This Has just Been Posted In-Game

Agent White



This is heartening, GG, thanks for sharing. If there's a way to save Paragon Studios and COH, we'll find it.



It's not surprising the dev team would be looking to save the game. This was their baby, not to mention their job. It's heartening to hear our efforts are having an effect, though. As hopeful as I am, I did not see that coming. Corporations don't tend to react to player pressure, especially corporations which just axed a product with no warning. I'm guessing City of Heroes being basically profitable lends a lot of weight to the situation. If the game were failing, we'd have had no weight of argument.

Honestly, if this tragedy does get salvaged in the end and we do manage to help Paragon Studios stay together, I envision a much closer relationship between developers and players. But that's still just wishful thinking.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Atlantea View Post
One COULD be cynical and say "Well of course they're not accepting it, their jobs are on the line!"

One COULD... Until you go through all the Dev posts and then you KNOW they are just as passionate about this as we are. And for much the same reasons.

I know this is FAR MORE than just "a job" to ANY of the Devs!

They are just as much a part of this community as any of us.

And here's to letting them know whatever happens - we're rooting for them!
That brings a smile to my face. It makes me feel proud and fingers crossed. Our COH community rocks!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
It's not surprising the dev team would be looking to save the game. This was their baby, not to mention their job. It's heartening to hear our efforts are having an effect, though. As hopeful as I am, I did not see that coming. Corporations don't tend to react to player pressure, especially corporations which just axed a product with no warning. I'm guessing City of Heroes being basically profitable lends a lot of weight to the situation. If the game were failing, we'd have had no weight of argument.

Honestly, if this tragedy does get salvaged in the end and we do manage to help Paragon Studios stay together, I envision a much closer relationship between developers and players. But that's still just wishful thinking.
I know you and I are getting way ahead of ourselves here and it's just an optimistic hypothetical scenario...
I had mentioned it elsewhere, but I would absolutely love to remain with this community after having gone through this together.
By and large this has been a tremendously friendly and great community. I'd like to think that, going through this scare and each of us realizing the reality of how much we love it here and how much we do not want to lose it, that we could very possibly become far greater.

I know it has made me reflect more on how much I appreciate the many forum-goers that I see on a regular basis around here.

Sure, we'll all disagree and people will get rude now and then, no doubts... But, I don't know... I believe something would be different. For the better.

Possibly anyway...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by EternalAmethyst View Post
That brings a smile to my face. It makes me feel proud and fingers crossed. Our COH community rocks!
And I really like your avatar!
Swimmy, wavy... wooooohh!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I'm definitely tempering my expectations, but that is a huge step up from where I was on Friday. If something does come out of this, my only question is where do I send the check?



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
Thanks GG!

If they rescind the cancellation and rehire the staff I'll undeclare my little war, including my boycott (join because it's leverage - I'm pretty sure they're aware of my group because I have plastered their facebook page with it)
You my friend are backed by us all.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Thank you, but no. Please, for my sake if not theirs, let this go. It will never happen, and not all the wishing in the world will make it otherwise.

If, insha'Allah, Paragon Studios and COH comes out of this intact, they have Black Pebble there (especially in light of his announcement that he is even more of a demorecord fanatic than I am, which is REALLY saying something).

And Zwill's post of caution not withstanding about Paragon's situation, I will hope and pray for the best.


Sorry D_R, this was merely my way of voicing my appreciation for all the time and effort you put into your amazing videos for this game. When I think of my favorite things about the CoH community, your videos are always one of the first things that comes to mind.



I send my hopes and dreams to the staff and developers at Paragon Studios. We have a glimmer of hope and we are latching onto it. I do hope any discussion goes well, for I want to never lose City of Heroes/Villains. I've been busy doing demorecords and screenshots of my beloved Paragon City and Rogue Isles. (And our SG base, of course.)

As a devoted and passionate CoX player (6 L50 characters and at least 5 lower-level characters on Freedom alone) I beg Paragon Studios and any investors listening to please bring back our community, our entertainment, and our favorite, most excellent MMO ever.

Devs, "Never give up - Never Surrender!" As Winston Churchill once said, "If you're going through Hell, KEEP GOING."

We, the player community salute you (with hope in our hearts).

-- ElectroSolar
(Join me in team on the Liberty server!)



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I know you and I are getting way ahead of ourselves here and it's just an optimistic hypothetical scenario...
I had mentioned it elsewhere, but I would absolutely love to remain with this community after having gone through this together.
By and large this has been a tremendously friendly and great community. I'd like to think that, going through this scare and each of us realizing the reality of how much we love it here and how much we do not want to lose it, that we could very possibly become far greater.

I know it has made me reflect more on how much I appreciate the many forum-goers that I see on a regular basis around here.

Sure, we'll all disagree and people will get rude now and then, no doubts... But, I don't know... I believe something would be different. For the better.

Possibly anyway...

As I've said before, even if/when the game finally does go under, I want to keep the community intact. I'd keep coming to these boards even without a game attached to them because they're easily the friendliest large gathering of people I've ever seen.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
I've just read the whole post after noticing the 8 pages-long "detail", I'm sorry !

You can never have enough doubt these days !
You can prove you are sorry by sending War Witch your life savings to help fund the purchase of the game.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
As I've said before, even if/when the game finally does go under, I want to keep the community intact. I'd keep coming to these boards even without a game attached to them because they're easily the friendliest large gathering of people I've ever seen.
It's pretty much a certainty that the boards will go down before the servers shut down, if they don't go down together.

Your best bet is probably to sign up for the titan network forums (over at the wiki) as those'll almost certainly remain up for the foreseeable future.



Originally Posted by LittleDavid View Post
It'd take planning, though. How many people playing can make it to a demonstration in Austin? We've got people all over the world playing this game ... how many of them could make it to a protest rally, let alone cosplay for it?
What a waste of money.

I couldn't afford that, and even if I could I would not do it. It's a wank. You'd just look like the spandex version of furries and have more people making fun of you than anything.

What I would hope is that anyone with any resources to put into this save their pennies in case they are needed to assist Paragon Studios in purchasing the City of Heroes properties.

Though, to date, I've not been impressed with crowdfunding, if NCSoft are willing to name a price, such a method of raising capital (perhaps in concert with conventional investors) looks ideal. All of us players are used to trading in virtual goods, so attractive reward incentives would be easy to offer with very little effort or expense (how many would kick in $20 USD for just a badge, fi? I imagine some would pay $1000 to have a character immortalized in the game somehow, even if very minor. And there are plenty of options in-between). So it would be very nearly "free money" on their end, since kickstarter donations are not an investment to be repaid.

What I do not want is a "sequel" game. Champions Online was a sequel, of sorts. We didn't migrate. I would rather see CoH committed to, long-term, with any additional efforts put toward very different projects that do not split this relatively small player base after going to such lengths to keep it. Again I point to Turbine as an ideal example (though they had to learn the hard way through the failure of Asheron's Call 2).



Hi everyone,

Some slightly off the wall posts nonwithstanding, this community shows a maturity and spirit its darkest days that simply has no equal! Instead of just packing our things and go quietly, we have recovered and come out guns blazing and I really hope that we end up defying the terrible odds and winning the day. But either way, I strongly believe that we are already making history (in our own small way) as we go.

Of course the guys at Paragon Studios, who were hit hardest by all this, are the very heart of this community - it is most likely that it would not exist in its current form if it were not for them. And despite Zwillingers fair words of caution, I cannot help feeling at least a little bit hopeful - it is simply inspiring to see how many people have joined.

I wish all of us could really be there with you Paragon Studio guys as you fight for your beloved game as well as for your very livelyhoods. But one look here or into the Titan Network shows you that we ARE indeed with you in spirit.

All the best, to all of you (and us)!

<- Please click here to find out how you can help!

GLOBAL @zoser



Go, Paragon Studios!! City of Heroes/Villains MATTERS to our community! Please don't let it go! NCSOFT: Please support the return of a great MMO: City of Heroes/Villains!!!

-- ElectroSolar
(Join me in team on the Liberty server!)



As a wargamer and 40k and Fantasy rumour watcher....

I've enough salt to cause genocide to at least four species of slugs.

But this is heartening. Hopefully the more we spread this the louder our voices will become. I've noticed that when other MMOs closed and died off there was nowhere near this amount of noise.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



Agh, this is just like that week following the end of Mass Effect 3. It hit me hard enough that it threw off everything. I kept bouncing between 'did that really just happen' and 'it can't end like this' to cautious optimism that things would change. Not entirely the same as what's going on here, but similar enough.

I'm hoping things end up working out in everyone's favor. The last thing I want is for the game to go away. I've been playing it for years, and it's become a part of my life.

As I've said in the game - hope for the best, prepare for the worst.



Originally Posted by Mantic View Post
What a waste of money.

I couldn't afford that, and even if I could I would not do it. It's a wank. You'd just look like the spandex version of furries and have more people making fun of you than anything.

Transit Superhero Protesters Take Over Massachusetts DOT Meeting

Student 'superheroes' protest in Chile

Ministry's 'secret' employees turn to superheroes

Superbarrio Gómez

I wouldn't necessarily call it a wank.



"We are heroes. This is what we do." - I'm a villain, you should be worried at what I'm going to do.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So there are at least some of the devs - maybe even the whole stuido - who are taking an active role in the rescue effort.
Thank you for posting this Golden Girl. Knowing there is hope is a good thing.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I want everyone to please temper their expectations with the word "discussions". Please, don't take this to mean more than it does, at this point in time.
And thank you Mr. Belford for posting this. Not only as verification (so many unfounded rumors going around these last few days), but also as a reminder to not get our hopes up too high. Yet.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So there are at least some of the devs - maybe even the whole stuido - who are taking an active role in the rescue effort.
Lisa walks up to Golden Girl and shakes her hand. I am still convinced you are either the daughter of a Dev, or, maybe you are WarWitch in a personal account, but whoever you are in RL, it doesn't, as Golden Girl, are as passionate about COH as anyone here.

I salute you, and I thank you for giving us this small grain of hope.

Lisa-repeating her prayers to God to allow this wonderful game keep on keeping on.

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Ryrukin View Post
"We are heroes. This is what we do." - I'm a villain, you should be worried at what I'm going to do.
My moon-based death ray is primed and ready to go. I just need coordinates. Which continent are we aiming at? (it's not really a surgical-strike type of weapon, but I'm sure the message will come across)

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




The people at Paragon Studios do not strike me as the type of people who would just lay down and give up something that has been a huge part of their lives for 10 years. I hope this works out for them.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Originally Posted by Gatecrasher View Post
It's late, and my first reaction to this post was, "I don't know how a bowl will help, but hey, stranger things..."


This was my reaction as well, lol



So this is the first I've commented since the announcement. Basically, the action taken so far is to write to NCSoft (via their "Investors" e-mail address), and request that they consider selling CoH to the players and their own employees who have worked on the game, in the form of stock. I made it known I'm not interested in profiting from such ownership, that I just want the game to continue. Anybody else what likes this idea, please copycat. :D I figure, even if they think it's a bad idea, at least they're hearing from me.

I'll play the petition game as well. I'll dig around and find them. :)

I'm happy to know y'all're making yourselves heard!