This Has just Been Posted In-Game

Agent White



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The player side of the rescue effort is being co-ordinated on the Titan Network forums:,134.0.html
I emailed Tony, so he knows my virtual pen and vitriol are willing, ready and able to press-release the PANCAKE out of this bad boy.

Carl and Sons @Aurora Girl (Pinnacle)
Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
But I do understand that there is an internet rule that any bad idea must be presented by someone at least twice a year to remind everyone who hasn't already read every previous thread on the topic precisely why the idea is bad.



Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
"And my bow!"

Actually...doesn't make much sense. My hero uses a sword. Oh well, I guess I'll have to level a TA character if we make it.
It's late, and my first reaction to this post was, "I don't know how a bowl will help, but hey, stranger things..."



Mostly Pinnacle, with scattered alts on Liberty, Freedom, and Justice.

I had a great time playing with you!



I'll donate to TonyV's efforts regardless, when the call comes out. But if they turn out to be proposing to continue independently with the original developers, that strikes me as worth donating a lot to. The things they've been doing lately have been really good, and are worth investing in.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



*CHEERS* If anything its good to know its not going down with out a fight!



Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post

... though that might be Anti-Matter posing as him, come to think.
sobbing a little bit @ this bc...puns....

(anti-matter is one of my faves so this is also an adorable scenario)

I drew this for my friend Ninja Earl. I aspire to be a concept artist.
Taimatsu-maru Fire/SS tank Grapes. Plant/Kin troller Blood? Healer/Emp/BR fender | more...
Tumblr CoH Faces DeviantArt Ask for: Facebook



Well if the devs and upper management of Paragon Studios is willing to take on this grand trial, and be ready for the task... then I can do no less.

I shall provide whatever support I can!
I got their back.

x Jeremy M.

Global Handle: @JeremyM
City of Heroes LiveJournal Community



Originally Posted by Gorgar View Post
I'll donate to TonyV's efforts regardless, when the call comes out. But if they turn out to be proposing to continue independently with the original developers, that strikes me as worth donating a lot to. The things they've been doing lately have been really good, and are worth investing in.
Agreed. Anyone know if they've considered doing a KickStarter?

We know that last Q2 NC Soft posted around (2.9 Billion Won) $2,562,000 USD for City of Heroes, so that's a bare minimum for us to see about pulling together for a rough budget for Dev, Servers, Advertising to work from.

"When looking into regional sales, it posted 103.2 billion in Korea, followed by 16.9 billion won in Japan, 5.8 billion won in North America, 3.1 billion won in Taiwan and 700 million won in Europe among others, said its officials. Lineage brought in 58.4 billion won in total, while Aion and Lineage 2 recorded 36.4 billion won and 16.9 billion won, respectively. Other games such as “City of Heroes,” also known as “Villain,” posted 2.9 billion won, “Guild Wars” 1.3 billion won and other casual games 13.8 billion won..."

What is interesting about the article is that apparently what's killing COH was the disapointing returns from AION and LINEAGE2 over in Asia. This, combined with the cost of a merger/takeover from Nexon - NC Soft's rival for years, has led to this.

The magic # for them may very well be $2.5 million, which would free up capital for Aion to get off the ground over in Korea properly and reduce it's losses.

To pull that off, they'll need those numbers I mentioned before. Petitions, Facebook Likes, everything we can toss at them to run up those numbers legitimately. STRONG social media response.

Everyone... we have to keep the heat on. Push harder. More sign ups. Share that CNN story. Share the links.



Originally Posted by November View Post
Agreed. Anyone know if they've considered doing a KickStarter?
That, or something similar, is one of the options that we're looking at.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Mantic View Post
I could never pledge a thousand at one time, and this comes at an especially tight time. But I'd definitely be in for something (three month's subscription fee, minimum) if a kickstarter is set up to assist Paragon Studios.

If there are over ten thousand of us willing to do whatever we can (as the petition at this time suggests), and potentially incentivised further by in-game rewards, even the smaller contributions would add up to a lot.
Right now, even a promise in the form of a petition signing helps. Find 3 more friends to sign them - get on facebook and share the links. It's a great story to share.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's still a long shot - but the word "discussion" implies that NCSoft are at least prepared to listen - unless all it means is that Positron is using a sledgehammer to break down an NCSfot exec's door to arrange a "meeting".
I rather like that image.

My Deviant Art Page



I want everyone to please temper their expectations with the word "discussions". Please, don't take this to mean more than it does, at this point in time.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



I nominate the hug as the official City of Heroes salute, provided things get better.

Although it seems *shudder* heroic, I shall do what I can to advance the goals.
Freaking incarnate content. Greater good this, Greater good that!

I'm about ready to greater gut shot the next person that forces me into this crap.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I want everyone to please temper their expectations with the word "discussions". Please, don't take this to mean more than it does, at this point in time.
So it was Positron with the sledgehammer?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I want everyone to please temper their expectations with the word "discussions". Please, don't take this to mean more than it does, at this point in time.
I take it to mean exactly what it says;

That you guys haven't given up without 'a fight'!!!

Though nothing may come of it, it swells my heart with pride to know we're giving it our all.

God Speed Dev's, and good luck!

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So it was Positron with the sledgehammer?
Whatever works.

Hunter's Forty-Sixth Rule: If your head explodes, you were thinking too much, otherwise you shouldn't worry about the possibility.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So it was Positron with the sledgehammer?
In the library?

In all seriousness, thanks for chiming in Zwill and...
Pretty much what MaestroMavius said!
Just willing to do whatever we can and we'll see what happens. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I want everyone to please temper their expectations with the word "discussions". Please, don't take this to mean more than it does, at this point in time.
If CoH intellectual property were to be bought, I vote ownership is transferred to you Zwill. You'd be perfect to head the company.



That there are 'discussions' is more hope than we had. A faint hope, but the flickering of a candle is at its most bright in the dark.

If there is anything we can do to help let us know! We've got your back.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



I will temper my expectations, Zwillinger. But an important source of hope just went from Zero to Non-Zero, no matter how small that might be it's still an infinity% increase.



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
I nominate the hug as the official City of Heroes salute, provided things get better.

Although it seems *shudder* heroic, I shall do what I can to advance the goals.
Freaking incarnate content. Greater good this, Greater good that!

I'm about ready to greater gut shot the next person that forces me into this crap.
im a diehard villain as much as the next, but if the world implodes there will be nothing left to rule lol



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I want everyone to please temper their expectations with the word "discussions". Please, don't take this to mean more than it does, at this point in time.
Right now my expectations are still pretty low, but it is good to hear that discussions are happening at all.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I want everyone to please temper their expectations with the word "discussions". Please, don't take this to mean more than it does, at this point in time.
at this point i wouldnt expect a huge amount of progress since its been less than a week

its more the fact that its still an option on the table thats being considered/planned for is still very hopeful in my opinion

if any kind of discussions take place in the near future you have my full support