To avoid messing up Dante's thread anyfurther.




Originally Posted by Fanservice View Post
Thanks Shadowe! For backing me up on this.

Obviously communication with the player first is important, but if they're interested in your plot I imagine most people would be eager to offer something up. We all love a chance for our characters to get angry over losing something.
Hmm, see now I would see more of that as 'thanks for recognising me and using my ideas as part of your plot', rather than 'that's a sensible way of looking at things - let's all get involved'.

I'm in no way agreeing that 'big' plots such as bringing Ghost Widow back to life - for real - are a good idea. However, I'm also wary of creating a vicious circle of the same people getting 'starring roles' in RP and those same people espousing their talents as roleplayers and 'instructing' others on what they can and cannot do.

My advice would be to avoid places like GG if your plot involves something big. Let people conduct their own plots there and you're more likely to find a group consensus with people away from there.

Similarly Pocket D is not the best place to discuss openly how your villain/hero will ruin/save the day (because, you know, Heroes and Villains (and all that lies between) hang out there).

But it can also be used as a place to 'entice' others to the plot. And is less likely to receive the sort of 'you can't do that' mantra that the statue will engender.

Bases are excellent for plots, as are global channels.

We all know that there will never be a general consensus on what the Unionverse is, contains, or the things that happen in it. And trying to tie canon with player canon, for me, boils down to how good a person is at remembering facts, not if an idea will work or not.



Actually, there is a bit of an issue that comes up in these threads, time after time, that has recently really started to niggle me.

And that is the massive divide between certian PD RPers and certian GG RPers. The worst part of all this? This divide does not need to exist.

I RP in both places, run plots in both places, have characters who frequent both and both are good fun places to RP.

You want to RP a character relaxing and going for a drink after a hard days heroing/villiany? That'd be a PD time. Want to RP a new rookie hero going to meet some other heros to compare notes? (Especially if the Rookie is under 21) then go to GG.

Do both places have thier downsides and people that will annoy you? Yes, but then doesn't every other place or group of people you've ever known have people who annoy you.

This is more then offset by both places consisting largely of good RPers who are great fun to interact with and I couldn't be happier to run plots with both.

Now I know both places have people who dislike certian people who are in other places, and we here in the forums have all heard enough of these grevances I think, far too often to be honest.

So lets just stop this okay? Both places are good for RP, a different kind of RP in each place, saying to avoid one or saying bad things about it doesn't make your place look any better to RP, it just makes you look small and petty, so lets just let it be done, let people try out thier RP where they want and draw thier own conclusons rather then continuing a pointless circular nigh tribal argument.

There. I've said my peice, you can all go back to ignoring me now.



Oi! Bad Omy! No stealing my thunder-esque! Get back in your soupcan!

But yes, it's tripe. PD is a perfectly good place to RP, have meetings, plot hooks and other stuff. Pretty much everywhere is valid for that sort of thing, and has been done, and often done well.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Given the rare nature of an Omy post, i feel it is important to take the opportunity to agree with him,

and to agree with AP,

ok, yes I will even agree with Tech, but just this once and it in no way set a president, I retain the right to consider any future Tech posts on a post by post basis.



Pocket D has always been like GG, only with dance music in the background :P

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
ok, yes I will even agree with Tech, but just this once and it in no way set a president, I retain the right to consider any future Tech posts on a post by post basis.

(It's precedent. You'd be right doomed if I made president )

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Oh fffff..lip dang auto correct not reading my mind again....



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Pocket D has always been like GG, only with awful noise in the background :P
Fixed that for you

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator