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  1. There are literally zero other games that have a community like CoH
  2. *sigh*

    I signed the petition

    but I hate NCSoft now
  3. my only gripe is, why call it city of heroes freedom? name it after a better server D:<

    city of heroes pinnacle :P
  4. This happened to me, except the crashing happened in the LAST mission. Now, the team I joined was a pick up group, so we had a lot of difficulty with the last mission. After about 30 minutes in the mission we finally made it to Recluse. After another 20ish minutes, we finally managed to destroy the green tower... which prompted the server to kick the entire team and reset the mission. 3 of the members then promptly decided that it was not worth their time to try again, and abandoned. So we were all the way up to fight lord recluse, and we got no reward.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lobster View Post
    It is my badge title!
  6. 70 wtf >_> I still haven't done all of mine...
  7. Numina's Convalescence Unique is NOT a 'Proc', it is PERMANENT if placed in Health, and if placed in a click power it is active for 120 seconds after the power is activated, on the caster only.
  8. I have the chance to placate (in fact, 5/6 of the Fortunata Hypnosis set) slotted in my Ice/Elec blaster's Charged Brawl. It's primarily there for the bonuses though.
  9. Already crafted
    [Gladiator's Armor: Teleportation Protection, +Def(All).50]

    Looking for 2.5 billion, first come first served
    Can contact me in game, @Weatherwoman
  10. I can potentially supply all 4 to you, what were you thinking for a price?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dersk View Post
    My super reflex scrappers will have a travel power.
    My invulnerability characters will take the RE passives.
    My forcefield characters will take powers like detention field and force bolt.
    My stone tanker will have his fire|ice and n|energy shields for when he's out of granite.
    I may, for the first time ever, have a character pick phase shift.

    None of those powers need extra slots to be useful, and they would certainly not go unused.

    To say 'we' won't get anything in their place but unused dummy powers is factually incorrect. Perhaps that is what you wish to do with your builds, but not all of us are unable to find something useful with the choice.
    Okay fine, *I*

    I can certainly find uses for it on some of my characters (my tanker can pick taunt back up now) but not ALL of my characters.
  12. My only problem with inherent fitness is that we won't get any extra slots for the powers that we have to take in their place, so they will end up being unused dummy powers. Incarnate levels has a *chance* to fix this. I just think that dispersing the enhancement slots we have is already hard enough without adding even more powers to the mix.
  13. Weatherwoman

    M&G in Michigan


    I actually have an ANS meeting at the university of michigan from april 8th-11th >_>

    *will think about this*
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Yeah, but it also makes it harder to finish (never mind the time limit), which is part of the challenge. I can't imagine how buffing enemies and debuffing players could grant an unfair advantage to anything short of the most power-maxed super-tweaked co-op team possible in the game.
    you mean like xfunk's >_>
  15. *approves of this thread* =D
  16. ... oh dear, I didn't realize NOIS was on the forums too D:
  17. Most likely I will not be able to participate in this one- classes have started again.
  18. *ponders*

    Z, it might be a good idea to regulate what challenges you can use, buffing enemies and debuffing players definitely makes it easier to die.