BETA character copy - PLEASE




Searching the forums, every time I try to follow a link claiming to go to instructions for copying a character onto the Beta server, I get a page with just a couple lines and no real instructions. I don't know if the page is gone, or what, but I'm almost out of time! Someone please copy and paste the instructions! I have played 4 of 5 Pandora's Box, and really want to play the finish!
Thank you!!!

(I have the beta in my launcher, just need to copy a high level character who can access part 5.)



Sentinel+ has a beta version too if you want to back up your toons "just in case"......

"Just cause you don't understand what's going on don't mean it don't make no sense
And just cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good" - Suicidal Tendancies



Thank you for your quick reply! However, when I follow the link, I just get a page saying, "The character name you provided is invalid." Could you double check the link, please?

Thank again!



It seems to work fine for me. Are you a VIP? You may need to be to access it. Other than that, I am not sure what the problem may be. Or if you have more than one account, make sure you are logged into the forums on the correct one.

Edit: Or try logging out and then back in, then go to:

City of Heroes Forum > Development > Character Copy Tool (Live to Training Room) > Select a Game Server > GO > Character Select > Beta Server. Wait up to 30 minutes and log into beta to see if your character is there.



The problem is probably on my end - probably also the same trouble I had following the other links as well. I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for giving me something to work with!