To avoid messing up Dante's thread anyfurther.




Shadow asked what I meant by being 'unable to RP a superman OOC'. Well after some thought on how to explain it here I go.

Superman as we know is the big blue boy scout, always listening for trouble, always there before a disaster or mere seconds after one to help out. That as an RP concept is fine, but to be able to RP it correctly IC requires a lot of effort OOC.

Now this isn't an attack, I'm not saying people aren't trying hard enough, but it would require a supreme amount of free time and effort to be a superman character in the Unionverse, you'd need to be able to jump into every plot, arrive in the nick of time with your cowlick of hair and corn fed wisdom.

But of course no one really has that much time, or enough plot interest to do so. At that point if they demand that plots they 'can't ignore' should go away, then perhaps perhaps they aren't suited to RPing that type of character. The alternative is just to have an IC excuse.

Recently there was a Superman comic, in which he was confronted by people he'd failed to help, or more accurately those he wasn't there to help, he was confronted by a woman who'd lost her husband in a fire, who demanded to know why he wasn't there to save him. Of course plot demanded that he couldn't answer her, and instead went on a soul searching walk around the USA.

He could of replied that he was in City D saving it from being taken over from the Hive, or on Planet X, saving the Xians from the deadly Y's in the Z galaxy.

And that's what I was trying to get at, it's not fair to RP a superman character, and demand that everyone else never make plots that are 'too large' for your liking. You are the one playing the superman, the ball's in your court as to why you aren't there.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Superman isn't always there. There's hundreds, nay thousands of stories that happen in DC that doesn't involve Superman. So that's a bit disingenuous to start with. But it's also pretty much not what anyone argues either.

What people mean by "Too big to ignore" is plots like ... a Skrull invasion, or the Joker planning to blow up the entire of Las Vegas, or Darkseid invading the earth. Plots that everyone, not just Superman, can't really ignore.

Really Shadowe explained it just fine in the thread. It's entirely fair to ask people not go overboard. No plot should require this kind of citywide upheavel to tell it. It's also a bit rubbish. If you're threatening the entire city, your loss is guaranteed. As you're not going to blow it up and say "Okay guys, RP's all over now thanks for playing" and have anyone take you seriously.

You're arguing against something that no one else is saying. You're right that it'd be rediculous if someone had a character who'd 'know' about any plot going on and rush to stop it. No one does though, so it's entirely pointless to argue that.



I think I can agree with Fans on that one.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
No of course not it'd be silly. But again no one, absolutely no one, is saying that except you.

Your example would be very bad for RP. But it's not what happens, it's not what is going to happen and it's never happened before that I can recall. Let's stop pretending it's endemic. We could get back to RP if people would just stop pretending that saying "No" to something in RP is the very thing that's killing RP and making out with its corpse.
Funny enough happened to me during the Open Season plot line.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Funny enough happened to me during the Open Season plot line.
For a very VERY good reason, too.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Certain people being bell ends and playing characters that make a seven year olds fantasy Naruto fan fiction self insert Mary Sue electing themself as some sort of RP commissar is not 'good reason'.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Funny enough happened to me during the Open Season plot line.
Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
For a very VERY good reason, too.
I'm not going to drag out that dead horse but, yes, there was a damn good reason that so many people Veto'd that one CB. It wasn't one person going 'Eww, don't like!', that was a whole heap of people, even those not actively in the plot going 'Hell no, thats out of line dude.'

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



moved across to keep other thread clean.

My bit

People the wall you are banging your heads against is getting bored ..

we have this debate every so often , and it comes down to who can be bothered to post the most, that holds the day.

the problem everyone wants something different, this is where the whole unionverse, we all live in the same one, issue hits problems.

" You create a plot where you decide to blow up King's Row. One of my mains lives there and thinks of it as her territory. You have just made it impossible for my character to ignore your plot. "

is a fine fair sounding statement .. but it means one person now controls what can or can not happen plot wise in that zone.

would it sound fair to say to a group of heroes .. " no you cant go rescue the hostages from the base in Sharkshead , as my VEAT works there and i dont want to get involved , rewrite your plot please"

given the number of players this would block the use of all game zones in the CoXverse. As well as the list of RP locations now being posted in the RP thread, do we have to have a No plots here with out perosn X's ok list as well ?

Either we are helpfully and are willing to assist and adapt to each others wants, or we need to accept that we are not all in the same unionverse and be happy and stick to our own little RP circle. Some like big grand wide reaching events, and are willing to make the effort to let anyone who wants to get involved, if you say no you cant to them are you willing for them to say no to one of your small scale plots when you want to do something in any given zone or location ? Do we have to pre post any plot for vetting ?

Now i know for a fact that plots have occured at GG , in pok D, and in at least two SG that are at odds with each other in terms of events , lore , zone effects etc, but no one moaned or said "no you cant do that" because they all we done withing their own circle of characters who have almost zero chance of meeting in game, and because those circles of players never meet or talk to each other.

so can we not just be happy in our own circles of choice and get on with the point of the game, having fun....Please

.................................................. .................................................. .......................
"would it sound fair to say to a group of heroes .. " no you cant go rescue the hostages from the base in Sharkshead , as my VEAT works there and i dont want to get involved , rewrite your plot please"

Fans bit

No of course not it'd be silly. But again no one, absolutely no one, is saying that except you.

Your example would be very bad for RP. But it's not what happens, it's not what is going to happen and it's never happened before that I can recall. Let's stop pretending it's endemic. We could get back to RP if people would just stop pretending that saying "No" to something in RP is the very thing that's killing RP and making out with its corpse.

.................................................. .................................................. .......................
Yes Fans it is silly (( did you not get the fact it was meant to be ?)), but so is saying "I live in Steel Cayon , so no plots there" which does happen.
Futher i was not aware of anything killing off RP, tbh i see far more RP than ever, so much going on i cant keep up with it. What i was saying in please lets cooperate OR agree to accept that no one person or group owns the game and can dictate what can or cannot happen and get on with our own circles RP. Lets face facts even when the chalet was open and the GGer's and the Pok Ders ended up in the same room, there was not much mutual RP, no cross over of plots , no one saying " oh yes i live in Steel , i must be your next door neighbour ".
We all just get on with our own stuff. For example, the current Praetoria plot in Pok D should have it have an affects on the people at GG ? do the GGers have any idea its going on ? , does it matter what the answers to those two questions are ? ..



Fans isn't saying that just because Char x lives in y you can't do -any- plot without consulting them, he means that certian big massive world changing plots (The kind we shouldn't really be running anyway) arn't really fair, to use your example.

"I blew up the Arachnos base in sharkshead and killed everyone in it" would be bad while

"I broke a hostage out of there" would be fine and lead to the amusing exchange:

"Oh yea, well if I had been on duty you wouldn't have got away with that"



to be fair to Fans i will let him reply, if he wants to, Omy.

I think most of us are agreed on massive world changing plots, we all seemed to agree on the tin mage and apex TFs not having any in game results until the Devs revamp zones to reflect them.

But the "I blew up the Arachnos base in sharkshead and killed everyone in it" level plot is a pretty common mission and not even a arc final one, if a Villain cant threaten to blow up something note worthy it does kind of limit villain RP, please note i said threaten not do.
Otherwise are we all limited to street level villains, or ones that operate only in made up zones ? which if that is the case lets have some honesty and say that, and post some agreed boundaries, lets help each other.



I think Omy means the actual physical fort in Sharks, not the faceless base interior that Villains get to crash through.

And to be fair, we don't get to mess up the missions themselves either, beyond stuff that would likely be simple to fix (ish)

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



If you're going to counter me with the "Everything in game is -exactly- how it happens" card Korny I shall riposite with the "This means a group of thugs with regular pistols are the msot powerful force in the universe" card.



C'mon peoples... It's really not all that difficult.
It's only difficult when someone is so full of themselves that they go way too far on either side of the equation.
Then again, all too many people seem to be this way, so...
Then again, maybe it is just that difficult.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
C'mon peoples... It's really not all that difficult.
It's only difficult when someone is so full of themselves that they go way too far on either side of the equation.
Then again, all too many people seem to be this way, so...
Then again, maybe it is just that difficult.

Like I said, the reality is that there is almost no conflict as most people respect everyone else enough to not do it. It only seems to be one person making claims to the contrary.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post

I think most of us are agreed on massive world changing plots, we all seemed to agree on the tin mage and apex TFs not having any in game results until the Devs revamp zones to reflect them.
This was agreed upon? Now I feel like an idiot -_-



No Omy, i am no using the "Everything in game is -exactly- how it happens" , see my note about tin mage and apex, but if i can not referance game missions as a measure of plot activity please tell me what i can refer to.



Originally Posted by Lucius_EU View Post
This was agreed upon? Now I feel like an idiot -_-
Well the issue is, how can it have happened? I mean Kings Row and Steel Canyon are fine, untouched, unblemish and not referenced as in any way tarnished aside from there.

So our choice is to either say it hasn't happened yet or to say Paragon has the best reconstruction crew ever.

And I'm all for you referencing events from missions as IC things Korny, just on the understanding of that's not exactly how it happened, a mission has you go into a section of a base on Sharkshead, doesn't mean you have to run into character x even f they're on duty.

Saying you blew up the entirity of the fort and made sure everyone who worked there was dead however, is a bit much.



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
Saying you blew up the entirety of the fort and made sure everyone who worked there was dead however, is a bit much.

I refer you to the vigilante mission in which you blow up an entire council base, with everyone inside.

Everyone inside mind you because you sleeping gassed them first to make sure they were stuck inside.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Sorry Omy, i think we have crossed wires, i did not mean referencing events from missions as IC things, what i meant was using the type of activities in everyday in game missions, by which i mean non TF, non end of arc fight the EB/AVtype missions, just the normal missions, as a measure of the level of activity for RP plots, those which are not world changers but are more than pulling a bank heist. I was just trying to point out the level of blowing things up the game content offers up on a regular basis, and trying to see what is considered non world changing. Sorry for the confusion.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
I refer you to the vigilante mission in which you blow up an entire council base, with everyone inside.

Everyone inside mind you because you sleeping gassed them first to make sure they were stuck inside.
As if I needed more reason to despise Vigilante's, the point stands, there are thousands of generic bases for villian groups out there, however if you refer to a -specific- one that someoen has a character workng at and then -specifically- state you killed everyone there, good job, you just godmode killed thier character.



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
As if I needed more reason to despise Vigilante's, the point stands, there are thousands of generic bases for villian groups out there, however if you refer to a -specific- one that someoen has a character workng at and then -specifically- state you killed everyone there, good job, you just godmode killed thier character.

To be fair, saying you are working at X canon location is a bit iffy in the first place.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
To be fair, saying you are working at X canon location is a bit iffy in the first place.
The road that train of thought leads down ends in "Why do we even RP in this game anyway?" though CB.

I myself see no problem with saying someone works somewhere or lives somewhere so long as (And this is the important bit) it's within reason and that's the key part here.



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
Well the issue is, how can it have happened? I mean Kings Row and Steel Canyon are fine, untouched, unblemish and not referenced as in any way tarnished aside from there.
Yes I understand that Omy. I just assumed that, since many heroes are currently involved in this scenario due to the content that has been released, there would be talk of this everywhere. But as its being treated like the elephant in the room I might have to change a few things about certain characters, primarily the PCDB ((Which needs overhauling)).

As I dont visit the forum frequently, I missed this bit of information. Good to have it cleared up though.

Wish there was a monthly or quarterly newsletter on whats "in" and whats "out"



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
The road that train of thought leads down ends in "Why do we even RP in this game anyway?" though CB.

I myself see no problem with saying someone works somewhere or lives somewhere so long as (And this is the important bit) it's within reason and that's the key part here.
To say that your Longbow character works at Agincourt for example is sort of okay, despite you having no real way to show that.

To say that your Longbow character works at Agincourt and thus throw a wrench in anyones plans to use that location for plots, despite it being used several times in game canon is well... I'd say 'Why don't you work at a none plot used Longbow camp, and let people use Agincourt as it is in game?'.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



No! No. You don't understand. You are missing the point.

Don't blow up things which have a physical presence in game. Don't destroy Agincourt. Don't topple the Atlas Statue. Don't shrink and steal Freedom Corps.

That's it. That's all this is about. You're making it way, way more complicated than it needs to be. It's got nothing to do with people's characters 'claiming' an area. It's about not changing the game world in a way that should be physically represented but isn't. That's all this is about. Your example with Agincourt isn't "My character works and Agincourt so you can't blow it up" and is more "You can't blow Agincourt up, as it'll remain unexploded in game. So don't blow it up"

God you're killing me here. This is such a simple point, how can you miss it so badly?