This Has just Been Posted In-Game

Agent White



Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
I don't know if it exists or not -- and it's a long shot that Cryptic was forward-thinking enough to do this -- but could there be a clause in the contract between Cryptic and NCSoft from back in 2007 that gives Cryptic the option to take back the City of Heroes IP if NCSoft closes the game?

I don't think it's very likely, and don't know whether there's anyone left at Paragon Studios who could check, but it would be a real shot in the arm if it turned out that NCSoft had already ceded the game to another company by declaring its closure.
The question is not whether or not Cryptic has the option to take it back.

Let's assume they do for a second. The question is would Perfect World let them. Its entirely possible Perfect World may not want competition for Champions Online, so they may not let Cryptic take it back even if they can.



Originally Posted by APhantasm View Post
The question is not whether or not Cryptic has the option to take it back.

Let's assume they do for a second. The question is would Perfect World let them. Its entirely possible Perfect World may not want competition for Champions Online, so they may not let Cryptic take it back even if they can.
Of course with having both CO & COH there is something to be said for owning a larger piece of the pie crowding out others... /em shrug