142 -
Sentinel+ has a beta version too if you want to back up your toons "just in case"......
http://cit.cohtitan.com/sentinelplus/ -
Quote:So what?!?! *facepalmSo what. The Teamsters have union members working at UPS that get paid $29. bucks an hour, yet the Teamsters union chose to keep Hostess employees employed because they understood that a pay cut and steady work is right before Christmas is better than unemployment, no Christmas, and struggling to make ends meet.
So what? So its obviously possible to have a profitable company and still pay workers decent wages.
So what? So why stop at $17/hr? So why not cut their wages to $5/hr and make the company look really profitable? Or so you can give the CEO an even bigger raise.... so the company can go bankrupt anyway.
So what? Really?
It's a sad thing when the people side with the corporation which couldn't give a crap about you, and turn their backs on their fellow man. The workers already made concessions and hit the point where they decided to fight. Instead of backing them... you want them to give up more?
Anyway.... if you want a Twinkie.... Canada would be happy to sell you some....... LOL!
*Oh, and the Teamsters? They only agreed to pay cuts on the basis that management would take cuts as well. Which.... they didn't. (See the giant raises?) Surprise! The management did not keep up their end of the bargain. -
I copied this from Wikipedia......
"Twinkies are still produced in Canada by Saputo Incorporated's Vachon Inc. (at a bakery in Montreal) which owns the Canadian rights for the product from Hostess and is not affected by the actions in the United States."
Vachon is Unionized and employees make more than lol $17/hr.
Nuff Said. -
I seem to remember in one part of the first SSA there is a mission with a bunch of the battleships from Sutter - floating in the air - that you have to climb to reach the floating island..... and its soloable.
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lucky 13
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Holy crap thats awesome! They're making a whole show of this?!?!?!
For the zone music files... go to paragon wiki and look up each zone.
For example atlas park... http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Atlas_Park
1/2 way down the page is "neighbourhoods" and beside each is "music" - you can download the music from each neighbourhood in every zone (as an .ogg file). I did this one at a time (i seem to remember theres some 200 different music files). Someone posted all of them in one file, but i dont have a link at the moment. Those music files are great and stir up a lot of nostalgia in game.......
For the sound effects - someone posted this fansite kit - great stuff! http://na.cityofheroes.com/en/commun...n_site_kit.php -
I'd like to see Dark Empire.... where Luke joins the dark side and Leia has to save him. Can't remember who wrote it, but it was an awesome comic.
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6, 13, 17, 20, 27, 32, 40, 44, 48 57, 58,63, 67, 74, 77, 81, 95, 99 -
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Lucky 13
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2, 3, 8, 12, 13, 27, 30, 34, 39, 47, 57 64, 74, 78, 81, 99 -
They said that the WST's are loaded 3 months in advance, and that Aug 30th they were preloaded to Nov 30th. So there is supposed to be WST's to the end, it just seems we haven't been told yet.
If no official post is made, just look in the LFG window for the task force highlighted in purple for the current WST. -
Quote:check out mmodata.net they seem to have reliable numbersI read "most active" as the dev team currently working on Issue 24, 25, etc...
I would however like to see a citation for "largest" MMO to be shut down. Without hard facts regarding subscription numbers makes me wonder how one can claim this. The best guesses out there atm are that CoH had between 50k-60k subs on 8/31/2012. I have no idea about games like SWG, Auto Assault, etc etc as I never played them nor had any idea how large their populations were. I am NOT saying Posi is lying.. I would just love to know the numbers for such a thing.
after a quick peek - looks like swg had less than 25k when their announcement was given. same with tabula rasa. i wouldn't be surprised if their CoH claim is correct.
:'( -
I made 2 new toons Thursday morning - staff/fire tank 1-47 and a beast/sonic mm 1-46. Did DFBlow me twice on each toon, then ran all the tf's for task force commander. Add in moonfire and itf... and there you go. Also got the atlas medallion, portal jockey, and freedom phalanx reserve on both of them.
This week I plan to run kahn, lady grey, and liberty to 50 and run some itrials. -
I hope you sell lots!
I will buy any CoH app..... if its android... -
Quote:I would like to congratulate you for you being so stable, well adjusted, and being above such things, but really your lack of understanding and empathy probably just makes you a psychopath.I cannot sympathize with getting worked up over threats to expose something embarrassing I voluntarily did in a fit of stupidity, or the subsequent exposure. It's the sort of thing I would shrug off.
And I cannot sympathize with taking up self mutilation because people say bad things about me.
And I also cannot sympathize with not taking appropriate legal action for clearly misplaced sentiment.
And probably a few other actions and reactions on her part.
Having been in similar situations to varying degrees, I can sympathize with the situation itself, but just not the actions and reactions to it. -
I heard everyone has access to beta server now - so you can transfer locked toons there and play them - or back them up with titan sentinel+.
Hell yeah I'd play it.
I wouldn't care if its "illegal" or not. Its the only game I like. -
Quote:Guild Wars 2 - excellent point and you are probably correct there.First let's ignore the fact that the surge was likely due to Guild Wars 2 with one million pre-sales launching a few days before our announcement. Second the closure of City of Heroes simply wasn't reported in Korea, on NCSoft's corporate web site or even their game site (unlike the rejection notice last week) or on Korean MMO gaming sites or investor news sites. Our closer was a non-event in the eyes of the Korean investment community.
Yes, there should be a minor mention in the next quarterly report, buried among the footnotes compared to the highlighting of Guild Wars 2 sales which brings that quarter back to profitability. We are small fish. We are a coral atoll while their other games are continental land masses. The loss of our little island will be overshadowed by the newly discovered land of Guild Wars 2.
As for who else owns NCSoft, that's public record. First only 28% is owned by foreign investors. 10% is own my management, which is the founder/CEO/Director (he had 25% but sold 15% to Nexon); 9% by the national pension, 15% by domestic institutions, 13% by individuals and the remaining 9% the company is sitting on. So sure we might through some mutual fund in our 401K own a fraction of NCSoft, but we aren't Warren Buffet and don't own enough of anything to actually influence anyone.
Whether one owns 90% or 0.00000001% does not make anyone less culpable. All 100% combined are seeking the same goal - profit. -
Quote:Note that the entire post begins with "I BELIEVE" and that sentence begins with "IT SEEMS". There are details I do not have proof of, and that is one. Posts I have read on Facebook outlined jobs taken by various Paragon staff. I have not verified these, nor do I intend to. It could be just as possible that NCsoft viewed Paragon staff as dead weight and just wanted to get rid of them, and now they live in a van by the river. I make no claims to any of this being fact."Already it seems they have found positions for the Paragon staff in new projects. Again.... an investment sacrificing CoH to better use the staff elsewhere."
I keep seeing things like this written as well as "better use of resources".
Am I incorrect in my understanding of the Paragon Staff employment being terminated the day of the announcement?
That's not a better use of resources, that's eliminate income plus profit (minimal or otherwise), as well as eliminate the positions that income was funding while losing any profits. -
... but I'll get to that in a minute.....
I have no doubt that whatever the real reason is behind CoH being shut down .... we wouldn't like it very much.
I BELIEVE, as someone stated earlier, that the loss of CoH is simply an act to increase stock value for the shareholders. Companies are always under pressure to make stock look good. Yes, traditionally to look good they will turn a profit. However, layoffs, budget cuts, and all kinds of other sometimes questionable tactics are used to make people believe stock has greater value.
See stock prices ARE based on real things like assets, liabilities, and income potential, BUT are also often driven by perception - basically what people think the company is worth, what they are willing to pay, and will it make them money. Speculation.
Just as the stock price of NCSoft increased some 15% after the CoH closure announcement, they dropped again a week later. Perhaps a correction after the initial surge, or perhaps (as I like to believe) a reaction to the negative press they began to receive from the petition and the savecoh campaigns.
Lets toss some numbers around for fun. CoH I understand makes $10 million /year. Even if they put time, effort, and money into marketing to say... double that.... you're looking at $20 million/ year. A lot to you and I, but not so to a company "worth" around $5 billion. Simply announcing the "sunset" of CoH... their stock surged 15%... thats an increase in their "value" of $750 million!!!!
Funny huh? You and I see that as a loss of real income... but to them its a tiny investment increasing share value. (Probably netted the executives some nice bonuses at the same time).
So, why our City? CoH is really small in their arsenal of games. Sure Aion may be losing money (I don't know that - just heard it) - but it still has potential in sheer numbers of players. Aion was in the 1 million subscriber range at one point - CoH peaked around 150k with the most recent below the 50k mark. I could probably find other examples but I think you get the idea.
Assuming all of this is correct... the best plan of action would probably to continue the bad publicity and continue to tank NCsoft stock prices. Even if we can't save CoH - we can at least send a message for them to tread carefully in the future.
Still can't wrap your head around them throwing away $10 million /year? Consider the most valuable thing to a software company.... the people. The people are the most valuable thing they have. Where we see a great team of Zwill et al and the community as a whole, they can see a waste of resources. Like having a goose that can lay golden eggs only pumping out tin. "They are only making $10 mil /year? They should be making $100 mil!" Already it seems they have found positions for the Paragon staff in new projects. Again.... an investment sacrificing CoH to better use the staff elsewhere.
A lot of people have been blaming Nexon for this situation. Which is entirely reasonable, after all, at 14.7% they are the majority shareholder, and again, anything NCSoft has done has been to increase shareholder value. This got me thinking. Who else is a shareholder? There is another 85.3% of NCSoft floating out there. Is it possible... that WE own it? Could CoH players actually be the evil shareholders that we are up in arms about?
My first thought was to look at mutual funds. For those not familiar, a mutual fund is a group of stocks put together as a bundle by a financial institution. Most of us don't keep track of all the different companies in our mutual funds, but there can be dozens - or even hundreds. Likely companies you have heard of like Apple, Microsoft, and IBM, but also many you haven't heard of...
So, in Google I typed "ncsoft mutual fund". The first hit I got was American Century Investments, which indeed includes NCSoft shares in some of their mutual portfolios. I then Wiki'd American Century Investments and found that CIBC owns a 41% stake in them. A top Canadian bank, an American Investment company, and a Korean software company. Sounds almost like a crazy conspiracy theory, but just one small example of how, in a very real way, any of us can be the evil shareholder pressuring NCSOft to increase their stock prices.... without even knowing it.
I still keep hoping that NCSoft will change their mind (however unlikely) or that they will sell it (very unlikely), or that Titan can pull some magic trick out of their hat. I don't like the thought of my toons being killed off. I love this game and I know everyone wants a reason for its ending. I hope this can help even in a small way to understanding. Just like any relationship, it helps to have some kind of closure.
Let the trolling begin....