Good Memories Of COH!




Founding Generic Supergroup 101.
Getting asked multiple times what our name was before we were Genericed.
Dinging 50 on Cunundrum with my old pal Visa (too bad she moved to the states IRL)
First time I entered Shadow Shards. WOW. Still my fav zone.
First time fighting Nemesis. When they had stacked Vengance.
Dinging 50 on my blaster Sarcasticon. Faceplanted before it happened and team refused to rez me. "You're used to it" they said. This back in the days when you didn't rez when dinging.
And so many more memories..

Cunundrum, Defender (Generic Supergroup 101)

Other servers too.
New Global: @cunundrumEU



Oh, can I play?

  • Defeating Frostfire and Atta solo for the first time and feeling really smug about it
  • No lieutenants on maps when you solo'd (not sure if that happened or if I dreamt it)
  • Taking six hours to do Synapse and going to bed dreaming of the tick tick ticking of clockwork (let me tell you that is NOT pleasant)
  • No green line to Founders Falls - if you wanted to get there you went to Talos and WALKED!
  • No green line station in Skyway (nearly as annoying)
  • Trying to get across The Hollows with no travel power of any description.
  • Succeeding in getting across the Hollows as an Illusion Controller with Invisibility and wondering whether I could ever play another toon again
  • My first 50 ding (on a toon I never play but cannot possibly delete)
  • NAKED Rikti
  • Being of jealous/impressed of someone for having over 300 badges.
  • My first DISASTOUROUS Sister Psyche TF - we started with 8 and ended up with 4. It took 7 hours and we couldnt kill Clamour!
  • The Union weekly MOSTF runs ran by Sgt. MP Lawrence. Every Sunday without fail for a good two months and the most fun you could have with your clothes on
  • No zone events on maps - if you wanted to get the firefighter badge you ran up and down the Copper District in Steel and hoped you got lucky!
  • I am sure there was a time when there wasnt even shops or pocket D marked on maps. If you didnt know where they were.... TOUGH
  • The old style blaster defiance inherent power - designed to make you faceplant
  • Actually I remember the days when there WERE no inherent powers except the Scrapper
I am sure I'll remember some more given time

Life is one big practical joke that we as the human race have yet to see the punchline to. Once you work that out the rest is easy.



• AE? AE!? Goddamit, when I was still heroing the only time you heard that was when some fooltard Blaster had pulled three spawns and was streaking cross yonder map wailing for his Empath. You don’t see walls of text like ‘WWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSSSSDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDD’ anymore I tell ya. No-one knows how to panic anymore these days.
Ahh... that takes me back

Life is one big practical joke that we as the human race have yet to see the punchline to. Once you work that out the rest is easy.



I'm curious. Is there any pictures of naked rikti somewhere?

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



Originally Posted by zachary_EU View Post
I'm curious. Is there any pictures of naked rikti somewhere?
You absolute pervert! I, erm.... yeah I Googled it anyway...



Oh perhaps they noticed that we have colder climate here or somethin... Or aww... Maybe it never came into their minds that they are naked. "what are those things called kloothings?" Or maybe we teached them the idea of perversions :/

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



I just remember something. This happened when me and my friends made our very first toon and we were in Atlas park and hunting some hellions. Suddenly some nice big level hero buffed us with speedboost and inertial reduction. We were like what he just did?!? Oh well let's continue and... WAAAAAAA!!! Look what I'm doing. I'm here on the roof... That was really fun moment.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



  • a 5 man SG team completing Atta's mission in about 3 hours, we fought wave after wave of trolls around Issue 3, was a real slugfest!
  • Weekly Hamidon raids before the Hami changes, was a real community fight back in the day!
  • My first 50, again citing the old XP curve and really slogging my guts out at the level 41 area to get some progress (i'd run out of missions so had to street sweep Rikti in PI)
  • Getting the Isolator badge from RV having missed it in the tutorial.
  • The very first opening moments of the new style Rikti invasion, we had teams all over the city waiting and the chatter between zones on globals was mad!
  • The Circle of Thorns event in Brickstown, fighting level 54 CoT in huge numbers was amazing fun, zone events are always such though
  • Not knowing about the Zeus Titan ambush and completing the relevent mission from Crimson, then realising it was following me.
  • The first time I tried the Eden trial, I still adore that map.

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



Here's my short list of things back from I3/4 and since then...

  • I remember when you started getting debt at lvl 5 and it actually took time to work the debt off.
  • I remember when it took me 4 months to get my first 50. That was with playing every day for a few hours.
  • I remember when I used to wonder why my scrapper would die and asking my friends. They replied "well do you use your shields?" to which I replied; "erm only in the really big fights". That's back when I 6 slotted for damage on a dark/dark scrapper and would run out of endurance in under 30 seconds. Such fun!
  • I remember when street sweeping wasn't just light relief but was actually a quicker way to level up than doing normal missions because the XP was lower then. Dang newbies you don't know how good y'all have it today!
  • I remember when teaming with a lvl 50 was a mystical occasion - you'd ask them all sorts of questions and treated them like they really were actual heroes like Batman/Superman.
  • I remember when I went into Peregrine Island for the first time. I was lvl 40 and stumbled across some lvl 47 Nemesis... our group decided that we were tough enough to take them down and were all faceplanted on the floor within 10 seconds.



The Paragon Defenders.



Originally Posted by Extremus View Post
The Paragon Defenders.
I remember those days, and the base raids!

[B]Order of the Cruciform/Crucified Swords[/B] - [B]Defiant[/B]
50's - Tridento (claws/invul scrapper), Robo Medic MkIV (empath/rad defender), Entrino (dark/dark defender) & Captain Wombat (thugs/traps mastermind)




Originally Posted by Mrs ? View Post
Was busy teaming last night on the Defiant EU Server and people started talking about the "old" days of COH in the Defiant Events channel, and there was some really interesting stories and I thought that it would be a nice idea to have a thread or "Time Capsule" (so to speak) of memories that players remember from the early days of COH.
I'm not a europlayer, but I liked the topic and wanted to share.

Here's an odd "good memory" for me. I was two months out of the US headstart, around May of 2004. My SG and I were in our mid 20s, hunting in the SW corner of Steel Canyon. A buddy of mine was a grav controller, so he was the "I trow forklifts lolol" guy, but that was our only experience with controllers.

So I'm on my blaster (elec/nrg, Cerulean Skie, first toon, still have her), and I see a mid-40s controller show up near us, by a big crowd of Tsoo.

My mouth drops when I see him spawn Phantom Army, and they clean up the whole group in about 15 seconds.

So I quit from team, and rolled up my new main, Dr. Turgenev (ill/storm), right then and there.

I wish I caught the name of that player. It was my inspiration as a controller, even seven years later.



Just after the game had gone live in EU, me and a PUG was doing Atta in Hollows we got stuck and I wondered why we didn't ask our SGs. Flea came from LLoD and we were all in awe. He was over level 20 and had a cape!

The level 50 ding missions, when you held off your ding so your friends could be there, when you got into the mission you left the team and started new teams inside the mission.

Playing taxi in Hollows and broadcasting "Level 50 with recall friend, send tell before invite"

Sitting at a roof top in IP talking to a friend, when she told me she was leaving the game and I cried.

The Jets, the all Energy/Energy Blaster team within LLoD with the same outfits, and not speaking to anyone. I think I still have Jet 6 left somewhere.

My first Hami raid, and the Blaster with Hold outfit.

Going to UK and meeting people I've only met online. Thinking that Bridger should be bigger, he was just like any other bloke.

Black Light, Electricity/Devices Blaster at Union
White Knight, Illusion/Radiation Controller at Union
Obscurum est absentis lux lucis. Ego sum lux lucis!



Great thread...

So many memories.

I guess I've some of the same;

The Hollows with only run
Dinging 50 and being overjoyed at unlocking the epics
First run into a cyst - was exmp'd down to work of debt (remember that?), the team ran into a cyst and wiped expect me at the back blasting - so I un-exmp'd and battered the cyst without any problems - and the team were amazed (they hadn't seen me unexmp).

The best memory has to be finding the Scoobys SG. Through the SG we've become friends offline that would happily go to the ends of the earth for each other.

**Edit** oh and Lui...



Defiant server

Rem my first 50 Superflame (fire/axe) tank
Meeting Rubberneck a lvl50 rifle blaster watching him clear a large mob and then starting to dance lol
Watching Fruity Balls pull a GM to portal corp to wipe out all the leeches
Meeting Ren and Galaxy Guardian on my first ever hollows team and we became great friends
My first ever PVP kill in sirens call
My first death in sirens call at the hands of Stalkobot
Meeting Londoner on a dreck map, i was tanking and he guarded the door



Hmm... well the first thing that comes to my mind is my very first TF after the EU launch I did with Midnight Agent, Prize, Fury, Blue Bug, Battle Medic, Private Gilliam and Freezer! I saw a post of MA's on the old forums about the whole Saturday TF, saw there was room on the team he was assembling but back then I was too shy to actually post anything (and still am tbh...), so instead of that I simply flew right in the middle of them when they were still sorting out the team. They took me in and for the next 6 or so hours we simply had a blast!

And I have to say, reading the replies here really does bring a tear to my eye... all the good memories



Originally Posted by Extremus View Post
The Paragon Defenders.
This, OMG they scared the life out of me!!

Winning loads of influence as Mary in costume competition that I didn't even enter...was just stood at side wondering what was going on.

Running a costume comp with my daughter sat on my lap picking the 'prettiest' costume.

Joining a team and stopping together all night. The community was awesome.

The Hollows, Frosty and Atta on hardest setting.

Perma haste =)

The Good:
Krazy Mary L50 Kinetic defender
Uniqua L31 PeaceBringer
Black Annis L24 Warshade
Krystal L18 Ice Blaster
The Bad:
Frenzi L34 SS/Inv Brute



I remember hitting the level to finally get the flight pool open. In my haste I took 'Air Superiority' without reading the description. Took me a long time to figure out why I couldn't fly

Old school Hollows and multiple trips ot Atlas hospital on route to missions

Trying to be clever by slotting various TO's in my scrapper powers. Really useful ones like taunt etc as I didn't know anything about enhancements. Wondered why every other player managed to survive longer than I did in every fight.



Originally Posted by Cambo View Post
  • Being paid 1m inf to awaken Igneous groups in the Hollows for two high level heroes who needed them for their badge
I remember Icelock and myself paying someone about 1m inf to do that in the hollows. No idea if it was you but if that happened in 2005...



-Joining the NHU and thus letting my char Cyrene take proper shape.
-Plenty of badgehunts from Sals.
-The first Hami raid after issue 9. Ok it was a 7 hour marathon, but hey, we did beat it.
-When Sarge did get the first successful one in much less time (we had plenty of attempts)... and then my first successful leading of a Hami Raid.
-Mother Loves halloween death race. Running as lvl 4 and then as we came into Grandville... the undead began popping up. That was one big adrenalin moment.
-Getting all badges at one time (except those unattainable for a late entry as me) knowing that well there would be more in another issue.
- Seeing the good sport that is in the players when during a Hami raid, I had two leaders not appearing and two volunteers joined. They were a little nervous, but they did their job and we had another successful raid against the jello.
- Having a GM for a short amount of time as a SG member as he did get a tour after he helped us with the aftermath of a long string of troubles with the base we have had.
- Flying around rezzing, teleporting and buffing players in the Hollows.

Well that are some of mine.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Things I remember

-Dinging 50 for the first time, I can even tell you what mission it was. The Diabolique mission for Maria Jenkins
-Hollows death runs, I miss the days when hollows was crazy and one wrong step killed you
-Defeating my first Lusca
-My first old Hamidon kill
-My first attempt at the current Hamidon when it was changed and the blaster suicide squad
-A certain man-cow constantly needing teleporting around the shadowshard during one of the task forces cause he kept falling off
-Costume contests where you could get enough people to line the entire square base of the atlas statue.