Long Time Player: First Time Stalker
Not much to say on how to play. Solo it's mostly Hide -> Assassin's Strike -> scrap 'til they're all dead.
On teams it's pretty much the same, 'cept you re-hide between spawns and position yourself as close to as many of your teammates as possible when scrapping to get as much of a crit bonus (10% + 3% per teammate within 30ft) as you can, with the occasional Placate if you happen to draw more aggro from your teammates than you can handle (though they will probably get pissed if whatever you Placated heads right for one of the squishies). Do NOT under any circumstances Hide -> AS -> run and Hide -> AS -> repeat or "scout ahead" without explicitly being told to by the team leader. That just gives the rest of us Stalkers a bad name and is one of the main reasons you see so many complaint threads about us.
Might be a few other tactics, both solo and team, depending on your sets, but those tend to just be for variety. Stalkers are, really, quite simple to play.
On the subject of secondaries, while I haven't really played Willpower on a Stalker, I don't see how it would work quite as well as on a Scrapper. Regen and Resistance just tend to work better with a larger hit point pool, I think. Stalkers, on the other hand, get a lot out of not being hit. It lets more Placate+Crit attempts succeed, particularly if you're trying to get an Assassin Strike in the middle of a group melee on a team.
Also, I think Caltrops and Blinding Powder give the Stalker much-needed utility on a team. And with Spines, you have the ability to pile up a bunch of enemies (say, from an ambush) onto a caltrops patch and then nail them with your AoEs.
Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer
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will power works on a stalker because they can cap hp off slotting hpt and they get reconstruction for a flat heal in stead of regen
I'm not happy with my spines/nin but that's mostly the fault of the really slow attack animations of spines and not the /nin side.
I particularly love caltrops and the self heal and will refrain from my usual in-depth statement of hate for click-based status protection.
Between the two, if you want a secondary that has toys and offensive powers then go /nin and you'll be happy. If you want a fire and forget secondary so you can just kill things, go willpower and you'll be happy.
I don't think there is a badside to either one of the sets.
There will be a smidge more redraw on /nin because of the toys, but it's not a big deal. To me, spines is already so slow that adding another less-than-half-second isn't noticeable.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
I tried a Spines/Will once. I hated it, but perhaps it gets better after you pass your 20's. Ninjitsu is fun just because it's so unique; my current is Elec/Nin.
Do NOT under any circumstances Hide -> AS -> run and Hide -> AS -> repeat or "scout ahead" without explicitly being told to by the team leader. That just gives the rest of us Stalkers a bad name and is one of the main reasons you see so many complaint threads about us.
I love playing Stalkers and observing how others play them and JD pretty much hit the nail on the head. Lots of times when on teams, you don't always have to AS in the middle of each mob. A lot of the times that I have witnessed other stalkers being successful and a difference maker on the team is when they sometimes treat being Hidden as a freebee critical. If your team is mowing down groups, you don't want to Hide -> AS -> Back to hide (don't attack). That often times slows down the tempo of the team.
I tend to play my Stalkers as Scrappers with Hide (yes that's basically what they are.) BUT, it's the mindset that makes the difference. If you think it's your job to slowly kill the group, then thats what you're going to do. If you think of it as going in there and killing them before they kill you as quick as possible, it'll happen like that and in my opinion will be tons of fun
Rendezvous Fire/SR Scrapper 50 (Main), Sole Savior Kat/WP scrapper 50, Papillon Noir DM/SR Stalker 50
Cascavela NW 50

I agree. In general "Build up - AS - Placate - crit-kill a minion -then scrap it out" is my group play style. My two main stalkers are dark and spines. Midnight's grasp and impale can both kill a +1 minion after placate nearly always, especially with buildup running when I can get a +2 reliably.
Dropping two enemies right off the bat, especially if one is high priority like a sapper or something, is a big help.
And the team never complains about me running away, because I don't. =)
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Thanks to everyone for play style tips and ideas! It's going to be tough for me to get into the Stalker's swing of things.
So on that note, does any one have suggestions for a relatively successful Primary / Secondary mix? Again, I've had a change of heart from Spines and no am thinking of Broadsword / Ninjitsu. I just can't seem to nail down one Stalker as "My Stalker".
Well, so far I've found that a traditional Martial Arts/Ninjitsu has gotten me a Stalker that's gone up in level faster and easier than any other combo I tried. I'm only at L24 with him and in Sharkhead Isle, though, so the recommendation should be taken with a grain of salt.
Again, I've had a change of heart from Spines and no am thinking of Broadsword / Ninjitsu.
BS/SR might be worth a shot if you can do without Nin's toys.
I just can't seem to nail down one Stalker as "My Stalker". |

I'm a fan of both /nin and /wp.
As someone mentioned, /nin is a pretty active secondary (with plenty of
things you can be doing with it), whereas /wp is a nice, safe and comfy
fire-n-forget kind of secondary.
The added HP and S&L resistance gives the /wp stalker much more staying
power while out of hide -- If you're scrapping a lot, it's a good choice as
you're a pretty difficult target to kill relatively speaking.
The bag of tricks from /nin offer much more of a hands-on approach, and
using them well, means there's no PvE fight you can't get away from
should you feel you need to. Caltrops is a superb PvE mitigator.
From a primary view, I've always liked Ninja Blade (despite what detractors say)
and its fast attacks hit harder (in my subjective opinion) than Spines or Electric.
Divine Avalanche is a great power for the scrapping Stalker. It makes
capped melee defense a piece of cake to achieve when you most need it.
I've dabbled some with Spines, and I like the range it provides.
Recently, I started an Elec/Wp and it's pretty cool (he's only in the L30's)
so there's more to learn, I'm sure, but Thunderstrike is making me a Big Fan.
I'll be picking up Lightning Rod next, and I've heard good things about it - We'll see.
In the end, of course, it'll come down to playstyle, but there are a lot of
very viable choices available.
Good Luck, Have Fun!
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
So I ended up rolling a Ninja Blade / Ninjitsu Stalker. I ended up picking up Ninja Blade, because after comparing all the numbers of Ninja Blade and Broadsword, I decided that a faster animation was worth the lower overall damage because that would give me a more "active" feel. I chose Ninjitsu over Willpower for the same reason, throw on three toggles, and the rest is combat stuff to make my gaming more "active".
I figured that being "less active" was what drove me away from Stalkers in the first place (not the attack -> hide -> attack, but the feel of having so few attacks for so long in the early game). Having fast acting and fast recharging attacks can mitigate that, and the toys from Ninjitsu can give me extra things to play with.
So thanks again to everyone who has responded with advice, I took it all in and it's really helped me out. My Stalker is only level 11, but so far it's growing nicely.
I think I'm going to try a Dual Blade/Nin Stalker. I've got a Spines/Regen stalker that's fun but that concept toon will probably go the way of Poison if it ever gets proliferated to Corrs.
Anyone have feedback on how DB/Nin functions?
My Corner of DeviantART
The Queen's Menagerie
So I ended up rolling a Ninja Blade / Ninjitsu Stalker. I ended up picking up Ninja Blade, because after comparing all the numbers of Ninja Blade and Broadsword, I decided that a faster animation was worth the lower overall damage because that would give me a more "active" feel. I chose Ninjitsu over Willpower for the same reason, throw on three toggles, and the rest is combat stuff to make my gaming more "active".
I figured that being "less active" was what drove me away from Stalkers in the first place (not the attack -> hide -> attack, but the feel of having so few attacks for so long in the early game). Having fast acting and fast recharging attacks can mitigate that, and the toys from Ninjitsu can give me extra things to play with. So thanks again to everyone who has responded with advice, I took it all in and it's really helped me out. My Stalker is only level 11, but so far it's growing nicely. |
I would have advised you to stick with Spines and team it up with Willpower. Spines shine later but the aoe damage is very good on a team setting which is where Stalker feels the most "weak". And since Spine also has Assassin Strike, you can still solo relatively well.
For a starter, I would highly recommend people take sets that have more aoe ability unless you only want to solo. And if you only like to solo, then practically any primary set would work well because of AS.
Electricity Melee
Dual Blade
If you like using blades, Dual Blade is actually very good on Stalker because its single target damage is a lot higher than Spine and it has high damage cone and enough knockdowns.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Spines actually felt too slow for me. The long activation times on the early powers just didn't do it for me. Teaming isn't really the issue for me, it's soloing, and short activation times coupled with quick recharges help me with that specifically because it feels more active, not necessarily because it is more active (especially later on).
Also, see the parts about why I picked Ninjitsu over Willpower. Willpower is powerful, I'll grant you that, but Ninjitsu works better for me and my issues.
Spines actually felt too slow for me. The long activation times on the early powers just didn't do it for me. Teaming isn't really the issue for me...
Besides, I've only met two kinds of team leaders anyway: Those that will invite Stalkers... and those that won't. I've never been asked what KIND of Stalker I am when I am responding to an LFT request. I either get invited or ignored.
The most significant downside of ninja blade is its lethal damage type so you may want to keep an eye out for IO damage bonuses and non-lethal procs to help offset that. Another popular choice seems to be the Achilles Heel -res debuff proc, which fits in most of the ninja blade attacks that deal -def debuff.
Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer
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Interesting ideas with the procs, Zem. I hadn't really considered the Lethal Resistance to be a large issue, as I'm still early on and have hunted down mostly the Vahz because those guys are suckers for Lethal. I haven't gone into any serious planning for the build yet, but I can see how slotting the -Res Proc from Achilles Heel could work into most of my attacks.
When the devs assigned damage resistances, my guess is that they mainly did it by concept rather than with any eye towards balance or fairness. So if an enemy is robotic, armored, incorporeal, or supernatural in some way (and let's face it, that covers a LOT) then they get some lethal resistance. Also, because bullets do lethal damage, anything that should be bullet-resistant is ALSO given decent lethal resistance even where a sword should do well such as against body armor (Malta/Longbow) or Warwolves (non-silver bullets don't hurt them?)
Anyway, it's a mess. Mostly it is low levels of lethal resistance but it's kind of evenly distributed, so it's nice to have another 10-20% of +dmg from IOs if you can eventually swing it. Unfortunately some sets like Mako's Bite and Touch of Death give +def in the sixth slot bonus, so slotting an Achilles means giving that up. I went with the Mako's lethal proc in one or two places rather than use an Achilles so I could get the +ranged def.
Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer
Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!
Interesting ideas with the procs, Zem. I hadn't really considered the Lethal Resistance to be a large issue, as I'm still early on and have hunted down mostly the Vahz because those guys are suckers for Lethal. I haven't gone into any serious planning for the build yet, but I can see how slotting the -Res Proc from Achilles Heel could work into most of my attacks.
Sounds like we have similar play styles/like I would look into for primarys:
elec or dark..... i would say elec but my favorite is dark so im gonna try that out
for 2ndary:
Really most of them work IMO. elec, wp, and regen are the ones i'm thinking about. As someone mentioned above also stalkers have low max HP which a heal power like elec, wp, and regen has works well. WP has both resist and def so it does better in pve then the others.
I think im going to try a dark/regen stalker. I hope this is "my stalker" i've tried so many combos nothing sticks with me. I love the nin/nin concept but the performance is too noticeably bleh i cannot play it.
I would vote elec/wp or elec/elec for best pve builds
The lethal resistance is a big deal for nin/nin. I had 2 nin/nin stalkers at one point but they got deleted wait till ur in the 30s and ur going through ur attack chain 2-3 times just to kill one guy. Also at higher levels caltrops and blinding power really don't work as awesome as you would think.
Blinding Powder is admittedly much less impressive until level 50 when you can slot the Contagious Confusion proc. Decent prep for a spawn you intend to aggro though. A bit of extra -tohit with no aggro that stacks with your defense and the -tohit debuff from Assassin Strike's Demoralize. Long recharge time though.
Never have taken Smoke Flash. I was amused to see it's now on offer as a temp recipe.

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer
Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!
NB/Nin was my first Stalker and arguably still my favorite (I have a few of
them scattered across a few servers and levels)
My experiences are much more in line with Zem's than Dae's.
The Lethal resistances can be noticeable with certain mobs, but hardly
debilitating. I don't find it anywhere near a "big deal".
I too would consider my stalkers well slotted (60/90 Acc/Dmg minimum) on
all attacks, along with a few procs (AS is particularily nasty) like Zem's.
In terms of taking a few extra attacks (and it IS few), it's not a problem.
Double stacked Divine Avalanche (which is easy to get) makes the few
additional hits required for pesky Mechmen (etc.) a non-problem - especially
when they're more interested in escaping trops than hitting me.
YMMV, I guess...
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
Course when your fighting Carnies then having Lethal damage type is rather handy and the magic salvage drops quite nice as well
Somewhat outweighed by the horrid time fighting Council robots ect but there you have it.
Oh and my Spines/Dark Stalker is easily the most capable on teams for its AoE ability, while I bring out my Energy/Nin for nasty EB's/AV's. My Ninja Blade/Regen is quite survivable but in no ways a real damage monster. Currently working on a Spines/Elec and its pretty decent so far - still a slog at level 21. Also have another 50, a Claws/Energy Aura but its not one I'd really recommend, at least for a first proper go at playing a Stalker.
My biggest hurdle, I think, is that due to rampant alt-itis, I have already done many of the primaries to a high level, so I have this idea of how it should play, always from different ATs. This caused a few issues inky first Stalker, but I have gotten better.
So far my Nin/Nin has done well, both on teams by hitting the bosses and letting others deal with the minions, and solo, which is actually slower then I'd like. I may have to raise the level to make it manageable. A small issue I've found is spotting my powers properly with IOs. But that's not really the fault of the power sets, so much as needed three times as many Luck Charms.
Level 18 is right around the corner, and I have to say, the Natural booster pack was the best investment I could make in this game. No serious need for a travel power until much later. And City Traveler gets that done fast.
With that in mind, would you push back Caltrops for a travel power?
Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer
Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!
So, I've played for a long time. And I've tried Stalkers (highest I got was around 26-ish, EM/Dark), but they just have never been for me. They feel off to how I play and I want to change that.
I've nailed down the Primary to Spines, and the secondary... I'm wiggling around on.
I like the idea of both Ninjitsu and Willpower, so those two are my 'primary focus'. Of course there is always wiggle room for both Primary and Secondary if there's enough push for or against something.
I'm really hoping people can give a bit of information on how they play their Stalker (both low and mid-level) so I can get a bit of the mindset I should be in.
Help me, Stalker forum! You're my only hope!