The Noticeboard @ Pocket D [Unionverse]




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A place for flyers, posters, personal/want-ads, graffiti and other items which are neither news reports nor rumour or gossip. This is an open thread primarily for any Unionverse roleplayer to use.

Items posted remain up for one calender month before removal by Zero's staff if not taken down by their posters before that time, but may by special arrangement remain for longer periods.

Among other things posted on the board are:
A large flyer for the Gladiators (Series Two) line up.
An A4 sheet with tear-off phone number tabs stating "Wanted: Roomies for Steel Canyon U. students. Shared house with independent rooms, basement, garage and bikestore. Fifteen minute's walk from campus! No Trolls, pets, or huge types please (old building, unable to support the weight, sorry!)."
Several call-girl cards, offering crude "personal massage" services and "discreet" escorts.
A scribbled notice on a sheet torn from a notebook. "For sale; one cat, Persian, needs care owner cannot provide due to hero work. $400.00 555-201-8746"



Request filled.

One of those fliers with the little strips of paper with a contact number that can be torn away "Inexperienced heroine looking for mentor and guide, ask for Awesometastic Girl". The contact number is that of a steel canyon youth hostel.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



A relatively large and rather unmissable flyer has been posted up, advertising the hero group "Liberty Force".


Are you a hero?

Are you tired of fighting the good fight alone?

Do you want to join the ranks of some of Paragon's finest heroes?

Liberty Force, a new up and coming team of heroes, is recruiting. How experienced you are, what your powers are, or what made you start fighting doesn't matter to us- what does is that you, like the hundreds of other heroes out there, chose to do the right thing with your powers.

If you're interested, our operatives will allways do their best to listen. Contact any of the following heroes:

The flyer goes on to give contact information of the following heroes ((Emails or tells to the globals will also work))

The Rogue Manipulator ((@Rogue Manipulator))

The Iron Vanguard ((@Echo Thirteen))

Conall Seolfor ((@Morilanthi))

Aerial Assault ((@Borderlands))

Don't miss out on this oppurtunity: Contact one of us today!




((^ Just curious. Is the big typo on the first line of the ad meant to be IC? Could be amusing if it is! ))


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Saturday 26th March 2011 - 7PM onwards - Pocket D
Everyone at PCTV would like to thank all the competitors and supporters who've taken part in the second series of Gladiators by hosting our closing ceremony and party by the cage in Pocket D.

Order of Ceremony
  • Introduction to the evening
  • All Star Final
  • Team Final
  • Awards Ceremony (For all Leagues & The Gauntlet)
  • Grand Melee (Welcome competitors and fans of the show alike)
  • Gladiators Party! Mingle and celebrate in style.

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



A torn and battered pamphlet could be found below the notice board



This pamphlet has been produced by the good brothers and sisters of the:
The Primal Civil Defense Brotherhood
We, of the P.C.D.B, believe that it is high time that the Praetorians who are citizens of this world be sent back to where they came from!

It has come to our attention that those people known as the "Resistance" are just wolves in sheep's clothing! They say they are against the Loyalists who invade our world, but this not so brother!

There is plenty of evidence that points to the Resistance exchanging secrets with the Loyalists to bring us closer to ruin. Idle chatter in bars, parks and other public areas is being recorded and sent back to their home world to help them with their invasion!


When you are around a Praetorian, or you suspect someone of being a Praetorian, point them out for what they are and warn your fellow brothers and sisters that there is a mole amongst them! We don't want to jeopardise our own troops by letting national secrets slip during idle chit chat!

Remember: Titter Tatter Lost the Battle!

Dont condemn the brave hero's of our world to a lost cause!

The Praetorian is a spy! Watch what you say or they'll stab you in the back!

Some will say:

"But why must we throw all of them back? Some of them must be good people who want to help us defeat the invading force?"

Those who believe this rubbish have already been lost to the brainwashing from the Praetorians! Once a rat, always a rat! All Praetorians are against us! If you want an example, ask your local Praetorian to explain to you why they feed their unwanted children to the ghouls in the sewers? They will tell you lies about them not feeding their children to the ghouls... But I ask you this brother/sister... why are the ghouls there in the first place if this is not what they were bred to do?

Another thing brothers/sisters, in a world were we are suffering from a global crisis in the employment industry... why should we open our doors to more people who dont even belong on this world?! They come to our world, take our jobs, and then pour the money they earn back into the hole from whence they came from! This money does not go to bettering our own world... but bettering theres and fueling their war-machine!

This must be stopped

((The pamphlet continues with random pieces of text and quotes from people about what the Praetorians have been suspected of doing))
  • The Praetorians have been seen collaborating with the Rikti to see our downfall!
  • The Praetorians are responsible for the Global crash, and helped put the world the way it is today so they could have easier access to jobs with cheap labour!
  • The Praetorians helped start WW2 and WW1, and were seen to be collaborating with the Nazi's, and then the Communists during the Cold War!
  • The Praetorians are responsible for the increase in deaths by the Abominable Snowman with them now realising Ghouls near the northern and southern poles!
  • The Praetorians are behind the assassinations of many global leaders throughout the past century! They wish to make it easier for them to invade us!!!
  • It has been rumoured: That the Praetorians are posing as Primals to take their wages to fund evil plots involving a nuclear death ray that'll dissolve anything it doesn't kill into monkeys! The fiends!

We must thrust every last one of the Praetorians back to their realm before we lose the war because of their spies!


Join the P.C.D.B. Today at your local recruiting officer and keep our realm safe from the invaders!
Most of this you can image is all just tabloid hype... but some people do believe whats been said!



A scrawled, smudgy and unprofessional looking note is pinned to the board with an industrial nail;

Jobs Done

-Heavy Lifting

Contact 'Russ'
There are some contact details and an address in Port Oakes. A picture of a large minotaur in rough-shod clothing with a giant fire axe slung over one shoulder has also been stapled to the advert.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



((Adding this here to threadomancy the old noticeboard in D, hope it's alright @.Q))



A couple of business cards are pinned to the board, one below the other:

Been robbed?
Items of priceless and sentimental value stolen?*
Authorities proving to be a chocolate fireguard?

Call Midnight Max and get back what's rightfully (and legally) yours!


*= Jobs not restricted to the priceless and sentimental. Within reason.

Sure Shot Shirley
Treasure Hunter-for-hire

Misplaced heirlooms recovered
Lost ancestral treasures rediscovered
Exotic artifacts of any nature excavated
Intimidating competition for the above neutralized

All while you wait, with regular secure client contact on request.

(Watch the phone bill, darlings, it's a cell number!)


Beside them is a Post-It, with two arrows drawn in black felt tip pointing to the two cards, along with "LOL WUT?" to accompany them.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




A rather tatty and stained business card has been blue tacked to the notice board.

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097