2009 Halloween Event Bugs and Feedback




The Halloween Event has been updated for 2009. In addition to the Zombie Apocalypse and the normal City Zone Trick or Treating, City Zones can now host the “Deadly Apocalypse” Event.

Heroes and Villains who enable the “Zone Event” Channel on their Chat Tab will be alerted to the new Deadly Apocalypse Event. (Noted as “Supernatural activity”.

Deadly Apocalypse Event

The fog has rolled in, the sky has darkened, and something is not right. A howling wolf sounds in the night and players are alerted, via Global Alert, that the event is happening in a City Zone (Trial Zones, Hazard Zones, PvP Zones, and Co-Op zones do not have the event running in those zones).

As the Halloween Deadly Apocalypse occurs in a zone, the sky changes to a different color.

  • If the Deadly Apocalypse Event is not already running in a zone, Costume salvage redemption at Annah / Granny Beldam has a chance to trigger the Deadly Apocalypse event across all viable zones
  • 4 Haunting Banners (destructible objects) appear across a zone, but are surrounded by a magical barrier (they appear on the MiniMap)
  • Each Haunting Banner is protected by one of four Haunting Defenders/Ambushers who protect the magical barrier
  • There is a chance that Elite Bosses appear as Defenders, depending on the size of the group
  • Players must defeat Defenders (of each "type") before the magical barrier goes down and they can attack the Banner itself
  • If all 4 Haunting Banners are destroyed before the timer runs out, an Aspect of the Sigil (Giant Monster) appears
  • If all 4 Haunting Banners are not destroyed before the timer runs out, the Aspect of the Sigil does NOT spawn and the event cleans itself up
  • If either condition is fulfilled, the event cleans itself up

  • Players who are within 250 feet of a Banner will have their User Interface (UI) taken over by the Event UI which shows the timer and their status
  • If players travel outside of the radius of the Banner, the UI goes away
  • UI displays a progress bar which shows how close they are to defeating the themed type of mob
  • The status of each Haunting Banner is represented by an Icon in the Event UI. When all Banners appear in the zone, they are shown in the Event UI. Once a particular Banner is defeated (i.e. Transparent Terrors), its representative icon is “blacked out”.
  • The Red Progress bar indicates how close the player is to bringing the Banner to “vulnerability”. As blue creeps in and takes over, that shows the player is making progress towards making the Banner vulnerable.

If the Players do not manage to defeat all four Banners in time, the Giant Monster will not appear and the event will clean itself up. The Player will be alerted to the end of the event because the zone will revert to "normal" and a closing sound effect will sound.


The following badges can be earned by participating in the Deadly Apocalypse (Halloween) Event:
  • Dark Fiend - participate in defeat of Dark Fiend Banner
  • Hell Hath No Fury - participate in defeat of Women Scorned Banner
  • Terror - participate in defeat of the Transparent Terrors Banner
  • Monster Masher - participate in defeat of the Monster Mayhem Banner
  • Monstrous - participate in the defeat of the Aspect of the Sigil Giant Monster
  • Hell and Back (Accolade) - receive Dark Fiend, Hell Hath No Fury, Terror, Monster Masher, and Monstrous badges to earn this Accolade
  • We hope you have enjoyed the 2009 Halloween Event Test, and are looking for feedback in the following areas:

  • Are objectives clear when the Event is running?
  • Are rewards being handed out correctly?
  • Are there any problems with the event occurring in any City Zone? (Note: The event will only be present In Paragon City or the Rogue Isles City Zones, and not in any PvP Zones, Hazard Zones, Trial Zones or Co-Op Zones)
  • Are there any graphical effect bugs?
  • Do banner icons appear correctly on the MiniMap when the event is running?
  • Do waypoints correctly appear when the event is running? (Note: Navigation waypoints of active Missions orient players to the Halloween Event objectives when a player’s character is near one, and should disappear when they leave the area.)
  • Are enemy NPCs appearing at the appropriate level? (i.e. a Level 50 should be able to fight side-by-side with a Level 5 character).
  • Are all badges awarded correctly?

Feedback is important to our development process, there are two types of feedback and both are helpful although some give us more insight and are more easily adapted into game changes.

Objective Feedback: Objective feedback is based upon what you as a user see or experience that other users may also see and experience. This feedback usually can be replicated easily as it involves facts and unbiased opinions. Example: When using the base editor items are sometimes getting caught in columns or pillars.

Subjective Feedback: Subjective feedback is based upon how you feel or experience the game as yourself. This experience may not necessarily be replicated because it is based on feeling and emotion. Subjective feedback is important to us but it is usually helpful if more information is present to describe what and why you feel the way you do. Example: I like the way the graphics look on my shield animation it gives me the feeling of being truly super-powered.



Can you post what the new accolade will do and or should be doing assuming its not bugged? Will the accolade even have a bonus/power?



Originally Posted by Wuigly Squigly View Post
Can you post what the new accolade will do and or should be doing assuming its not bugged? Will the accolade even have a bonus/power?
Lost from the copy pasta of the other announcement posts:
  • Are all badges awarded correctly?

Dark Fiend - participate in defeat of Dark Fiend Banner

Hell Hath No Fury - participate in defeat of Women Scorned Banner

Terror - participate in defeat of the Transparent Terrors Banner

Monster Masher - participate in defeat of the Monster Mayhem Banner

Monstrous - participate in the defeat of the Aspect of the Sigil Giant Monster

Hell and Back (Accolade) - receive Dark Fiend, Hell Hath No Fury, Terror, Monster Masher, and Monstrous badges to earn this Accolade

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Are there any problems with the event occurring in any City Zone? (Note: The event will only be present In Paragon City or the Rogue Isles City Zones, and not in any PvP Zones, Hazard Zones, Trial Zones or Co-Op Zones)
For the previous years, Trick or Treating was operating in Co-op, PvP zones, and Hazard zones.

If it's happening in those zones again this year, should we report that as a bug?

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w00t new badges

[@Brewha] [Lv50-Necro/Dark][Lv50-Spines/SR][Lv50-Thug/Dark][Lv50-Martial arts/Shield] [Lv50-Sonic/Storm][Lv50-Rad/Rad][Lv50-War Mace/Granite][Lv50-Ice/Pain][Lv50-Fire/Psi] [Lv50-SS/Fire][Lv50-Granite/Energy][Lv50-Fort.][Lv50-Earth/Elec][Lv50-AR/Thermal] [Lv50-Energy/Will][Lv50-Energy/Kin][Lv50-Ninja Blade/Dark][Lv50-Crab][Lv50-Fire/Energy] [Lv50-Empathy/Energy][Lv50-Cold/Archery]



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Lost from the copy pasta of the other announcement posts:
  • Are all badges awarded correctly?

Dark Fiend - participate in defeat of Dark Fiend Banner

Hell Hath No Fury - participate in defeat of Women Scorned Banner

Terror - participate in defeat of the Transparent Terrors Banner

Monster Masher - participate in defeat of the Monster Mayhem Banner

Monstrous - participate in the defeat of the Aspect of the Sigil Giant Monster

Hell and Back (Accolade) - receive Dark Fiend, Hell Hath No Fury, Terror, Monster Masher, and Monstrous badges to earn this Accolade

You didnt answer his actual question lol



Indeed, I got kicked and now i can't even get to atlas from any character



Yeah, I crashed out of Atlas on one toon and now am trying to zone into Atlas with another toon and it's no go. Who forgot to feed the server hamsters this morning!

'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
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It's back up now. I can get into Atlas.



Originally Posted by Protonic_Flux View Post
Yeah, I crashed out of Atlas on one toon and now am trying to zone into Atlas with another toon and it's no go. Who forgot to feed the server hamsters this morning!

Agent Goat - CoX Global @Goat's



Originally Posted by St0n3y View Post
I think the sexiness of Cath and St0n3y killed atlas.
What was I, chopped liver?



Found these bugs on a quick run-through:

- While a banner is spawning critters, you can't cross it's border, even while flying...at all. You have to back up and go around. This can be particularly annoying if you're flying above it.

- Unlike the Rikti and Zombie events, the event-spawned critters cause FULL zone debt upon your defeat.

- Critters don't de-spawn if someone attacks a banner and leaves the mob behind. This can lead to griefing (tank taunting until the mob grows huge, and then leaving quickly), and also probably causes zone instability as seen on the Training Room.

- Aside from killing mobs at the banner, there's no other obvious objective if you happen to stumble upon it.

- Attacking a banner's mobs solo sometimes seems to cause the mob difficulty to increase until eventually you're fighting multiple bosses at once.

- Zone "hiccups" when banners spawn or de-spawn, causing a visual glitch.

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Originally Posted by TheOcho View Post
Are objectives clear when the Event is running?
I wasn't sure what was making the banners vulnerable.



Feedback time!

Originally Posted by TheOcho View Post
Are objectives clear when the Event is running?
Yup. Nice little markers on the map, and a neat little compass overlay when you get to the Banner, and start defeating the foes.

Originally Posted by TheOcho View Post
Are rewards being handed out correctly?
From what I can tell, yes. When we took down the Banner Of Scorn, I got my badge.

Originally Posted by TheOcho View Post
Are there any problems with the event occurring in any City Zone? (Note: The event will only be present In Paragon City or the Rogue Isles City Zones, and not in any PvP Zones, Hazard Zones, Trial Zones or Co-Op Zones)
Yes. Atlas Park crashed, bad and hard. Upon attempting to log my character back in, I got a message stating that the character was still logging out.

The only fix I've seen for that has been Server Maintenence.

Originally Posted by TheOcho View Post
Are there any graphical effect bugs?
Not that I could tell, but there's so much on the screen that it's kind of hard to see everything. And with it being perpetual night, that makes it harder.

Originally Posted by TheOcho View Post
Do banner icons appear correctly on the MiniMap when the event is running?
They sure do! They show up with a different color, you can mouse over them for their name, and click them to make them into a waypoint, so that you know where you need to go.

Originally Posted by TheOcho View Post
Do waypoints correctly appear when the event is running? (Note: Navigation waypoints of active Missions orient players to the Halloween Event objectives when a player’s character is near one, and should disappear when they leave the area.)
From what I can tell, yes. I had no Active Mission, so I couldn't test that part.

Originally Posted by TheOcho View Post
Are enemy NPCs appearing at the appropriate level? (i.e. a Level 50 should be able to fight side-by-side with a Level 5 character).
As far as I could tell, yes, everyone was fighting side-by-side just fine.

Originally Posted by TheOcho View Post
Are all badges awarded correctly?
I only had the chance to earn one badge, but it awarded when the Banner fell.

I like the new addition to the event. I especially like the fact that you don't have to be on a team to get the Badges for defeating the Banners, you only have to participate. Having lots of people, and teams, will greatly help, but teaming isn't mandatory, and I like that.

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



ICONS: Minimap waypoints never appeared, even when I was right on top of one of the banners. Made it difficult to figure out where they were. This happened in both the Atlas and Steel apocalypse events. I did see icons in my nav bar, but not on the minimap.

BADGES: Didn't get a badge for taking part in destroying the banner. Our team may not have done enough damage to it, but with everybody in the zone dogpiling on the thing, that's going to be a common problem.

CONFUSING INSTRUCTIONS: Saw "Seek the greater mystic aspect" and then had no idea what to do. We found a Eochai wandering around and beat it up, but I don't know if that was related or not.

LAG: Lag was particularly intense during the banner brawls. Not as much during the zombie apocalypse that hit Atlas at the start of the testing period, but around the banners, it was very difficult to fight.

DIFFICULTY: My team operating at level 49 was fighting L53s during trick or treat. Is that normal? Nobody had difficulty jacked and we had a team of 7. Salvage was dropping properly and badges were awarding though.

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I tried to join the Halloween 2009 channel and my game crashed. I was in Cap as my 50 MM and it was running smoothly until I tried to join the channel.



Test Server fa' down go boom? O.o

Or is it just me? <.<



Are the enemies supposed to have their original bios? Eidolons having Dr. Vahz related bios, Hydra having Hydra bios, etc.? AFAICR the Halloween guys have separate, if very very bland, bios.

Seconding the extreme lack of clarity on the "KILL EOCHAI" message once all the banners were dead in Steel. Assuming that was the point anyway. I didn't get a badge for shooting Eochai so I don't know.

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Ok, with that run through the event on Atlas, feedback:

It seems that you can only get rewards if you are close enough for the nav bar to change. I was on a team split between two banners and only got one badge. Then, when the mystical aspect spawned, it was defeated so fast that I couldn't even get to it, and again got no rewards, even though most of my team was beating on it.

If you're using the 10% code for damage credit, because things are defeated so fast by so many people a lot of people aren't going to be able to get badges.

Ok, it seems you can get credit for banners without being close to them. However, due to the damage % rules, you essentially have to run the event 4 times, one for each banner. And that's only if you get on a team that's fighting a banner you don't have the badge for yet.

Potential problems:

Needing to farm the event to be able to get all the badges.
Timer too short for small servers.
Final GM defeated too fast for majority to get credit.

More feedback:

It was not at all clear what to do once the banners were down. When you are near a banner, weakening it, or defeating the banners, you see the objectives in the nav bar, but once all 4 are down, you go back to the normal nav bar. Finding the final GM is a hide and seek, which is no fun when dealing with the damage requirement for kill credit. I'd recommend a glowing message like when the shields are dropped on the rikti mothership that directs people to the mystical aspect GM.

...I forgot what experience means.



Old Event:

I'm still not sure why the Zombie Apocalypse drops level 30 recipes for level 50 teams.

New Event:

Very cool. Badges seem to award properly.

Manga found some good bugs it looks like.



Originally Posted by TheOcho View Post
[list][*]Are objectives clear when the Event is running?
Definitely not. Calling Eochai the mystic aspect was confusing. When the Seek the Mystic Aspect message came up I was looking for something I hadn't seen before.
Even with Ghost Falcon calling out which zones to hit what to do once there was vague. Unless someone told you to hit the spawns around the banners it was unclear that they had to be defeated before the banner could be attacked. Perhaps a different message in the nav window along the lines of defeat banner protectors instead of banners vulnerable?

Originally Posted by TheOcho View Post
[*]Are there any graphical effect bugs?
many complained of lags and crashes-though I experienced neither issue.

I will say that having costume salvage drops tied to trick spawns is awesome imo.

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