TSW refugee migration

Angel of Retribution



Originally Posted by War_Hawk View Post
they fixed it
I still have it on one character.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Tip of the Day When doing dungeons, remember that there are lore objects that can only be found in the dungeons. You can look them up in game to see which ones you have. Some are tricksy as in Polaris, you only get the lore object if you activate the zombie that is lying on the ground like a body and then kill it. Another one requires you to enter in a code to activate a drone that leads you to the lore object. Think outside the box.



Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
Tip for the day: Global chat and LFG chat is across servers. There is really only one server. The 'server' you are on is your home dimension and you can cross to another one if you join a team that is on a different one from you. You will go back to your dimension when you leave that group and zone or log out.
Actually, no, they're not. If by 'Global' you mean 'General', at least. They are dimension-specific. You might see someone from another dim chatting in you dim's General, but that's likely because they're ON your dim (for one reason or another). Anyone not from your home dim will have an asterisk prior to their name when chatting. An exception to this dimenion-restricted chat is Agartha, and that is because Agartha itself is multi-dimensional.

I have verified this multiple times by having my Dragon on at the same time as my husband's Lumi, in the same zone, but in different dimensions (me: Leviathan, husband: Daemon) and seeing completely different chats happening in General. Or, prior to the LFG system being added when we were grouped together (and thus in the same dim) trying to get a group for a dungeon, we'd drop group and whoever was able to would return to their home dim and hit up the LFG channel there to fill out the group.

I do wish these chat channels were truly multi-dimensional, though.



I've just had a pretty nasty experience on TSW - so I post this as a potential warning. YYMV so I'm not damning the game outright but be aware.

I have struggled to get teams at low levels because try as I might I can't get the CoH channels to work and most "Cabals" (SGs to us) are already high level and doing NM (nightmare mode) stuff it seems.

So I post in the forums to say I'm struggling and unlikely to continue to play because I'm tired of dying. Apparently they have a rule against that (which to me seems to be a very overly strict interpretation about posting account closure details.) I also get "Three Infraction Points" against my account.

Quite what they are is open to interpretation but it's not good and I've clearly been censured for saying, very politely, that I struggle with the game and the culture. So be prepared to get modslapped on there. I've said and done much worse on here and not even got a reprimand and the only time I got into a fight with a mod on this forum was during last summer's riots where I got to tell a Mod "**** you and the horse you rode in on" and an appology from her. (We're cool now by the way)

But also something to consider: TSW went live in July and already people are running out of stuff to do. It might not have the legs we think even though it looks gorgeous.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
But also something to consider: TSW went live in July and already people are running out of stuff to do. It might not have the legs we think even though it looks gorgeous.
I have yet to play an MMO from launch where there hasn't been players running around with maxed out characters a week after launch. So running into players that have done everything a mere three months after launch is not unusual. CoH had the same lack of content when it launched. CoV was even more limited in content, and Praetoria the worst of all.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
I've just had a pretty nasty experience on TSW - so I post this as a potential warning. YYMV so I'm not damning the game outright but be aware.

I have struggled to get teams at low levels because try as I might I can't get the CoH channels to work and most "Cabals" (SGs to us) are already high level and doing NM (nightmare mode) stuff it seems.

So I post in the forums to say I'm struggling and unlikely to continue to play because I'm tired of dying. Apparently they have a rule against that (which to me seems to be a very overly strict interpretation about posting account closure details.) I also get "Three Infraction Points" against my account.

Quite what they are is open to interpretation but it's not good and I've clearly been censured for saying, very politely, that I struggle with the game and the culture. So be prepared to get modslapped on there. I've said and done much worse on here and not even got a reprimand and the only time I got into a fight with a mod on this forum was during last summer's riots where I got to tell a Mod "**** you and the horse you rode in on" and an appology from her. (We're cool now by the way)

But also something to consider: TSW went live in July and already people are running out of stuff to do. It might not have the legs we think even though it looks gorgeous.
I didn't see the post, so I can't specifically point out what may have caused a mod to close it. However, those "I keep dying. This game sucks! No one will help me! I'm going to play a different game because this game sucks!" is generally posted by trolls.

Now, as I said, I haven't seen the original post, so I can't begin to speculate as to why there would have been a mod intervention. I am guessing though that if you had posted something along the lines of "I am having issues finding groups and I keep dying solo. Could someone please take a look at my spec (and link your spec) to tell me what I might be able to change/improve upon?" OR "I usually play during x time frame, is there someone who would like to team with me to give me some pointers or would just like to group up in general?"

I see the above posts all the time and for the most part the general population is willing to help without being ******* (although there will be some of them out there too). But, if you jump in with you panties in a wad, nobody is going to be willing to honestly help you.



I just joined up on Wednesday and I already have a cabal on Daemon. Last night, the leader and his wife took myself and another new player through Polaris. It was REALLY cool.

I had no problem finding a cabal using the cabal section of the forums and doing a little research. My cabal is Death Incarnate Inc and they're very friendly and willing to help. I haven't asked for help because I am enjoying the soloing aspect of the game.

I just hit the savage coast after about a week plus of playing. I am taking my time. There really is some awesome writing in the game. I am and am not looking forward to the dead amusement park.

I was having some tech issues with the game as I am on a 2 year old laptop, but I dropped the directx from 11 to 9 and my graphics to mid level and things are much better.

BTW, they some AWESOME emotes... try /tapdance /snapsnaphoney /runningman and /cartwheel

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
So I post in the forums to say I'm struggling and unlikely to continue to play because I'm tired of dying. Apparently they have a rule against that (which to me seems to be a very overly strict interpretation about posting account closure details.) I also get "Three Infraction Points" against my account.
Post policies aside, dying excessively is certainly no fun. Perhaps there's something we can do to help? I haven't done any dungeons in the game yet, so I'm not much use there, but what exactly are you struggling with? How far along in the game are you? Do you have a character name so we can snoop your setup on the secret world chronicle?

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by JJames View Post
I didn't see the post, so I can't specifically point out what may have caused a mod to close it. However, those "I keep dying. This game sucks! No one will help me! I'm going to play a different game because this game sucks!" is generally posted by trolls.

Now, as I said, I haven't seen the original post, so I can't begin to speculate as to why there would have been a mod intervention. I am guessing though that if you had posted something along the lines of "I am having issues finding groups and I keep dying solo. Could someone please take a look at my spec (and link your spec) to tell me what I might be able to change/improve upon?" OR "I usually play during x time frame, is there someone who would like to team with me to give me some pointers or would just like to group up in general?"

I see the above posts all the time and for the most part the general population is willing to help without being ******* (although there will be some of them out there too). But, if you jump in with you panties in a wad, nobody is going to be willing to honestly help you.
You've clearly missed the point of his post and just steamrolled a generic answer......

Perhaps the point you should have addressed was why he was in a situation where he had to post it on the TSW forums.

I also struggled to find a team in TSW during the 3 day trial, which was disappointing as I'm used to getting into a team with ease in this game - and I prefer to team.

I have just bought TSW and subbed, but the team aspect really needs to improve if it's going to be a long term game for me - as it's a deal breaker if I'm forced to play solo most of the time.

Essentially I'm giving the game 30 days to see if it's going to be for me, but I think that if I come across other players who use the term 'panties in a wad' .... that 30 days may shorten considerably.

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Grrr...I went to delete an alt I didn't like but had my main selected instead. Note to self: no deleting characters before 9am.

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.



Originally Posted by Bonehead View Post
Grrr...I went to delete an alt I didn't like but had my main selected instead. Note to self: no deleting characters before 9am.

You are aptly names it appears BONEHEAD!

Krovus - Templar - Arcadia

Infinity & Virtue



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
You've clearly missed the point of his post and just steamrolled a generic answer......

Perhaps the point you should have addressed was why he was in a situation where he had to post it on the TSW forums.

I also struggled to find a team in TSW during the 3 day trial, which was disappointing as I'm used to getting into a team with ease in this game - and I prefer to team.

I have just bought TSW and subbed, but the team aspect really needs to improve if it's going to be a long term game for me - as it's a deal breaker if I'm forced to play solo most of the time.

Essentially I'm giving the game 30 days to see if it's going to be for me, but I think that if I come across other players who use the term 'panties in a wad' .... that 30 days may shorten considerably.
JJames posted what I was thinking only nicer... "goodbye cruel world" posts are generally frowned on by mods in any game forum and mocked by the population until they get removed.

If you prefer to team - have you tried calling out "looking for a newbie team in Kingsmouth" in the looking for team channel? Or "forming a newbie team to run missions" in general/looking for team? Even here in City, you had to scream out lft to get picked up.

As another anecdote - I've not had any trouble finding a team when I wanted one and I've frequently been scooped up by other people in the wild who were doing the same missions as me without needing to ask. I formed a Cat God dungeon team in 3 minutes the other day by shouting out "got two need three more". Teaming is not hard (especially if you /chat #coh-refugees )

I think the only valid complaint about solo/team play is some of the missions are forced solo. The devs are aware that was a mistake and are limiting them in future development. But even when you are forced into an instance by yourself you still have your group intact for chatter or helpful hints on what to do.



Originally Posted by Bonehead View Post
Grrr...I went to delete an alt I didn't like but had my main selected instead. Note to self: no deleting characters before 9am.



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
You've clearly missed the point of his post and just steamrolled a generic answer......

Perhaps the point you should have addressed was why he was in a situation where he had to post it on the TSW forums.

I also struggled to find a team in TSW during the 3 day trial, which was disappointing as I'm used to getting into a team with ease in this game - and I prefer to team.

I have just bought TSW and subbed, but the team aspect really needs to improve if it's going to be a long term game for me - as it's a deal breaker if I'm forced to play solo most of the time.

Essentially I'm giving the game 30 days to see if it's going to be for me, but I think that if I come across other players who use the term 'panties in a wad' .... that 30 days may shorten considerably.
And, clearly, you've missed the point of my post. I was trying to point out a possible reason for mod intervention on the forums (because I usually only see threads closed if they are trolling in nature).

However, I was making a suggestion as to how to get people to help/advise the player on possible problems that could be causing him/her to have such difficulty and/or to find people that would be willing to help. I don't see how me giving examples of how to actually get help is steamrolling a generic answer. If that is what you got from it, then so be it.

As a side note, I haven't had any issues finding a team in game whether it be for missions or dungeons. It may take a few minutes, but I do get one when I need it. It pays to subscribe to the CoH-Refugees and OOC channels. Also, you can go to Agartha to ask. I have ran across many end-game players that are willing to help out a lowbie.

Also, if you choose to leave a game because someone says "panties in a wad," then good luck to you. My finished post was actually much nicer and clean-cut that it originally was. I didn't see a post filled with "***" to be very helpful.



So is anyone else getting a laugh at the kid who has his panties in a wad because NCSoft banned his account for filing a fraudulant credit card charge back? I think his responses are funny as heck.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
So is anyone else getting a laugh at the kid who has his panties in a wad because NCSoft banned his account for filing a fraudulant credit card charge back? I think his responses are funny as heck.
I'm more amused by the people that suggest he see a lawyer. Actually, I'm amused any time someone suggests seeing a lawyer about a dispute with an MMO company.




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
I'm more amused by the people that suggest he see a lawyer. Actually, I'm amused any time someone suggests seeing a lawyer about a dispute with an MMO company.
I don't know if they were serious or if they were trying to see if he'd be stupid enough to ask a lawyer to help him commit credit card fraud.



Originally Posted by War_Hawk View Post
You are aptly names it appears BONEHEAD!
Originally Posted by MikeRobe View Post
Hehehe...sometimes I do.

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
So is anyone else getting a laugh at the kid who has his panties in a wad because NCSoft banned his account for filing a fraudulant credit card charge back? I think his responses are funny as heck.
I have not read this, but it sounds like it could be amusing.

Where can I find it? Got a link maybe? .... Pleeeaaaassseee :P



Originally Posted by JJames View Post
I have not read this, but it sounds like it could be amusing.

Where can I find it? Got a link maybe? .... Pleeeaaaassseee :P
Here ya go.

I just got Banned on my Account!


TerraDraconis just dropped the hammer on Evil Legacy for accusing everyone of picking on the OP. Too funny. I always get a kick out of watching someone have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.



Originally Posted by Bonehead View Post
Hehehe...sometimes I do.
You should ask a GM if the character can be restored. Our GM's used to be able to do it so it couldn't hurt to ask.

If you do ask I wish you the best of luck.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Here ya go.

I just got Banned on my Account!


TerraDraconis just dropped the hammer on Evil Legacy for accusing everyone of picking on the OP. Too funny. I always get a kick out of watching someone have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
It wasn't just that he made the claim about how rude we all where, it was that he went on and on in post after post about how mean and cruel we all where to the poor OP.

So I went back to double check and then I simply posted the notes I had been taking. Result Posts 2 - 64 pretty much unsympathetic but generally helpful and aside from 1 or 2 nonsequeter posts all were ok. Post 65 is a mocking picture and post 66 is the OP giving everyone in the thread the finger. Post 72 is EL dropping on everyone about how horrible we had been to the OP etc, etc, etc. And posts 73 - 91 are mostly EL complaining about how horrible the COX community is.

Sorry about all that but I figure having done the research ....

Oh and thank your for the award of The Internet Forbin_Project.

Now on to Secret World. I wish it worked a bit better with my graphics card. I hate dieing to the game freezing up. ::sigh::

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Here ya go.

I just got Banned on my Account!


TerraDraconis just dropped the hammer on Evil Legacy for accusing everyone of picking on the OP. Too funny. I always get a kick out of watching someone have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
Thanks for the link.



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
It wasn't just that he made the claim about how rude we all where, it was that he went on and on in post after post about how mean and cruel we all where to the poor OP.

So I went back to double check and then I simply posted the notes I had been taking. Result Posts 2 - 64 pretty much unsympathetic but generally helpful and aside from 1 or 2 nonsequeter posts all were ok. Post 65 is a mocking picture and post 66 is the OP giving everyone in the thread the finger. Post 72 is EL dropping on everyone about how horrible we had been to the OP etc, etc, etc. And posts 73 - 91 are mostly EL complaining about how horrible the COX community is.

Sorry about all that but I figure having done the research ....

Oh and thank your for the award of The Internet Forbin_Project.

Now on to Secret World. I wish it worked a bit better with my graphics card. I hate dieing to the game freezing up. ::sigh::
Have you tried changing to DX9 TerraDraconis? Also, turning vegetation and shadow levels down? I had to do all of that and I now have very minimal issues (except really low fps in London). Even turning those settings down, the game is still beautiful.



Originally Posted by JJames View Post
Have you tried changing to DX9 TerraDraconis? Also, turning vegetation and shadow levels down? I had to do all of that and I now have very minimal issues (except really low fps in London). Even turning those settings down, the game is still beautiful.
I've tried some of the settings lower but I'll go ahead and lower those other ones as well. Thank you for the suggestion. I do like the secret world if it just wouldn't freeze up regularly on me. ::Sigh::

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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