Per-Power Weapons Customization.
If anything, the issue has become more pronounced.
The issue being redraw.

So, what you're trying to say is that you want to increase the activation time of every assault rifle power by about half a second (due to redraw) purely for your visual entertainment.
Way back in the early days of weapons customization, the hope was that power like AR would be able to choose a different weapon skin for each power. This would open the door for a flamethrower for "Flamethrower", a shotgun for buckshot, and so on. I know there were technical issues with this back then, but I would think (read: hope) those issues have been resolved since then.
While being able to choose individual weapon models for individual attacks definitely would be a neat idea, it'd also be a stupid idea and you would quickly wish you hadn't done so the fiftieth time you have to swap your flamethrower for your shotgun.
...or you could, I don't know, just have the new model appear in your hand.
So, what you're trying to say is that you want to increase the activation time of every assault rifle power by about half a second (due to redraw) purely for your visual entertainment.
While being able to choose individual weapon models for individual attacks definitely would be a neat idea, it'd also be a stupid idea and you would quickly wish you hadn't done so the fiftieth time you have to swap your flamethrower for your shotgun. |
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
That's what I've been wanting for all physical weapons. Redraw really isn't worth pulling a sword(s)/axe/gun/bow out from behind your back. Especially since you're pulling them out of nowhere anyway.

You can't, and I'm pretty sure you were around when BABs explained this. In his own words, the power sequencer requires SOMETHING to play when a weapon is drawn. He tried simply removing weapon draw animations and the sequencer started doing very undesirable things. BABs did not specify, but I've seen evidence of what he might be referring to. Titan Weapons Whirling Smash, when used with momentum, will not play its draw animation at all. You will simply spin around with the sword showing up in your hands instantaneously. However, the hit effects and damage dealt are timed to draw+animation, so ALL of this will happen with a considerable delay, usually after you've done your fast follow-up attack. That's not acceptable behaviour.
...or you could, I don't know, just have the new model appear in your hand.
BABs did quite a bit of work "removing" redraw so that the game worked exactly like you're suggesting. However, he ran into showstopping bugs with Shield Defence + Right-Handed Weapon, and left the company before he could find a solution. No-one has picked up his work since he left, and according to him, there was a lot of work to do and a lot of problems to figure out.
Moreover, what you're asking for is impossible for weapon sets for the simple fact that weapon customization is power-independent, at least for the most part. A weapon is a costume element that exists on the character at all time, it's just invisible when it's not "drawn." You only have one slot for a weapon per powerset, and you can't be given 9 weapons to customize any more so than you can be given 9 helmets to customize. That's just how the combat system works. There were problems with characters having too many custom weapons back in the day, when pistols Mastermind unlocked the Mace epic, so if three weapons was close to too much, 9 weapons ought to be over the line, especially since you then have to figure out what to do with Munitions Mastery.
You COULD argue that this could just be done like Claws, but you're still running into a problem - picking dissimilar claw models from power customization still introduces redraw between in-set attacks, it's just very short for Claws so it doesn't matter. Moreover, because it's power customization handling the claws, it means you can't customize their effects, meaning your "toxins" are always a dark green. You'll note how newer sets like Titan Weapons and Staff Fighting have customization both for the weapon AND the power effects. This is what you'd lose if you made weapons power customization. Having the weapon be a costume element and the actual power a visual effect grants better customization.
I'm not against the heart of your idea, honestly. I just don't think it's consistent with what the game can do and how it's set up.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Way back in the early days of weapons customization, the hope was that power like AR would be able to choose a different weapon skin for each power. This would open the door for a flamethrower for "Flamethrower", a shotgun for buckshot, and so on. I know there were technical issues with this back then, but I would think (read: hope) those issues have been resolved since then.
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."