TSW refugee migration

Angel of Retribution



Originally Posted by JJames View Post
And, clearly, you've missed the point of my post. I was trying to point out a possible reason for mod intervention on the forums (because I usually only see threads closed if they are trolling in nature).

However, I was making a suggestion as to how to get people to help/advise the player on possible problems that could be causing him/her to have such difficulty and/or to find people that would be willing to help. I don't see how me giving examples of how to actually get help is steamrolling a generic answer. If that is what you got from it, then so be it.

As a side note, I haven't had any issues finding a team in game whether it be for missions or dungeons. It may take a few minutes, but I do get one when I need it. It pays to subscribe to the CoH-Refugees and OOC channels. Also, you can go to Agartha to ask. I have ran across many end-game players that are willing to help out a lowbie.

Also, if you choose to leave a game because someone says "panties in a wad," then good luck to you. My finished post was actually much nicer and clean-cut that it originally was. I didn't see a post filled with "***" to be very helpful.

You're still not getting it are you?

Why modslap a paying customer, when you could provide relevant information that assists instead.

The modslap action makes me think that perhaps there's a problem with the game in general.

I know the poster in question from many years playing in CoH, and if he's having issues getting a team - then heaven help the rest of us.

I will certainly go and try out the suggestions that you've made, but there does seem to be a reluctance on the part of many TSW players to team for some reason.

That much was apparent right from the start of my trial period.

As for 'panties in a wad' .... it's not your fault, but I've just always considered it to be a really stupid thing to say

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post

I will certainly go and try out the suggestions that you've made, but there does seem to be a reluctance on the part of many TSW players to team for some reason.
Most of the non-dungeon content is pretty clearly designed to be soloed, even containing more than a few solo-only dungeons where you CAN'T group. The devs have posted that there will be less solo-only content in the future due to the concerns of players who prefer to group.

I generally prefer to solo myself when the content doesn't require a group, so I can't really comment on the difficulty of finding groups for non-dungeons. For dungeon runs, however, I haven't had any trouble getting groups. The LFG group tool (which works cross-dimensionally) has always gotten me a group pretty quickly. I do usually sign up as a healer, so that might improve my results since healers and tanks for groups are typically harder to find.

The LFG tool can also be used for non-dungeon content, but since I usually solo open-world content I can't say how useful it is for finding more general groups.




Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
You're still not getting it are you?

Why modslap a paying customer, when you could provide relevant information that assists instead.

The modslap action makes me think that perhaps there's a problem with the game in general.
Let me put it this way ... And please keep in mind (as I said earlier), I did not/have not seen the OPs post ... I have noticed that the mods will close a thread if it is not asking for help but is instead trolling in nature. I have never seen them shut down a thread if someone is truly asking for help or for ways that they can improve upon their gaming experience.

There is no need for the endless "This game sucks! I quit!" posts in the forums, they don't help anyone. Think about it, if they allowed every one of those original threads, we would be overrun with them from every "child" who loves the game until they die, are killed during pvp, or any other possibly minuscule thing happened that they didn't like. However, they do allow posts that truly critique points of the game and reasons for leaving. I have read plenty of them and they are allowed to remain open until people start trolling, flaming, or going completely off-topic.

I don't know the OP, never played with him in-game, nor read his post on the TSW forums. I was just speculating as to reasons for a mod interaction and suggesting that it may have been the way in which he posted his frustration.

Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
I know the poster in question from many years playing in CoH, and if he's having issues getting a team - then heaven help the rest of us.

I will certainly go and try out the suggestions that you've made, but there does seem to be a reluctance on the part of many TSW players to team for some reason.

That much was apparent right from the start of my trial period.
If you look in the forums under Cabal and the separate dimensions, they have cabal listings for new and old players. I have talked to several of the cabal reps and they have all been willing to take on and help new players. I have seen some cabals advertising in general chat for recruitment that aren't listed anywhere in the forums (or not that I've seen anyways). So, it may be helpful to throw out in OOC and general that you are looking for a cabal that accepts new players.


I do have one question. If teaming is so important to you and you felt it was extremely lacking during your trial period, then why did you sub to the game? **Not trying to be a smart***, honestly just curious.**

Originally Posted by Cobra_Man View Post
As for 'panties in a wad' .... it's not your fault, but I've just always considered it to be a really stupid thing to say
You think it's stupid. Others don't. Meh, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
I've just had a pretty nasty experience on TSW - so I post this as a potential warning. YYMV so I'm not damning the game outright but be aware.

I have struggled to get teams at low levels because try as I might I can't get the CoH channels to work and most "Cabals" (SGs to us) are already high level and doing NM (nightmare mode) stuff it seems.

So I post in the forums to say I'm struggling and unlikely to continue to play because I'm tired of dying. Apparently they have a rule against that (which to me seems to be a very overly strict interpretation about posting account closure details.) I also get "Three Infraction Points" against my account.

Quite what they are is open to interpretation but it's not good and I've clearly been censured for saying, very politely, that I struggle with the game and the culture. So be prepared to get modslapped on there. I've said and done much worse on here and not even got a reprimand and the only time I got into a fight with a mod on this forum was during last summer's riots where I got to tell a Mod "**** you and the horse you rode in on" and an appology from her. (We're cool now by the way)

But also something to consider: TSW went live in July and already people are running out of stuff to do. It might not have the legs we think even though it looks gorgeous.
If you would like to post your player name, there are plenty of people in this thread that can take a look at your chronicle and see if there is anything standing out with your spec, gear, or point allocation that may be causing you survivability issues.

A couple of small tips that helped me tremendously when I first started:

1) Get Lick Your Wounds (in Fists) as soon as possible for one of your passive skills. Immortal Spirit (in Blades) is also beneficial. Just make sure to keep yourself as your defensive target when fighting monsters so that the heals are applied to you.

2) Make sure to put some points into your talismans as well as your main and secondary weapon skills. This will allow you to equip better gear.

3) Make sure your gear (if you're dps) has at least one tanking piece (for the hp), attack gear, and one or two healing pieces (for self heals).

4) Make use of the AH/Marketplace. At lower levels, you can get gear for dirt cheap most of the time.

5) Make sure to use your active dodge ability (it will get rid of a lot of unnecessary damage intake).

Not sure if you are aware of this website or not, http://wordpress.tswguides.com/ , but it gives some really solid survival builds for lower levels. Just keep in mind that you don't have to follow them exactly, you can change skills out to meet your needs.



Originally Posted by JJames View Post
As a side note, I haven't had any issues finding a team in game whether it be for missions or dungeons. It may take a few minutes, but I do get one when I need it. It pays to subscribe to the CoH-Refugees and OOC channels. Also, you can go to Agartha to ask. I have ran across many end-game players that are willing to help out a lowbie.
Yes, chat in coh refugees, and you will likely get near instant turnaround on some help. I run with people all maxed out on ql10 equipment, but I am still in BM, with a few mishs left in SC, running on ql6 blues and a ql8 weapon (I need a second ql8 weapon :/).

We had a call last night in chan for some help doing cat god. I jumped in right away, even though the broke nature of the stupid quest meant I got no reward or experience. It looks like this will be retroactively applied to our accounts if we finished it though, I think....

In any case, we are more than willing to help and assist!

hew2 in chan <-

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
Yes, chat in coh refugees, and you will likely get near instant turnaround on some help. I run with people all maxed out on ql10 equipment, but I am still in BM, with a few mishs left in SC, running on ql6 blues and a ql8 weapon (I need a second ql8 weapon :/).

We had a call last night in chan for some help doing cat god. I jumped in right away, even though the broke nature of the stupid quest meant I got no reward or experience. It looks like this will be retroactively applied to our accounts if we finished it though, I think....

In any case, we are more than willing to help and assist!

hew2 in chan <-
Yes, the patch going in right now is going to add the xp to any character that has finished the mission but not gotten exp for it.

I've got one alt just starting in Egypt, one still running BM and a third who has just stepped into SC - always willing to team up with anybody on the channel.



Originally Posted by JJames View Post

I do have one question. If teaming is so important to you and you felt it was extremely lacking during your trial period, then why did you sub to the game? **Not trying to be a smart***, honestly just curious.**

I decided to sub to the game as I can see that it has the potential to be very, very good.

The graphics are very easy on the eye and I like the combat system, but above all I love the genre.

Whilst I quite like the sword/sorcery/orcs/elves genre in movies and books, I just can't get into it in gaming terms.

I've no idea why

TSW deals with a genre that is modern and ancient at the same time, and it ticks all my boxes (to coin a phrase).

I'm a big fan of the Laundry series of books by Charles Stross, so the conspiracy theory/Elder Gods/urban legends theme is something that I would prefer to play.

I honestly hope the game does well. I have no problem with buying the game and subbing - even if I can see that it appears to have some issues.

Here's hoping the game has a long future

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Originally Posted by MikeRobe View Post
Yes, the patch going in right now is going to add the xp to any character that has finished the mission but not gotten exp for it..
Looks like this isn't in place yet... lots of folk who've completed halloween missions still haven't received their expees



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Here ya go.

I just got Banned on my Account!


TerraDraconis just dropped the hammer on Evil Legacy for accusing everyone of picking on the OP. Too funny. I always get a kick out of watching someone have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.
It appears that thread has been banished to the phantom zone.




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
It appears that thread has been banished to the phantom zone.
Wow, you're right. I had read it a short time ago when I logged in. Just checked again and it's missing.

P.S. Now we're discussing forum moderation. Oh noes!

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



With the direction that thread was going, is anybody surprised (even a little) that it went away?



Originally Posted by MikeRobe View Post
With the direction that thread was going, is anybody surprised (even a little) that it went away?
More like pleasantly surprised.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
It appears that thread has been banished to the phantom zone.
Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Wow, you're right. I had read it a short time ago when I logged in. Just checked again and it's missing.

P.S. Now we're discussing forum moderation. Oh noes!
Originally Posted by MikeRobe View Post
With the direction that thread was going, is anybody surprised (even a little) that it went away?
Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
More like pleasantly surprised.

Well someone posted that they reported the kids thread because he was using an alternate account to get around his primary account being banned so it's likely that not only did his thread get deleted but the account he used to make it was also banned.

And now he doesn't even have an alt account to play on.



Originally Posted by Knight_Marshal View Post
Tip of the Day When doing dungeons, remember that there are lore objects that can only be found in the dungeons. You can look them up in game to see which ones you have. Some are tricksy as in Polaris, you only get the lore object if you activate the zombie that is lying on the ground like a body and then kill it. Another one requires you to enter in a code to activate a drone that leads you to the lore object. Think outside the box.
You mean "After defeating the section boss" and "Inputting the Code to progress". In other words look around after a section while everyone rests up.

Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
I have struggled to get teams at low levels because try as I might I can't get the CoH channels to work and most "Cabals" (SGs to us) are already high level and doing NM (nightmare mode) stuff it seems.
I'd like to help you with this.


This thread has a program that will help set the autologin files. Still the recommended way is to do it yourself, as explained up-thread. If I may ask, what is happening? Are you not getting told you are joining the channels, losing channels? You might not be set to subscribe to the channels.

I have one friend that is having issues with any channel (even general) staying joined. I've told him to /petition it, but even he has managed to do all the regular dungeons and most of the elites. I think he has asked in Agartha and used the LFG tool in the menu.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by <span style="color: GoldenRod; font-weight: bold;">Forbin_Project</span> View Post
You should ask a GM if the character can be restored. Our GM's used to be able to do it so it couldn't hurt to ask.

If you do ask I wish you the best of luck.
Hmmm...didn't think about that. I just sucked it up and started over.

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Well someone posted that they reported the kids thread because he was using an alternate account to get around his primary account being banned so it's likely that not only did his thread get deleted but the account he used to make it was also banned.

And now he doesn't even have an alt account to play on.
Ouch. Of course, the thread would have been deleted before it passed page one if we were under full moderation seeing as how posting about bans is against forum rules.




Originally Posted by MikeRobe View Post
With the direction that thread was going, is anybody surprised (even a little) that it went away?
I was surprised it went away at all. But pleasantly surprised. In the old days when I had to walk up hill five miles in the driving snow to school the moderators would have removed it within hours of it first appearing....

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Originally Posted by JJames View Post
Have you tried changing to DX9 TerraDraconis? Also, turning vegetation and shadow levels down? I had to do all of that and I now have very minimal issues (except really low fps in London). Even turning those settings down, the game is still beautiful.
Got a chance to briefly check on this last night. I had already switched to DX9, but taking the veg and shad down to .2 each was amazing. I didn't get to stay in long but I had been getting frame rates of 12 - 15 with occasional bouts of 1 or just frozen. Last night for the bit of time I had to check I was getting framerates of 29 - 32 with the occasional slowdown to 15. I'll have to give this a longer term run and maybe I can bump one or the other up a notch but thank you very much for the specific slider adjustments that I had missed.

I do like TSW and what was keeping me from enjoying it was the bad framerates and lockups in combat.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
Got a chance to briefly check on this last night. I had already switched to DX9, but taking the veg and shad down to .2 each was amazing. I didn't get to stay in long but I had been getting frame rates of 12 - 15 with occasional bouts of 1 or just frozen. Last night for the bit of time I had to check I was getting framerates of 29 - 32 with the occasional slowdown to 15. I'll have to give this a longer term run and maybe I can bump one or the other up a notch but thank you very much for the specific slider adjustments that I had missed.

I do like TSW and what was keeping me from enjoying it was the bad framerates and lockups in combat.
I'm glad that it seems like it will make an improvement for you.

I've left mine turned down. I still get a drop in frame rates on occasion (mostly in London), but it is infrequent and usually the worst right after a patch. So I can live with that.



Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
Ouch. Of course, the thread would have been deleted before it passed page one if we were under full moderation seeing as how posting about bans is against forum rules.
The sad thing about that kids scenario is ...

If he had just used a different attitude the responses would have been completely different. For example if he had said

"I screwed up and filed a charge back when they announced the game was shutting down and now they've cancelled my account. What can I do to get this fixed ..."

would have gotten a totally different response than his righteous indignation over getting punished for committing credit card fraud.

With the attitude he actually had the only thing surprising was how polite and civil we were to him in spite of E_L's pathetic attempts to engage in a flamewar. That girl really needs to stay on the meds the doctors gave her.



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
Got a chance to briefly check on this last night. I had already switched to DX9, but taking the veg and shad down to .2 each was amazing. I didn't get to stay in long but I had been getting frame rates of 12 - 15 with occasional bouts of 1 or just frozen. Last night for the bit of time I had to check I was getting framerates of 29 - 32 with the occasional slowdown to 15. I'll have to give this a longer term run and maybe I can bump one or the other up a notch but thank you very much for the specific slider adjustments that I had missed.

I do like TSW and what was keeping me from enjoying it was the bad framerates and lockups in combat.
This is going to sound really 'newb' but it was something I didn't think of until a few nights ago. I was having slow downs and freezes, too. If I had to alt tab to another window, when I came back, my monitor wouldn't work. (I am on a laptop). Then I did something that just made me face palm that I didn't think of it earlier:

Under video settings, I changed the resolution to match my desktop. I haven't had an issue since then... and the game looks AMAZING! I have more real estate on my game screen, too... the only down side is the chat font, even at it's large setting.. is still tiny.

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Duck! there seems to be a forum moderator sneaking around these parts...



I am running a little Halloween ARG for my guild in TSW. I know some of you probably did not get to experience the ARG leading up to the opening of TSW, so I thought you might want to give it a try.

The ARG is basically real world puzzles that need to be researched and solved to advance a storyline. It is done outside of the game, so no need to actually be playing TSW. Puzzle answers are posted to the forums as are the next clues in the sequence, thus, making it open to anyone to participate whether you are playing TSW or not. I have it in the public section of our TSW forums, so anyone can jump in and help.


Sir Zane (Lvl 50, Inv/SS/Nrg Tank);Atomic Jake (Lvl 50, Kin/Rad/Elec Defender)
Nikolai (Lvl 50, DM/EA/GW Brute);Raging Stallion (Lvl 50 MA/SR/Weap Scrapper)
Archmage Tristam (Lvl 50 Ill/Son/Psi Controller)



Originally Posted by Sir_Zane View Post
I am running a little Halloween ARG for my guild in TSW. I know some of you probably did not get to experience the ARG leading up to the opening of TSW, so I thought you might want to give it a try.

The ARG is basically real world puzzles that need to be researched and solved to advance a storyline. It is done outside of the game, so no need to actually be playing TSW. Puzzle answers are posted to the forums as are the next clues in the sequence, thus, making it open to anyone to participate whether you are playing TSW or not. I have it in the public section of our TSW forums, so anyone can jump in and help.

Thank you!

that is an interesting thread you have going.

Krovus - Templar - Arcadia

Infinity & Virtue