Server Shutdown 30/11 - 1/12





The light goes off at 23:59:59 on Friday 30th November PDT. This translates to 07:59 GMT on Saturday 1st December.

Here are my thoughts on how I would personally like to end my time in Paragon:

Firstly, everyone meet in Atlas Park for a vigil, and quiet reflection. Remembering those players who are no longer with us, and perhaps those memories of the City and Isles which aren't as joyful.

Then, move on to Pocket D, and have a massive ******* party. Celebrate the fun times we have had, and spend time with all of those friends we have met.

Those that want to, form up iTrials for some final runs. Form up those Taskforces that you either never got to do, or were too chicken to try.

Finally. (And this is where I am undecided):

a) Go out with a bang. Hit the Isles and the City and kick the Rikti out of our dimension. (You really would've thought that they got the message by now).

b) Gather in Atlas Park for a group photo, and ride out the darkness together.

What are peoples thoughts?



I'm still in denial that this will happen!
But I think chat is the way to end it.

�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from

EU, Union mostly.



Personally, I am calling in "sick" that day, and will be spending the entire day in Paragon.

I still hold hope close to me that "something" will turn up. Which of us has not fought until our Stamina & Health were almost down to Zero, and then picked up a Health/End, only to came back to Win?