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  1. I was checking my PayPal account and noticed that I GOT CHARGED for City of Heroes?

    Has anyone else been charged for a game that NCSoft is shutting down?
  2. OK, so NCSoft treated this community as secondary to the MMO, and the MMO as so much Software just to be swept aside. No real attempt made to release the IP Rights so that the Game could continue with another Company.

    The Game is still scheduled to be shut down and we all feel that pain. Also, NCSoft Stock has been in decline.

    As City of Heroes/Villains made Profits for the other Games...

    If NCSoft decided, for whatever reason, to turn Payments back on and Keep the Game...

    Would You Stay?

    The White Comet - Pinnacle Server
  3. IDK, but, with all the L50's that moved there... lets us just say that it is a Cold Night in NCSoft if it does not come back today.
  4. GoreckiMike

    Virtue problems?

    I was in a SLAM and the server crashed. IDK if anyone is there to fix it.
  5. OK, someone confess... This has all been a Large, Large Prank you all have Conspired to play on just me.

    What next, you will tell me that The Statesman is not a Real Person?
  6. Personally, I am calling in "sick" that day, and will be spending the entire day in Paragon.

    I still hold hope close to me that "something" will turn up. Which of us has not fought until our Stamina & Health were almost down to Zero, and then picked up a Health/End, only to came back to Win?
  7. Like the letter immensely. I would not so much mind if CoX went away, I could always build my characters again. But, I would like to see CoX2 with many, if not all, the original crew.

    It still is a boggle why, for a game they say was not in-line or profitable any more, they would hold on to the IP rights? Also, "they exhausted all avenues/talks"? Apart from the old Crew speaking with them, has anyone seen even a hint of other talks?
  8. I am taking the Day Off for 30NOV.

    I plan on having my 1st L50, the White Comet (Fire/Kin Troller), patrolling The Hollows when/if the Sky go dark.
  9. I have paid for Subscription to COX and would be willing to pay for a COX2, even if I have to build all my Alt's and VG/SG's again.

    It is not just that i LOVE this MMO, but the Community I found here as well.
  10. GoreckiMike

    Good news all..

    I say we take out $5 and put it into a Kickstarter project to refactor COX?
  11. I like Revolution, except I am a Hard-SciFi person. I get that this is a "hunger Games" genre, but...

    All the world Electricity shut down for many years; why have they not rebuilt their power? There is still obviously Magnetism as the Birds can still Navigate and the Atmosphere/Ionosphere is still intact. So... Why no Electricity yet?
  12. GoreckiMike

    Unusual combo?

    Actually that does not sound that bad. I have had a MM with Robot and Pain and did well. IMHO whether you have Zombies, Robots, Thugs, or Ninjas, the REGEN works best to keep them going.

    BTW I never, as a MM, take any sort of Attack Chain myself.
  13. I expect I will be here until the end, and at the end I will be logged in with my first character and watch the screens go black.

    If it stays up, Fine. It we get rescued, Great. If there is a way for a COX2, Fantastic.

    I join COX to be a Hero, and a Hero stays until the End of the Battle.
  14. I would SO SO Appreciate having COX2 around. I would not mind, building my Characters back up. Face it, our most enjoyable moments in the game, has been fighting with other Heroes & Villains against a common foe, and Leveling up.

    COX has not been about Being a Hero/Villain, but Being a Hero/Villain with Others in the game.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by <span style="color: GoldenRod; font-weight: bold;">Golden Girl</span> View Post
    I would be with Golden Girl on this. COX2 or Nothing.
  16. I have enjoyed this game for years. I was paying for it and would choose to continue doing just that.

    I would like them to upgrade the game's engine.
  17. The White Comet (Pinnacle, my 1st L50) may not be logged in, but I will be there in spirit.
  18. As the White Comet I have benefited by other players on this server, and have shown the way to new members. Many Battles, Victories and Defeats. Much, Much Friendship.

    For all Current & Fallen Members... I Salute You!!!
  19. The White Comet started 6 years ago and since has fought in Many Battles across all of Paragon. But, this Fire/Kin Controller will prefer to lie down in The Hollows before he "dies".
  20. I would not mind Building Whole New Characters for a COX2. The people I have come to know here are a good breed. If the old COH engine is "past due", I am OK with that.

    A New COH2 Engine and a Time to Rebuild. Here's to Level 1... AGAIN!!!
  21. War Witch, Positron, Manticore, Synapse, Sister Psyche, Back Alley Brawler...

    WE LOVE YOU!!!
  22. GoreckiMike


    I have tried Champions Online and DC Universe, they do not hold a candle to COX.

    It seems like all the other MMORPG's are Fantasy? I M NOT AN ORC!!! I am SuperHero/SuperVillian.
  23. OK, so after so long of Game Play...
    after so many Battles...
    after finding so many Friends...
    what do we do next?

    1) Another MMORPG? Which one?
    2) Give up on NCSoft? Maybe.
    3) No more MMO's ever? Defiantly NO!!!
    4) Expect that, after AV Fights, Rikti Raids, Zombie Attacks, Defending/Defeating the Very Earth Itself... a last Chance hope that COH/COV will survive in an Alternate Form?


    On the Last Day of Paragon City, do we have a Huge, Blow-Out Party?
  24. So I am guessing that the Calendar is not up to date. I have waited for the Ship Raid a couple of times and it never showed.

    Is there a "Critical Mass" before they are run?
  25. Got on an hour early, and just got off. No raid. Well maybe next week?