This Has just Been Posted In-Game

Agent White



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
And we've just hit CNN:

We suggest people register and recommend the report as something CNN should take further.

This could be a great piece on the power of a mostly ignored type of social networking. FB and Twitter get a lot of attention. MMOs not so much even though there are millions of MMO gamers out there.

My Deviant Art Page



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I want everyone to please temper their expectations with the word "discussions". Please, don't take this to mean more than it does, at this point in time.
Yeah, yeah... we know. At least you're having them.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I want everyone to please temper their expectations with the word "discussions". Please, don't take this to mean more than it does, at this point in time.
... I've ether had too much coffee or not enough, because the word "temper" set to mind Zwillinger as he looked when he dropped in on me last year, dramatically forging a Sword of Expectations, and tempering it by quenching it in a vat of water labeled "Discussions."

All set to this music.



I'm glad the devs are standing up for themselves and their work. I wish them luck. They were able to negotiate with Cryptic, and now - hopefully - with NCsoft. Since Paragon's been the one actually working on the game all these years, they're really (in a sense) the owners.

My preference is that they get a stay of execution on the game, get private funding to reform their studio, lease the servers from NCsoft, publish i24 as the last update to the game, and then use subscriber money and investor money to begin work on a new superhero game, using a modern, fully featured OpenGL engine.



here's a thought, an informal agreement to post a single character as an in game billboard for a $100 pledge towards the cause, should tehre be a crowd funding effort and should we succeed.



Ya know Scythus I think you're onto something with that pic. If you really want to get everyone's REALLY get their attention...dress up as your character and stand in front of NCSoft headquarters with a boycott sign.

I'm sure it will get the media's attention "faster than a speeding bullet"

It'll be media gold. Just imagine the headlines:

"the thousands of costumed heroes/villians take to the streets in protest to save their City...of Heroes"

...just a thought.



I just believe very strongly that this game and the amazing Paragon Studios deserves to remain very much in tact and continue to deliver the quality and fun that it has been delivering.

When I believe something is deserving, no odds against, and no amount of negativity, will prevent me from continuing to believe it and from doing anything I can to make it so.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Dr_DEVIOUS View Post
Ya know Scythus I think you're onto something with that pic. If you really want to get everyone's REALLY get their attention...dress up as your character and stand in front of NCSoft headquarters with a boycott sign.

I'm sure it will get the media's attention "faster than a speeding bullet"

It'll be media gold. Just imagine the headlines:

"the thousands of costumed heroes/villians take to the streets in protest to save their City...of Heroes"

...just a thought.
OMG This!!!



Originally Posted by Dr_DEVIOUS View Post
Ya know Scythus I think you're onto something with that pic. If you really want to get everyone's REALLY get their attention...dress up as your character and stand in front of NCSoft headquarters with a boycott sign.
It would send a powerful message, especially if you made sure the media knew beforehand you'd be organizing a rally llike that.

It'd take planning, though. How many people playing can make it to a demonstration in Austin? We've got people all over the world playing this game ... how many of them could make it to a protest rally, let alone cosplay for it?

I'm not trying to rain on your parade here; just saying, this is a great idea but it's gotta take some planning.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I want everyone to please temper their expectations with the word "discussions". Please, don't take this to mean more than it does, at this point in time.
Temper refers to blacksmithing

blacksmithing refers to swords

swords refer to knights

knights refer to jousting

jousting refers to feudalism

fedualism refers to serfs

serfs refer to movable type

movable type refers to printed money

printed money refers to investors

investors refers to stock market

stock market refers to...

you know I had somewhere clever to go with this joke that ended with "OMGTHEGAMEISN'TDEAD" but instead I'm just going to go with my initial response:

I -see- that there are words in this response but I choose to not understand them.



Well, I went out and bought a bunch of lottery tickets today which I will find out about tonight. If I win it will get me about $1.5 million every year, for the next 30 years... AFTER taxes.

The first thing I would do is get all the paper work done and the money in my account. The immediate second thing would be to PM Paragon Studios with an offer...

Of course, with my reputation around the forums, they won't believe me... so I won't mention the word "Steelclaw" until they've already signed on...

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Dear Paragon Studios,

If you are blessed with success and manage to save CoH, please hire this woman to make her awesome videos for you.
Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
Seriously, at the very least, use her as a contractor. There are a few of us out here who can match her passion for the game, but virtually none with her talents.
Thank you, but no. Please, for my sake if not theirs, let this go. It will never happen, and not all the wishing in the world will make it otherwise.

If, insha'Allah, Paragon Studios and COH comes out of this intact, they have Black Pebble there (especially in light of his announcement that he is even more of a demorecord fanatic than I am, which is REALLY saying something).

And Zwill's post of caution not withstanding about Paragon's situation, I will hope and pray for the best.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I want everyone to please temper their expectations with the word "discussions". Please, don't take this to mean more than it does, at this point in time.
I more or less figured that was part of why you weren't talking about it yet. Everything is preliminary, nothing is even CLOSE to set in stone. Its not even set in sand yet. But right now, everyone is looking for all the hope they can get, and this will serve as an extra boost while people keep campaigning for both the game, and more importantly for you guys.

Regardless of what happens, Zwill, thank you and everyone else at Paragon for trying your hardest. We really appreciate it.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Thanks, Golden Girl! I figured someone would post that here, whereas I was busy cutting and pasting those words to 3 SGwebpages on So many of my friends and long(er)time subscribers have felt so bad about this (grieving is not too strong a term) but all are active with the petitions, facebook, the letter writing campaign, etc. Today for the first time, rather than clinging to hope as a form of denial, I felt actual hope that together, just like when we team in-game, we might really have a shot at this! Woot!! Keep the Inspirations popping!!

aka @Kristoff von Gelmini, leader of small SG bases (Infinity/Victory/Virtue/Protector), member of The House of Tera (Justice) and various others (Champion/Infinity/Victory/Guardian/Freedom).



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I want everyone to please temper their expectations with the word "discussions". Please, don't take this to mean more than it does, at this point in time.
Exactly. Talk means nothing more than talk. But it reassures us to know the dev team isn't just stuffing boxes and walking away... we appreciate anything you do. Especially now.

But again, talk is just talk. Actions matter.



This had me blubbing like a big girl (again). I know there's nothing concrete yet, but the sheer strength of human spirit being shown by everyone throughout all of this is nothing short of inspirational. If it does all go down and fall to nothing, at least we know we tried.

If however, it does come to something, i25 should include some sort of TF or story arc that reflects the events in it. It's almost like a classic comic story where the main hero loses his powers and has to fight on to defeat an aggressor anyway:

"It's not the powers that make the hero, but the man"

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So there are at least some of the devs - maybe even the whole stuido - who are taking an active role in the rescue effort.
I'm sorry GG, but... a screenshot, or it didn't happen :'(

EDIT: I take that back, didn't read the whole thread, especially Z's post

City et moi, �a colle !



Originally Posted by Mister_Bison View Post
I'm sorry GG, but... a screenshot, or it didn't happen :'(

Did you not notice Zwillinger's post in this thread?



Wow. I go out to do grocery shopping, and the sheer momentum of the campaign to save the game is honestly breathtaking.

I really do mean that.

Btw, flash mobs seem to get all sorts of media attention....


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
Wow. I go out to do grocery shopping, and the sheer momentum of the campaign to save the game is honestly breathtaking.

I really do mean that.

Btw, flash mobs seem to get all sorts of media attention....


I just pictured all of us going to the steps of Congress and doing the old dance emotes ... the real simple ones where your shuffling side to side and waving your hands in the air... with one guy at the forefront with a big sign reading "The City of Heroes Liberation Front"...

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw




It's step in the right direction. Let's cool down on hating NCsoft, they seem to be more understanding than we may have thought. They're talking which is more than a lot of people expect.



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post

I just pictured all of us going to the steps of Congress and doing the old dance emotes ... the real simple ones where your shuffling side to side and waving your hands in the air... with one guy at the forefront with a big sign reading "The City of Heroes Liberation Front"...
I thought we were the Popular Front of Paragon? The People's Front of Paragon? The Paragon People's Front? The People's Popular Front of Paragon?

Test Subject 42 - lvl 50 Sp/DA Scrapper
Oku No Te - lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Borg Master - lvl 24 Bots/traps MM

Nyghtfyre - lvl 50 DM/SR Scrapper



Arbiter Hawk said that the efforts have gotten attention "at a high level."

[Help] Chaos Ex Machina: hey hawk, what were the nemesis warhorses supposed to be? mobs? lair decoration?
[Help] NCsoft_Arbiter Hawk: They were going to be an enemy in the group

Help] Chaos Ex Machina: my little nemesis... i used to wonder what plotting could be... until you shared its SCIENCE! with me
[Help] Painbow Crash: BIG ADVENTURE!
[Help] Chaos Ex Machina: tons of steam
[Help] Chaos Ex Machina: a clockwork operated heart
[Help] NCsoft_Arbiter Hawk: awesome, Chaos, lol
[Help] Chaos Ex Machina: brass plated and strong
[Help] Chaos Ex Machina: sharing gang wars, it's a clandestine feat
[Help] Chaos Ex Machina: and SCIENCE! makes it all complete

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post

I just pictured all of us going to the steps of Congress and doing the old dance emotes ... the real simple ones where your shuffling side to side and waving your hands in the air... with one guy at the forefront with a big sign reading "The City of Heroes Liberation Front"...
.. and another guy with a sign saying "The Liberation Front of City of Heroes".

They ARE different you know.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"