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  1. Tahquitz


    Since there's very little activity on the Triumph boards, I think I'll call this my last post. With today's announcement from NCSoft, (paraphrasing: "About #SaveCOH: the talks failed. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.") I see little point in communicating on these boards since they're going with the game in less than 58 days.

    Since I said goodbye already (see above), I'll keep it short.
  2. Expected this. What I feel:

    1) If Titan Network had a foot in the door in buying the IP, it's been slammed on them. NCSoft is out of the picture. COMPLETELY.
    2) I'm not interested in reverse engineering the client/game.
    3) The only feasible answer for us is Plan Z. Any effort spent on getting the IP and making NCSoft reconsider will only push the disconnect date earlier than November 30th. (The fine line between impassioned players and annoyance is visible. Once we cross it, it just gets ugly for everyone involved.)

    If you disagree, fine: eat a lemon and go try to win friends with the face you'll make. I'm not wasting any more time on anything else.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire Man View Post
    FPARN 2: FPARN Harder
    Even with the missed FPARN, still best reveal yet on the boards.
  4. There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

    Thanks, Zwillinger. For everything.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tahquitz
    The following is a message from Obsidius. ==NOT FROM ME.==

    This guy. You know him, right?

    On August 31st, all player accounts were frozen in their status, leaving me in VIP Mode when I was ready to go back to Premium, and Obsidius was left stuck in Premium (where if he knew this game was going offline I'm sure would have came back to VIP for it's last few months, but alas, such advance notices don't exist in MMO land.)

    I didn't think that was right, long time player not saying his final peace on Triumph and all, so I offered him a chance to say goodbye. The following is what he wrote to me in E-Mail, verbatim.

    As the end of the post states, he is still on the boards as a Premium player: if you wish to reply to this post AND get a response from him, you'll need to send him a PM (click here to do it), or find him in the Facebook Group, "Triumph United". Otherwise, be assured that he is reading this thread.

    Without further ado, take it away, Erik.

    This is the story of one City of Heroes player. Don't expect this to be short; this player has been part of the community since 2004, and for many years, my life was City of Heroes.

    I started playing City of Heroes in June of 2004. I heard about the game from my friend and (at the time) housemate. Having grown tired of DAoC and the grind entitled the Trials of Atlantis, I was very happy with what I found in Paragon City.

    It started with the character creator, and although I couldn't fully take my old RP character and fully translate him onto the screen, I came up with a better facsimile than I could have in any other MMO at the time. Then I got to the instanced missions, a big relief from the spawn camping found in many other MMOs at the time. From beating up jerks, to the Enhancement System, and to the first time I got to Hover (holy hell, I wasn't stuck to the pavement anymore), the game sold me. Within 30 days I subscribed to CoH and sold my DAoC character (which ended up funding my CoH subscription for almost a year).

    And that's pretty much how it was for years afterwards. When I wasn't working or going out with my girlfriend (who also turned into a CoH player), I was fighting crime online. We were Triumphants; other servers didn't appeal to us, especially higher-population servers. We made friends on Triumph, and we built our supergroup on Triumph. And even though some friends and/or SG mates left out of boredom or frustration, we still had a tight group of players. You know, everybody knew your name and greeted you on the SG channel (and later the global chat) when you logged in.

    It was May of 2006 that my (now) wife and I went to my first game Meet & Greet ever, at Howie's Game Shack in southern Orange County, CA. NCSoft had an event there alongside E3 that year. I met three great people there: DJ Jester from Woot Radio, Matt Miller (Positron), And April Burba (CuppJo, the first CoH Community Rep). Matt took a lot of interest in what we were doing in game, what badges we had, etc. We had a blast and got some swag, and we knew we had to run into these folks again sometime.

    The opportunity came up again in 2007 for the Bay Area Meet & Greet. Tahquitz should remember this trip pretty well. Getting to it almost ended in disaster after the first rain of the season for SoCal ground traffic to a halt, and my car got a severe flat, both of which cost us tons of time. But we got there just in time. We got to meet such awesome people as Sexy Jay (of whom I have nothing but the nicest things to say; a true gentleman) and Ex Libris (a great gal who ended up drinking us under the table).

    CoH also introduced us to the convention scene: during the 2008 San Diego Comic Con, NCSoft had another Meet & Greet that Friday. My wife and I had never been to a Comic Con, so we got a day pass for Thursday (Friday was already sold out, in the days where all the passes did not sell within 24 hours). We went to the Con on Thursday and had a blast, and camped out at our friends' house on Friday before taking the red line downtown for the M&G. And you should have seen what happened when a bunch of superhero-themed geeks get some drinks in them. I think there's a video online somewhere, to my wife's discredit. But from then on, SDCC was in our veins too, along with CoH.

    Also in 2008 was the first HeroCon. Of course we went with some friends, and joined the Live Mission with some people I knew from the forums (like Nuclear Toast) and some new faces. Together, we tackled all of the missions, with help from souses and the Internet, to the artistic creativity of my wife and others in the group on our costumed doll. and in the end, our team, Lucky 13, took first prize.

    In the following years we went to all the proceeding Comic Cons (and the NCSoft M&G parties, except for the 2nd HeroCon), but my fervor in CoH was finally starting to wane. I was losing interest in the game after having played it for so many years, and I realized one day that things were passing me by. Suddenly, I had to worry about losing my GI Bill benefits (I left the military in 2001); I had to get into college while I still had something to use. My wife and I wanted to start a family. Things were going to change, and I'd have far less time to play video games, online or otherwise.

    In part, I guess I am partially to blame for the game's downturn. As much as I was hoping that Going Rogue would change things (and some of my online peeps twisted my arm to get me to resub during its launch and the F2P transition), I could never really rekindle that spark I used to have with the game. Perhaps that's best for another post altogether. But beyond my issues with the game, I realized that I was spending too much time with the game, and not enough time with life.

    But I can say, with certainty, that COH has forever changed my life. I met a lot of cool people online and in Real LIfe between the game and the M&Gs and cons; I still keep tabs on the really close ones via social networks. Without CoH, I wouldn't be the person I am now, with a love/hate relationship with SDCC, with an interest in cons in general, a more knowledgeable gamer, and (thanks to these forums), a more critical thinker and better debater (just not a master debater, pervs!). And although life changes, friends change, and people change, I don't have many regrets for doing all of this, beyond not getting back into college a few years sooner.

    I have no illusions about the game being saved. I am happy knowing it had a good run, longer than some of the other MMOs out their that suffered crib deaths before even their first anniversaries. But there comes a time where one has to move on. I think that the probable end of CoH, to me, is just an extension of that.

    I wanted to thank you all, my fellow Triumphants, my fellow SG mates and coalition mates, and friends. I want to also thank Tahquitz; he was with us for part of this long, crazy ride, and he's posting this on my behalf, since it's no longer possible for me to get VIP access to post it here myself. PM boxes for all forum accounts should be open, so if you want to stay in touch, drop me a line there, and I can give you contact info if need be.

    Thank you all; for the most part, it's been an honor and a pleasure. I'll see you out there, on the web or maybe even in RL.

    Kindest Regards,
  6. From Obsidius: Notes from Last Coffee Talk on Twitch TV (many questions answered, too many things to add to the master list, but bits and pieces may help. )
  7. Tahquitz

    CoH Bucket List

    Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
    Not if the devs decide to open up the Ski Chalet since all rules Paragon Studios follow have been thrown out. They could throw in a level up contact if they want and still have permission to mess with the code.
    Zwillinger said he'll see what he can do on that. Whether a dev can write a script to open it, or Zwil himself can do it (just like in live events, if the Community Team can trigger it on demand, he can make it happen) remains to be seen.

    At the least, the end-of-life day should be interesting, after seeing the Capt. Mako event and what a Community rep can do in-game.
  8. Tahquitz

    CoH Bucket List

    Dr. Quaterfield Task Force. No one wants to run it from the length, but I love the Shadow Shard. I still have yet to do that Task Force. (Also, I'm on Triumph, if that explains anything.)
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ventus_vis_Vires View Post
    @Kay as long as it doesn't get changed your VIP status should be frozen. One of our ventrilo members should have lost their's last week and as of yet has not.
    I can attest to this: my expiration date was August 31. Now that's IBTL.

    Pure stupid luck. I could easily be frozen as a Premium player right now. (Which was my original intent, since I'm back in college this week.)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    I want everyone to please temper their expectations with the word "discussions". Please, don't take this to mean more than it does, at this point in time.
    Exactly. Talk means nothing more than talk. But it reassures us to know the dev team isn't just stuffing boxes and walking away... we appreciate anything you do. Especially now.

    But again, talk is just talk. Actions matter.
  11. Maybe in October/November, but as a prerequisite, disable any new account creation so only people with past accounts can come back. RMT/Spammers/Other Idiocy: get banned, goodbye forever.
  12. Entering a portal in Peregrine Island... Destination unknown.
  13. Since VIP status is frozen, I will join you today.

    Got some errands to take care of (online classes) first but I'll be there.
  14. Tahquitz

    Good Bye CoH

    While I disagree about the boycott, in light of Titan Networks efforts, I'll hold back on namecalling, blame, and threats (even the empty ones) until we've been told outright by NCSoft that there is nothing left to be done, followed by the timeless anecdote about doors and accidental hits in the butt.

    For the brief time I knew you Sayaki, it was an honor. Thanks for hanging out with us this summer...

  15. Triumph, in protest of the closure of City of Heroes.
  16. Got a forum or comments? Even if you end up sinking it later for something better, somewhere to communicate on there?

    Do that, and I'm there in a second.
  17. I was considering upping my sub another month, but my time expires at midnight tonight for VIP. They may make all of us VIP eventually closer to the end-of-life date, but I don't see that happening in the next few days without work to close off new subs.

    I wish you guys the best of luck.
  18. Good idea. I stopped using Facebook months ago, so I won't be joining you, but good idea.

    EDIT: Arm twisted, I'm there.
  19. Tahquitz


    And in the end, boys and girls, it turned out Battalion ended up being NCSoft Corporation itself; the one force no Incarnate can possibly hope to challenge. This is my last post probably. Nothing dramatic or emotionally self-serving (which regrettably, has fit me to a T the last 5 years I've known all of you I'm afraid... instead of learning that lesson, I've opted to stay off the forums and just play. It's worked out well until now), my VIP Subscription ends tonight with no way to renew it. But I got to say what I got to say, or I'll never get to. (EDIT: It appears VIP Status is frozen... My last day was August 31st. Luck, pure and simple.)

    I've had a lot of disappointments this year. If the country is rebounding, it's because everyone is dropping their stake in people like me to save their own necks. City of Heroes is closing up shop. HP announced that they're not developing webOS on their older devices. And my best friend last month from High School isn't returning my calls after I had some not so kind words about his recent divorce (after getting married three times in four years, someone had to tell him the truth... unfortunately, it was me). In five weeks, I'm going to be laid off. So, I'll make one last appeal to emotion: pardon me if positive thinking isn't doing anything for me right now. Even with polite words and happy thoughts, if someone points a handgun at your temple and pulls the trigger, the bullet still most assuredly works... regardless of what's in your mind at the moment.. (Still with me so far and not rolling your eyes? Good, there's a chance we'll get along fine.)

    I've had a love/hate relationship with Triumph. I've made good friends here. I've lost good friends in here, as well as in real life. Some I'll never get back. But in the end I feel like I've been no help at all... to anyone as much as myself. None of it means a gorram thing. (I'd cuss, being that this is zero-sum at it's ultimate outcome, but if I did, I think a moderator would delete my post before anyone on Triumph read it... it appears social contracts do work to stop trolls like myself from saying what they want to on the forums.) I'll miss Triumph... my second dysfunctional family. I've loved you all as much as I've been laughed at by you all (both in jest and derision.) I'd say I'll see you again, but honestly, I can't promise that. I don't know of any MMO I certainly want to partake of... certainly not any of NCSoft's properties. Let alone any game in general.

    Obsidius was my first SG Leader, and I owe him a debt of thanks. He taught me that mediation in groups is just as important as being a good player, and that has done me well. I wish him and Rella well, my friend from College who came back in a most unexpected way and kept me smiling while she was around. In association, thanks to Ultrabatz for the camaraderie and the good will all of these years. Snow Globe may have scolded me after failing my first Lambda trial, but eventually, he turned out to be a hell of a leader, and I thank him for his patience in the last few months.

    I don't want to get too mushy and drawn out, but I'll give credit where credit's due: I wouldn't be anything without Gavalin Kingsbury, Doc, Genie, Alexandre, VP, Frost-Kid, Pride Warrior, Uesugi Terutora, Shard Warrior (it was brief and I was in a weird place at the time... Thanks for the patience), Seventy-Seven (if you ever come back online, we need to catch up sometime), Camocanine, Sam, Randy (I forgot your global), Shadow and abigwhale.

    To Pine, Sayaki, Taryn, Syndralina, Justaris, J. (Burte Force), and Mannillerai, you are all great players and I hardly got to know you at all before this summer.. Looks like this fall is it for us, I'll try my best to be on between schoolwork and job hunting.

    Particular thanks goes to Ventus vis Vires, not only for sticking around in a tough time in my life, but for keeping me playing as well as being your co-operator of two Supergroups. I guess we won't see JCAngelo return in time after all to see what became of her creations after leaving Triumph. I've never met JCAngelo, But I think she'd be proud. I'm proud.

    Thanks Triumph. Burn the pants, save the world.

    Micah Collard
    aka Tahquitz, Elara Kanashibari, Matoaka, Major Epoch, Lost Dragonfly, Topaz Chrome (and about 26 other things on Triumph).
  20. Yay! I'm going to be a 3 year vet forever! (Not saying I don't have confidence in the Dev's fixing it, but in the grand scheme of things, this has to be low priority.)
  21. Feel weird about having two Ms. Liberty's and two Penelope Yins as NPC's... Penelope goes from the teens to her twenties from Level 15 (Faultline) to 30 (Independence Port)? I know, I know, "time travel".

    Ms. Liberty isn't as weird, she doesn't change, but I guess for nostalgia reasons she's still the first hero you see outside of the Tutorial.
  22. I hate to apple polish here, but Houtex has a point... the last time I had to worry about team size as far as lag was concerned was in two situations: using dial-up (Network Lag), and using a SEVERLY underpowered netbook with a "Graphics Card" (SOC doesn't count I've learned... even when Tom's Hardware states it runs 15% faster than the desktop version of the budget-class card of the same kind... a.k.a. Computer Lag).

    Freedom may hurt in Atlas Park/Rikti War Zone/Praetoria, but compared to the other city zones that have basically been unchanged since 2004 (except COV), there's a LOT more detail in these areas, plus Atlas Park is the de-facto assembly point for heroes in Costume Contests, Sewer Runs, and most of the time goofing off. It's sluggish in Atlas Park at times on any computer I've used, I don't care how powerful it is.

    Settings that might help your situation (I've been there myself):
    When teaming, choose/make teams of no more than 4-5 people, and choose areas with a ROOF. Running Newspaper/Radio/TV Missions, repeatable door missions (RWZ/Hollows) and going Resistance helps IMMENSELY on older graphics cards: in a cave, office, or secret base, it's like drawing a really fat noodle with insides (versus drawing a giant shoebox with an open lid for a sky, a distant landscape, and 100's-1,000's of players/NPC's.) Much less intensive for a low-end machine to do. Don't fight in city zones or mission maps that have a sky if you can help it. If you can't, wait on the mission until you can solo it (even then, it'll take forever and look like a flipbook), or autocomplete it if you can. If you're running through a really laggy-Atlas Park, keep your view pointed to the ground: don't look up. This may add 5-10 frames to a low FPS count. Play it like Grand Theft Auto (the Original): pull the scroll wheel all the way down, then press and hold the Right Mouse button and pan the camera to top-down view. Not an ideal way to fight, but on a lower spec machine, it helps.

    Also: turn graphics wayyy down. Don't just choose Minimum in the Quality Slider, bring Max Particle Count down to 10,000 (but not any lower, unless you don't like seeing your own powers) and bring World Detail BELOW 75%. World Detail alone should add some snap back into your frame rate. Character Detail is also a consideration: it's not just your avatar affected, but NPC's by this slider as well. Shading should be Lowest, Texture Memory (Char./World) should be Low as well. If you're unsure of any other setting and want to see if it makes a difference, click on the purple ? button on the left and read the advice. If a particular choice increases performance, do it.

    If none of that helps, consider Network/PC issues. As far as the client is concerned, there's only one way I've found to reduce in-game bandwidth (manually, anyway): turn Power Reporting off -- Under Options, in the General Tab, enable "Hide Buff Numbers" and "Stop Sending All Buffs" under Status Window, Group Window, and Pet Window Buff Displays. It helps reduce the network bandwidth in use a little bit, but it's not a night-and-day difference.

    Last resort: decrease your screen resolution, or use resolution scaling until your performance improves. (Both choices make the game look horrible. 3D scaling may make it downright unplayable past a certain point.)

    Try the above if you haven't already... if those changes don't help, there's not much else left to do. You can't reliably play on pick-up-teams and task forces/trials/raids doing this (in fact, I'd steer clear) but it's enough to play in a fixed team or with a roommate (or understanding global friends/acquaintances) and just cope until you have a better hardware/networking solution.
  23. I agree, an option in NCLauncher to change video before launching the client would be nice (Allow a choice between Full Screen/Window, with a checkbox to "Force to desktop resolution" that's grayed out on Window mode.) No need for the 800x600 resolution, that's what Safe Mode's for.

    Cursory look at the client, I don't see any obvious files where screen resolution is set (in ASCII anyway...) Possibly in the registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cryptic\CoH has a bunch of settings (ScreenX and ScreenY are keys of interest), but I can't imagine casual computer users wanting to apply a .reg patch when installing CoH.

    That last part of Four has me raising an eyebrow... when I installed CoH after Freedom launched onto a new computer, COH doesn't need a restart to change resolution settings anymore (at least on my systems it didn't.)
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I get the point. I believe it to be false.
    That this is a game for introverts? I'm beginning to think it is false too.

    And I'm beginning to think either I'm on a lot of people's ignore lists, or I'm the worst forum participant in this whole community. (Keep repeating to yourself: Don't feed the troll, don't feed the troll.)

    Your suspicions are mostly correct as well reading this conversation. I'm nothing spectacular in real life either. Every bit the loser anyone thinks I am.