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  1. I am looking and hoping that Exalted does hold a decent RP community as I have grabbed 12 names that I am happy with and looking for more ;]
  2. Sorry if this question has been answered numerous times already and is a little on the less smart side, but since this is the Issue 21 beta, and we have access to the paragon points, does this also mean that we have access to all the new powersets? If so... I know what I'm doing later...
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
    Protector Vigilance is certainly NOT vacated. You might want to either check your chatbox settings have Protector Vigilance to display or that you're still a member of the channel.
    Hmm, I will have to do that. I remember joining it a long time ago but never really seeing much activity on it. Perhaps I have to be allowed into it by an Admin, like for Protector TFs? I'll check again though, the more grouping channels I can get into the better considering I also really want to group a lot more in the earlier levels.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post

    I posted in Protector Vigilance before we filled up, but didn't get any response. I think this would be a good thing to try and do regularly- Praetoria on Protector is much too quiet for my taste.

    Usually there just seems to be 3-4 people around at a time, quietly soloing their missions. This was a nice change of pace.
    I'm not sure if I'm speaking for the majority of the server but It seems Protector Vigilance is vacated. I for one use the channel "Protector TFs". It's a great grouping channel with tf's and groups. It's pretty active mostly too.

    Are there any other channels that we use for grouping? I know we have Jello Shooters too :]

    And yes! It is rather quiet, I too would love to team regularly through some non-50 content with people to keep that aspect of our home server a nice and fun time throughout all 50 levels!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stryph View Post
    Personally I like the sounds of it all still, can't wait to try it out. It's the animations that kind of bug me.
    Just curious, is there a video or something showing the animations? Or did you happen to see it at the Comic Con? If possible I'd love to see the animations
  6. My main is a Fire/SR Scrapper (oh how I wish stalkers were given fire melee) and he has the reactive tier 4 but the -res75%/dmg 25%. I understand that the level of the difference of attainable damage as a scrapper compared to a stalker is something a stalker most of the time can't out do. And while this might be the wrong section of the forums to say this on (if it's taken that way) I was still curious if the Reactive Interface does help with the stalker's single target damage compared to Scrappers.

    Before I get the "Scrappers always out do Stalkers and here's why" posts, I do already know that pretty well as Scrappers and Stalkers are my favorite classes next to Brutes and Blasters. Scrappers do out do Stalkers but the Reactive Interface does help with the pain Stalkers share doesn't it? I mean with single target damage at least, considering Stalkers are a little stymied with AoE moves. I figure Reactive at least helps a small bit while Scrappers are currently leading the pack ahead of them.
  7. Sole_Savior

    /WP for Stalkers

    Thanks a ton guys! I figured the -Dmg from KM would be beneficial with the resistances. I'll have to see how it plays out in the later levels. I'm really interested with how Street Justice is gonna turn out with the new mechanics and how they play out on a stalker. I hope it'll be good, and if it is, it might take over KM as the stalker I want to play haha. But only time will tell.

    Kinetic Melee so far seems pretty fun!
  8. Sole_Savior

    /WP for Stalkers

    Hello everyone! I recently started up a KM/WP stalker and was curious as to how /WP plays out on stalkers. I have had recent experience playing WP but with the self heal and the lack of RttC, I was wondering if it would be a good secondary for KM. I am trying to stay away from Ninjitsu (but oh how I love it) because I've rolled a few stalkers with Ninjitsu already.

    It looks pretty appealing with the much needed +Health along with the resistances to deal with the hits it will take with the lesser defenses. I was just looking for a few of your opinions for any pointers or if it's worth it taking the journey with the character.

    And if at all possible, would PvP be possible with it without feeling sub-par all the time? Thanks a ton everyone!
  9. Okay I have a question that's been on my mind about this system for a while now, and now that they have shown the diagram of what the system will be, I still have a question that I would like clearing up.

    I've been playing the game since '05 but my first account belongs to my friend now (with more years in vet rewards). Since then, I have started up another account that has about 4 years of vet rewards on it. I also plan to keep paying so I can have VIP status. So my question is, with my 4 years of service and paying for VIP status, will I have access to pretty much everything including the Tier 9 VIP content?

    I know it's a weird question but I just feel a little confused by it. Perhaps I haven't read as carefully as I usually do, but I'd be extremely appreciative if someone could clarify for me!

    Thanks a ton!
  10. Yeah, I was thinking something along the lines of that but wasn't too sure. I also figure that I run with my Widow a lot as well who sits at her cap comfortably and also has Mind Link ready for action, should it be needed.

    I'm curious if the increased to-hit by the enemies in the trials was brought about because of them being a higher level? (Sorry lol, I haven't had the opportunity to try the trials) That would make sense to me.

    I'm all for getting new bonuses for my toons, actually it'd be fun, I just also want to know if anyone has felt it is needed?
  11. Okay, so I've been gone for a about two months and I recently came back. While looking at the forums and just browsing I noticed talk about an "Incarnate" Soft-Cap for Defense and it being at 59%.

    I wanted to ask if anyone can help explain how this was brought about, as in what caused it or anything to help me be a little less confused

    My main is a SR toon so, as a SR user, this is pretty interesting to me and has caught my attention. But he is over the 45% softcap. Is that now less than beneficial? Or would it really not affect me if I left it as is?

    Thanks guys for the help! Just a little curious about this is all
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dersk View Post
    My super reflex scrappers will have a travel power.
    My invulnerability characters will take the RE passives.
    My forcefield characters will take powers like detention field and force bolt.
    My stone tanker will have his fire|ice and n|energy shields for when he's out of granite.
    I may, for the first time ever, have a character pick phase shift.

    None of those powers need slots to be useful, and they would certainly not go unused.

    To say 'we' won't get anything in their place but unused dummy powers is factually incorrect. Perhaps that is what you wish to do with your builds, but not all of us are unable to find something useful with the choice.
    Okay, sure your characters will be able to take those. But I can tell that a lot of people are gonna use those three power placements to pick up Epics. Lot's of people have tight Super Reflexes builds, or Shield builds or whatever other tight builds there are, that would benefit greatly from powers that they would now be able to get. BUT with the ability to slot them. If I'm going to grab fireball on my scrapper, is it really worth the one slot that is going to be allowed? Not the slightest. Or if a character is going to grab Aid Self, is it worth only having one enhancement in it? Sure, having the power itself can prove beneficial but the beneficial gain is less the negligible.

    If it is a concept thing to pick up Phase Shift, then by all means, go for whatever makes you happy. But that doesn't mean the entire playerbase should be forced into having powers that pretty much won't help the character out much. Slots are there for a reason, and not being able to add any to these moves is a little upsetting.

    Just my opinion on the matter.
  13. Here's to hoping they add content to Praetoria for 21-50. I know they made a huge leap in creating Going Rogue, but i'd love to have the option to play and entire character's career in Praetoria. Not sure which issue it may be, but I'm hoping its sooner rather than "on the radar but not priority".

    But so far from what I'm seeing it looks nice. I mean, the whole force-respecing everyone's characters will no doubt be annoying and then the issue of the three powers to choose and pitiful amount of slots they'd be letting us put into those three powers isn't really ideal. But if it must be done then okay. I won't complain about being given stamina for free
  14. Great intro Duncan! But might I point something out, even though we see what you are going for, and trust me it does sound very nice at the concept of a straight-melee crab, but truth is Bane's hit extremely, extremely hard. I have a 50 crab with a second build being a bane build so I can vouch for it (at least a little bit) .

    Maybe make hide as being a "I'm-to-awesome-for-you-too-see-me-before-I-crush-your-face" power? That's how I used it >.>
  15. Named my widow for planned side-switching (soon to be hero), Cascavela.

    Instead of taking a spider-esque name, I made her story revolve around her love of snakes. A Cascavel is a venomous pit-viper. Just added the -a for a feminine feel. Her name is suppose to symbolize her ties being broken from Arachnos and becoming her own person rather than a controlled being of Arachnos.

    (Still trying to come up with a creative story haha)

    By the way, loving all the names on this thread!
  16. So I have seen a lot of talk about the speculation on prices of items and whatnot that will be effected Post-Going Rogue Release. Just wanted to see if I could make a thread for that talk with all the Market Guru's (Or ebil marketeers)

    So basically what do you guys think you'll be holding onto for a while to observe prices? Any predictions on the effect the merger will be having on big ticket items? If so, which do you guys think will be effected the greatest?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    The big three will crash. Don't invest there.
    [Numina, Miracle, LoTG]
    Suggesting that the price will lower? Or the demand on them will be so large that the prices will inflate?
  18. Mariachi or Tango Defense? I've always dreamed of making a Time Traveling Man, who learned the lethal Disco moves of the 70's and mixing him with the time he spent in Latin America in the 30's.

    Here's my vote for Disco melee/Tango (or Mariachi) Defense
  19. Same Issue here as well. Can't get past the login server. Thought it might be a problem with the computer or something but then I checked here in the thread that says they couldn't log in after the extended Maintenance on 7/29. Seems to be an widespread issue.
  20. Sole_Savior

    So... Stalkers.

    I know this is a broad discussion for Stalkers as a whole but I would like to say something about Claws.

    -I remember when Eviscerate was changed to single-target and I was really confused. Was the damage too low? I personally wish they would have left it alone for Stalkers.

    Okay, specific suggestions done. Now onto Stalkers as a whole.

    -Maybe increase the Stalker HP cap to 1800-1900, so that it isn't higher than a Scrapper HP cap but so that it could be noticeable.

    -The attack modifier should be increased a little bit.

    Survivability to me is fine for stalkers. Whether it is the resistance or defense. I haven't run into an issue with any stalker where I died over and over because the set was not equipped to handle what I was fighting. Usually it's my own stubborness that gets me killed

    Anywho, that's just my 2 inf.
  21. I love playing Stalkers and observing how others play them and JD pretty much hit the nail on the head. Lots of times when on teams, you don't always have to AS in the middle of each mob. A lot of the times that I have witnessed other stalkers being successful and a difference maker on the team is when they sometimes treat being Hidden as a freebee critical. If your team is mowing down groups, you don't want to Hide -> AS -> Back to hide (don't attack). That often times slows down the tempo of the team.

    I tend to play my Stalkers as Scrappers with Hide (yes that's basically what they are.) BUT, it's the mindset that makes the difference. If you think it's your job to slowly kill the group, then thats what you're going to do. If you think of it as going in there and killing them before they kill you as quick as possible, it'll happen like that and in my opinion will be tons of fun
  22. Sole_Savior

    MA/Shield toon

    Well after a lot of concepts and whatnot, I finally decided on a perfect costume and story for a MA/Shield character. So I went scouring the pages here for a few MA/Shield conversations and builds but found only one, and it didn't have any responses sadly. I've been fooling around on mids but have had little luck making a build I am fairly happy with.

    A few things I'd like are to be able to have softcaps to at least Melee/Ranged and have decent recovery and recharge. I'd love to see what people can do with it.

    Another note, the PvP IO +3% defense is totally out of the question unless one of you are willing to donate ;]

    Thanks a ton for all your time!
  23. Quote:
    In May, I'll give away either everything I have or 50 billion influence and 10 billion infamy (or so, not set in stone yet). Then, I'll start again.
    Holy crap. Can I has your infamy?? lol
  24. Sole_Savior

    Fire/Regen PvE

    Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
    They are at odds with each other because there is a 24 power limit. I usually build solely concept characters and have to build the best with what I have. I usually have to skip something like Tough or weave or such. Truth is because of IOs builds have been getting tighter and more boring. All guides and builds that have been appearing have virtually no felixiblity. "You want to reach the soft cap, you need CJ , Manuevers, Tough Weave". lol ok dude. Your secondary set should be enough.
    Okay okay okay. I was reading through this post and saw this and would like to put my two cents in. My main, Rendezvous, is a Fire/Super Reflexes scrapper. I roleplay with him, and my concept with him is one of the most enjoyable things about him that drives me to play him for the years (since fire was proliferated) I have had him. BUT...

    Super Reflexes does not reach the soft-cap based on only the secondary. Its just impossible. If your able to do so without any extra pool powers or IO investment, I'd give you all the influence I have.

    Now, for concept (excuse the tangent guys =] ) I wanted him to avoid as much as possible. That requires the softcap, which for me was attainable by the usage of tough, weave, and combat jumping. So if your saying that my secondary should be enough, I have to say your wrong.

    Plus, what fun is concept if your face down on the floor all the time?
  25. Well, after playing CoX since '05 and having multiple 50's I finally want to run a Warshade =]

    I was just wondering though, is it possible to get a Human-Form Warshade to have a "Close-To-Scrapper" kind of build? Close range, up close and personal kind of tactics. If not, its totally cool, I just seem to have favored the Scrapper playstyle in my four years of playing.

    Thanks a ton guys!