I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!
Dead servers are easier to shut down than active ones. |
"Just cause you don't understand what's going on don't mean it don't make no sense
And just cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good" - Suicidal Tendancies
It is interesting to see who is at what stage of grief/loss.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
My point being that its easier for NCSoft to justify shutting down if no one is playing. If the servers remain full, then perhaps they have some explaining to do.
Don't bite pal.
AK is trolling you.
Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.
Hero 50's - 25
Villain 50's - 1
For November 30th it is a shame there isn't a Moon Emote we can do for NCSoft.
"Why can't the villains ever hide out in the old abandon catnip factory?"

This is what you bring to the table?
I would have thought you would be leading a final assault on Triumph.
Guess that puts you firmly in the acceptance stage?
"Just cause you don't understand what's going on don't mean it don't make no sense
And just cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good" - Suicidal Tendancies
If I can get back on my feet, so can anyone else, Snow Globe.
If you haven't sent in your handwritten letter, your masks, capes, if you haven't attempted to dream up, fund, or organize every new and crazy idea you can think of, then you ought to get back on your feet and keep trying. Give yourself something to look back on later and feel some pride over. Not just pride for yourself. Pride for something larger than yourself. The effort to save City of Heroes.
@Captain-Electric � Detective Marvel � The Sapien Spider � Moravec Man � The Old Norseman
Dark-Eyes � Doctor Serpentine � Stonecaster � Skymaiden � The Blue Jaguar
Guide to Altitis � A Comic for New Players � The Lore Project � Intro to extraterrestrials in CoH
I have never been more proud of this community. We are going to show NCSoft that we are the most united, dedicated and (dare I say it?) STUBBORN community ever!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
It's funny, just a bit earlier, I glanced at the thread title "Where will the last place you log out from be?" or some such topic...
And I thought, "Huh, I'm not going to log out. They'll have to shut them off, because I'm going to stay in and my character will be fighting!".
So, yeah... I'm there with ya.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
It's funny, just a bit earlier, I glanced at the thread title "Where will the last place you log out from be?" or some such topic...
And I thought, "Huh, I'm not going to log out. They'll have to shut them off, because I'm going to stay in and my character will be fighting!". So, yeah... I'm there with ya. |
I wish I could stand all of my toons up against a named enemy and could fight for their cause.....
I liken this situation to how I react to a dying relative, or friends last days. I could sit here and cry, try to be sympathetic, try to make sense of it all..... OR make those last days count for something.
I know a lot of others out there want to go out fighting.... and what I'm proposing will be the lot of us going out fighting together! Tell the "red names" to bring arch-villains, heroes, or The Hami Itself!
They will tell stories and sing songs of our Heroism!
"Just cause you don't understand what's going on don't mean it don't make no sense
And just cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good" - Suicidal Tendancies
Brawling Humiliator will be prowling the maps, all of them, from November 29 through 30. Period. If he happens to be in RWZ during a raid, so be it, and he'll be part of the throng.
But he'll be there. Everywhere. Visiting every map possible. From Paragon to Praetoria to Rogue Isles and back, brawling anything in his path. Including the Shadow Shard, from one side to the other and back. RV. RWZ. Grandville. Both Sewers. And the Hollows tunnels.
All of it.
Nobody will stand before BH... None shall be allowed to stop him. And if they do? He'll go to the hospital, and make his rounds again.. and again.. until he finishes that map, and moves on.
Because that's how it's gonna BE.
Long live CoH!
/DA in the back might be... dicey. But I'll do mah best.
//Come with! 24-7 brawling action isn't boring... is it?
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
I generally admire the maturity of our community's reaction to the planned closing of CoH and all the resulting efforts to prevent those plans from achieving fruition.
Butt... |
I don't think we have it here, but SWG had a /rude emote that came up as an "unrecognized salute" or something to that effect. It was quite useful for getting your point across.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster
That Stinging Sensation #482183
I could lie and say that I was taking my time to respond to these posts, but that isn't me. I will say that I thought I'd check into it though.
Really Snow?
This is what you bring to the table? I would have thought you would be leading a final assault on Triumph. Guess that puts you firmly in the acceptance stage? |
I'm not in denial, as I'm sure it will happen. I'm far too rational for that. Whether or not it gets bought out or not is another matter. However I'm not pinning my hopes on that either.
I'm still angry about this, but not for losing the game. I'm angry about losing the community.
Bargaining requires that I have something of value to bargain with. I don't. I don't think bargaining with corporate entities works, so that leaves the final two stages.
Depression. Well, depression can only get you so much as you let it. When I was younger I contemplated suicide (but never attempted it), and the game shutting down isn't as devastating as what was going on earlier in my life.
That leaves acceptance. I can accept that CoH (the game) is leaving. I'm still working on the community part though.
If I can get back on my feet, so can anyone else, Snow Globe.
I have that already. For more than you'd expect. Sure there is my time with the City Scoop (that was hard to do with going to College full time), and my contributions to the forums, but I'm most proud of my efforts to build and maintain communities.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Are you going to go quietly?
If you work. Cancel. If you have school. Cancel. If its past your bedtime... have a nap. If you want to give them an excellent reason to shut down.... just don't show. Dead servers are easier to shut down than active ones. Lets enjoy our final time together and do what we do. |
I am still playing the game, I will continue to do so even with the knowledge that my new Nature Affinity toon is probably never going to hit 50, and if she does most of the Incarnate path will be closed to her due to lack of time.
It would help to know exactly what time on the 30th they're planning to throw the switch. Midnight of the 29th? 7 am? When? Whenever it is, I plan on being in-game with my main.
Then after the screen goes black I am gonna take a Xanax.

Interesting. Just imagined a switch was thrown and it would go offline. First time I heard it was harder to do this if thre were people logged on.
Plus if they dont have a plan on how to shut down the servers when people are on it, then they did not plan very well. They should know that the last day is usually the most busy in some game's entire life span.
-Female Player-
I see what you did there....
I don't think we have it here, but SWG had a /rude emote that came up as an "unrecognized salute" or something to that effect. It was quite useful for getting your point across. ![]() |

Back on the topic of stages of grief though...
Well, I never had denial - I played Tabula Rasa you see, so I know NCSoft

Didn't get angry either - large corporations are faceless mechanical entities that are prone to making bizarre and inexplicable decisions, so it's pointless getting angry with them, just as it's pointless getting angry with the rain for being wet.
Bargaining? See "angry" above

Depression...not really. Sadness though, oh yes indeed, a lot of sadness.
Acceptance - I accepted it from day one really...so I guess I've gone from stage 5 to stage 4 and then back to stage 5. With a trip back to stage 4 before returning to stage 5 again.
And now acceptance to the point where I can post a screenshot from my second favourite (deceased) MMO and still smile about it

-Female Player-
I am not mad - I never was. NCSoft is a business and they make choices that affect people's lives and they don't do it out of malice.
It is our job to show them that they would rather have us on their side as happy, lively and motivated players than against them as angry consumers. I have written my letters to NCSoft and am willing to help fund a new startup that takes over the IP.
However, make no mistake on November 30th these servers will turn off.
Our efforts are focused to getting another company to turn them on again. It is really that simple. I will play the game as I have since day one with one goal - FUN!
When they boot me in November this game has given me so very much fun, more than any other game I have played in my 53 years. I will watch the final sunset with all of you.
I think I'll go out in the zone where I have the most vivid memories when I first started playing in '04.
Perez Park
That place scared me. No kidding. It was scary.
All dark and narrow paths that led from one horde of CoT to vahzilok. All because someone in broadcast shouted something about a 'hydra' being sighted in the middle of the map.
I think I was lvl 8. Dark/dark defender. Teaming with a friend of mine that was an nrg/nrg blaster.
I mighta died like 6x just getting lost in the woods. Getting rezzed by drive by empaths. The place was packed with all kinds of noobs. Me being one of them.
Good times.
Please buff Ice Control.
I've had it up to here!!!!! (i'm pointing at something very high)
I'VE HAD ENOUGH! Ok we've been hearing a lot of crying and b*llsh*t about the end of COX!
I say we fight, to the end!
YES! Keep up the petitions!
YES! Keep up the letter writing campaigns!
YES! Keep spreading the word!
And on that SCHEDULED final day (November 30, 2012) I say we all get together for the most massive invasion ever! Mothership raid in RWZ. All heroes. All villains. Every server. Every body. IF we save COX - then consider that the celebratory party.... but IF/ and When the servers go down, we go down fighting! No crying, no b*tching! FIGHTING!
When the lights go out i want to be clicking my mouse buttons like my life depends on it!
Are you going to go quietly?
If you work. Cancel.
If you have school. Cancel.
If its past your bedtime... have a nap.
If you want to give them an excellent reason to shut down.... just don't show. Dead servers are easier to shut down than active ones.
Lets enjoy our final time together and do what we do.
"Just cause you don't understand what's going on don't mean it don't make no sense
And just cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good" - Suicidal Tendancies