Old Dog new tricks Invul/Em Help

Call Me Awesome



Im looking for help with an invul/energy melee build, and after searching the forums with only a few posts coming about these specific kind of build I decided to just try my own luck at getting help.

Just a quick bit of background first, I started playing the game on the eu release and played for 1 to 2 years, up to the release of COV was when my interest start to wane, after that but since ive been on and off doing other things in real. Ive been back to the games a couple of times but mostly just playing around with new classes and new content. I hardly played my main tanker Lucius during this time, thus his build seems to have become completely redundant in todays content. This was clear when i was struggling with rikiti and then got my backside handed to me by arachnos.

So i want to propose a new build that i hope people could critique and give me a few pointers on what i should drop and take etc and i would greatly appreciate slot placing as well.

What im looking for is a tanking tank. I want to main aggro while being a wall against the enemies of my team mates. But as EM is more single target Ive thrown in a few stun ehancements to help me maintain control of mobs. I see it as long as the buggers are stunned it'll stop them from legging it when my backs turned... There fore my lower ranking attacks ie;

Bone Smasher
Whirling hands

all have stun enhancements in them to try and help with aggro management. The other two abilities Energy Transfer and Total focus are my damage abilities, which will favour more damage enhancements rather than stun. Plus i miss the old ET animation... the new one take too long ;p

Oh and btw dont worry about IO's yet i just want to get the general lay out nailed then ill move on to filling the slots on my own.

Oh and can you please excuse the colourless build output... couldnt work out how to go colourful, then firefox decided to restart itself... so i lost the original build.

Any help is much appreciated!

+ Built with SuckerPunch's Online Planner v5.0
+ http://planner.cohtitan.com/planner
Archetype: Tanker
Primary: Invulnerability
Secondary: Energy Melee

01: Resist Physical Damage => Res_Damage(1), Res_Damage(5), Res_Damage(13)
01: Barrage => Damage(1), Stunned(7), Stunned(42), EnduranceDiscount(46)
02: Temp Invulnerability => EnduranceDiscount(2), EnduranceDiscount(3), Res_Damage(3), Res_Damage(7), Res_Damage(15)
04: Dull Pain => Recharge(4), Recharge(5), Heal(33), Heal(43), Heal(46)
06: Swift => SpeedFlying(6)
08: Unyielding => EnduranceDiscount(8), EnduranceDiscount(9), Res_Damage(9), Res_Damage(11), Res_Damage(42)
10: Taunt => Range(10), Taunt(11), Taunt(13), Accuracy(40)
12: Air Superiority => EnduranceDiscount(12), Accuracy(33)
14: Health => Heal(14), Heal(40)
16: Fly => EnduranceDiscount(16), SpeedFlying(17), SpeedFlying(17), SpeedFlying(43)
18: Invincibility => EnduranceDiscount(18), Buff_Defense(19), Buff_Defense(19), Buff_Defense(23), Taunt(31)
20: Stamina => Recovery(20), Recovery(21), Recovery(21)
22: Whirling Hands => EnduranceDiscount(22), Accuracy(23), Damage(25), Damage(29), Stunned(34), Stunned(45)
24: Resist Energies => Res_Damage(24), Res_Damage(25), Res_Damage(31)
26: Tough Hide => Buff_Defense(26), Buff_Defense(27), Buff_Defense(27), Buff_Defense(37)
28: Bone Smasher => Accuracy(28), Damage(29), Damage(31), Stunned(37), Stunned(46)
30: Kick => Knockback(30)
32: Tough => EnduranceDiscount(32), EnduranceDiscount(33), Res_Damage(34), Res_Damage(34)
35: Energy Transfer => Damage(35), Damage(36), Damage(36), Accuracy(36), Accuracy(37), Recharge(40)
38: Weave => EnduranceDiscount(38), Buff_Defense(39), Buff_Defense(39), Buff_Defense(39), Empty(39), Empty(39)
41: Total Focus => Damage(41), Damage(42), Accuracy(42), Stunned(43), Stunned(50)
44: Conserve Power => Recharge(44), Recharge(45), Recharge(45)
47: Physical Perfection => Recovery(47), Recovery(48), Heal(48), Heal(48)
49: Build Up => Recharge(49), Recharge(50), Recharge(50)

+ Inherent Powers

01: Brawl => Empty(1)
01: Sprint => Empty(1)
02: Rest => Empty(2)



Take a look at my first 20 levels guide for a template to build your tanker to. Once you're ready for a more advanced build you can look at the soft cap guide.

In general if you follow the beginning guide and pick up Tough Hide at around 26 you'll be on the right track. I suggest getting RPD sometime in the 20's and the fighting pool for Tough/Weave helps a bunch... typically I get Tough at 30 and Weave at 32.

Your most skippable powers in Invuln are Resist Elements, Unstoppable and Resist Energies. On SO enhancements you may find use for Unstoppable but once you approach the defense soft cap (see my soft cap guide) you won't need it. I would get Resist Energies but it can wait until late; Resist Elements is, in my opinion, quite skippable.

If you have any further questions we'll be happy to help.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



When making a build, you need goals. For a tank, there are a lot of obtainable goals to choose from, though the more you go after, the more mutually exclusive they become. In no particular order, here's a few ideas:

+Damage. Let's face it, Tanker damage isn't that great, though the new "bruising" effect from your T1 helps.

+Recharge: Get long-recharge powers like Dull Pain and your attacks up faster. I would recommend this, especially for an Inv/EM

+Acc: From a purely tanking perspective, if you can't hit an enemy, you can't use gauntlet. However, Inv has a VERY strong agro aura, and taunt is pretty-much auto-hit.

+HP: The more damage you can take, the better. Also...

+Regen: the faster your lost health comes back, the better. Note that this bonus works in PERCENTAGES, so a +30% regen bonus will do more good on a tanker with 2500 hp than a tanker with 2000 hp (unless i've misunderstood something)

+Recovery: Inv doesn't have as many toggles as some other tanker sets, but EM attacks are fairly heavy on end use. Especially if you get +Recharge bonuses and additional toggles (like tough/weave), you want as much recovery as possible.

+Defense: Comes in both positional and typed flavors. Building to your strengths, you can easily soft-cap your S/L or melee defense with one foe in range of Invincibility.

+Resist: Harder to come by, you can still gain respectable resists to Psi or Toxic damage if you build for it. There are two schools of thought: either don't bother, as these damage types are rare, or do so and become as well-rounded as possible. It's up to you. With the advent of dual builds, you can have different builds for different scenarios. Going up against council? get your soft-caped build out. Going against Ritki or Carnies or Mother Mayhem's Seers? Switch to your psi-resist build. You don't have to go only one way.

Once you've decided what you want to do, come back for more advice =) Everyone will tell you "you have to go soft-cap!" but i think it's a bit over-rated. Tanks did fine without the soft caps before IOs (especially Invulns), and they can still do fine now.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



cheers guys for the advice, I'll have a look into what i need to do a bit further. That 1 to 20 guide is really handy, i was a bit lost as to what i should take in the earlier levels. Thank you as well for the tips on what i should aim for... back to the drawing board again when i get the time.

Much appreciated guys