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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ashtoreth_NA View Post
    Do not go with Thugs/Trick Arrow. The redraws will drive you out of your mind.
    Thats, like you said, "if" you take the pistol powers, and still use them in the higher level. But theres more than likely better powers that could be used than these pistol powers. Unless of course you use for a concept.

    Otherwise, do go with Thugs/TA! (If you ever get around to it) Its great in both PVE/PVP
  2. If you want a controllermind go for Demons/Dark and when you reach the Patron Arcs pick soul mastery. (I know this is very specific information for a higher lvl, but its the higher levels where MM come into their own really (And yes I do understand people have differing preferences)). The Demon Prince, combined with select powers from Dark Miasma, and other powers from Soul Mastery allow you to lock down entire groups of mobs with holds and stuns.

    I would recommend TA highly, even if its considered "advanced," because in the higher levels when you get yourself Oil Slick Arrow you can blow groups of mobs to pieces with several minions from Robots, Thugs, Ninja's and Demons. It does an incredibly amount of damage.

    TA also has an incredibly hold in the form of EMP Arrow, which is fantastic for holding down huge groups of mobs.
  3. A torn and battered pamphlet could be found below the notice board



    This pamphlet has been produced by the good brothers and sisters of the:
    The Primal Civil Defense Brotherhood
    We, of the P.C.D.B, believe that it is high time that the Praetorians who are citizens of this world be sent back to where they came from!

    It has come to our attention that those people known as the "Resistance" are just wolves in sheep's clothing! They say they are against the Loyalists who invade our world, but this not so brother!

    There is plenty of evidence that points to the Resistance exchanging secrets with the Loyalists to bring us closer to ruin. Idle chatter in bars, parks and other public areas is being recorded and sent back to their home world to help them with their invasion!


    When you are around a Praetorian, or you suspect someone of being a Praetorian, point them out for what they are and warn your fellow brothers and sisters that there is a mole amongst them! We don't want to jeopardise our own troops by letting national secrets slip during idle chit chat!

    Remember: Titter Tatter Lost the Battle!

    Dont condemn the brave hero's of our world to a lost cause!

    The Praetorian is a spy! Watch what you say or they'll stab you in the back!

    Some will say:

    "But why must we throw all of them back? Some of them must be good people who want to help us defeat the invading force?"

    Those who believe this rubbish have already been lost to the brainwashing from the Praetorians! Once a rat, always a rat! All Praetorians are against us! If you want an example, ask your local Praetorian to explain to you why they feed their unwanted children to the ghouls in the sewers? They will tell you lies about them not feeding their children to the ghouls... But I ask you this brother/sister... why are the ghouls there in the first place if this is not what they were bred to do?

    Another thing brothers/sisters, in a world were we are suffering from a global crisis in the employment industry... why should we open our doors to more people who dont even belong on this world?! They come to our world, take our jobs, and then pour the money they earn back into the hole from whence they came from! This money does not go to bettering our own world... but bettering theres and fueling their war-machine!

    This must be stopped

    ((The pamphlet continues with random pieces of text and quotes from people about what the Praetorians have been suspected of doing))
    • The Praetorians have been seen collaborating with the Rikti to see our downfall!
    • The Praetorians are responsible for the Global crash, and helped put the world the way it is today so they could have easier access to jobs with cheap labour!
    • The Praetorians helped start WW2 and WW1, and were seen to be collaborating with the Nazi's, and then the Communists during the Cold War!
    • The Praetorians are responsible for the increase in deaths by the Abominable Snowman with them now realising Ghouls near the northern and southern poles!
    • The Praetorians are behind the assassinations of many global leaders throughout the past century! They wish to make it easier for them to invade us!!!
    • It has been rumoured: That the Praetorians are posing as Primals to take their wages to fund evil plots involving a nuclear death ray that'll dissolve anything it doesn't kill into monkeys! The fiends!

    We must thrust every last one of the Praetorians back to their realm before we lose the war because of their spies!


    Join the P.C.D.B. Today at your local recruiting officer and keep our realm safe from the invaders!
    Most of this you can image is all just tabloid hype... but some people do believe whats been said!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
    Well the issue is, how can it have happened? I mean Kings Row and Steel Canyon are fine, untouched, unblemish and not referenced as in any way tarnished aside from there.
    Yes I understand that Omy. I just assumed that, since many heroes are currently involved in this scenario due to the content that has been released, there would be talk of this everywhere. But as its being treated like the elephant in the room I might have to change a few things about certain characters, primarily the PCDB ((Which needs overhauling)).

    As I dont visit the forum frequently, I missed this bit of information. Good to have it cleared up though.

    Wish there was a monthly or quarterly newsletter on whats "in" and whats "out"
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post

    I think most of us are agreed on massive world changing plots, we all seemed to agree on the tin mage and apex TFs not having any in game results until the Devs revamp zones to reflect them.
    This was agreed upon? Now I feel like an idiot -_-
  6. You character is whatever you want him/her to be. Just because he operates in the Rogue Isles doesn't mean he's a hero. Its like arguing that because someone works in England, and is from Ireland, they're English.

    The Rogue Isles need more Heroes than Paragon city does. Be the one that goes that one step further to help people out... behind enemy lines!

    If the AT is what your worried about just check out the nuetral zones and see how many AT's belong to either side of the red or blue line. You'll be surprised!

    Your back story is grand. Just because an alien lands on the Rogue Isles doesnt make them inheritably evil. It was just the luck of the draw that he crashed there.

    Its your character, make him whatever you want him to be!
  7. I dont know what happened so I wont comment on that end.

    But it takes a big person to comment and apologise for something they've done wrong. Give it time Ly and hopefully everything will smooth over! We all make mistakes. Just make sure you learn from whatever mistake you made
    • Doing Atta for the very first time. My god it was epic, so many trolls vs so much fire power!
    • Standing under Atlas statue with Tainted Greek when he did one of his first broadcasts on the Radio. Was pretty damn awesome
    • The first time I saw Lusca in IP. The first time seeing two Lusca's in IP as well, cue Mega Octopus Vs Mega Octopus!
    • Doing my first ever Taskforce. Was the Sister Pysche TF, we started early in the evening, didn't get finished till 5 in the morning. I remember someone given Doctor Who updates throughout the hour it was on the tele for those who couldnt watch it
    • First time meeting the Freakshow, they are still the best enemies in the entire game!
    • First time seeing a Rikti monkey. I quote Me:"What the heck are those things?" Team Members:"Monkeys?", Team:"MONKEEEEHHHHS"
  8. Thugs/TA is my main... and its a killing machine, combining Oil slick with the arsonist you can devour enemies! Another benefit of TA is its mobility, you can keep moving and not have to worry about setting up traps and such. Great for PVP as well.

    Highly recommended!
  9. I got to "introduces Sali" and stopped reading... Rek would have argued this under the table... but thats what he gets for not being there!

    Though ofc I read the entire thing
  10. Just to give a quick heads up... if anything happens tonight, i might not be round until after 8ish. So if anything happens i'll try and get there ASAP
  11. I should be fine for them times, plus I have a full inventory of characters at my disposal
  12. Now this would be a hilarious addition!

    Give the rats some sort of hive mind and hidden agenda, the damn things can chew through almost anything! Could go one step further and make them radioactive Rats, to bring them in line with the COH universe.


    Must get back into an PnPRPG some time in the future!
  13. I had to laugh at the people posting on facebook, within 3 seconds of posting the codes people where saying "all gone." Crafty buggers trying to take all the code for themselves lol
  14. Anyone else manage to nab one of the party packs off face-book...

    Took me several attempts to even read some of the codes lol
  15. cheers guys for the advice, I'll have a look into what i need to do a bit further. That 1 to 20 guide is really handy, i was a bit lost as to what i should take in the earlier levels. Thank you as well for the tips on what i should aim for... back to the drawing board again when i get the time.

    Much appreciated guys
  16. Im looking for help with an invul/energy melee build, and after searching the forums with only a few posts coming about these specific kind of build I decided to just try my own luck at getting help.

    Just a quick bit of background first, I started playing the game on the eu release and played for 1 to 2 years, up to the release of COV was when my interest start to wane, after that but since ive been on and off doing other things in real. Ive been back to the games a couple of times but mostly just playing around with new classes and new content. I hardly played my main tanker Lucius during this time, thus his build seems to have become completely redundant in todays content. This was clear when i was struggling with rikiti and then got my backside handed to me by arachnos.

    So i want to propose a new build that i hope people could critique and give me a few pointers on what i should drop and take etc and i would greatly appreciate slot placing as well.

    What im looking for is a tanking tank. I want to main aggro while being a wall against the enemies of my team mates. But as EM is more single target Ive thrown in a few stun ehancements to help me maintain control of mobs. I see it as long as the buggers are stunned it'll stop them from legging it when my backs turned... There fore my lower ranking attacks ie;

    Bone Smasher
    Whirling hands

    all have stun enhancements in them to try and help with aggro management. The other two abilities Energy Transfer and Total focus are my damage abilities, which will favour more damage enhancements rather than stun. Plus i miss the old ET animation... the new one take too long ;p

    Oh and btw dont worry about IO's yet i just want to get the general lay out nailed then ill move on to filling the slots on my own.

    Oh and can you please excuse the colourless build output... couldnt work out how to go colourful, then firefox decided to restart itself... so i lost the original build.

    Any help is much appreciated!

    + Built with SuckerPunch's Online Planner v5.0
    Archetype: Tanker
    Primary: Invulnerability
    Secondary: Energy Melee

    01: Resist Physical Damage => Res_Damage(1), Res_Damage(5), Res_Damage(13)
    01: Barrage => Damage(1), Stunned(7), Stunned(42), EnduranceDiscount(46)
    02: Temp Invulnerability => EnduranceDiscount(2), EnduranceDiscount(3), Res_Damage(3), Res_Damage(7), Res_Damage(15)
    04: Dull Pain => Recharge(4), Recharge(5), Heal(33), Heal(43), Heal(46)
    06: Swift => SpeedFlying(6)
    08: Unyielding => EnduranceDiscount(8), EnduranceDiscount(9), Res_Damage(9), Res_Damage(11), Res_Damage(42)
    10: Taunt => Range(10), Taunt(11), Taunt(13), Accuracy(40)
    12: Air Superiority => EnduranceDiscount(12), Accuracy(33)
    14: Health => Heal(14), Heal(40)
    16: Fly => EnduranceDiscount(16), SpeedFlying(17), SpeedFlying(17), SpeedFlying(43)
    18: Invincibility => EnduranceDiscount(18), Buff_Defense(19), Buff_Defense(19), Buff_Defense(23), Taunt(31)
    20: Stamina => Recovery(20), Recovery(21), Recovery(21)
    22: Whirling Hands => EnduranceDiscount(22), Accuracy(23), Damage(25), Damage(29), Stunned(34), Stunned(45)
    24: Resist Energies => Res_Damage(24), Res_Damage(25), Res_Damage(31)
    26: Tough Hide => Buff_Defense(26), Buff_Defense(27), Buff_Defense(27), Buff_Defense(37)
    28: Bone Smasher => Accuracy(28), Damage(29), Damage(31), Stunned(37), Stunned(46)
    30: Kick => Knockback(30)
    32: Tough => EnduranceDiscount(32), EnduranceDiscount(33), Res_Damage(34), Res_Damage(34)
    35: Energy Transfer => Damage(35), Damage(36), Damage(36), Accuracy(36), Accuracy(37), Recharge(40)
    38: Weave => EnduranceDiscount(38), Buff_Defense(39), Buff_Defense(39), Buff_Defense(39), Empty(39), Empty(39)
    41: Total Focus => Damage(41), Damage(42), Accuracy(42), Stunned(43), Stunned(50)
    44: Conserve Power => Recharge(44), Recharge(45), Recharge(45)
    47: Physical Perfection => Recovery(47), Recovery(48), Heal(48), Heal(48)
    49: Build Up => Recharge(49), Recharge(50), Recharge(50)

    + Inherent Powers

    01: Brawl => Empty(1)
    01: Sprint => Empty(1)
    02: Rest => Empty(2)
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I cannot see England winning anything, ever, sadly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Very true. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on the other hand...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll have you know that the northern Irish stuffed the English a couple of years back... they even errected a monument for the occasion!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    A merged forum would be a great chance to add a Spanish language section, I think.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    tu hablo espanol?

    mi hablo espanol!
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    LOL i13 lost subscribers now people lose there jobs.

    Bound to happen with that sort of business sense tbh.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Funny, I thought subscriptions had went up since I13... oh well.

    My regrets to all those losing their jobs. It's not an easy time in the UK job market right now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah cause more profit always equals redundancies.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You have to look at the bigger picture. The profit might not have been significant enough to keep the jobs, hell it would have had to be one major issue that pulled in droves of people for these jobs to remain, if your talking about profits. An increase in numbers is still an icnrease in numbers!


    And just the issues aren't developed in brighton, so they have a more adverse affect on the situation
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    13 13 13 im seeing a trend going on here! OH DEAR JEBUS... its friday the thirteenth this friday!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]And another in March (which is the day I'll be flying to the US on).. good thing I'm not suspicious >_>

    On topic:
    Feeling for those who have been laid off. Shall wait for word from GR though before speculating on EU CoX's future though

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just hope they dont fire the pilot mid-flight >_>
  21. 13 13 13 im seeing a trend going on here! OH DEAR JEBUS... its friday the thirteenth this friday!!!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I guess we should take a moment to hold fire.

    We're all concerned because we're worried: We care about this game, this community and people we've come to know and like who help run the community.

    This isn't necessarily NCSoft/NCWest's fault. If we have to point the finger then let's blame the [censored] who caused the credit crunch.

    But let's also not assume too much. We're going to wind ourselves up with rumour, speculation and guesswork - to no good end. Let's not damn the management until they give us reason to. In times of global crisis they are going to want to get hold of every penny they can so they are unlikely to act irrationally for fear of [censored] us off. So if they have their wits about them, they'll look at this and decide how they can keep us happy and keep their income.

    In short, however sad it is for those individuals who've lost their jobs, it'll do us no good to get in a tiswas - yet.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I heard they were going to delete everyone 1 in 13 accounts as well until we "cooperate" like nice little customers!
  23. Response 1:
    This is a load of b*****x!

    I haven't spent so much time on characters, just to see them destroyed because of poor management handling. I have paid the same and possibly more money than a lot of the american players have, I have rights two you know. We deserve a response. We are paying for this service!

    Response 2:

    DOOM!!!!! +1

    Response 3:

    Its all gone to teh Americans!!!

    Response 4:


    My Response:

    This is quite a blow to the games industry within the U.K. as well. If NCSoft are likely to make this many cuts to their sector within the U.K. some other developers could follow suit, you are a small island. (Though Ireland would be much better, much more scenic tbh )

    I feel sorry for the people who got axed and I hope that their talents are quickly picked up by other developers. And i hope they further their career do the line. Hell this will be one hell of a C.V. filler, so look on the bright sidish.

    As for the speculation, I don't play as much as I have in the previous years. So going by other peoples suggestions I personally will have to make a big decision to come back to this game. What will tip my decision to stay or go are these two points;

    a, Lose our names, I will be extremely disappointed, because I am the original Lucius *cough of defiant*, I am the original Wormhole *cough of defiant* I am the original Silvius *cough of Union* I don't want to become "the guy that was once known as Lucius" I want to keep my name god damn it! I've spent enough time trying to make a name for myself, why should my name be sundered by someone who can't live up to it!!! *cough* I better be able to fit "The Original Lucius of Defiant" into my new american name tray!

    b, If we are given the restart of our accounts from scratch, I'll be gone, it took me long enough to get Lucius to 50, and i haven't managed another 50 since, just don't have the drive and im a serious alt-aholic! I'll be gone and city of heroes will be a little less Irish!


    I feel sickened that i have jumped on the speculation band-wagon!