Good Memories Of COH!




i pretty much remember all that stuff too, but the ppl i spoke to.

jay spine
action hero - (sami)
everyone knew mothers love
napalm bomb
wastelands, cant remember his real name.

frostfire missions were the bomb
teaming in kings row then doin bank missions
having my first 50 after about a year and feeling like a god under atlas.
having snowball fights in the winter chalet area
how teaming was so fun and easy

so many memories tbh those were the days



-Being a Superspeeding Ice Tank. Try Super speeding though Terra Volta before you could get/buy temp Jetpacks and Zero G packs, while being a Tank type that's not half as strong back then as it is today.

-Making many friends. Not made any since I've been back but made loads when first joined.

-The first time I saw Lusca and the haunted ship. Staring in awe at these things after thinking common street thugs were all I'd be fighting.

-Joining my first sg, the 'Predominantly Dead', after getting our arses whupped by Frostfire.

-Aggroing two large groups of purples during the respec trial and getting my entire team killed while I ran away and saved myself.

-Oh and giant monster hunting for the badges.

*Sigh* those were the days.



Here's one from the April 2004 beta books.

When two non-teamed players would take down a mob, the person who did the most damage was awarded the full XP value. More importantly, the verbiage in the combat logs went something like this:

X and Y both attacked Hellion Damned, but Y gets the experience for doing more damage.
...that didn't go over too well.



I've got a couple...

Winning my first CC and getting a whopping **1M** influence for it. Back then, that was a bit o' cash. Still have that Rad/Rad 'fender, but she laments from my altitis...

My second ever toon, Ruby Dawn, Mind/Emp 'troller, goin' 50.

My first ever villain(ess), Cerise Dawn, Mind/Psi Dom, goin' 50, before the Dom Fren, so I'm double proud of that one.

The two solo projects, a hero scrapper and a dumb-*** brute, going 50, as mercanaries for hire, but a TON of soloing on them...

My first ever beta invite. It was like I'd won something.

Reading about Sister Flame's awesome adventures via Wyll on these here forums.

And so many many other things... I'll probably think of more awesomes later.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



- Buying the game and taking more than an hour in the character creation screen before actually 'playing' the game
- Teaming at low levels, playing my first character (a scrapper) and jumping into a mob, getting killed almost instantly (and then learning why tanks go first)
- Everything what has been said here before about the Hollows
- Having a very heroic fight with a freakshow mob barely surviving but still being victorious until 2 of them resurrect...
- Running into a sapper the first time, being end drained almost completely causing powers to detoggle while thinking "hey that ain't fair !"
- During a COT mission ending up in a COT prison cell after being defeated and pressing the go to hospital button
- Getting stuck in Perez Park (forest part) with my very low lvl toon and thinking "I'm never getting out alive" but did by sneaking past the mobs.
- Earning my first cape and feeling proud to wear it.
- Having so much debt it took hours of play to get rid of it.
- Seeing Lusca for the first time and defeating here for the first time.
- Not understanding and learning the hard way when a RAD controller warned me the first time not to attack his target...
- Experiencing the differences between teams that knew what they were doing and teams that didn't... and still both could be fun.



My best memory playing CoH was during a developer event that was causing massive lag in the areas where it was taking place. Freedom Phalanx heroes, Giant Monsters, and DE Monsters everywhere and massive, MASSIVE lag. So the team was on and I were quite dejected and frustrated looking at a lost evening, so discussed doing something else. I suggested going into Recluse's Victory for the Freedom Phalanx defeats, figuring there would be no one there. We grabbed a few more teammates and headed into Recluse's Victory, at least after grabbing the Heat Seeker badge for the Arachnos Flier defeat which conveniently spawned as we entered Grandville.

(To this day, it's the only time I've ever killed that thing outside a STF.)

Two hours later, after blueside player interference and recruiting help from some PvPers to keep the hero greifers off our back and trading pillboxes for nearly 30 minutes back and forth, Positron, who was NOT showing after several zone resets of pillboxes FINALLY spawned, we killed him, got our Blackguard badge and there was much rejoicing. (YAY!)

Afterwards, some PvP, for which most of us were not equipped to deal with, but we did get the Reinforcement badge, Time Machinist badge, Somewhere in Time badge, Temporal Agent badge, and the Temporal Spy badge. All in all, an epic night playing. Fun, when at that time I was a serious badger and even more fun that I felt like PvPing for once was really, REALLY fun. I wish PvP was as fun as it what that evening, or even somewhat close, but, well, you know the story with PvP right now. Best night I've had playing this game.



Running like hell trying to join up with a team on the other side of the

My first toon (who was level 12 at the time), joining a team of 50s..they seemed like gods at the time

Getting my first 50 and getting each different AT to 50

Costume competitions and lots of people hanging around under Atlas

Finding it hard to survive as a low level toon, not an issue these days

Fully slotting Nova on my first blaster – BOOOM!

Taking part in an SG drinking game TF, one of my friends was so drunk his toon kept running into the same wall for 10 minutes while we all watched falling around laughing

All my great friends from the SG

My deviantART page (warning some images nsfw)

GGRRR Comic Series GGRRR Comics on Facebook



It was about two years ago when there was rikti invasion going in Atlas park. In middle of the biggest fight I saw when someone said locally "I just came in to game and I don't understand anything what happens..." We invited him in group and quicly explained that "aliens are attacking here..." He got many dings

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



I started playing in July 05.
I remember the first time I saw a peacebringer in Atlas Park near the Hollows entrance and thinking how cool they are.
I remember a buddy of mine giving me 500k inf and thinking Im so rich.
I remember how difficult it was to get across the Hollows. Over time I learned how to navigate the Hollows without getting killed too much.
I used to like the old Hami raids.
Being in the lower levels, I used to admire level 50s and thinking how cool they are.



Man, alot of the stuff here brings me back... I remember reading the AT descriptions while the game was installing... this was back during Issue 3...

-Doing a mission in the sewers with a PuG, looking around as they were all standing beside me waiting to go forward for the charge (I was the only tank on the team)
-Dinging my first 50 after 6 months.
-Getting Power Leveled by a level 50 toon when you were level 41!
-Ninja Farm!
-People stopping me on the streets and asking me to use my powers, cause back then the odds of seeing a lvl 50 ice/ice tank were as good as running into Big Foot!
-Doing a TF under the old side-kick system... if your mentor DC'ed you were automatically booted! LOL
-Dying in Hollows for 1000s of times just trying to reach that darn FF mission!
-Getting Swift/health/stamina at levels 16/18/20, and being scr*wed if you didnt!
-My first travel power at lvl 14!
-Having tons of money with nothing to spend it on!
-Asking a friend to help transfer items! GEEZ how did we ever make it without the mailing system!
-Having a lvl 10 blaster with enough exp debt to last him till he was 50!
-Trams and ferrys being the ONLY method of travel between zones!
-12 hour SSTF!
-Failing the first respec trial like 20 times!
-16 attempts for the MoSTF badge! and the getting the MoLGTF on the first try! LOL
-Doing the STF with Lighthouse!
-Participating in a closed beta, and having my suggestion actually affect and change an aspect of the game.
-Rolling over 30 level 50 toons at least 2 of every AT in the game.
-The old Hami raids and how they were more social gatherings than actual raids!
-The major milestones, such as the introduction of PvP, Villains, the market, inventions, AE, incarnates, Epic Arch-types, new zones... and the multiple nerfs to REGEN! LMAO!
-All the friends I made, people I've met, and events I've participated in!

"You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am"

Arc ID 91456: The Zombie Apocalypse Task Force:poster 1, poster 2




First TF I ever did (Was level 40 on my second toon) it was nothing but tanks

First time my nuke missed the whole mob

Thinking that my blaster could solo an AV XD



Playing the tutorial for the first time and initially thinking "I'm not sure I like this".
Seeing a Peacebringer in Nova form for the first time and thinking "What the H is THAT!"
The Hollows pre travel powers.
When PuG teams did stuff other than paper missions
Sunday afternoon Atta runs
When everyone wanted to do Frostie as often as possible
Issue launch lag due to over populated servers
My first old school hami raid. no capes / auras!
Dinging 50 on my first character and making a point of going back to Ms Liberty to level.
Talking random nonsense with like minded pals.

Good times.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



I started playing 7 years ago due to a 15-day trial I got by purchasing a computers magazine named Micromania... I wasn't sure when I started playing because it was my 1st MMO EVER... but when the account expired, I rushed to the newstand and purchased another magazine, getting 15 days more

Regarding the subject of the OP... I'd say:

- my 1st 50
- hovering across Hollows while the others kept flying past me
- my 1st MoSTF
- my 1st Hami raid (old style)
- Frostfire
- Atta
- farming Dreck
- the 1st time I used the flypose macro
- my 1st Dr. Quarterfield (old style... so LOTS of hours)
- Rikti Invasion
- when RWZ was RCS
- finding a nice bunch of chaps whom I've been playing for years now... Sarg, mere, freeze, mister, gully, cat, DS, evangel, Medi, Q, plus the other spanish like Fulgor, Silver Horn, Dunkel, Alastor (well, currently Lord Dracon xD), Blackshake, and many others
- the feeling that Defiant is like "my little ideal family", given I've met most people in either tfs, sfs, trials, i-trials

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).

My alts:



Oh when zones were locked from too low levels and get first time in new zone. I remember when I was looking those mysterious Shadow shard maps in Vidiot maps and wondering like what are those "islands" and big round shaping areas. Maybe they are caves... RWZ changed before I got enough levels to see the old one :/

Prunejuice is warriors drink.




Hating clockwork with a passion after just a day.

The Hollows was a great introduction to the teaming element. So many funny PUGs.
Half-Piping in Frostfire for the first time!

Seeing the Freakshow and just Then killing one and seeing it get back up..WTF?!

Hating clockwork with a passion after just a day.

Oh, I remember when some games show on Sky showed live feed from Union, must have been a couple of weeks after release. Quite a few people chasing this person around Atlas so they could be on TV.

Watching a Tanker team-mate spam F1 to use his green insps while fighting Clockwork King but was in fact hitting F2 - he died but he had 3 wakeys in F2 slot....Up,dead,up,dead,up,dead.

Getting the 1st level 50s on the Server from our SG - We were way behind Defiant.

Good times!



Defiant was always my home from home

My first 50 was Superflame a fire/axe tank

My best memories always included friends, some of whom have left the game like Londoner, Kabaal, Muddy and Rubberneck but Rhi, Nana's, Rabbit, Nova, Miss Kitty, are still around and they all made the game fun..
I rem London always guarding the door while i ran a dreck map just incase any would try and escape lol, Rubberneck using his tank Fruity Balls to pull a GM to portal corp just to kill lowbies looking for a power level. All the many TF's played with the above crew which always had a smooth out-come even with Rabbit talking dirty the whole TF lol

These memories i will keep forever or until the alzheimer's kicks in..

Coh i will miss it greatly but life goes on and hopefully someone will realize its potential and relaunch it someday......fingers crossed



- Developing Cyrene through rp interaction.
- Being part of the NHU, the stories made there with the members and sometimes making things in the base.
- Mother's Halloween run in city of villains, running as a lvl 4 from Mercy to Grandville, during apocalypse event and listening to a dj channel. That gave me a good adrenaline
- Leading my first Hamidon Raid to success (there where plenty more).
- Fighting the Hamidon the first time on Union right after issue 9. That was seven hours of die hard fighting as we in the end succeeded.
- UBH/Sal's (before it got usurped, so Sals badgehunter channel) The good community we had on Union server, the willingness to help get the various badges.

- A day in Croatoa during Katie Hannon TF when one player looked at my badges and told me... "woa looked at your badges and nearly lagged out" :P
- Talking to the devs when they occationally came to pocket D. Specially War Witch.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



I miss the NHU, it was some of the best fun I ever had in game. I loved playing Super Sara, and she has been retired wearing her old uniform.

�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from

EU, Union mostly.



My most recent memory is the Really Hard Way badge - I was in the group on Union which successfully completed it the first time on live, and quite possibly the first group throughout all the servers (as no other group had mentioned completing it yet). That was really nail-biting, fighting Emperor Cole at full power. :3

Ideon's Paragonwiki page
Member of Paragon/Rogue Knights
Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller