Good Memories Of COH!




Was busy teaming last night on the Defiant EU Server and people started talking about the "old" days of COH in the Defiant Events channel, and there was some really interesting stories and I thought that it would be a nice idea to have a thread or "Time Capsule" (so to speak) of memories that players remember from the early days of COH.

I remember:

1) It took me 6 months to get my 1st lvl50 (Mrs ? - Claws/Regen Scrapper)
2) Accidentally falling alseep on a SG (InnerCircle) STF (the old version)
3) The old SK system
4) Running through the hollows just using sprint and dying mulitple times!
5) The big teams for Frostfire and Atta missions
6) Levelling a lvl50 hero/villain to unlock the Kheldians/VEATS
7) The wedding ceremony Mr and Mrs ? had in Pocket D
8) My old in-game global name: @Mrs ?

These are just a few . . . . what are your good memories?



I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that you're related to Mr ?, also a claws/regen and InnerCircle member.

If I assume correctly then I remember Mr ? taking my 1st toon (Fyreball, fire/em blaster) on a tour of the caves of the Shadow Shard. My first experience of Rularuu... My god they hit hard back then!

I also remember failing the first hero respec at least 6 times, resulting in a dream where I could hear the teleporters backpacks in my head.

You are related to him, just re-read the list and noticed number 7.



There's so many.

- My first costume contest. There was so many people under Atlas statue in Defiant. I'm missing that time.
- Random streetfighting team in some american server before EU release. I was so noob but it was fun.
- when I accidentally found Defiant events channel after almost two years of playing :/
- My first level 50 during old exp curve.
- And of course the real old depth system. That was something It was rare thing to be without any depth.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



-The time I discovered you could use tp foe on the bombs in the TV respec. Cue team wipe!
-Old style Hami raids. They were a nice way of socialising and getting a nice reward at the same time.
-My first Quaterfield TF. This was long before Ouroboros and SG bases so it took ages to get anywhere. 9 hours of hell...

Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2

Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.



  • The time i thought jump kick and flurry were the must have powers when you got to level 6
  • Doing Frostfire for the tenth time in a day and still thinking it was fun.
  • The cruise in atlas park, wasnt planned the event but boy did we have fun Few day long events are always the best!
  • First few months in the game and being amazed at the people under atlas. By that i mean i could tell they were the "top dogs" of CoH at the time.
  • Teaming with Mothers Love when ML was still levellin up.
  • Me and Yellow Cat and the rest of the team in a mission that should have killed us but due to excellent teamwork [the best i've ever seen by far] we survived! That manic 15 mins got me hooked on to "carnage teams".
  • Drunken Union chat umm chats
  • My first level 50 ding . . . . . what a long time that took!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



  • Dinging 50 for the 1st time
  • Being part of Last Stand Radio and its various incarnations
  • Seeing Atlas Park crash out just via effects running
  • Dinging 50 on my 2nd 50 3 years after making him
  • 1st successful Hami raid. Would have grabbed him the night before in the "trial run" but not enough holders there to make it possible
  • Rubberbanding during the opening weeks of launch...
  • Brighton Comic Con 2005 and the amount of blagging that happened (Still havent gotten that Auto Assault Tshirt though)
  • Brawling my way up to level 32 and then suddenly going "I HAVE DAMAGE!" when i cast fire imps.
  • Seeing my 1st 50 ingame.

There are more but its soooo long ago these are just the 1st ones that sprung to mind.

*edit* Agreed on the Frostfire mission... remember running it soooo often that we could almost run it blindfolded.



  • The old Hamidon raids - before global channels, a way to catch up with alting friends.
  • The Hollows being busy - teams were 10 a penny.
  • PUG's that 'just worked' and steamrollered everything in their path.
  • The Atlas park fanfare - yes, even after 6 years.
  • The friends I have made.
Just a few off the top of my head, will add more as they come back to me.



Logging on to Defiant for the very first time and only seeing 5 players, thought to my self woops bad move coming from US lol, how wrong could I have been 6 years later.

Rolling my 1st toon (Broadside)and not knowing about Stamina.
Free month of Game time due to bad lag.
The 1st time I see someone on a Peacebringer, I didn't even know they were in game.
The after party conga around Atlas after deafeating Hami for the 1st time.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



I'm not as long in the game as most who have posted.

But my list.

Thinking a Emp with more attack powers then Emp powers would rock Still have her but a wee bit better set up now.

Being invited to a SG. Only to find that 3 weeks later I was the only member left Was it something I said.

Doing Frostfire for the first time.

Trying to get to a mission most of the way across the Hollows with just run. Took 4 attempts.

Being invited to SuperNation (when it was one of the top SGs) and then helping to get to the number 1 hero SG on Defiant.

Winning a cossie comp (only happened the once)

Asking to join in with some nutcases who were doing a Demon themed SG. Still with them and Infernal Justice is now over 2 years old.

Meeting and teaming with some of the nicest people

Completing my first Statesman.

After about 10 attempts and 2 years completing a Master of Statesman.

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces



I have lots but can't remember any.
What was the question again?

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



One of my best memories is when Scarlet dinged 50, there were about 5 teams in the mission following us around. That was a rush.

The Shock Tactics base party back when I was djing with Evo and almost the entire server was in our base.

Some of the great RP we did back in the day (I know, on Defiant too right?) and that even won me 2 months game time with the fan fic I wrote.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Hah. Great post!

- The Atlas Park fanfare. Every time I go to Atlas it brings up memories of my first character entering the game.
- Dinging 50 for the first time and heading all the way back to Atlas to level up.
- The Hollows "TP to Atlas Gate" duty. Where have all the taxi-bot PCs gone?
- Discovering I could slot more than one enhancement of the same type in a power. Being amazed by being able to 6 slot Hasten!
- Perez streetsweeping teams.
- Getting excited by Hover, then blown away by Flight.
- Respec trials when people could fail them.
- Being given 1 million inf by a cash rich 50. When it meant something!




Originally Posted by The_Laughing_Man View Post
- Dinging 50 for the first time and heading all the way back to Atlas to level up.
It was a long time before I realised there were trainers in other zones.... always went to either Atlas or Galaxy.



I have no idea what is Atlas park fanfare :/
Perhaps I have to log in and turn game music on for some time.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



Completing the Silver Mantis SF for the first time wth just 3 of us (old gaming friends of mine), when it was only available from the base computer, SOs were the best enhancements, and we'd only been playing for 3 months and didn't know anything about the game.



Originally Posted by zachary_EU View Post
I have no idea what is Atlas park fanfare :/
Perhaps I have to log in and turn game music on for some time.
"Daah DAAAH daah daah... da-da-da daaaah.
Daah DAAAH daah daah... da DA DA DAAAAH !

Da-da !".

Originally Posted by EU_Damz
[*]Teaming with Mothers Love when ML was still levellin up.
Careful old-timer, showing your age there Damz.




  • Taking about 570 hours to get my first lvl 50 (Tridento)
  • The old style hami raids - with repeated requests for no auras, no capes, and keep fx to minimum! The chance to go on raids was an added reward for getting to Lvl 45.
  • Base raids - which invariably ended up as spawn point slaughters
  • The Hollows prior to temp travel powers - Grendal's Gulch saw the end of many a hero on their way to a mission!
  • The Caves Trial in the Hollows - when we used to fight our way to the cave!
  • Being paid 1m inf to awaken Igneous groups in the Hollows for two high level heroes who needed them for their badge
  • The player meets in Brighton, including meeting War Witch

[B]Order of the Cruciform/Crucified Swords[/B] - [B]Defiant[/B]
50's - Tridento (claws/invul scrapper), Robo Medic MkIV (empath/rad defender), Entrino (dark/dark defender) & Captain Wombat (thugs/traps mastermind)




Just found screenshots I took on the first day I started playing CoV (17/12/2005):

and here's one from 12/01/2006:

I think I was around level 20ish in this last pic (with pet emotes!)



I owe alot of my best memories to just being around lovely people on each of the servers. A level 3 mission could be epic and memorable enough.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



I started playing soon after the game went live in the states.
I remember;

- Smoke nade pre nerf (god that was amazing)
- Issue 2 rhaahluu (spelling) invasion in paragon city
- Hydra hunting teams in perez park (hollows destroyed perez park teaming )
- Being hyped for months whilest working towards my kheldian, i wanted him so badly
- Getting my first 50
- Reading the first bit of news on CoV



Levelling up my main on double XP 09 without having the faintest idea about kinetics (before power customisation, the rings matched sonic stack!) and not needing a single enhancement before 50 as I was constantly teaming. Was a mad weekend.

Ooh and when I first found out how to change the colour of the UI. That's one of my fave parts of this game.

Defiant EU
Quaver: Kinetics/Sonic Defender
Semiquaver: Sonic/Kinetics Corruptor



Crazy cossie comps in Atlas: I remember once when I was a real newbie, I got invited to a cossie comp and won. My prize? Super jump for 1 minute courtesy of the Kinetic defender who ran the comp. I was so gutted when I zoned to Perez Park to discover it didn't work any more

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Whut!? What you say sonny? Memories? I’ll give you memories sonny Jim. Young rascals these days don’t know how good they’ve got it!

• We didn’t have no temporary rocket packs or fancy City Traveller nonsense, we had to run everywhere till we hit level 14!

• There was no danged easy ride in the Hollows either. You learned to love those folk that took Recall Friend. And dagnabbit, you hugged those folk that carried Wakies or packed Resurrect.

• Ain’t no new fangled Orob… urob… Uloborus… Those Time Lordy people! You wanted to finish an arc before outlevelling it, you damn well went and got yourself killed a goodly number of times! Damned Debt Cap used to mean something back then. Folks were proud to have them there badges!

• There was a time when a Giant Monster was something to be damned scared about. You saw that BabblieBabbage dude stomping down the street, you turned right round and run the other way! None of this fancy soloing business.

• Damned invention nonsense! Ain’t no fella round here these days wants to buy Nemesis Steam Circuits or Black Market Supergear. It’s all Imperviums and Soul Trapped Gems these days.

• AE? AE!? Goddamit, when I was still heroing the only time you heard that was when some fooltard Blaster had pulled three spawns and was streaking cross yonder map wailing for his Empath. You don’t see walls of text like ‘WWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSSSSDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDD’ anymore I tell ya. No-one knows how to panic anymore these days.

Eh? Mammaries? Whatcha asking me about…? Oh, memories! Speak up son, you’re talking too quietly again. I might have hearing as sharp as a pin but you young un’s just damn well mutter all the time. Sure, I got a few…

• First time a level 50 invited me to team with him, I was so proud. Said yes straight away then got me teleported about 400 feet straight up. Damned fool I was back then.

• First time I saw one of them Rikti folk I jumped. Not only did they look all weird, those fellas were naked! What kind of a badass are you to run into battle without a stitch on!

• I remember doing that ole Cavern of Transcendence the hard way! When no-one knew the closest entrance and you spent half your time knee deep in Trolls.

• My first 50 hero was a sweet time, dinging the big 50 while pounding on Chimera.

• There was a time when I couldn’t afford SOs the moment I turned 22 and you made do with fading DOs or nothing at all. I mentioned this to a 50 one time and he gave me a million inf. I never thought I’d seen so much inf!

• Old Faultline. On a Superspeed character. No jump pack. No jet pack. No PD teleport. Had to scream on broadcast until some kind soul came and TPed me out.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



As above!

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



  • Doing Atta for the very first time. My god it was epic, so many trolls vs so much fire power!
  • Standing under Atlas statue with Tainted Greek when he did one of his first broadcasts on the Radio. Was pretty damn awesome
  • The first time I saw Lusca in IP. The first time seeing two Lusca's in IP as well, cue Mega Octopus Vs Mega Octopus!
  • Doing my first ever Taskforce. Was the Sister Pysche TF, we started early in the evening, didn't get finished till 5 in the morning. I remember someone given Doctor Who updates throughout the hour it was on the tele for those who couldnt watch it
  • First time meeting the Freakshow, they are still the best enemies in the entire game!
  • First time seeing a Rikti monkey. I quote Me:"What the heck are those things?" Team Members:"Monkeys?", Team:"MONKEEEEHHHHS"