50 -
Well if the devs and upper management of Paragon Studios is willing to take on this grand trial, and be ready for the task... then I can do no less.
I shall provide whatever support I can!
I got their back.
x Jeremy M. -
Quote:Wow! I was in the old Kitties on the Prowl SG with you. :PSaid this in Virtue forums but will say it here. For the past 2 years I worked at Paragon Studios. I couldnt say it before but now I can.
I was Kintaro aka Fayline Grylore.
I was Kimura Hanasaki.
I was... a pain in the butt, but I really did enjoy the time we had played together. There has been times I have thought back to you and the group, and I can say I missed you guys.
Never knew you worked for the company. For that... I shall envy you.I wanted to work with the company too in due time. I just finished up school for it, and was working to get into the video game industry. It has been slow and hard as Arizona really doesn't have a video game industry much.
Anyways. Wanted to say that I remember you, and yes... I have fond memories of you. We may have bickered in our time, but I thought you were an excellent player!
x Jeremy M.
Twitter: @jarethgk
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jeremy.mone -
War Witch,
You gave us an amazing world to participate in. A place with amazing powers, and incredibly diverse characters. A place where incredible memories could be generated which I will always fondly remember likely even years after the doors have closed for good.
I can't express how much I have admired the Paragon team for what they have accomplished. I actually worked hard in college to develop my skills in programming and game development because I wanted to have the skills I could use to work at Paragon Studios someday. You guys did truly super-heroic levels of work and it shows in the incredible game you made. I loved it so much I worked to try to become a part of it. Hopefully I will in time find my own super-heroic goals to chance as a video game developer.
There is a ton more I wish I could say, but I can't find the right words for it. I have been here since pretty near the beginning, and have been a player in this adventure it seems right up to the end. I am more emotional about the passing of this game than anything I have been in my life. I will miss it all terribly. The players, the devs, the very world itself.
So thank you for this incredible game, and I really hope to hear of other incredible worlds you will get to make. If I am lucky, then perhaps I may still get a chance to work with you in a project. You and your entire team have been a great inspiration to me. (Definitely higher than a tier 3 or super inspiration!)
x Jeremy M. -
A tour through *all* of the zones. A chance to get to see everything that will eventually vanish. There is so much. I guess it may not be feasible, but I don't want to forget the places there used to be. Nor do I want to forget the people I have gotten to know. Both real life people and unforgettable characters and stories.
Thinking back there is just to much I have seen, and I can say I have invested a lot of my time and creativity into this game. Yet there is no way to really collect all together and cork it into a bottle. The magic smoke is out... :P
*sighs* This depresses me.
x Jeremy M. -
I have been a part of this game since a couple weeks after it went live for the first time. I have never closed down my account, and have played on it at least once every other day. Even when I had lost a bit of drive to play I still logged in once a week to look at characters and catch up with a few friends.
To say this has been a major part of my life that has gotten me through some tough times would be an understatement. To hear the sudden and unexpected announcement of the closure has floored me like nothing has before. I feel like I am losing a relative, or dear friend.
I am not sure how I am going to say goodbye as I just don't want to. I have so many characters and so many stories that have come out of this game. A number of friends I would have otherwise never known.
I keep hoping to hear some surprise announcement of a new company taking over the game, or maybe an announcement of a City of Heroes 2 that is coiming... SOON!(tm).
I wish very much for all the best to the developers. They have been the best developer group I have ever had a chance to listen to, talk to, be with at times. I had hopes of one day getting to work with you guys professionally.
I am very sad, and I guess I need to figure out how I am going to end one of the longest running games I have ever had.
x Jeremy M. -
I would also like a PM of the instructions.
The current pose is not quite to my liking, and having options to be able to change this is quite welcome.
x Jeremy M. -
Need more Sleestak...
and more cowbell...
x Jeremy M. -
I very much like the PPD advertisement.
Reminds me that we really do have everyday heroes.
x Jeremy M. -
Quote:That or at least make a set of special "boots" that looks like beast paws. (I.e wolf paw boot, cat paw boot, bird paw boot)*wishes that we could use skirts and shorts with the monstrous leg option*
Oh please please please.
For reference, they have an insect boot options for normal tights pants. Can we have the cat/worf/bird version of this so we can have non-beast legs (aka human style legs not digigrade) that end with animal paws.
Having matching glove options would be cool too, but I am afraid of asking for to much. The very least I feel the beast paws boots version is pretty important as an option.
This may placate those persons who want skirts/shorts, different pants and armor types that have beast paws in some fashion.
x Jeremy M. -
Subjecttive feedback specific to costume pieces only:
The good: The model options are great and look very spot on for what they represent. They are beautiful, and by themselves a wonderful addition.
The bad: They look great, but everyone who has a said beast head looks just like everyone else who has the same beast head. (With the exception of color choice)
The wolf head for example. Have 10 characters who may happen to use the same grey and white color combinations, and you have 10 characters whose face looks identical. There is nothing else that can be done to make the head more unique at the moment.
The suggestion: The human head(s) have the Added category of "Detail 1" and 2 and for some 3. These are mix and match additions to add some individuality to the human heads. Sunglasses, Beards or facial hair, A cigar, Tiaras, and so forth.
Is it possible to give these various beast heads at least a detail 1, and fill it with items that can be easily ported over with little or no additional work? Perhaps some of the sunglasses, or monocles, maybe the fu-man-chu? I can accept it may not be a direct port and may require some adjustment to work with these new heads, but I would like even a handful detail 1 options that I can use to give my beast head a little more uniqueness and individuality that can help set me apart from other beast heads besides color.
In short... I don't want to look like everyone else with a beast head cause I picked one.
Beyond this is the wish and hope that possible detail 1 options could be some of the human male/female (per approrpriate model) hair styles that would fit nicely with the given beast head. Not every beast need be without some unique aspect to their head to set them apart, and part of that could be the fact they have human like hair even though they have a cat like face, or wolf like... and so on.
I hope this idea has merit and is somewhat easy to add in. If not now, then perhaps later.
I just wanna be my own special snowflake. :P
x Jeremy M. -
So what if the a player trys to "game the system"?
Make a new Praetorian...
Rush to level 20 as fast as they can (not too hard these days)...
Join the supergroup granting the 100,000 prestige...
Quit... (and the 100K stays with the SG)
Delete the toon...
Make a new Praetorian and start the process all over again?
Use this as a system to generate as much prestige as the SG wants?
(not that it is really overpowering to have super huge bases, but I am not sure that is what the Devs want)
Has idea been tested to prevent possible abuse of the system?
x Jeremy M. -
Quote:I am getting the exact same response and the same issue. I can't buy the party pack... it won't let me. I would really like to.We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners. try 3 days and still get this LOL i hope you guys fix this i want to spend my money on you but you dont want it :P
I am hoping this is still being looked at.
x Jeremy M. -
Quote:Why not use the ice hibernate power instead of phase shift?* Even with all the prompts and with some of us explaining based on last test's knowledge, people were still just banging keys at Lord Winter wondering why his HP wasn't dropping. I really, really hate to say this, but I think it needs to be more obvious. Or I need to write a macro that explains this thing and expect to push it nearly as often as my attacks :/
It would be thematically appropriate, and it would be more immediately obvious that if the big bad is encased in a huge block of ice... you may not be hurting him anymore till the guardian is down and the ice block goes away.
x Jeremy M. -
Quote:An idea occurred to me...Second, the Winter Lord's special powers just aren't that much fun. Mag 100 hold is cheap but not unheard of, the detoggling is a complete fun killer (in part because, if you aren't watching your toggles, you may not notice). The detoggling pretty much killed any desire to face him again, so for me, it would be one and done for my badger. Which is a pity, because a lot of it is very cool.
Can we have a big red player only piece of text float over our head if we are detoggled?
Like a red... "Power loss!"
Kinda like "Assassin Strike" and "Critical hit" appears over enemies heads?
I also mention player only so lots of people are seeing grey or red words over other peoples heads and perhaps getting confused by it.
Therefore players have a warning of some kind of being detoggled.
x Jeremy M. -
Also in regards to the ability to pass inspirations and abuse... Or a way to pass money from blue to red side.
Well... if a hero stood at a vender they could buy inspirations from, and an villain also could access the same person and sell inspirations to them... then it would be possible to exchange INF from one side to the other this way, but it would be painfully slow.
Go to pocket D... go the the arena people who sell insp. hero buys alot... and pass them as quickly as possible to the villain... the villain then sells the insp as quickly as they can to empty out their insp inventory to keep it clear so they can receive more insp. If this works then the villain would be gaining INF from the hero. I think the sell rate is 50%, but I am not sure. So there is a loss even with this process. This is also assuming the vendor does buy back insp. If they can't do it with pocket D vendors, then there may be other vendor options that could work, but they don't immediately come to mind at the moment. Easiest one I can think of is the tree of life thing in a base and it will buy back insp as well as sell them. If a hero and villain can go into the same base you can do it there. Take even more time they can do it in their own bases if they can't both go in the same one.
Bottom line... possible, but man it would take way way way more time anyone will have the patience to go through just to pass INF from blue side to red side. It is easier to just go to the opposite side with the content available and make sure you are loaded up with goodies to sell once you switch sides. Probably would be quicker then buying/selling insp as well.
A random and likely inaccurate thought exercise for myself.
x Jeremy M. -
Quote:Mentioned at the very end of the Hero-Con event. Unless there was a transcript made of the "Wouldn't it be great if..." panel, then there is no official written post about it.Can anyone please confirm the source of the point about inspiration cross trading? I'm very skeptical on this.
Cause this would make separation of markets pointless.
The devs said they would very very likely do it, and joked about how they are not afraid of the rampent inspiration trafficing this will create. *chuckles*
Thing is... this only will allow trades of inspirations. In the greater whole of things people would like to be able to trade... this barely makes the list. Not really broken at all. From what it sounds like, this will happen. (Though this will make Co-op events much much easier as a hero can finally pass that wakie to the villain on the team and get them on their feet.)
x Jeremy M. -
Quote:I have also spent a long long time pondering markets, and I went through a similar thought train. The end results... the same.First and foremost, I'm not an economist.
But I've been wracking my brain on and off for more than a year as to why the two markets aren't merged. I can't find a single rational reason from the perspective of the player.
Yes, there's an initial iniquity, but the heroes have more money and things cost more at the black market, so these two will eventually even out. In fact, given how radically prices can fluctuate on common salvage, I'd be willing to bet it won't take more than a week or two. If merged, the villains could immediately start taking advantage of lower prices posted by heroes, and thus get their goods for less money. Then, as prices seek a new equilibrium, some of the super-expensive villain stuff will get bought, too, putting cash in the hands of villains. These two trends indicate that the influence/infamy level would also find its own level in a similar time frame.
Unless I'm missing some principle of predictable irrationality or a major technical hurdle, the rational course seems to be merging.
Why are we not being allowed the opportunity to merge the markets? A larger population of participants will ultimately help the prices be more stable.
If it were down to a vote, then I would vote to merge the markets.
x Jeremy M. -
Quote:And the Crucifixion happened aorund 20 centuries ago. Yet it seems to still be significant today for many people.<clipped> Plus, the witch hunts you refer to were indeed a very regrettable part of human history, but they occurred about 3 or 4 CENTURIES ago.
How long ago an event happened doesn't negate it, and yet on the other hand with more time I would like to hope there would grow more tolerance of a variety of things. (After a manner of speaking)
At least for myself, I find no issues in regards to the holiday event, and I tend to count myself amoung the pagan side of the religious spectrum.
Bottom line? It still is a game, and the creators of it are trying to entertain. Do the best to have fun.
x Jeremy M. -
Quote:Why not give the mob a power like Rise To The Challenge? Make it so a small group or low pop server can beat it, but when a huge group gets around it, then it becomes an even bigger challenge? Maybe with some high can like it only gets buffed by the first 30 people or something?Bugs & Feedback[*]In both cases the GM died so fast with the huge group on test that I only got to hit it once in one instance and none on the second instance, yet if made tougher the gm won't be able to be killed by smaller groups on less populated servers.
Perhaps it can increase it's base HP depending on how many people are piled around them as well, and also similar to (or perhaps on top of) rise to the challenge?
If done right... it can be a really tough solo fight... or a incredible and hard group fight.
x Jeremy M. -
Quote:You know... a thought occured to me... Why not keep it, and make it buff TFs by +1 level normally. So it would be more like a range of +0 to +6?I think the -1 feature should remain for solo content, primarily for low damage/defense types like some defender builds. I have no problem with it being ignored and treated as +0 if you have more than one person on the team, or are on an actual TF (I think it should be available for Ouroboros content).
I am rambling... that didn't make sense. Not sure I can get behind this change completely.
x Jeremy M. -
Quote:Actually... I would like it if they made Ouroboros more like AE in the mode... so you can add and remove teammates like you can for any other kind of mission.Guys, no. Just say no.
You've made it so you can't change the difficulty in Ourobros. (Yes, I tested this.)
Edit: It does still work in the AE, despite it being similar to "TF mode"
x Jeremy M. -
They could set it so you get 9999 merits each time they post a new build, and also give 9999 AE tickets as well. These are numeric quantities they could set to a script to run after they patch up the servers during the downtime.
You could buy recipes with merits, and salvage with AE tickets. Anything that drops that you don't need you can drop on the market for 1 inf each in cases anyone needs it. It was free to you anyways... so why not.
They did have a bot that would search out bids on a special game account they made and would fill them. Yet it took alot of resources to run... I.E. it lags the heck out of a server. So they don't prefer to use that unless they can dedicate an entire system to it or some such like that.
With merits and tickets though... you should be able to get anything you want... especially with that many. Wouldn't that be the case?
x Jeremy M. -
Quote:I agree. I like each for their own reasons, and they are both pretty good. Don't forget what these are supposed to do... Get the word out! So lets all point friends to these videos and let them see the cool new things about Issue 16. Definately the more the merrier in this case! (especially with super sidekicking!)Simply two different presentations, guys. Let's please not turn this into a 'whose video is better' discussion. The official one has its own brand of coolness. (And I really need to bug David and his team if they're at HeroCon again about what program they use for their videos.)
x Jeremy M. -
To Positron and all the COH crew that has fallen ill. Please take care of yourself, and hope you get well soon. Also if any other members of the dev team feels anything icky... jump on it and see a doctor! I have grown rather attached to my dev team, and I want them to stay well so I can see the awesome they will create as time goes on.
Best wishes!
x Jeremy M.