Roleplaying a Hero in CoV w/o Going Rogue (OOC)




I have somewhat of a dilemma. I recently started playing again, and was looking to create a new hero with which to roleplay. I really wanted an Ice/Psy combo, and the Dominator archetype was really the only one which gave me what I was looking for. The only problem is, I don't have Going Rogue, and I want this character to be heroic--or, at least, not completely villainous.

I plan on getting Going Rogue in the future, but until then: How do I explain this character's actions in the Rogue Isles if he is a good guy? / How can I explain the transition from the Rogue Isles to Paragon once I get Going Rogue? He is an alien, so I was thinking that one explanation could be that he is just ignorant of the villainy he's committing; that seems kind of weak, though.

Quick BG: His name is Think - Tank, he's recently come to Earth from another planet, and he can manipulate matter and other people with his mind. (I use pink Ice Manip. to make it look like psychic material)

Any ideas you guys have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



The classic of course.


2:Mind Controlled

3:Reforms Later in career

4:Quest Somebody or something you want/need is in the rogue Isles. A patron or a pal or family member need finding/saving/capture/killin' or some object or mystic text and the only place that "thing/person" can be found is the Rogue Isles. You know what you have to do to get co-operation from the Rogues that live there and to work under the raidar of Arachnos... and perhaps... Yes perhaps you are the Destined One.

5: Reluctant Villian You were a guard/official/heroic powered councilor in the Zig during Breakout but were taken by Arachnos as a suspected Destined One. Lord Recluse (or whoever) holds your family/mentor/artifact/item/soul you cant do withought forcing you to play your part... or else.

Hope that helps. Forgive any bad spelling.


Forgot this one. which is oddly applicable thee days.

6: Revolutionary! Rogue Ilses Citizen (powered or otherwise) biding your time and preparing to overthrow the dictator Arachnos. Remember Marchand!



You character is whatever you want him/her to be. Just because he operates in the Rogue Isles doesn't mean he's a hero. Its like arguing that because someone works in England, and is from Ireland, they're English.

The Rogue Isles need more Heroes than Paragon city does. Be the one that goes that one step further to help people out... behind enemy lines!

If the AT is what your worried about just check out the nuetral zones and see how many AT's belong to either side of the red or blue line. You'll be surprised!

Your back story is grand. Just because an alien lands on the Rogue Isles doesnt make them inheritably evil. It was just the luck of the draw that he crashed there.

Its your character, make him whatever you want him to be!



Your story is your story. You will find that most of the quests on the Rogue Isles are against villains, or not so good, good guys. Frustrating to me at times with my own rp, lol, but would fit right in for you.

If he is an alian, then he would surely not be accustomed to who is "good", and who is "bad", and the way Longbow attacks anyone passing for no reason, he would find it hard to guess that they are any better than the Skulls.

I have a good guy (cause i wanted him to be a corruptor as opposed to a blaster), that is from another demension, a place more medeival. Good guy to the core, but he is having to survive on the Rogue Isles. I had another who switched over, his rp was that he was on a ship that was attacked by pirates (modern day ones of course) and escaped. As a teen, he had to make his way through the Rogue Isles (until level 20 )

I also have an rp story on these boards called Bloodlette. While the main character is more of a neutral person, he is befriended by two very good people. While they are only story characters and not ingame (except in AE), it may stir some rp in your own mind of a good person functioning on the Rogue Isles.

Also, the above suggestions by Lucius and RogueDemonHunter are great. Good luck!



One possibility is that your hero took one look at Paragon City and said, "Well, there's plenty of heroes here. I'm going where I'm REALLY needed!" And off to the Isles he goes, figuring that even though it may seem like shoveling water against the tide, at least there he might yet make a difference.

Another is he's there to study [fill in the group]. Oh sure, we know what the factions in Paragon are like, but what are Arachnos' real goals? Maybe he saw a glimpse of what could be in Recluse's Victory and thought, "Screw that, I'm not letting that happen if I can help it." But Recluse and the patrons are in Grandville, so off he goes.

The undercover option, as mentioned, is a good one - our SG has several characters who are villain ATs but are the group's de facto experts on enemy factions (the Family, the Tsoo, even the Rikti!).

Best of luck!


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