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  1. I'm still in denial that this will happen!
    But I think chat is the way to end it.
  2. I liked this "article" on the later adventures of the Ponds. Note the byline of the writer as well.

    NOTE: Apparently the link went to a page that set off antivirus warnings. I apologise.
  3. http://wayback.archive.org/web/*/htt...tyofheroes.com

    I think this site has already archived the forums a few times.

    Apparently it has many mirrors of the forums, but many are incomplete, so an independant backup is a better option after all.
  4. There's also a lot of silence because he's talking to messages posted live in chat and the chat doesn't get added to the video. So we see lots of silent reading and have to guess at the questions. I was so glad to see Hit Streak talking, and I thank him for coming on line for us.

    It hurt when he started, I felt so sad. But he got more comfortable with it, and it flowed better by the end.
  5. I remember talking to a Native American who hated the term Native American.

    He said that anybody who has a baby somewhere becomes a native of that land. Which means Native Americans described, to him, all parents in the USA.
  6. You've done a man's job, sir! I guess you're through, huh?

    Look out for yourself, you can leave with the clear conscience of somebody with no regrets. I've been looking forward to Wednesday Coffee Talks, but I suppose I'll just have to watch the syndicated re-runs, now, huh?
  7. Yaaay!

    My message to Massively got through. They put up the story nice and quickly too.

    (Adds one point to his internet fame score for sourcing the news.)
  8. If this idea was possible, I would be so happy. Sunset would just mean turning off the global chat (assuming you don't use voice chat, as I do often anyway), and only playing with friends. It seems the perfect system.

    (Picard) Make it so! (/Picard)
  9. Thanks to Kallandra for organising this, it's good to see Omega Sektor still casting a shadow in Birmingham. I'm sorry I couldn't stay long, but the brief visit brightened my day, and the girls loved the swag .
  10. I'd buy a stand alone CoH game in a heartbeat. I'd miss the teaming, but a single player game and a forum for those that play it would scratch enough of my itch for my soul to survive this horror.
  11. I love the idea of starting from scratch again. I have my first 5 50's who were representations of my family, and if I start one, then all would have to get to 50 again. Possibly with slightly different powersets.

    Then I'd keep going. For me, the 1-50 part was always my favourite, so starting from 1 is not a problem.
  12. I think it would have worked best if it had been open to supergroups in game to buy ad space with Paragon Points. They would have monetised the technology that they already had, and it would have added another creative outlet to the game.

    Ads for AE stories, supergroups, RP storylines (vote Communist Alien for a fourth glorious term) would all have fitted in game neatly.
  13. I'm coming in to the city centre to do some shopping soon, I'll pop in this afternoon to say hello .
  14. Dr_Toerag

    Where are you?

    Added myself. I'm very close to Scarlet Shocker, but I already knew that .
  15. Be fair, the OP wanted a name wipe (a common request, with a common and reasonable response from the regulars).

    HE DIDN'T ASK FOR THE GAME TO CLOSE. Why would he be any more happy with it's closure than anyone else? Does anyone think THIS request was the tipping point?

    Sorry about shouting, I'm a little raw right now.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
    Ok I am really not trolling but what does fparn mean?
    First post after a red name.
  17. Dear Lord I thought I was out of tears.
  18. I miss the NHU, it was some of the best fun I ever had in game. I loved playing Super Sara, and she has been retired wearing her old uniform.
  19. I'd really like to attend.
    I'll try and pop my head round the door for 30 mins and say hello (and a sad goodbye) to you all.

    Unfortunately, as the single parent of an 11 year old and a 14 year old, "me time" is somewhat limited.
  20. I'd like to add a thank you to the long list here.

    Thank you all so much for the game that suited ME better than anything else I've played.
    I've sometimes had the suspicion that you've been bugging my home because this game got better and better, and it suited my desires in a spookily accurate way.
    No other game will ever feel as welcoming whenever I log on.

    Personal high points:
    I've been playing a weekly TF/SF with a group of friends on and off for many years. We've never organised a particular set of roles (no holy trinity, thank you so much!). 6-8 random levels and AT's was always sufficient for a hilarious evening.
    I went to a barbeque many hundreds of miles away to meet up with a bunch of 30 or so strangers. None of us had met before, but we knew each other really well because we all played blasters in the same supergroup.
    Omega Sektor was one of the best weekends I can remember. Exhausting (I, like Gangrel, was an unpaid and sweaty gopher) but well worth all the effort. The meal with you in the Jewelry Quarter was a highlight. As was Rockjaw's Pizza and Condorman party.

    I've spent the last few years biting my tongue in voice chat when playing other games, because even I got tired of every sentence I uttered starting "In City of Heroes..."

    You have all, rednames and fellow players both, made my life happier.

    Thanks to you all.

    Be well in whatever you do next, Melissa. You deserve all the good things that come your way.
  21. You've got Weave without the prerequisites to pick it in that build.
  22. SNAP! I'm slowly levelling an Electric/Staff Tanker at the moment.

    I found the Staff Mastery power Perfection of the Soul helped with the endurance issues. Also, I believe the self heal in Electric, Energize, gives a 30 second endurance discount too.

    It has been fun, but personally, the most fun part was coming up with a character and costume package that let me tell little stories in my head as I fight.

    Tanks can be a little bit slow to solo, but with IO's especially, Electric Armor has that wonderful layered protection of resists, self heal and defense. Plus, it looks cool, especially with the Thunderhead aura.

    I've just hit 27, so the fact that I've just hit the sweet spot for the powerset is welcome news.
  23. Mmmm, BBQ. I'm hungry now.