Look at what this jerk has to say
I haven't clicked the link, but... maybe just visiting the site is more than the person deserves anyway?
Not trying to downplay the validity of your post and your replies to whatever the article said, but trolls simply seek attention and that also applies to blogs and articles.
Lies and misrepresentation will always occur. I've found, unless the magnitude and presence of it is truly overwhelming, addressing such B.S. tends to only give it some credence in the minds of others.
Just my quick thoughts on such things!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Yeah, I read that today and responded already. The blog assumed NCSoft was shutting down the game for clearly expressed financial reasons (when in fact there has been no official statement at all), and then mischaracterized the campaign to save the game as hostile and immature players making unreasonable demmands. I tried to set the record staight, but who knows if it made any difference.
I've also heard that Saturday's rally was reported by some as an angry and childish protest, which sounds nothing like the rally I attended, which seemed like an upbeat show of support and solidarity. People are going to believe what they find easiest to believe.
"This person said something bad about us, let's give them lots of page views, exposure and comments." That's pretty terrible when compared with: "This person said something bad about us, let's ignore them."
I don't think this particular blogger was looking to smear us just to be a jerk. I do think he was missinformed and making assumptions based on a handful of angry tweets he read and also things that have happened in past instances when gamers have reacted (sometimes badly) to games being shut down.
I don't think there's anything wrong with responding and correcting the record when we see this kind of misinformation. Unfortunately, some of the more nasty responses apparently made by players would only seem to justify his negative mischaracteristization of us.
LOL hostile? What the heck is hostile about it? Is there some underground smear campaign that I'm not aware of?

No need to feed trolls on a fansite.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
I'm sorry if there's a simpler way to link this, I really have no idea how, but: [SNIPPAGE!]
You know what? Please forgive ill-humor here but these type idiots can feel free to kiss my Ghost-Widow-white posterior and start dealing with it. We are going to save this game if we can. No one cares if they like the idea or not, no one has sought their permission. They can feel free to sit down, ST*U and go play their favorite MMO.... if they even play one, who knows. What we do is none of this idiot's biznezz.
Some people just like to be the d-bag that starts arguments. You can usually spot them when they throw out either personalized or generalized insults (in this case calling the player base oblivious and obnoxious and suggesting that the "protest" was hostile).
Nothing really to see, the internet is the internet.
Likely some random blog just trying to get hits by saying something he knows will get people riled up. Not really worth it.

It's just some nobody blogging about something they know nothing about. Move along, internet.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

Hate-reads and how for-profit sites work
Read this link. Once you do you will see why you shoudl not visit that site ever again.
"This person said something bad about us, let's give them lots of page views, exposure and comments." That's pretty terrible when compared with: "This person said something bad about us, let's ignore them."
I'm normally all for linking sources, but in this case just block-quote the key text and leave out the link, no need to drive traffic to an *******.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
Yeah, his blog post isn't worth reading. Heck, the only reason I saw it was because it was the first news result google returned when I typed in "city of heroes".
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeLcRwJ2plA pretty much speaks for itself...
Hate-reads and how for-profit sites work
Read this link. Once you do you will see why you shoudl not visit that site ever again. |
Here's what NOT to do:
I'm in favor of commenting simply because if it sits ther without responses people might think they're right. If you're doing that, again, try to avoid the ads and pageviews.
One more quote:
In other words, you should really stop hate-reading because it HURTS YOU… but if that logic isn't working for you, you should stop hate-reading because your eyeballs are HELPING someone you hate. |

Taimatsu-maru Fire/SS tank Grapes. Plant/Kin troller Blood? Healer/Emp/BR fender | more...
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In addition, Hyperstrike just posted some EXCELLENT ADVICE for dealing with negative and inflammatory articles and posts like this.
Please - follow his advice.
And as said above, don't give them any more traffic than they deserve. Which is little to none.

Not even clicking on the link.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

I clicked it. The Blogger was ont he side of NCsoft either form misinformation or just looking to get a high read count on their blog. In either case the article isn't worth reading.
I like him.
He's swell.
Ty OP for sharing that delightful young man's article.
I'm sorry if there's a simpler way to link this, I really have no idea how, but:
This guy is a total jacka$$. Probably trolling or something, but he has some nerve to call us "oblivious" and "obnoxious." I just commented recently about how this community has some of the best the Internet has to offer.
You guys should also comment, to show our support for the game