Pinnacle goodbyes
I just wanted to say that you were all like a second dysfunctional family to me and I'm going to miss you all, even KoIS
I'm too choked up to log into the game this weekend but I hope to see all of you later in the week.
"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me
Pediatric brain tumors are the #1 cause of cancer related deaths in children.
As the White Comet I have benefited by other players on this server, and have shown the way to new members. Many Battles, Victories and Defeats. Much, Much Friendship.
For all Current & Fallen Members... I Salute You!!!
I was one of the first on Pinnacle, I'm proud to say. I probably singly-handedly gave it the nickname "The Drunk Server", and my Blasters were top-notch (except that Fire/Dev I never finished...) When Global Names were introduced, I became... @BoundKitty
My Claws/Regen Scrapper was a flipping-out bundle of Winter-Lord-exterminating joy, and she became my avatar, the basis for the vast majority of the characters I would create over the next few years, and a real-life inspiration for me hanging on to life through bouts of homelessness, trips to the hospital, long nights at work, the U.S. Marine Corps, and other parts of my life.
I've met a lot of people during my time here, and I'll go through some of them really quickly here:
PhenoBarb and friends
Talonflash (who singlehandedly kept me from starving last year, I can't thank him enough)
SisterJeanne (also helped with keeping me from starving, more thanks here too)
KOIS (he might be a mini-nightmare, but he at least made things interesting)
All the people I met in Trials and TFs
All the people in Bound Kitty's Funhouse
If I didn't name you specifically, please don't take it personally. My mind has started to go over the years.
I'm interested to see if CoX gets picked up by another company and we can continue, but if not...
It's been a wild near-decade since I first played CoH in Beta. The Rikti Invasion was something I still talk about to this day. Thanks for the memories, everyone.
Bound Kitty: Cl/Regen Scrap lvl 50! Unified Kitty: PB lvl 50! Jenoma: Eng/Pain Corr lvl 50! Operative Jenoma: Fort lvl 50! Alicia Steele: KM/WP Scrap lvl 50! and others on Pinnacle/Virtue! @Bound Kitty on Live/Beta
I shall miss you both muchly (and have already to some degree with your recent awolishness ).
Here's to hoping our home finds a new home but, if not, I'm always out there in game land. Let me know what you're playing - I'm in the FB group so I'll be monitoring that from time to time too. Who knows where the future goes...
OTHEH PEHPEPLE: You are all awesome, even the ones I don't know. Except for that one person. You know who you are. You are not awesome.
Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata
You are right, I'm not awesome. I'm SUPERDUPER awesome!
Thanks to everyone that helped make me a welcomed part of the community, and for giving me over 3 years of some of the best gaming I've been able to take part in. May the next game bring many friendships and maybe reconnect to some old CoH friends.
This may get a lot of TLR's but I have a lot to say.
I got COH as a gift for my birthday in April of 2005. The person who gave the gift knew me well. I fell in love with the game, and played it so often . . that it hurt.
My main Crmsn Conundrum or CC or Uncle Crimmy was based on a character I made in the old smackdown! video game. He was as short as short can be, even thought I am 6'7''. He was as wide as he was tall, and bright red. I fell in with a good group of players and decided to get a super group going. I was one of three founding members of the Lords of Retribution. I was the only one to really last, I designed the base and got a decent membership going. We did costume contests, a weekly Sunday team up called SOS or Super on Sunday, and we even hit top 30 (for us this meant something). The rest as they say is history.
I have a soft spot in my heart for heroes, which is why this game meshed with me so well. I have played with some amazing people over the years. People I hope I don't lose touch with, but since the SG I ran has been a ghost town for some time I feel like I might be missing some people already.
I remember so many people I have played with:
My main's first love interest Lady C
Triage who will always be my first empath
My long lost buddy Spirit Chaser who repaired stealth bombers for a living.
My most talented voice actor Star Sentinel
My sinister left hand Pepper Salsa
My in game mom Fergueson
Her kids Matt and Lanny
One of my longest in game friends, he had a kid and raised him as a hero, the only person to support branching our SG into a VG. Doctor Anarchy
My friend Jan and all his toons.
My friend Brian and his wife Lisa who got me started on this in the first place.
My most excellent tech brother and computer savior Eric aka Ice Squirrel or Icey for short.
Nev for buying so many damn months of vent for us.
Mastro for always being there
Troll for being Troll
all the other Trolls for being Troll
Sparky for letting me cameo and doing excellent comics
Agent Redraw (ill hate myself later for not remembering your global)
Heat Guard for being one of us when we needed him
Everyone from Pinn Badges and Cozi's channel
all the other great SGs I have teamed with over the years
all the excellent players
all the devs
all the NPCs
all the people who made Pinnacle what it was
all the people that made COH the best MMO I have ever played
I haven't even scratched the surface of what this MMO means to me, nor do I think anyone here will understand how much it has changed my life. I just know it taught me how far I will go to help someone I hardly know, just because we have shed digital blood together. How much you can trust a person, and regret it later. How much a game can mean if it is full of not just friends, but family. I am sure everyone has rich stories to tell . . memories to share and if you are like me, many left that will be unwritten on this particular page due to the game ending so abruptly.
I have plans to go to GW2, but you will always be able to find me as Crmsn Conundrum or other variations thereof.
I have shed my tears
I won't hold my breath, but I won't give up hope till I hear last call for the drunk server.
I wouldn't change a thing, 6 years and 6 months of paid time, and it was worth every penny.
It was good to be a hero.
Crimson Conundrum
Pinnacle Forever
Lords of Retribution: Bluring the lines between brave and stupid since 2005.
CrmsnConundrum 50 invul/SS tank - "I love stomp!"
Jimmy Buff-it 50 emp/rad defender - "Waste them away again!"
Faded Glory 50 ill/rad troller - "Only believe half of what you see"
I'll say goodbye if we get to Nov 29 and they're still shutting the game down on Nov 30. Until then, I'm going to be optimistic (and believe me, it's WAY out of character for me) that something's going to happen to keep the lights on.
See you all in December for the Winter seasonal shenanigans! ![]() |
Thanks to everyone that helped make me a welcomed part of the community, and for giving me over 3 years of some of the best gaming I've been able to take part in. May the next game bring many friendships and maybe reconnect to some old CoH friends.
I'll be there too.
No... wait, I won't.
Because I'mma be running around the entire edges of all the maps from Atlas Park throughout the game, all zones, both sides, Brawling everything in my path until the very last punch is thrown...
...provided there's not a 'we're back!' announcement.
/Come with me, and let's beat the hell outta things November 29-30!
//I'mma take a day off from work for this. Seriously. 24/7, no-doz on standby.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
I just posted this in the Facebook group we have set up for Pinnacle. (can be found here: )
@Jimmy Amp here.... I first saw some friends playing this game in mid-2004. At first I resisted getting it, because I *KNEW* that it would suck me in and never let go. Finally, in Dec 2004, I bought it for myself for a Christmas present and never looked back. I was right, it sucked me in like a black hole. Jimmy Amp, an electric blaster ode to Silver Age comic heroes was the first character that I stuck with and became my main when global chatnames came out. (You should have seen his first costume. Totally Silver Age with the limited options of the character creator back then.) I had started out on Freedom with the group of friends who got me into the game, but when they all quit, I decided to find a new server. When looking for a new server, I saw someone mention on the forums that a lot of Floridians were on Pinnacle, so I picked that one. Eventually I found out that Tsugaru and Zirillion lived about 5 minutes away from me!
I had so much fun in this game. Too many fun moments to list. Honestly, the memories are fuzzy because there are so many. So many friends made, too many to list (I'd be here all day if I tried. Some I've actually gotten to meet in person, hopefully more someday). This has been more than a game for me, it's been a second home at times. It got me through some of the roughest times of my life. It got me through a year and a half of a crappy graveyard shift job that made it so I barely saw my daughter. It got me through antisocial years after my divorce where I didn't care if I ever left my home when I wasn't at work. I feel like I'm losing my home away from home. I'm gutted. I'd feel like crying, but it doesn't feel like I have anything left. I left my subscription active while I was taking a break with SWTOR because I always wanted to come back here. Now I can't.
I'll try to use Jimmy Amp as my main in any online game I play so I can be found that way. (currently SWTOR on Prophecy of the Five server; ironically I can't use that name there; Ampran is my main character. You all should try it out: great game that desperately needs a better community, and this game had the best community ever. It's no coincidence that I'm playing it with people I met in CoH.) Hope to see you all around.
@Jimmy Amp
Currently working on:
Jimmy Crush - Kin/Regen Scrapper
"Life writes the best scripts."