City of Heroes Tattoo
I salute your dedication and admire the lack of typos.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.

Fabulous! I'll possibly be getting the Controller logo somewhere, some day, if I have money and provided I can find another inker, since mine quit a few years ago.
Supergroup logo + motto = perfect memorial.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Very cool. I'm still planning to get BZB on me soon.
Be well, people of CoH.

Since City has been such a large part of my life for the past 8 ½ years Ill be in mourning when it finally goes dark on the 30th. Ive enjoyed playing the game that has let me be a HERO and do wondrous things such as Fly, shoot Laser Beams, be Invulnerable and many many many other things. But for the past 7 ½ years Ive been doing it as part of a wonderful Super Group: Paragons Super Friends, on the Champion Server.

I founded PSF with four other players and we have grown from those original four to include lots of other players, maybe even you. We have used TeamSpeak for most of that time and become real life friends. We have players from East/West/North/South and in-between some from other countries, Canada, England, Puerto Rico and all of them have made this game and me better. Several of us have met at GenCon between 2007 thru 2011 and visited each other. Many of us will be heading to a friends house in Jonesboro, Arkansas to play a marathon session until they shut the servers down.
To pay tribute to all of those players, the devs who worked tirelessly for us I decided to get a tattoo. Im currently living in Tallahassee, Florida and went to Solid Ink to get it done. The Blue and Red Logo is that of our SG with our name at the top and a motto, Once A Hero Always A Hero, I came up with shortly before getting the tattoo.
I wanted to share this with you as Ive seen a few other Tattoo posts. Please feel free to use the motto/style/SG name.
Rich the Hero Guy
Da Falcon Scrapper lvl 50
Shadow Hunter Q Blaster lvl 50
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