Interesting news
Maybe with a bit of luck GamesCampus will pick up CoH (if no other company does).
Plenty of companies out there to do it.
Like Underworld? Then take a look at!
And don't forget to join the fight for our City!,134.0.html
I'd like to see Hellgate: London resurface.
Be well, people of CoH.

I wanted to share this while looking for my old MMO's. This game had so much potential but got shut down because of lack of content before if its leveling curve was a little better it could be easily one of my favorites and still in my top 5. Interesting part is after 4 years it is revived again hopefully we will have a similiar story in a couple of years. |
Interesting that it's coming back. But unless they've fixed the MASSIVE problems with this game (which mostly are that it's yet ANOTHER in a long line of Korean style "Grinders") it will fail here again. Western gamers are looking for content, not endless grind. But maybe they finally learned from their mistakes and are doing a truly westernized port of it? Maybe they fixed that RIDICULOUS chat bug?
Still - This does in a way give me further hope for City of Heroes. You have a point. If RF Online can make a comeback, ANYTHING can.
I tried out RF online for awhile in late 2007. Wrote a short review on it at that time, here:
(This next part I'm including just because I already wrote it, it's easy to paste in, and it's a quick review of my time in RF online etc. If you want to stay with the main point of the thread, just "TL,DR" past to the next post.)
Ehh.. meh... It's really a shame too, I tried REALLY hard to like this game. It is SO pretty, and the music is wonderful. There's a very interesting Science-Fantasy premise to the whole universe too. (For example, this is post-humanity. We're so far in the future that standard H o m o -sapiens as we know it no longer exist. And the 3 races in the game are various offshoots.) I still love the opening and incidental music and have some of it downloaded. It's physical design and character design (though limited) are outstanding. Weapon designs are very cool. Effects are too. Too bad about the actual gameplay sucking so badly. MAJOR COMPLAINTS: 1) You can NOT customize the keyboard! If you don't like using the standard AWSD movement keys, you are stuck. I use my mouse left-handed and I want my numberpad on the right-hand side of the keyboard to be my movement control area. But that doesn't seem to matter to most hardcore RF players because the game seems set up for "point mouse and click to make character go there" gameplay. I HATE that style of play. Especially tactically. 2) So - in order to get to the REALLY good stuff in terms of content, I have to spend 30 levels farming my a-s-s off? And then it's PVP all the way? er... NO! That's why I play City of Heroes, so I don't HAVE to do that! It's why World of Warcraft is something I still love in spite of various areas where I have to grind, because I don't HAVE to do that in WoW to have fun! Remember that concept? Fun? As in - this shouldn't be a JOB? Because that's what it felt like getting a character to level 20. I couldn't go any further than that, really. And speaking of WORK versus FUN.... 3) Wait a minute... so in order to gain the big money I am going to need for armor and weapons and such, my faction needs to be in control of this central mine area. And I need to get a mining tool and basically... leave my character in AFK mining mode... for 8 hours? Er... F-U-C-K NO!!! Minor complaints: 1) Limited Emotes - this game, despite being very anime, and very pretty, is not very RP friendly. 2) Wait a minute? I can't jump? At ALL? With any character? Mind you, this does prevent one of my "favorite" annoyances in both COH and WoW, the hyper hopping in place teeny-bopper. But it's also really weird. 3) Wait a minute... you mean all that pretty water and oceans in the distance and I can't get there because a) I can't jump and b) I can't just walk off of high territory to lower territory? Boy you people really have us on rails here, don't you? I really cannot recommend this game. As I said - it's a real shame. SO much wasted potential! It's sad, because if you took those visual and design elements that I liked and applied them to a game like WoW or Everquest, you'd really have something. |

You have got to be bloody kidding me, RF Online coming back?!?! Publishers will resurrect any old dead horse with the F2P model, I think COH has just caught the wrong end of the bandwagon if THIS is coming back!
I still have the box for this game, it was awful. I asked for help in-game and pointed to the store to buy a stack of potions, the settings menu for auto-potion and then the nearest mob spawn point. People would leave their characters unattended, beating on weak mobs and using potions automatically when their health dropped below a certain %. Then there was mob scaling, where each mob had double the stats of the previous level so an enemy with 1000 HP had 2000 HP if you went just one level higher.
I wasn't surprised to see this game die a death in the West and wonder how on Earth they will get it off the ground again!
Frankie says it best.
My understanding was that Codemasters lost the license to publish the game in the West, and was forced to shut down it's servers. The Korean developer was never shut down, and AFAIK the game was still operating in Asia. It's good news for RF fans (if they even exist; I thought the game was terrible), but I don't think the situation is analogous to that of CoH.
the problem is that games like hellgate, apb, and apparently now rf online is that their publishers just shut them down, ncsoft seems to actively bury their dead games, otherwise i'd expect tabula rasa or exsteel to have been resurrected by nexon or pwi. ncsoft seems to want to make sure their former i.p. s dont become competitors in the future.
well bill, I have good news on that front.
i played it for a little while and it is essentially 99% the same as the original game, except there is no playthrough 2 and you need to do a microtransaction to get the ability to get to act 2 and act 3
other than that though its literally the same game

well bill, I have good news on that front.
Thank ya.
i played it for a little while and it is essentially 99% the same as the original game, except there is no playthrough 2 and you need to do a microtransaction to get the ability to get to act 2 and act 3 other than that though its literally the same game |
Be well, people of CoH.

the problem is that games like hellgate, apb, and apparently now rf online is that their publishers just shut them down, ncsoft seems to actively bury their dead games, otherwise i'd expect tabula rasa or exsteel to have been resurrected by nexon or pwi. ncsoft seems to want to make sure their former i.p. s dont become competitors in the future.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
the problem is that games like hellgate, apb, and apparently now rf online is that their publishers just shut them down, ncsoft seems to actively bury their dead games, otherwise i'd expect tabula rasa or exsteel to have been resurrected by nexon or pwi. ncsoft seems to want to make sure their former i.p. s dont become competitors in the future. |

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
NCSoft did negotiate with the developers of one of their previous games (I can't recall which) to sell the IP back to them, but they never reached an agreement (maybe they wanted too much... or the developer wanted it for nothing... or the meetings were interrupted repeatedly by godzilla attacks- we don't know why).
... or the meetings were interrupted repeatedly by godzilla attacks- we don't know why).
/No, that abomination with Ferris Beuller and Blue Raja doesn't count, it should have been called "Trexasaur" or something.
//Not real sure the cartoon with Godzuki counts either.
///Perhaps you were thinking of Gwoemul:
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Thank ya. Oh. So I should just load it back up and play it that way? |
it also doesnt allow you to use anything you had in the original version since as mentioned they did make a bunch of changes to it
the gameplay and storyline are basically identical though

Still have the original disk, so I'll fire it back up that way. No new content, no reason to bother.
Be well, people of CoH.

Well I liked rf online except the part that leveling curve was a little high and people were not team friendly except 8 hours of FvFvF mayhem. I actually liked the mining part of game at least when I was sleeping I could leave computer on to get lots of good stuff in the morning (I was doing that at SWG to get my master dancer and than i was doing it to get money anyway) also there was autommted mining tools in the real money shop last time I checked it. I joined into FvFvF eventhough my level was too low there was still something I could do (geeting a greanade launcher that launches debuffs and CC rounds) heck once I manage to steal one of chips and run back to mining station in the confusion of two other factions fighting.
Also there mining is a little differen than how Atlantea sounded like. There was 3 mining areas each faction has a safe spot with a mining speed of like 1 piece for every 10 second (times are purely for example but rates are something like this) second place is closer to mine area but is at an open PvP area and there are PvE mobs that are patroling areas even if you can find a spot that is not in the line of patrols anyone from other two faction can come and attack you these places had double the time of previous one 1 piece for 5 second or something like that.
Third area was the reason for FvFvF at each 8 hours whoever gains control can mine thereand rate is lie 1 piece for 1 second (its rate was considerably high to give a reason to people to join the FvFvF regardless of level) Despite not a PvP person myself I was having fun at FvFvF'sand eventhough my level was sucking I was joining.
I plan to give it another chance after 30th nov and will see how much it was improved or degenerated.
I wanted to share this while looking for my old MMO's. This game had so much potential but got shut down because of lack of content before if its leveling curve was a little better it could be easily one of my favorites and still in my top 5. Interesting part is after 4 years it is revived again hopefully we will have a similiar story in a couple of years.