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  1. ElectroSolar

    Dance Party!

    Not sure if this is in the right forum (probably not), but ...

    Please join the Doyen of Flames for a dance party tonight! Freedom server, Atlas Park, under the globe, 10pm CT.

    There may be more dance parties on different servers, so keep an eye on the forum for more details.

    Bring your character, special effects, and pets - the more noise the better - let's raise the roof!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Treees View Post
    How to help!

    [*]Just petitioning won't be enough. Call. Send letters.

    I agree. However, with the phone numbers posted, I recommend NOT calling. Two of them are numbers to report billing/credit card fraud and the other requires accessing their company directory by name. Neither "Taek Kim" nor "Jin Kim" are listed in the directory. Good luck with the phone calls. I recommend writing them - by hand, in ink, and on paper. A note like that shows that it was important enough to write it out by hand. (Same thing applies to "thank you" notes after a job interview, which is where I got the idea.)

    You can also send a very quick message to NCSoft at http://global.ncsoft.com/global/support/request.aspx.

    Global name: @shapeshifter. Join me in team!!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
    In Paragon City, car gently pushes you out of the way!
    In Soviet Paragon City, car ride YOU!
  4. Go, Paragon Studios!! City of Heroes/Villains MATTERS to our community! Please don't let it go! NCSOFT: Please support the return of a great MMO: City of Heroes/Villains!!!
  5. I send my hopes and dreams to the staff and developers at Paragon Studios. We have a glimmer of hope and we are latching onto it. I do hope any discussion goes well, for I want to never lose City of Heroes/Villains. I've been busy doing demorecords and screenshots of my beloved Paragon City and Rogue Isles. (And our SG base, of course.)

    As a devoted and passionate CoX player (6 L50 characters and at least 5 lower-level characters on Freedom alone) I beg Paragon Studios and any investors listening to please bring back our community, our entertainment, and our favorite, most excellent MMO ever.

    Devs, "Never give up - Never Surrender!" As Winston Churchill once said, "If you're going through Hell, KEEP GOING."

    We, the player community salute you (with hope in our hearts).
  6. Problem: One (just one) of my characters had Tray Power 4 setting (the number 4) configured as "Not Set" every time I logged in, entered or left a mission, or - as far as I can guess - probably every time I changed zones. After going to Options --> Keymapping and setting it to the default '4' I saved options to file. This did not work. Every time I entered or left a mission, Tray Power 4 was unset again. Loading default options did not work either. I tried /bind_save followed by /bind_load, which didn't solve the problem, although it would have been a good workaround. This problem showed up almost immediately after the game update that added the Paragon Store and VIP Rewards buttons.


    Take the following steps.

    1. Change keymapping to default or whatever you want it to be.
    2. /bind_save
    3. /bind_load
    4. Options --> Windows
    5. Go to the bottom of the page
    6. Save window position

    This seems to be a pretty good fix. If you have this problem, tried the fix, and had success or no success please reply in this thread. Thank you!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
    You know what occurred to me this morning? Why would a crusty old royalist right-wing reactionary like Nemesis plan his big conspiracy for International Labor Solidarity Day? It seems terribly off-message for his politics.
    It's supposed to be off-message; it's to cover the fact that everything is a Nemesis plot.
  8. For everyone else AND the Devs and Community Manager:

    The Paragon Market is a wonderful, wonderful thing - and so are the continuous improvements and upgrades to City of Heroes.

    I'm impressed by, and thankful for, the business choice to use micro-transactions (just like some other companies - for example Zynga. NICE JOB guys!! I hope the incoming moneys help to keep CoH running for a very very long time.

    I have been to the Paragon Market many times, and the availability of so very many good options really knocks my socks off!

    I'm a 4-year veteran of the game and I have no problem with the changes. Keep up the great work!

    Everyone else: they're still tweaking the Paragon Market and Rewards systems, so keep giving that feedback to Paragon.
  9. As an IBM DB2 Database Administrator, I've often wondered what database backend you use. I have a good idea what kind of effort this kind of restore takes, even though I don't have a picture of the specifics.

    I will likewise not press any further, but just so you know - DB2 features include high availability database mirroring, partitioning across multiple systems to improve data integrity and throughput, and many more features that could be of value to your team.

    Sorry, Lighthouse, I couldn't let the SQL Server DBA say something without putting in my own $0.02! :-)
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    My current rig is not cutting edge, but at present this is the only game I play and it seemed to be doing fine a few weeks ago. ... I'm at a loss for what I should even tweak.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Of course, I'm not a dev, but I can give you some feedback on what worked for me.

    When I upgraded my laptop to 2GB RAM, about 98% of my lag and rubberbanding issues went away. This may be what we call in the debugging arena a "clue."

    There are times when the performance is still laggy, and I haven't checked out a nice sized team mish yet, but this is what I can report has worked for me.

    I am suspecting that the game has grown, in terms of memory requirements, to the point where minimum system requirements need to be updated - or someone needs to slim down some code. I'm just sayin'.