Op Animus ((C.U.R.P.O.O.C ))





OOC info for thoses involved in the recovery of Venessa's body.

The current idea is for 4 RP AE missions, each a seperate event so if you miss one you can do the next.

I need feed back on who can make the following dates, NOT all dates will be used, but this will allow the max number of people to join in.

Wed 29th

Thurs 30th

Mon 3rd

Tues 4th

idealy with a start time of 7 pm but again please give feed back.

The hope is to get enough players to do at least the first two missions over those dates

Pleaes post in this thread so we can all see where we are at.

details on the missions will follow, the basic set up is :

1. raid on PPD office to steal info

2. Kidnapping a VIP

3. clearing and control taking of the exchange site

4. the exchange and the getaway




I will be available for all of those dates.

I can also help with the missions, as discussed.

This message brought to you by Sarcasm. Accept no substitutes.

9/13 - Never Forget.
8/31 - Never Forget even more.



I'm around for the 29th/30th but after that I'll be back at work.



Thought...i am assuming all characters are blue side , if not please shout now ...



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
Thought...i am assuming all characters are blue side , if not please shout now ...
Well, it doesn't matter really, there's the AE building in the RWZ.

This message brought to you by Sarcasm. Accept no substitutes.

9/13 - Never Forget.
8/31 - Never Forget even more.



i was thinking of pre mission set ups, and RP, i was planing to use a Blue side base as the start point.



Any of those dates should be fine for me, and I can make 7pm (give or take 10 minutes or so).

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



I should be fine for them times, plus I have a full inventory of characters at my disposal





why was that in caps..cos i am not awake yet ..need cuppa tea...



I will be available.. I don't know who I'm going to bring though, given Venom is certainly not going to be visiting Praetoria.

As for the briefing tonight, I'd prefer it if we had a venue other than Pocket D, just because a nightclub doesn't seem the best place to have a military briefing, but an alternative would require either everyone having a redside version of their character or an all blueside version.

I'd prefer the redside, so I can use the shiny new briefing room the KG base (and another reason I'm keeping a secret) has, but I could probably whip something up with Kiken's base if we wanted to go blueside.

This message brought to you by Sarcasm. Accept no substitutes.

9/13 - Never Forget.
8/31 - Never Forget even more.



given the problem of access to bases by red and blue toons, i was planning to move to the RWZ AE building and make use of the quiet room upstaires ..which would also be neutral ground.



I dont think that i will be available for tomorrow, as there is a birthday party planned for the foundry in the chalet at 8 pm.



ooh didnt know about that ..we may change plans then as that will effect as number of people



Ok ..it is on 7pm in the AE in RWZ.. a prompt start please as some need to get to other events afterwards .. this mean we want to start AT 7pm ..

reminder notes ..the AE mission will set your level to 25, this is in line with the plot cover story for the raid, ..You are all disguised as Syndicate goons , armed as Syndicate goon..there is no need to make a new costume unless you really want to..

please remember it is a RP IC mission ..so no rush to zapp blam all the mobs ..

we will use Local for IC chat , Team for OOC , and Broadcast for any noticable actions..i.e player A is bleeding , and for any plot clues / notes / events ..

I hope i will be in game after midday if any one has any questions ..



Op Animus stage one the Raid ..

The raid went off with out a hitch, the data was hacked and recovered, the team suffered no harm, and all returnned home safe. The PPD suffered 27 KIA and 41 injured, the Office was baddly damaged by fire, minor structrual damage has occured. The teams cover story seems to be holding as the raid has been blamed on Syndicate criminal elements.

Copies of the stolen data are now in the hands of the following : Thrice, Venom, Rek, Claire.

All team members have been told to be on two hour notice for stage two, the Snatch.



Just to give a quick heads up... if anything happens tonight, i might not be round until after 8ish. So if anything happens i'll try and get there ASAP



Current plan is for the mission on the 3rd Jan , again a 7pm start if possible ..if that is a problem for you SHOUT now.....

PLUS Briefing 2nd Jan , 7pm..

all in RWZ AE .



people your target....

Doctor Oscar Hienlith ..expert on the Biochemistry of the Human brain , Age estimated at 69. No Powers, in fact makes little use of the high tech wonders of Praetoria outside of his research work. For his age, very fit and robust in health.

Born before the Hami War his records where lost in that war, it is believed he did research for a powerful goverment organization, that worked to bring forth "Supers" to serve the cause. It is thought that he was know of by Cole before the Hami War, and may have been involved in the early screening of refugees for Psi ability. He met Shalice Tilman when she was in training to join the Praetorian Guard.

Hienlith became and remains one on the leading light of Tilman's medical work with Psychics, and is thought to have developed a number of vital drugs used in the Seer program. he is a member of Tilman's inner circle,and has full access to all areas of her domain.

A man devoted to his work, and rated as a loyal Cole follower, he live is a private house heavily guarded. He does however have a hobby, sailing, and has a personal 40 yatch, named Hillda which he sails out of the Private Dock facility just south of the main City.

..we shall capture him when he next is at his boat.




Briefing tonight 7pm RWZ AE



Hey kids, it's Nitro here. For those of you who missed the briefing (and you know who you are) here's a transcript I've cone through it to remove any obvious typos and spelling mistakes, but that's about it.

01-02-2011 19:48:43 Fortunata Henderson: hello everyone, I'm afraid her ladyship couldn't be here in person for this one
01-02-2011 19:48:48 Fortunata Henderson: so you've got me instead
01-02-2011 19:49:04 Mindy Millan: And you are...?
01-02-2011 19:49:22 Fortunata Henderson: very good question
01-02-2011 19:49:44 Fortunata Henderson: I'm the one who was wearing the suit for the last mission and spent most of the time being invisible and stopping mother finding us
01-02-2011 19:50:19 Fortunata Henderson: I'm the Fateweaver's Adjutant
01-02-2011 19:50:45 Mindy Millan: Oh, ok.
01-02-2011 19:50:49 Fortunata Henderson: but you can call me Jane
01-02-2011 19:51:18 Fortunata Henderson: anyway, first up, Claire sadly won't be joining us for this mission
01-02-2011 19:51:29 Operative Thrice: Oh?
01-02-2011 19:51:34 Fortunata Henderson: fortunately we have a replacement *gestures to Sali*
01-02-2011 19:51:53 Mindy Millan nods at Sali
01-02-2011 19:51:54 Sali Tayi smiles faintly but doesn't look around or introduce himself.
01-02-2011 19:51:57 Operative Thrice shuffles his papers
01-02-2011 19:52:18 Operative Thrice pulls out a pen and starts making changes
01-02-2011 19:52:22 Fortunata Henderson: allow me to introduce Sali Tayi
01-02-2011 19:52:52 Sali Tayi lowers his head slightly towards the Fortunata. "My pleasure, Jane."
01-02-2011 19:53:07 Fortunata Henderson: Do you want to say a few words for the team, or shall I?
01-02-2011 19:54:06 Sali Tayi: I would prefer to observe for awhile longer before I speak my mind.
01-02-2011 19:54:13 Fortunata Henderson: sure
01-02-2011 19:54:26 Operative Thrice throws away two sheets of paper, into a shredder
01-02-2011 19:54:50 Fortunata Henderson: for the rest of us, he's an experienced combatant, tactician and strategist
01-02-2011 19:55:16 Operative Thrice: so... not a medic ?
01-02-2011 19:55:27 Operative Thrice: ..ma'am
01-02-2011 19:55:55 Fortunata Henderson: we already have one other medic
01-02-2011 19:55:58 Fortunata Henderson: namely me
01-02-2011 19:56:26 Fortunata Henderson: anyway...
01-02-2011 19:56:39 Fortunata Henderson: you all know the situation as it stands
01-02-2011 19:56:41 Operative Thrice: ... oh ...then why was that not in the notes provided? Are you EMT rated?
01-02-2011 19:56:53 Fortunata Henderson: later Thrice
01-02-2011 19:57:12 Operative Thrice: Ma'am Yes ma'am
01-02-2011 19:57:40 Fortunata Henderson: the smash and grab was very successful, and we got all the infomation we could want
01-02-2011 19:57:49 Fortunata Henderson: we have a VIP, we know where he's going to be
01-02-2011 19:58:03 Fortunata Henderson: and we know when he's going to be most vulnerable
01-02-2011 19:58:35 Fortunata Henderson: however "most vulnerable" does not mean "very"
01-02-2011 19:58:47 Fortunata Henderson: and this mission has the very distinct possibility of becoming dicey
01-02-2011 19:59:39 Fortunata Henderson: however, this is the best shot we have and the target is high value
01-02-2011 19:59:39 Mindy Millan: Dicey?
01-02-2011 20:00:06 Fortunata Henderson: somewhat risky
01-02-2011 20:00:07 Fortunata Henderson: dangerous
01-02-2011 20:00:29 Dire Lament looks at Claire
01-02-2011 20:00:39 Dire Lament: how risky ?
01-02-2011 20:00:48 Lightning Kiss looks down
01-02-2011 20:00:49 Mindy Millan: oh, ok, I'm up for it, I think
01-02-2011 20:01:11 Fortunata Henderson: as long as everyone keeps on their toes and stays sharp, we should all make it out in one piece
01-02-2011 20:01:28 Fortunata Henderson: but I prefer to lay things out as I see them
01-02-2011 20:01:35 Fortunata Henderson: this is going to be harder than the last mission, yes
01-02-2011 20:01:57 Fortunata Henderson: but we have a lot of things on our side
01-02-2011 20:02:44 Fortunata Henderson: so if we all keep calm and follow orders, we'll all come out the other side
01-02-2011 20:03:23 Fortunata Henderson: anyway, I have been depressing you for long enough, so I'll pass things over to my learned colleague here
01-02-2011 20:03:39 Fortunata Henderson: he'll be filling you in on the operational specifics
01-02-2011 20:04:10 Fortunata Henderson: *gestures to Thrice*
01-02-2011 20:04:39 Operative Thrice: Ok, to answer your first question. About… 5 to 7 times as risky as the raid was …
01-02-2011 20:05:12 Sali Tayi: Less than that.
01-02-2011 20:05:25 Operative Thrice: Ok our target is a 69 year old man, with no superpower or weapons
01-02-2011 20:05:36 Operative Thrice: …was that a question?
01-02-2011 20:05:58 Sali Tayi shakes his head slightly.
01-02-2011 20:06:21 Operative Thrice: ok ...he is a medical doctor, so he should not be an issue…
01-02-2011 20:06:40 Operative Thrice: the target will be at a small dock well south of the main city
01-02-2011 20:07:15 Operative Thrice: it is lightly guarded, the resistance never bother with it …it is too far out and non vital.
01-02-2011 20:07:45 Operative Thrice: the local guards are PPD, these will not be a problem.
01-02-2011 20:07:49 Mindy Millan raises a hand
01-02-2011 20:08:10 Fortunata Henderson: try to save the questions for the end
01-02-2011 20:08:11 Operative Thrice: well will arrive from the mainland by truck, yes Mindy
01-02-2011 20:08:47 Mindy Millan: Shouldn't we get someone... you know... younger? It doesn't sound like they would miss him
01-02-2011 20:09:08 Operative Thrice: ok ...the truck will stop short to the small gatehouse that guard the bridge to the docks itself .
01-02-2011 20:09:32 Operative Thrice: …we can by pass this and reach the docks ..
01-02-2011 20:10:01 Sali Tayi: If I may?
01-02-2011 20:10:05 Operative Thrice: the Doctor will have just got off his yacht and be alone..
01-02-2011 20:10:10 Operative Thrice: yes?
01-02-2011 20:10:43 Sali Tayi: Will we force out way through the gatehouse or will we infiltrate?
01-02-2011 20:11:06 Fortunata Henderson: I'm sure all these questions’ll be answered in the brief
01-02-2011 20:11:14 Fortunata Henderson: this is just the overview
01-02-2011 20:11:21 Operative Thrice: we will by pass it …there are only three duty guards …there are plenty of blind spots
01-02-2011 20:12:40 Operative Thrice: the gatehouse is there to log trucks in and out ..it is not a major guard post
01-02-2011 20:13:28 Operative Thrice: …once past we cross the bridge , locate the VIP and grab him ...any one in the way we eliminate
01-02-2011 20:13:53 Operative Thrice: ...now it gets ...risky...
01-02-2011 20:14:45 Operative Thrice: once we strike the alarm will go out …and his personal protection unit will turn up ...Seers
01-02-2011 20:15:51 Operative Thrice: ... so speed is vital ...once we have him we must move to a TP beacon …This will get us past the suppressors..
01-02-2011 20:16:21 Operative Thrice: …Once we have him we move with all speed to the beacon ... nothing must get in our way
01-02-2011 20:16:39 Operative Thrice: ...once at the beacon we TP out.
01-02-2011 20:17:04 Operative Thrice: ..any questions so far ?
01-02-2011 20:17:45 Operative Thrice: no? Ok then
01-02-2011 20:18:18 Operative Thrice: our medic will stay with the VIP with a tazer on him and a health monitor, just in case
01-02-2011 20:19:18 Operative Thrice: every one else is combat, we must kill fast to avoid delays... The longer we are there the more Seers and PPD will arrive
01-02-2011 20:20:17 Operative Thrice: ... now back up details ...if the beacon is damaged we will fall back to the truck … where our Resistance ally will have opened a sewer tunnel for us…
01-02-2011 20:20:52 Operative Thrice: final back up exit is Lucy with her portals
01-02-2011 20:21:27 Operative Thrice: …last chance for questions ?
01-02-2011 20:21:53 Lightning Kiss: Are you sure they will want this man back?
01-02-2011 20:22:02 Operative Thrice: yes...
01-02-2011 20:22:18 Fortunata Henderson: the good doctor is one of Mother’s... Specialists
01-02-2011 20:22:37 Operative Thrice: and a personal friend of Mother
01-02-2011 20:24:25 Operative Thrice: ok no more questions .. I think we are set.
01-02-2011 20:24:38 Fortunata Henderson: if you really want, you can have a bio on the good Doctor
01-02-2011 20:25:06 Fortunata Henderson: but all that really matter is, they are definitely going to want him back
01-02-2011 20:25:37 Mindy Millan: I'll take your word for it.
01-02-2011 20:26:17 Fortunata Henderson: now, as was stated in the brief, the guards aren't going to be a problem here
01-02-2011 20:26:31 Operative Thrice: oh yes one note …if you have to flee do not go on the beach of in the sea ...mined areas
01-02-2011 20:26:51 Fortunata Henderson: unlike before, we aren't pretending to be syndicate, meaning we are going full out on powers
01-02-2011 20:26:56 Mindy Millan: Beach is bad, got it
01-02-2011 20:27:12 Fortunata Henderson: there's a reason we've got three separate evac routes
01-02-2011 20:27:48 Fortunata Henderson: any questions whatsoever?
01-02-2011 20:28:34 Mindy Millan shrugs
01-02-2011 20:29:23 Fortunata Henderson: as I said before, this isn't going to be a walk in the park
01-02-2011 20:29:32 Fortunata Henderson: it's probably the most difficult bit of this op
01-02-2011 20:29:38 Fortunata Henderson: but it's certainly doable
01-02-2011 20:29:57 Operative Thrice shreds all his papers
01-02-2011 20:30:07 Fortunata Henderson: all we have to do is make sure we get to the evac point as quickly as possible
01-02-2011 20:30:16 Operative Thrice then takes the shreds
01-02-2011 20:30:50 Fortunata Henderson: the biggest problem will be us getting swamped with Seers, slowing us down
01-02-2011 20:31:23 Fortunata Henderson: but the Seers are pretty much the *only* problem we have
01-02-2011 20:31:52 Operative Thrice pours a liquid over the shreds, which seems to fizz
01-02-2011 20:32:00 Fortunata Henderson: as I said, if we keep sharp and stick together, everyone makes it out
01-02-2011 20:32:10 Fortunata Henderson: anything else to add Thrice?
01-02-2011 20:32:34 Operative Thrice: no, we have covered everything ...ma'am
01-02-2011 20:33:08 Fortunata Henderson: in which case I will see you all tomorrow at 1900
01-02-2011 20:33:22 Fortunata Henderson: dismissed
01-02-2011 20:33:23 Sali Tayi: I would like a word with those who are here.
01-02-2011 20:33:31 Fortunata Henderson: sure
01-02-2011 20:34:39 Sali Tayi nods. "I would prefer if you all did take the PPD as a threat. And don't come in bright colours, I would prefer something that doesn't make you stand out so much."
01-02-2011 20:35:07 Mindy Millan looks down at her costume "Fine.."
01-02-2011 20:35:56 Sali Tayi: I don't know just how far these people are willing to go in order to recapture this VIP, but if you are separated from the group, I don't want you to be unable to blend in.
01-02-2011 20:36:38 Mindy Millan presses a few buttons on her armour
01-02-2011 20:36:45 Operative Thrice: there are no civilians in the area ...only PPD and uniformed dockworkers
<Mindy’s armour turns black>
01-02-2011 20:37:33 Mindy Millan: Is this better?
01-02-2011 20:37:45 Dire Lament: soo not your hue Mindy
01-02-2011 20:38:00 Sali Tayi turns to face the operative. "There is such a thing as hiding behind cover."
01-02-2011 20:38:12 Mindy Millan nods at Lucy "I know"
01-02-2011 20:38:26 Fortunata Henderson: Sali makes a very good point
01-02-2011 20:38:49 Operative Thrice: Seers do not use eyes to locate …hiding does not help
01-02-2011 20:39:15 Fortunata Henderson: but that's why stealth isn't much of a factor here
01-02-2011 20:40:02 Sali Tayi smiles wryly. "And you can guarantee that no group of TEST soldiers will be called in? Or that a soldier of the Powers Division won't happen to be in the area?"
01-02-2011 20:40:28 Fortunata Henderson: as was said, this is a pretty out of the way location
01-02-2011 20:40:43 Fortunata Henderson: by the time anyone is else is able to respond, we should be long gone
01-02-2011 20:40:44 Operative Thrice: nope, but then Mother may be with the Doctor , they are pals after all
01-02-2011 20:40:55 Fortunata Henderson: but yes, as always keep on your toes
01-02-2011 20:41:13 Fortunata Henderson: no plan survives first contact after all
01-02-2011 20:41:26 Fortunata Henderson: now, if that will be all, you are dismissed
01-02-2011 20:41:26 Sali Tayi: Should, being the main word. If you don't plan for defeat or all eventualities, then you will sooner or later fail.
01-02-2011 20:41:31 Operative Thrice: we work on the best intel we have ../which say the doctor will be alone in a quiet area
01-02-2011 20:41:51 Fortunata Henderson: gentlemen, please
01-02-2011 20:42:15 Fortunata Henderson: caution is one thing, fruitless speculation is another
01-02-2011 20:42:39 Operative Thrice: if you wish to re-draft the plan, I stand ready to assist
01-02-2011 20:42:49 Fortunata Henderson: we have very reliable intel and have obviously made contingencies
01-02-2011 20:42:57 Sali Tayi: Another thing is of course the Praetorian spies that doubtlessly prowls Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. If you want to be caught on camera and be identified, then go ahead. But no, I don't wish to redraft it.
01-02-2011 20:43:24 Fortunata Henderson: gentlemen, this is not the time for a dick waving contest
01-02-2011 20:43:32 Fortunata Henderson: if you carry on I will feel the need to remove them
01-02-2011 20:43:36 Fortunata Henderson: do I make myself clear
01-02-2011 20:43:45 Operative Thrice: the fact we will ask for the return of the body is a major give away as to who we are ..
01-02-2011 20:43:46 Mindy Millan giggles softly
01-02-2011 20:44:07 Sali Tayi: Wrong.
01-02-2011 20:44:09 Fortunata Henderson: Operative, you are dismissed
01-02-2011 20:44:18 Operative Thrice: Yes ma'am
<Thrice Leaves>
01-02-2011 20:44:31 Sali Tayi: I will not be mentioned or in anyway related to the exchange as Sali Tayi.
<Sali Leaves>
01-02-2011 20:44:39 Fortunata Henderson: *sighs*
01-02-2011 20:44:41 Fortunata Henderson: men...
01-02-2011 20:44:54 Mindy Millan nods in agreement with Jane
01-02-2011 20:45:27 Fortunata Henderson: don't worry...
01-02-2011 20:45:40 Fortunata Henderson: the boys always tend to be like this, it doesn't mean anything
01-02-2011 20:46:01 Dire Lament: oh good …I did wonder…
01-02-2011 20:46:28 Fortunata Henderson: yeah, when you get down to it, it's all about showing which one has the bigger *****
01-02-2011 20:46:30 Mindy Millan: Is there anything I need to do to prepare myself for those seers?
01-02-2011 20:46:48 Fortunata Henderson: well, if you have an impervium hat that'll be good, but as before, I'll be covering us
01-02-2011 20:46:57 Fortunata Henderson: anyway, I must have said dismissed about five times
01-02-2011 20:47:11 Fortunata Henderson: I'm sure you have better things to do that listen to the melodious sounds of my voice all night
01-02-2011 20:47:14 Dire Lament: did you...
01-02-2011 20:47:30 Mindy Millan: Sorry... I'll go prepare for tomorrow.
01-02-2011 20:47:32 Fortunata Henderson: that am I'm sure Vanguard will want their nice chair-less briefing room back soon

This message brought to you by Sarcasm. Accept no substitutes.

9/13 - Never Forget.
8/31 - Never Forget even more.



I got to "introduces Sali" and stopped reading... Rek would have argued this under the table... but thats what he gets for not being there!

Though ofc I read the entire thing



The colonel wil help ofcourse and I should be available on the 3rd and 4th at the required times



Snatch mission has taken place ..Doctor captured, team escaped via back up exit route..Doctor now held by Venom in a secret location .. next phase is arranging the Exchange ..watch this space for updates .....