Tweets of the PAX Panel




Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
So very true.. I thought of 13 after I hit post.. just didn't want to go back & edit. What I should have said is on the whole, they make the attempt MOST times. They have F%^&ed up quite a few times and will likely do so again, they are human after all. (The AE Nuke still annoys me to this day)
I still think your first point held. Even with the powers changes in I13 there were a several things addressing things players had been asking for. Shield and Pain (villain 'empathy'), base pricing tweaks, and patron respecing.

It won't win any 'best issue ever' awards from me or anything, but there were things we'd been wanting in there.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
This is what i dont get. From what people said, i17/i18/i19 was all supposed to be one issue? Or at least the large majority of it? Fairly ambitious considering the sheer size of them all isnt it?
I17 was actually incredibly lackluster. The only reason someone should mention the sheer size of it would be when discussing the amount of bugs it brought out.



Thanks so much for this info. Ransim and Gothess for tweeting these in. Marcian_Tobay for pointing it out, and Orion_Star_EU for summarizing them nicely.

I'm so excited about this, I even posted this on my website here as well. And Massively was also at PAX of course and wrote something here. It seems Massively will also be posting more about it later on.



Here's to hoping they add content to Praetoria for 21-50. I know they made a huge leap in creating Going Rogue, but i'd love to have the option to play and entire character's career in Praetoria. Not sure which issue it may be, but I'm hoping its sooner rather than "on the radar but not priority".

But so far from what I'm seeing it looks nice. I mean, the whole force-respecing everyone's characters will no doubt be annoying and then the issue of the three powers to choose and pitiful amount of slots they'd be letting us put into those three powers isn't really ideal. But if it must be done then okay. I won't complain about being given stamina for free

Rendezvous Fire/SR Scrapper 50 (Main), Sole Savior Kat/WP scrapper 50, Papillon Noir DM/SR Stalker 50
Cascavela NW 50



Originally Posted by ransim View Post
As a note two people were filming the panel so video should be up eventually.

Also someone else made a smarky comment about issue 19 being what didnt make it into issue 18. He devs admitted this and that they did it to ensure we got a quality release with less but better features then a lot of subpar average items.

Again sorry for shortness and typos on my phone still. So I have only briefly gone over the thread can't believe its 14 pages.

Was the Party Pack addressed at all?
Also, thanks so much for the updates. You rock!



So, when I came into the game, I was lucky. I had a really good friend who showed me the ropes, first hand; running a bunch of missions with me, giving me constructive critiques for my playstyle, how to place slots and enhancements effectively and at what levels, and ... what powers to choose and when.

Had I not had that, it would have been a good amount of time - and likely at a point when I had no respecs - until I realized the importance of the Fitness Pool.

A LOT of newbies, especially coming in at GR? Aren't going to realize this either, at first. And it can BE such a crippling thing in some instances, with some powersets and builds, that it really is almost a requirement on a LOT of builds.

Really, having to take Fitness is why I haven't gotten a LOT of characters in my first year to top over 20. I like Scrappers, for instance, but they require their Defenses, Resistances, and Mez Protection oftentimes as soon as you can work them in. And thus they are not left with a lot of options for what they're good at.

You know.


My early Scrappers are LUCKY if they have a third attack before Level 22, besides Brawl. And that... is sucky. It's not a fun way to play, and it can be an absolutely miserable grind until that point.

So if I can get a good third of my power choices freed up in the first 20 levels? That is absolutely outstanding.

CoH's appeal for me, personally, over other MMOs I've tried is its level of customization; but that there was ALWAYS that one absolute necessity of having to take at least those three powers? Has always added just a touch of blandness to the early proceedings.

Provided it's implemented well enough, I can't wait for it; in fact, it makes me inclined to not really even work on many new characters until its out, as rolling new characters with this in place is a MUCH more exciting prospect.

Global: @Kenka Banchou
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Originally Posted by Weatherwoman View Post
My only problem with inherent fitness is that we won't get any extra slots for the powers that we have to take in their place, so they will end up being unused dummy powers.
My super reflex scrappers will have a travel power.
My invulnerability characters will take the RE passives.
My forcefield characters will take powers like detention field and force bolt.
My stone tanker will have his fire|ice and n|energy shields for when he's out of granite.
I may, for the first time ever, have a character pick phase shift.

None of those powers need extra slots to be useful, and they would certainly not go unused.

To say 'we' won't get anything in their place but unused dummy powers is factually incorrect. Perhaps that is what you wish to do with your builds, but not all of us are unable to find something useful with the choice.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
I17 was actually incredibly lackluster.
Actually, I think you'll find it was the Issue that had the most luster ever

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



This PaX panel contained more awesomness then expected.

I approve.

I can't believe people are whining that fitness is going to be inherent.



Originally Posted by Shadowrush View Post
Thanks so much for this info. Ransim and Gothess for tweeting these in. Marcian_Tobay for pointing it out, and Orion_Star_EU for summarizing them nicely.
I second this.

My pointless speculation on how inherent fitness will work:

- current fitness pool powers will be grandfathered for existing characters but will not be available to new characters or after a respec
- all fitness powers will remain slottable
- all four powers (swift, hurdle, health, stamina) will be available at level 1
- all four powers at level 1 (except stamina) will be reduced in effectiveness as per their level 1 status, then improve as a character levels. The overall stats will fundamentally stay the same as they are now.
- stamina will be boosted so that its effectiveness is capped with its default slot. The main impetus for this will be to make the 1-20 experience less 'draining' and to free up slots for other powers.



Originally Posted by Dersk View Post
My super reflex scrappers will have a travel power.
My invulnerability characters will take the RE passives.
My forcefield characters will take powers like detention field and force bolt.
My stone tanker will have his fire|ice and n|energy shields for when he's out of granite.
I may, for the first time ever, have a character pick phase shift.

None of those powers need slots to be useful, and they would certainly not go unused.

To say 'we' won't get anything in their place but unused dummy powers is factually incorrect. Perhaps that is what you wish to do with your builds, but not all of us are unable to find something useful with the choice.
Okay, sure your characters will be able to take those. But I can tell that a lot of people are gonna use those three power placements to pick up Epics. Lot's of people have tight Super Reflexes builds, or Shield builds or whatever other tight builds there are, that would benefit greatly from powers that they would now be able to get. BUT with the ability to slot them. If I'm going to grab fireball on my scrapper, is it really worth the one slot that is going to be allowed? Not the slightest. Or if a character is going to grab Aid Self, is it worth only having one enhancement in it? Sure, having the power itself can prove beneficial but the beneficial gain is less the negligible.

If it is a concept thing to pick up Phase Shift, then by all means, go for whatever makes you happy. But that doesn't mean the entire playerbase should be forced into having powers that pretty much won't help the character out much. Slots are there for a reason, and not being able to add any to these moves is a little upsetting.

Just my opinion on the matter.

Rendezvous Fire/SR Scrapper 50 (Main), Sole Savior Kat/WP scrapper 50, Papillon Noir DM/SR Stalker 50
Cascavela NW 50



Originally Posted by Creole Ned View Post
I second this.

My pointless speculation on how inherent fitness will work:

- current fitness pool powers will be grandfathered for existing characters but will not be available to new characters or after a respec
- all fitness powers will remain slottable
- all four powers (swift, hurdle, health, stamina) will be available at level 1
- all four powers at level 1 (except stamina) will be reduced in effectiveness as per their level 1 status, then improve as a character levels. The overall stats will fundamentally stay the same as they are now.
- stamina will be boosted so that its effectiveness is capped with its default slot. The main impetus for this will be to make the 1-20 experience less 'draining' and to free up slots for other powers.
Agreed. I would bet that they did this to further make the 1-20 game more tolerable. I may actually enjoy alting again!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Dersk View Post
My super reflex scrappers will have a travel power.
My invulnerability characters will take the RE passives.
My forcefield characters will take powers like detention field and force bolt.
My stone tanker will have his fire|ice and n|energy shields for when he's out of granite.
I may, for the first time ever, have a character pick phase shift.

None of those powers need extra slots to be useful, and they would certainly not go unused.

To say 'we' won't get anything in their place but unused dummy powers is factually incorrect. Perhaps that is what you wish to do with your builds, but not all of us are unable to find something useful with the choice.
Okay fine, *I*

I can certainly find uses for it on some of my characters (my tanker can pick taunt back up now) but not ALL of my characters.

/t @Flame Enchantress, /em sends tell




Or if a character is going to grab Aid Self, is it worth only having one enhancement in it? Sure, having the power itself can prove beneficial but the beneficial gain is less the negligible.
On my main, an SR with defenses at or near the caps, Aid Self with just an Interrupt in it would indeed be useful. He doesn't get hit that much.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Here's the 64 Billion INF question:

By Inherent do they mean: "Doesn't take one of your 4 power pool choices." or does it mean: "You get four free powers that you can spend slots on, freeing up an average of three powers to existing builds."

My own experience with Fitness: I've taken it as early as possible on every character with the exception of Masterminds. I've only used two slots (one for health and one for stamina) for the powers unless I have Healing/Endurance Procs.

I'm for anything that changes the status quo significantly and this certainly does that.

I'm going to have a lot of fun redesigning my characters when this hits. Plus I'll have my City Traveler vet reward by December which opens up things even more.

"Steady as a mountain, attack like fire, still as a wood, swift as the wind.
In heaven and earth I alone am to be revered."
- Motto on the war banner of Takeda Shingen (1521-1573)



I'll just give a quick 'nod' to someone who said it earlier.

I'd like to maybe see (in the future at some point), an option for lvl 49 (47 too maybe) where you can choose a power or 3 more enhancement slots. Obviously you can't do more than 6 slots in a single power but...would be nice at some point on some characters to have more slots than a power you may never use.

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I can hear all the Kheldians laughing at your slotting woes.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
If that is Apex in the picture, and he's wearing Vanguard armor, maybe that means the new TF will involve Praetoria, as the Vanguard are leading the way to bring down the dictatorship?
That'd mean it'd be a co-op TF, and it'd also match up with Praetoria being opened up to Primal Earth people - and the alpha strike could refer either to what we're doing in Praetoria, or the first attack of Tyrant's invasion.

EDIT: Of course, it could also have nothing to do with Praetoria, and the alpha strike could refer to some possible first wave of the Coming Storm
Maybe Tyrant's invasion IS part of the Coming Storm?

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Maybe Tyrant's invasion IS part of the Coming Storm?

100% no

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Oh look! Not a word regarding PvP... I wasn't expecting that! :/



Originally Posted by Primal View Post
Inherent Fitness.

I...don't know how I feel about that. Part of me says yay, part of me is now wary that there's a catch.

I'm certainly not opposed to it, mind you. I've fit it in fine, or gone without fine, depending on the character, but if it's handed to me I ain't gonna turn it down. I'm just naturally skeptical regarding free things.

Incarnate stuff leaves me pretty indifferent, but this other news is interesting.
Here's the only catch:

You'll have to respec to take advantage of it on existing characters.

Characters as they exist now, will only get the Inherent Fitness powers if they do not have any of them in their build. Conversely, if you don't you get them as Inherents and never get the option to select them as pool powers.



ooh, I was right on one of my guesses! Care to reveal how I fared on the others?



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Here's the only catch:

You'll have to respec to take advantage of it on existing characters.

Characters as they exist now, will only get the Inherent Fitness powers if they do not have any of them in their build. Conversely, if you don't you get them as Inherents and never get the option to select them as pool powers.
Sounds reasonable , are they going to unlock automatically at the same levels as now?

Always remember, we were Heroes.