TSW refugee migration

Angel of Retribution



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
While working from home today, I tried out The Secret World. Well, saying I tried it may be a bit of a stretch. Before I logged in, the game recommended updating my video drivers, which I did. Then I got in fine, but there is like a 10 minute opening cinematic, during which I crashed twice.

I just tried a third time. This time, I made it halfway to the initial waypoint before the crash.

Don't know what the issue is - These are the most updated drivers that NVIDIA has to offer. I see there is a patch schedule for the game tomorrow; I'll see if that helps, otherwise, I guess that's all of the chance I'll be able to give the game.

You may have to go back to the driver or 2 before the latest one. I know a couple of weeks ago, they were telling everyone to update to the current but it was causing crashes. People were reverting back to some previous drivers and it fixed the constant crashing for a lot of people (myself included).



Originally Posted by Bonehead View Post
It looks like the game is on sale for 29.99 on their website right now.
It is indeed on sale now.



Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
While working from home today, I tried out The Secret World. Well, saying I tried it may be a bit of a stretch. Before I logged in, the game recommended updating my video drivers, which I did. Then I got in fine, but there is like a 10 minute opening cinematic, during which I crashed twice.

I just tried a third time. This time, I made it halfway to the initial waypoint before the crash.

Don't know what the issue is - These are the most updated drivers that NVIDIA has to offer. I see there is a patch schedule for the game tomorrow; I'll see if that helps, otherwise, I guess that's all of the chance I'll be able to give the game.
Even with my system that by far outstrips the recommended requirements, I can't run it using DX11. There is something about the game that hates my system using DX11. DX9 is fine though.

Tip For The Day: In case you don't know, you can click on an NPC's conversation boxes multiple times until you get a green checkmark to get the full dialog.



Originally Posted by Bonehead View Post
It looks like the game is on sale for 29.99 on their website right now.

....loan me $30?

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
Even with my system that by far outstrips the recommended requirements, I can't run it using DX11. There is something about the game that hates my system using DX11. DX9 is fine though.
I have this same problem.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Katbird View Post
ty ty ty -- I've actually been around a bit before but haven't been able to post since Freedom (not being premium donchaknow).

I had to come back and check in here when I noticed an influx of superheroes in TSW. So sorry your game is closing my friends - it is a great one!

FYI -- Katatonic, Illuminati, one step up from hostage. Put me on your friends list and I'll help all I can.
It maybe your video card. I have a GeForce 8600 GTS and it barely works for me. I definitely need to upgrade my video card to play it well. I usually have around 15 FPS but after a while it can drop to 1 FPS and lock up on me. Not fun but when it isn't doing that it is great. I've explored Kingsmouth town itself and have just started the areas nearby. Just took the Kid in the skate parks missions.

It is definitely a fun game.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Originally Posted by ChrisMoses View Post
While working from home today, I tried out The Secret World. Well, saying I tried it may be a bit of a stretch. Before I logged in, the game recommended updating my video drivers, which I did. Then I got in fine, but there is like a 10 minute opening cinematic, during which I crashed twice.

I just tried a third time. This time, I made it halfway to the initial waypoint before the crash.

Don't know what the issue is - These are the most updated drivers that NVIDIA has to offer. I see there is a patch schedule for the game tomorrow; I'll see if that helps, otherwise, I guess that's all of the chance I'll be able to give the game.

Monster of a thread,
OK this is a known issue with the latest version of the Niv drivers.

you need prior driver 301.42

On my laptop, i also dropped setting to dx9 and mid for performance.

Krovus - Templar - Arcadia

Infinity & Virtue



Played for the first time as a subscriber this morning. Now I need to decide if I want to get a life-time sub or not. $200 is pretty reasonable if you think you are going to be playing for 13-14 months.

I've been having slowness in some areas (London, Sheriff's office) but seem to be ok otherwise. I may try dropping down to DX9 and see if that helps some, though I think it's just my pc being borderline ok to run the game.

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.



I've just finished a 3 day trial of TSW.

Here's my observations on the game, based on my brief experience.


1. A fresh take on the MMO genre, and one that I really enjoyed.

2. Decent combat system - and I liked the way that you were able to advance the character.

3. Brilliant graphics.


1. Teaming ... Or the lack of it. I set out to try and put a team together on numerous occasions - with little success. It was explained to me in chat that the starter zone (Kingsmouth) is usually not a place where teams happen, which is a shame given that it takes a considerable amount of time to complete that zone .... and it has areas where a team would be of huge benefit.

2. The game really needs a modern high end PC to get the best of it. I'm using a 3 year old PC with a quad core 2.4ghz CPU with an NVIDIA 9600 GT graphics card and I was getting times where the frame rate would slow to a crawl in busy areas.

I'm going to have give it some thought as to whether I'll be subbing to the game.

It's a very different kind of game compared to CoH...........

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Ok played my 3 days and felt that while it wasnt CoH it was worthy of exploring further. Bought and have been having a blast. Did my first Polaris tonight and it took about 3 tries but we got it done.
Joined the dragons playing as Mikyo Mikkaku Shinichi. Im usually on the refugees channel.

One thing I wanted to point out, yes we were spoiled with the character customization. In that regard CoX was exceptional. The customization ins TSW is not bad but you cant compare it to CoH, actually nothing really does.

Where TSW really shines is in the story. The writing is superb. Not taking anything away from CoH but TSW shines in this regard. As we all know it is the story that drives the game(at least for me). Without a good story it just becomes farming and grinding. I havent encountered that yet on TSW, not saying I wont, but I havent faced it yet.

The puzzles actually force you to think and there is something to be said about not being so overpowered that you can walk through any zone with impunity. In TSW you must constantly be aware of your surroundings no matter where you are because if you get swarmed enough...well there is always an anima well.

Its a game worth playing. I havent been on COH much these days because on many levels its too painful to play knowing that I wont have any CoX in the future. So instead I will go and annihilate monsters in the TSW.

Hope to see most of you there.
Mikyo Mikkaku Shinichi



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
1. Teaming ... Or the lack of it. I set out to try and put a team together on numerous occasions - with little success. It was explained to me in chat that the starter zone (Kingsmouth) is usually not a place where teams happen, which is a shame given that it takes a considerable amount of time to complete that zone .... and it has areas where a team would be of huge benefit.

Uhm, what Dimension were you on? Cuz I see people recruiting teams in Kingsmouth on Arcadia all the time, and I login to play at random times on any given day and see teams forming morning, noon, and night. Whomever told you that teams don't happen in Kingsmouth is full of the brown smelly stuff.



Well for the most part you don't "need" a team for most of Kingsmouth unless you wander into the wrong part of the airport. You will see teams being formed for Polaris.

Tip for the day: Global chat and LFG chat is across servers. There is really only one server. The 'server' you are on is your home dimension and you can cross to another one if you join a team that is on a different one from you. You will go back to your dimension when you leave that group and zone or log out.



Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
Well for the most part you don't "need" a team for most of Kingsmouth unless you wander into the wrong part of the airport.
you don't need a team even then - indeed even going through the tunnel from there into the raid area it is still possible to complete tasks solo with QL1-2 gear - expect to die *A LOT* though.

I'd have to agree though that I'm not seeing a lot of teaming there - not even all that many calls for Polaris runs this week - really need to do one at some point soon though - I just don't fancy starting one at Midnight.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



Yeah I do see polaris mentioned a lot when team recruiting is going on.



Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
Tip for the day: Global chat and LFG chat is across servers. There is really only one server. The 'server' you are on is your home dimension and you can cross to another one if you join a team that is on a different one from you. You will go back to your dimension when you leave that group and zone or log out.
As an addendum:

Dimension selection does determine who you see "in the wild" while roaming around. Once you join a team, your "joining up" with that team will push you to the leader's dimension. When you "break" from the team, I believe that dimension choice remains consistent UNTIL you zone out (go into/out of a dungeon map or change zones).

Re: Cobra's experience with teaming, I've found that after the initial shakedown period of the rollout, teaming kicks in for tasks, rather than casual teaming, specifically because some of the storylines have solo dungeons where you can't bring in your crew to assist anyway. (Mish 13 of the first big story arc comes to mind, where you enter the house basement in Savage Coast to find your way through the Illuminati library, guarded by CENSORED.)

Think of it this way: There are story arcs, and there are task forces. The story arcs lend more to a single player experience, although you can choose to team if you want to; just be aware of the solo instances that occur in these arcs. Your team can do their own instance of that solo map too, so you're still teamed, just not doing the solo bits "together" obviously, but rather parallel to one another.

I think that's why people don't team for the low impact missions. My two bits.

And yes, I absolutely love the storytelling mechanic. I've been waiting for this game for over half a decade, and it hasn't disappointed me thus far.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Yeah I do see polaris mentioned a lot when team recruiting is going on.
Probably because Polaris is fun as hell!

If you haven't run it, do try to get in a group for it. I was with the BF and we were both in QL2s being dragged along by a few experienced exCoHers who were really nice and understanding about us being newbs. We died about 5 times on the final boss but eventually pulled out a win, amazingly. I was one of the last people alive (miraculously) and helped to finish him off when his HP got pretty low and you didn't have to dodge is 1HK attack anymore.

FUN! Probably my best experience with the game so far. If the other "dungeons" are like that, I want to do them for sure.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Uhm, what Dimension were you on? Cuz I see people recruiting teams in Kingsmouth on Arcadia all the time, and I login to play at random times on any given day and see teams forming morning, noon, and night. Whomever told you that teams don't happen in Kingsmouth is full of the brown smelly stuff.
It wasn't Arcadia ... I think it may have been either Grim or Cerberus.

I got chatting to a few players on general, and there do seem to be a lot of CoH players there - which is good to see.

I will be subbing to the game very shortly. I came in from work tonight itching to log in to the game ... but my trial finished last night

I think there's enough in the game to keep me occupied for a long time - as long as I can find a good SG (or whatever the TSW term is) to team with.

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
I think there's enough in the game to keep me occupied for a long time - as long as I can find a good SG (or whatever the TSW term is) to team with.
They are called Cabals.

And yes, there is a lot of content to work through (and story with it) depending on how fast you play. I have been playing for several weeks now off and on and still haven't gotten any of my 3 characters out of the starting zone! Maybe that is exceptionally slow. *shrug*



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Probably because Polaris is fun as hell!

If you haven't run it, do try to get in a group for it. I was with the BF and we were both in QL2s being dragged along by a few experienced exCoHers who were really nice and understanding about us being newbs. We died about 5 times on the final boss but eventually pulled out a win, amazingly. I was one of the last people alive (miraculously) and helped to finish him off when his HP got pretty low and you didn't have to dodge is 1HK attack anymore.

FUN! Probably my best experience with the game so far. If the other "dungeons" are like that, I want to do them for sure.
The dungeon in Savage Coast is not quite the same, although it's a bit entertaining at points as well. The way going through the dungeon is also a story is similar, and you learn a lot about what Hell really is.

Nothing quite like the cinematic helicopter bit in Polaris, which was great. But I haven't done any past those two so I can't speak for them. I know a bit about the third one - the Darkness War? - in Blue Mountains. That one is apparently pretty brilliant too.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



How many here have run their first Faction quest?

As a Templar, I had to run the darkness of the parking garage. Really great use of lighting effects.



Originally Posted by Stunrunner View Post
How many here have run their first Faction quest?

As a Templar, I had to run the darkness of the parking garage. Really great use of lighting effects.
I've done it for Templar and Illuminati. I really like how the three factions essentially get the same story, but at different points in the overall story. Your actions as a Templar directly affect the mission the Illuminati get (the Illuminati show up at the parking garage last, after the show is essentially over.)

And yeah, the use of illumination is really well done. There are a couple of future missions that send you into darkness as well, very creepy. Speaking of which, remember to hang on to the head lamp you get from this mission! It will come in handy later.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




I'll have to see how that mission works out for Templar and Illuminati.

I've run three faction missions now. They're fun, although they can be a bit frustrating at times.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
I've done it for Templar and Illuminati. I really like how the three factions essentially get the same story, but at different points in the overall story. Your actions as a Templar directly affect the mission the Illuminati get (the Illuminati show up at the parking garage last, after the show is essentially over.)

And yeah, the use of illumination is really well done. There are a couple of future missions that send you into darkness as well, very creepy. Speaking of which, remember to hang on to the head lamp you get from this mission! It will come in handy later.
I tried to keep mine but when I exited the mission it was gone.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I tried to keep mine but when I exited the mission it was gone.
they fixed it

Krovus - Templar - Arcadia

Infinity & Virtue



Originally Posted by War_Hawk View Post
they fixed it
Oh did they? That's too bad.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
