiet when I'm usually on.

Overall, once my current sub runs out (thats the other thing - how on Earth do you actually cancel recurrent billing? I couldn't find anything on the account page), I'm honestly unsure whether I'll stay. Shame really, as I feel the game has potential.