Man Love For Ice




As things wind down, I just wanted to state my man love for Ice tanking and list off why. After all the tanks I've played, I enjoyed playing Ice the most.

100% resistance to -recharge, -run speed (Caltrops hahahahaha)
Endless endurance with Energy Absorption
Aggro King with Chilling Embrace + Icicles
Relatively Easy to soft cap s/l/e/n
Damage Aura
Ability to perma Max hitpoints
Hibernate - who doesn't like turning into an invulnerable block of ice?
+Perception built in
Great -dam, -speed aura
Also like that it is not common.

I'm sure there is more but have to scoot for now. It was some good times!



I sadly picked up Ice Armor way too late to really enjoy it for a long time.

I been hubbling around with axe/fire/SS and ice melee, each time not liking the synergy and started over. Though as i look back now, and how my ice/fire plays, i wish i had started one way earlier.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!